If you were resolving the "Middle-Eastern Conflict", what would be your decision on the Temple Mount?
2010-11-27 00:34:02 UTC
If you were resolving the "Middle-Eastern Conflict", what would be your decision on the Temple Mount?
Seven answers:
2010-11-27 02:19:23 UTC
As an Apostolic Christian I believe it should be returned to the Jews. Contrary to the beliefs of much of the world today, they have been more than willing to share the land of Israel with the Arab people. The majority of the wars and fighting have been AGAINST Israel since its inception beginning with Balfour Declaration of 2 November 1917. It was drafted by Zionist leaders, revised and approved by the British war cabinet, and forwarded by Lord Arthur Balfour, the British foreign secretary, to Lord Rothschild, a Zionist philanthropist and one of its drafters. It consisted of a single sixty-seven-word paragraph: "His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of the existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country." (Hurewitz, 1979)

This was one of a number of contradictory promises Britain made during World War I. Needing Arab support against the Ottoman Empire, Britain promised in the Husayn - McMahon Correspondence (1915 - 1916) to support the establishment of an independent Arab nation, which Arabs understood to include Palestine (which Britain later denied); and needing French and Russian support, it promised in the Sykes - Picot Agreement (1916) to rule the region, including Palestine, with its allies.

In the Genesis 17 passage, God changed Abram's name to Abraham and Sarai's name to Sarah. The sign of the covenant, circumcision, was established. God gave this sign as a reminder of his promise. God explicitly stated that the land he promised Abraham and his descendants was an everlasting possession. God also explicitly stated that the covenant went through Isaac (v. 21) not Ishmael. (Genesis 17:2-9 and Deuteronomy 1:7-8). While several of the Arab peoples descend from Abraham through Ishmael, they are not in the line of promise which is the line of Isaac and Jacob. Therefore, they have no Scriptural claim to the land promised to Abraham and his seed.

Also, the Arabs living in Israel at the time of the first emigration of Jews to their homeland were offered the opportunity to stay and live in peace with the Jews. Unfortunately, this was discouraged by neighboring Arab countries and the conflict continues to this day. The beginning of the modern Jewish return to Eretz Yisrael - the Land of Israel -, which laid the foundations for the establishment of the State of Israel, were due to a combination of three causes:

* the age-old devotion of the Jews to their historic homeland,

* the wave of pogroms in Russia and

* the efforts of an active minority convinced that the Return to the homeland was the only lasting and fundamental solution to the Jewish problem.

The Abrahamic Covenant is unconditional and eternal. In the Genesis 17 passage, God changed Abram's name to Abraham and Sarai's name to Sarah. The sign of the covenant, circumcision, was established. God gave this sign as a reminder of his promise. God explicitly stated that the land he promised Abraham and his descendants was an everlasting possession. God also explicitly stated that the covenant went through Isaac (v. 21) not Ishmael. (Genesis 17:2-9 and Deuteronomy 1:7-8). While several of the Arab peoples descend from Abraham through Ishmael, they are not in the line of promise which is the line of Isaac and Jacob. Therefore, they have no Scriptural claim to the land promised to Abraham and his seed.

The boundaries are given for the title deed (v. 18, cf. Exodus 23:31 "I will establish your borders from the Red Sea to the Sea of the Philistines, and from the desert to the River. I will hand over to you the people who live in the land and you will drive them out before you.)" At the present time the Arabs have deep bitterness and conflict over Israel's place in the Middle East and her present borders. Most Arabs refuse to recognize Israel's right to exist in the Middle East and many will not rest until the nation is destroyed. God, however, has declared that this will never happen. Indeed, God has promised that in a future day he will fulfill his covenant to Abraham and establish Israel's borders from Egypt to the Euphrates River. The new boundaries will be vastly more extensive than Israel's current borders. They will include the lands from Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, western Iraq, and northern Saudi Arabia. These countries would do well to be good neighbors to Israel in anticipation of the day when God will fulfill his covenants and Jesus of Nazareth, the son of David, will reign as King from Jerusalem.


Apostolic Believer In One God, Jesus
2010-11-27 01:56:29 UTC
To be honest, temple mount is history. When the second caliph Umer took it

peacefully from Christians, it was lying in ruins. There was not a Jew to be

found any where in Jerusalem. Muslim rule restored them back in to Jerusalem.

According to Karen Armstrong, a semblance of peace was only appeared during

Muslim rule when separate districts were made for the believers of 3 Divine


It is quite possible other buildings have been made over it during past 1300 years.

So trying to search it is tantamount to destroying the whole city which is holy to

Christians and Muslims as well. Therefore, the Jews will be well advised to make

it at any open place and start praying there. It is the prayer and not the prayer house

that brings in G-d's blessings. After all it were not they who decided to move out

of Jerusalem, but were forced to. So let the three faiths thrive side by side thus

debunking the claim of atheists that religion has shed more blood then nationalism.

M J Iqbal
2016-10-28 14:41:53 UTC
i'm a center-elderly organic blonde with blue eyes, and a harmless and revered Language Lecturer. i'm always "randomly" checked each and every time I fly, and on one get at the same time at JFK i became searched 4 situations at different places between verify- in and getting on the plane. I travelled to Turkey very last year for a convention and became also picked "at random" on the airport, stopped and puzzled about my motives and activities at the same time as in Turkey even regardless of the truth that i became with a collection of British colleagues. "Random" seems an exceedingly subjective be conscious at airports, and may want to be interpreted as "we don't like the look of you".
2010-11-27 00:45:53 UTC
Make Italy pay for the reconstruction Of the Temple of Solomon.
2010-11-27 00:49:25 UTC
It used to empty land and occupied by a Roman colony. Give it back to the Romans.
2010-11-27 00:36:07 UTC
Raze is to the ground.
2010-11-27 01:30:45 UTC
nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.