For Christians (fundies lol), try answering this.?
Tom Jeff
2006-08-01 12:55:51 UTC
How did the whole earth flood back in Noah's days?
The fossil record supports billions of years, not 6000.
Can you prove the fossil record wrong?
Can you prove carbon/argon/potasssium dating wrong?
Can you prove the missing links wrong? Why do we have the Neaderthal man, homo erctus, and Lucy wrong?
Can you prove the Big Bang wrong?
Can you prove evolution as a whole wrong?
Don't give me some stupid website. Come up with your own explainations and support for once.
44 answers:
2006-08-01 12:59:17 UTC
God's work. Don't rely on science for everything. The Bible isn't a science book
2006-08-01 13:17:46 UTC
1. There is currently enough water on the earth to flood everything if all the mountains and hills were level. Oddly enough, scientists believe that Mars was once flooded and there is not a speck of water there - so much for consistent, rational science.

2. Fossils prove that there are fossils (I hope we can agree on that one). Man's dating systems have serious flaws.

3. Carbon dating has shown a hip of a mammoth at 67,000 years old and and a skull at 35,000 years old (the only problem was that it was of the SAME MAMMOTH). Go figure.

4. Lucy. Give me a break. You can't be serious. Please study your topic a little more. Missing links - according to evolution, the earth ought to be literally litered with millions of transitional fossils. Funny thing - not one exists.

5. Big Bang: Try "In the beginning, God."

6. Evolution: Have you heard of entropy? Have you heard of irreducable complexity? Evolution is a religious belief system. In 50 years the general public will wonder how people ever believed such an archaic belief that goes against everything we already currently know about empirical science.

Finally, please read up on information science and you may realize that you are not yet even asking the correct questions.

Scientists are fallible. Scientists have agendas. The lense that scientists interpret evidence through is often skewed by their philosophical belief systems.

Here is a "stupid" website for research (lol):
2006-08-01 13:06:35 UTC
I'm only a I'm sorta confused by the first few....

I can prove the Big Bang wrong.

Take a pen apart, put all the pieces in a jar, and screw the lid back on tight. Shake for a while, and soon, the pieces will go back together into one pen... Impossible. Right? No matter how hard or long you shake, the pieces will NEVER form into the original pen. In this same way, there is no way that by random chance, all the separate stuff could form land, sea etc.

Evolution = take a look around. There's animals. Animals defy evolution. Some animals can't live with half of an immune system or else they would die. Evolution is a gradual and slow process right? Well, then, those animals would not exist today if evolution were real.

There. Happy?
2006-08-01 13:19:20 UTC
*Disclaimer: I am by no means a definitive guide on this. I am a Christian, but if you would like to find out more I suggest googling AIG (Answers in Genesis), a research effort to support biblical claims using science.

Question #1. Why can't you believe the whole earth flooded back in Noah's day? In the Bible, the flood refers to a global flood, not the "localized" flood that is believed to have happened today. A global flood is consistent with the fossil record and what we find today- millions of dead things buried under layers and layers of deposit which would have been due to a global flood. Now for the means by which the whole earth flooded, that must have been due to God's power; if you have read Genesis, God said that He would no longer flood the Earth and the symbol of this covenant is the rainbow.

Question #2: The fossil record is not one-sided. It does not only point to the existence of life for billions of year, as commonly thought. Scientists have found evidence for "quick fossilization," where due to a natural disaster such as a volcanic eruption or large flooding, things can be solidified and fossilized in a matter of days or even shorter periods of time. Check the web for more information, as I am no expert on geology.

Question #3: Can you prove that carbon dating is correct? Although carbon dating can provide a guide for dating objects, it is by no means definitive. It has error in its estimate, sometimes up to or even more than 50,000 years (being conservative). Carbon dating relies on using the C-12 isotope and measuring its halflife due to its radiation emitted- how do we know that half-lifes are constant over billions and billions of years? We can't test this and be sure of it without error.

Question #4: I can't prove missing links wrong, but you must be aware that many of these "finds" that archaeologists have made are actually scams. Archaeologists often report the findings of monkey bones and other primates as actual homo sapien finds, which is incorrect. I am not quite sure of the examples you listed above, but I do know that a lot of scientific inaccuracy has resulted by the inaccurate recording of "human remains." (Sidenote: Is it possible that these "pre-humans" existed in the modern era (i.e. within the last 6,000 years?) What evidence is there that they lived so long ago?

Question #5: I cannot disprove the Big Bang, but then again, the Big Bang is only a theory. So therefore, you cannot prove the Big Bang either- you can have evidence, but as long as you were not alive at the creation of the universe, you cannot with absolute definity prove or disprove the Big Bang. Also, if you are a believer in the Big Bang, you must also have humanistic views that certain around the ultimate realities of chaos and disorder. For you, there is no underlying order to things for all things came out of nothing and was a result of chaos and disorder. Right? If this true, what is the purpose of your life? Why do you think you are here now? Is it all due to chance?

