2013-01-18 15:23:20 UTC
I want to raise and answer the question: is this the position of the King James translators? If I can prove that the King James translators disagreed with the King James Only group in every point, then the KJV Only group does not have a leg to stand on. They base everything on the King James translators.
The KJV advocates revere and lift themselves to the high heavens. They are the superior translators, they say. You can see how inconsistent it is to be KJV Only and believe the opposite of what the KJV translators themselves believed.
In the original 1611 KJV there are eleven pages in the front called, THE TRANSLATORS TO THE READER. (See appendix A) In this introduction, the translators explained their philosophy and beliefs about Bible translations. I want to use their introduction, taking the translators’ own words and show you that they disagreed with the KJV Only group in every point.
In the remainder of this chapter, when a page number is given, it refers to the place where the quote can be found in THE TRANSLATORS TO THE READER, included in the back of this book. (Note: The old English has been updated for readability.)
They believed the authority was in the originals. On page 3 of the translators to the reader, the King James translators said, "The original there being from heaven, not from the earth, the author’s being God, not man, the editor, the Holy Spirit, not the wit of the apostles."
And they said that all truth must be tried by the original tongues, the Hebrew and Greek. So the King James translators said the authority was in the original manuscripts.
But this is what the Christians have believed throughout Church history?
On the other hand, the KJV Only group says, "No one has the originals. Have you ever seen the originals? No. You must trust the King James translation as the final authority." This assertion contradicts the KJV Only translators."
I say, " I do not have the original ten dollar bill but I will take all the copies you will give me. " And recently on one of Smiling Don's questions someone said something to the effect, Don was going to burn in Hell for believing in any other version--wow! Was he one of the King James only group, sounds like he could have been.
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