Yes. Just to give you three big names who are Christian and liberal
(i)Martin Luther King Jr.
(ii)Archbishop Desmond Tutu
(iii)Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Jesus himself was considered a liberal in his day. There is a reason he had clashes with the Teachers of the Law. At the time the Pharisees(sages) were split into two schools of thought. (i)The School of Hillel. (ii) The School of Shammai. The School of Hillel was liberal in their interpretation of the Law. The School of Shammai were conservative in their interpretation of the Law.
When Jesus had his clashes with the teachers of the Law, at the time the Synagogues and Sanhedrin were dominated by the School of Shammai, so he was clashing with the conservatives of his day. And his teaching(love your nieghbor) was closely aligned to Rabbi Hillel and the liberal school of thought in Jewish society.
Furthermore the Temple elites were dominated by the sect of first century Judaism called the Sadducees. They were the aristocrats of their day and what distinguished them from the Pharisees was that they were biblical literalists. Jesus also clashed with them and it was his clash with the High Priest in the temple that dominates the Gospel narratives.
So the people who hated Jesus were the biblical literalists, fundamentalists and conservatives of his day. How ironic that in our day and age many religious conservatives and bible thumping fundamentalists think they are being consistent with Jesus's message.