Did God lie to Eve about the fruit of the Tree?
2011-01-13 05:00:06 UTC
Since God told Eve that if she even touched the fruit of the Tree in the Garden that she would die, was He lying?
Obviously touching it didn't do a thing, and she carried some to Adam and they both ate the fruit.

How is that for a first lesson in the Bible, that God cheerfully lied to mankind?
If He loved them completely, would He not have just told them "I say don't eat of that Tree, and that's all there is to it?"

And was Eve the world's first scientist, conducting a dangerous experiment to see if touching the Tree would kill her?
Is it any wonder she then went on to taste it, after she found out God must have been fibbing about the first part?
Eighteen answers:
2011-01-13 09:01:00 UTC
Sara, as you can see they ALL wish to play the semantics game. "He said they would die. He just didn't say WHEN they would die." That is the problem with the Judeo-Christian-Islamic set of Religions. Their holy text is so ambiguous that it is open to a billion different interpretations, ALL of which may conflict, be counter to each other, support each other or just be completely unrelated to each other. This brings about a thousand different religions and sects of Religions, each of which thinks that THEY have the exclusively correct interpretation. Yet, THEY want every one of the REST of us to convert to them, they want us to become Christians, yet they can't decide WHICH Christian sect is the correct one. Or they want us to convert to Islam, yet they can't decide WHICH sect of Islam is the correct one. The Jews, seem to be the ONLY ones who actually are no longer interested in recruiting for their Faith among the Abrahamic group of Faiths.

They know darn well that the Biblical story was about God demanding obedience on pain of death, Instant death. God does not mess around, at least not in the Bible. There are literally dozens of other cases where God said that his vengeance would be assured. It WAS and it was swift and there was no ambiguity as to who enforced it and when and why. Yet the very first instance of God's punishment was to be the MOST ambiguous? That makes absolutely NO sense at all.

IF Adam and Eve TRULY existed, then we can safely assume that they were fairly intelligent people. They could look around and notice that every other living thing died in good course and deduce from that they they too would grow old and eventually die, themselves. So, when God told them that they would surely die from eating the forbidden fruit they would be safe in assuming that meant the death would be immediate and directly connected to the act of eating the fruit. It was not, ergo, God lied to them, deliberately and intentionally. Why? That is something that we simply can not know. The original transcript of the Bible MAY have alluded to those reasons; but, over the course of innumerable edits by persons unknown for reasons unknown, we will never know. However, from my perspective, there WAS ambiguity at the very least and an outright lie at the worst.

Brightest Blessings,

Raji the Green Witch
Darth Eugene Vader
2011-01-13 05:56:55 UTC
1. God did not lied. you are mistaken or missing the point.

2. Eve touched it and ate it.

* Spiritually speaking Eve died that day.

* Physically speaking Eve eventually died.

What God said was fullfilled. He did not lied. He never specified that they would die (physically speaking) at the very instant they ate or touched the fruit. He never specified that the death would occur 5 minutes or 5 hours after the event. He said they will die, and they did. There is no lie.

Does a judge who sentences a criminal to death is telling a lie because the criminal is not executed inmediately?

* No. The execution may occur months after the trial, and even the execution date may change / postponed due to appeals or other circumtances. But it is not a lie, the criminal is executed in due time.

How is that for a first lesson in the Bible, that God cheerfully lied to mankind?

* As said before, God did not lied.

And was Eve the world's first scientist?

* No Adam was the firt scientist, he started to catalog animals and giving them names. Eve came second.

... conducting a dangerous experiment to see if touching the Tree would kill her?

* that is not science, that is being foolish, irresponsible.

Is it any wonder she then went on to taste it, after she found out God must have been fibbing about the first part?

