2011-05-18 09:51:25 UTC
I ask this because of an answer a Jehovah's Witness gave me to a similar question.
Look at the answer Linda gave...
"The two witness rule applies to condemning the perpetrator. It does not mean that he has to do something twice before being accused. The elders of a congregation cannot send someone to the police. It is the responsibility of the victim or the victim's parents to do this.
We do everything we can to protect our children. There is a former child molester in our congregation. He has repented of his sin and shown true repentance by his actions, Nevertheless we are aware that this weakness cannot be cured.. Therefore he can never be a ministerial servant or an elder because that might involve being alone with a child. No child is allowed to go to the bathroom by himself or herself.
We love our brother. His sin is no worse than ours in the sense that the wages of any sin is death.
If we are able to control ourselves and avoid sin until God brings the new world He has promised, we will no longer be plagued by sinful inclinations.
We are forced to watch our brother but then again we are also forced to watch ourselves."