* You are implying that physical death was supposed to ocurr inmediately, and that is your error. By sinning she died that day, but physical death came later.
2011-01-15 08:55:42 UTC
"Obviously touching it didn't do a thing and she carried some to adam and they both ate the fruit"

What are you talking about it did not do a thing. We inherited our sinful nature from them and they did disobey God you not read geneses. Eve did die. If she did not die why is she not here? You do know that sin (disobedience to God) brought death to man.

"How is that for a first lesson in the Bible, that God cheerfully lied to mankind?

If He loved them completely, would He not have just told them "I say don't eat of that Tree, and that's all there is to it?"

How did God lie, eating the fruit caused a lot. Such as inheriting sinful nature and death. You do know that God is perfect? If God is perfect that means He is just and will punish sin. That does not mean God will does not love them anymore, He sacrficed his son and the son preached to those who where dead.

The last paragrahp is stipid, so i wont say anything about it
Christian M
2011-01-13 08:49:06 UTC
Prior to the consciousness sinking down into the body and material form of being there was no death and when the conscious awareness became bound to the flesh Eve did die and Adam too and you and I and all who are born of the flesh. Adam and Eve were not born of the flesh but of the Spirit yet when they, by the free will God has given us, decided to taste the experience of the physical senses they awakened the desires of the senses and became, as you and I have, bound. What is sin but getting It wrong, mistaking what is not substantial for Substance, the material world for the Spiritual Reality that lies behind it. They had become blinded by sinking into the ego/mind level of being.

God did not lie and of course, cannot lie. God's very nature is Truth, What Is.
2011-01-14 17:56:50 UTC
god never told eve she could not eat it or touch it. he told adam, he had no covenant with eve in that aspect.he did with adam he told adam the day you eat of it you will surely die. and when he ate of it,it brought the curse on this world. man had absolute authority and was the ruler of this world . when he ate of the fruit and was disobedient to our father. satan became the god of this world.and you have an enemy who hates you and wants to destroy you because he hates god and you were maid in the image of god thus all the evil in the world . and also man has free did die that day he died spiritually and he started dieing physically from that moment on.the bible says by one man did sin enter the world.not one man and one woman.this is why you must be born again spiritually.because you were born dead spiritually Thru adam and Original sin. the son has the nature of the father . is god a lier ,god forbid let every man be a lier.
2011-01-13 05:22:49 UTC
1. We will never know if God lied; he could have been testing Adam & Eve.

2. I have studied under and spoken to some Theologians and Pastors, who have attested that the original sin is not to be interpreted literally, and that the fruit represents a sexual encounter between Eve and ("Lucifer"/"Satan"/"Inkill"/"Inlill"); of which Eve then proceeded to engage in sexual activity with Adam. It is speculated that Cain is the seed of Satan, and Abel Adam (Fraternal pregnancy). Abel is killed by Cain, and Eve and Adam produce Seth much later Seth literally means "replacement".

3. If you study the original Hebrew texts or 'Young's Literal Translation', the definitions for Eve's 'succumbing' or 'partaking' of the fruit; the verbs "partake" and "succumbeded" are also referenced further in Genesis and the other books as a referenced to sex, seduction, and lust.

4. Lastly, Satan is refered to as being cunning as a serpent, his form was not that of, but his character was that of. What his physical being was at the moment has been interpreted to be his Lucifarian form as a 'Demi-God' or the fallen Angel, holding to physical attributes comparable to humans. Humans fall at the number 6 on the perfection scale were as Lucifer was classified below god but a tripling of 6 (666)

What happened in the garden maybe considered the first act of tantric sex? Adam was 'with her' when she partoke of the fruit, and he 'ate after'.
2011-01-13 05:52:23 UTC
No, God did not lie....he told them that if they ate the fruit they would die. That was true - they eventually died - He did not say WHEN they would die - he didn't say they would die right then and there.

In fact, when he found them and gave them their punishment, he told them that now they would live hard lives growing their food, having children, and they would die, and all humans were going to be mortal and die.

Before they ate the fruit - they were possibly immortal beings - but since they disobeyed God, he made them mortal beings that would eventually die.
2011-01-13 05:47:58 UTC
I think if I had lived in Adam and Eves time, I would have let Adam and Eve eat the fruit first before I tried one.

Just in case God was trying to poison us all.

2011-01-13 05:23:30 UTC
God is incapable of lying.

John 14:6: Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no one cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Adam and Eve were supposed to live forever, but because they disobeyed God, they did die eventually. So God did fulfill His promise. He didn't say that they would drop down dead there and then if they ate the fruit, He just said that they would surely die:

Genesis 2:17: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
2011-01-13 11:24:26 UTC
The lie was, according to the Gnostic story, a cover up by the demiurgous of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that resided in Adam as in each one of us. Apparently, the demiurge stood in front of it and projected his own image to Adam, telling him that of his "tree" only could he eat, that tree being his (demiurge) tree of life. The way it reads in Genesis is misleading. Try the Apocryphon of John for a better understanding of this concept. The Gnostic version was unacceptable by the council of Visine :)

"When they(demiurge) realized that Adam shone with light

And could think better than they could

And was naked of evil,

They took him and cast him down

Into the lowest depths of the material world. "The Secret Book of John"
2011-01-13 05:20:28 UTC
God did not lie.

As the first answer correctly pointed out, Eve died after touching the fruit. Eve does not tell us in the Bible that God told her, "You will die instantly." Obviously touching it did a very, very profound and serious thing.

Eve was not a scientist. She was not testing the veracity of God's claim (to see if it were true or not). The Bible teaches us why Eve ate the fruit.

Clearly, logic is not your strong suit.

2011-01-13 10:04:58 UTC
God has nothing to fear, ergo never lies.

The bible is written in code.

People think it is full of contradiction but it is not.

By choosing to experience the realm of duality (eat the fruit), the ontological definition of self aligned with the perishable.

That is the body!

The wages of sin is death is another misunderstanding.

Sin is misunderstanding, to miss the target in archery.

To think yourself just a body condemns self to the illusion of death.
2011-01-13 13:03:01 UTC
The story itself is metaphorical people of the time where trying to understand the nature of their beliefs (e.x. why we die....why it is painful in birth....why we sin). The Bible is the development of faith that is why it is contradictory, what people forget is that lots of people wrote this and also it is not written by God.
2011-01-13 05:06:46 UTC
No God never did Lied, But Eve disobeyed God, Because God said of EVERY TREE IN THE GARDEN IS GOOD FOR FOOD, so it was not a literal tree, but 2 laws of reproduction. Study it for yourself or are you afraid you will find the truth & change you denominational thinking.
2011-01-13 05:05:09 UTC
The genesis story is a metaphor for humans evolving sentience

If you try to read too deeply into it from a literal perspective you will get nowhere
2015-01-17 14:08:53 UTC
Suppose the fruit is a pomegranate. Why not eat? The pomegranate is full of seeds so if you eat seeds, and not harvest there is nothing. If you eat the seeds of other stone fruits their seeds contain cyanide. So they don't die immediately eating a pomegranate but it's a lesson left unlearned can cause problems if God did intend to teach a universal concept with one piece. The tree was a tree to be desired, so he gave them a tree to desire, which they could not resist. God made her desire, as a result, to her husband so now, that their eyes have no apple(of a tree) they have naked eyes rather than a visually sharpened perception. With her desire being to her husband we see the outcome. Body parts are objectified as fruits. From adam's apple, among the less obscene, to the genitals being referred to as others. He gave them temptation to resist. Desire is deadly evil, despite good food. Carnal desire became of it. Punishment? Sorrow, and conception. One touch. Eternal life, out of reach.
2011-01-13 06:47:31 UTC
And science experiments like this are why I first tried marijuana and alcohol. The outcome of that was not so good, either. ;-)
2011-01-13 05:01:33 UTC
Well........she did die.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.