Question #6: I can't prove evolution as a whole as wrong, but I must first make the distinction between micro and macro evolution. It is not hard to believe that different organisms within a species can adapt to their environments differntly- we have scientific evidence of this occuring. However, to say that one species transformed into another species is a different thing. Can random chance processes result in the creation of an entirely new species? Can the intricacies of human life (i.e. eye optics, neuron transfer, etc.) be accounted for due to random chance? In my opinion, I support the Intelligent Design theory. (An analogy would be like leaving the pieces of a watch laying next to each other for a long period of time. Will these pieces assemble together to form the watch without outside aid?)

Hope you found these useful, or at least thought-provoking. I'll do some more research and get back to you, but you do raise some good questions.
2006-08-01 16:25:00 UTC
Let's begin at your first question. How did the earth flood? Very simply put-it poured for 40 days and 40 nights and water came out of the ground kind of like geysers only the holes opened up and water flowed out at a continuous rate. Genesis 7:12 (New King James Version)

As to your second claim that the fossil record does not support billions of years, You will find that fossils that are supposed to be from one time period are mixed in with fossils from another time period in the wrong time layer. Also many cases of trees forming fossils stretching across two layers of rock. How, if it took years and years for these layers to form, did these trees not rot as is the tendency of dead things?

As to these missing links you mentioned, I have a question for you. How can you prove them right? The main problem with missing links is the death rate. Even if they did evolve from one species to another these transitional phases would not be able to live because they can not function as they would need to survive for the length of time it would take to reproduce a further mutated (and even more incapable of living) generation.

Next you speak of neanderthal man and so on. Most of these have been proved to be deliberate hoaxes.

As to the big bang, if you stick all the parts to a house in the most dense pile ever stacked and have a stick of dynamite in the center, when you lite the fuse and the dynamite explodes do all the right parts go where they are supposed to go and in the right order?

Evolution proves itself wrong-the different branches of evolution conclusively prove that the others are not possible.

Also ever heard of the laws of thermodynamics.
2006-08-01 13:42:51 UTC
Noah - The earth was all one land mass and there was no rain until the flood.

Peleg - In his days the earth was divided.

A fossil is created when a live animal is trapped in sediment that then sets like cement..the animal decays and all that is left is an imprint. The fossil record merely shows that this has happened on a global level where animals in large groups even have been devistated by a sudden overflowing of earth and sediment. All that can be dated is the sediment..not the animal that created the fossil. There have been many fish fossils found for instance in the Grand Canyon showing that it was once under water and also in the Badlands of Wyoming. Anywhere there is oil undergrounds shows a mass devistation of a "herd" of animals or large animals in relation with Dinos...which could only occur with an instant covering over and decay beneath sediment.

As well, dust had to exist in order for there to be a thing such as "rain"...just to toss that a newly settled earth billions of years ago there would be no rain..and in a billions of years old earth there would be too much. Its all cyclical..the rain can't exist without dust and dust would not settle on the earth without rain. The book of Job in the Bible explains alot of the geographical and biological instances...He was not a man of how did he know?

Can you prove that these dating methods are accurate? How can we as humans date something that existed several thousand years before us and extend that date to billions of years using chemical compounds used today?

The so called "missing links" are not links or else they wouldnt' be missing..duh...and many of them have been proven frauds...artists renditions of these so called artistic discoveries were based off of bone fragments are purely fictitious...Pelt Down Man, Lucy, the "Neanderthal" man and many more..

Big Bang this event what is being said is that the earth was created with all its systems intact..such as the earths core, crust and atmosphere..along with other proportionate entities such as the moon and sun in exact distances to accidently produce the perfect scenario for life on this planet..not just any life but millions of species from the simple cell to the coral reefs and the Aspen system in Colorado.

Evolution? Try irreducible complexity..this is the factual evidence showing that each species can only go back so far before the reducing of it down to its simplest form renders it useless and unable to survive much less utilize the systems that supports; the bat using rador, the dophin using sonar, the plants using photosythasis, eyesight, smell, heat, rays and waves, etc.

So there ya go...
2006-08-01 13:08:06 UTC
The world world flooded for 40 days and 40 nights. There was alot of water that covered the whole earth. Time does not exist as we know it. Many Christian scientist have proof regarding the carbon dating! There has never been a complete genetic link established between the the Neanderthal man and Adam and Eve(which includes us). There is still a missing link.!!! They have never come from our genetic line or direct link. I think, 7 days is a pretty big bang! WE are no more like apes than an alligator is a fish!
2006-08-01 13:36:16 UTC

Evolutionists like to point to Pangaea, then ask questions like this. Do you not see the dichotomy that defines you?

As for Noah himself, he is supported in the fossil record. I won't bore you with a Web site but I watched a documentary on Discovery Channel that talked about it and showed evidence of a flood covering the entire Middle East at approximately the same time as Noah's flood is said to have happened. So as it turns out, the Biblical account of Noah & the flood is supported by the fossil record. You trust the fossil record to support your theories. Do you trust it to explain this? If not, why not?

Prove exactly what about the fossil record wrong? The fact that Chinese workers glued pieces of ancient fossil to a modern fossil and National Geographic reported it as the first known bird in the fossil record. Even after the hoax was revealed, National Geographic said they stood by their story. This is not a one-time thing. The recurrence of this sort of scam would shock most. How did they do this and not become a laughing stock? Are evolutionists blinded to facts that contradict their theories?

I can’t prove carbon dating wrong. Can you prove it right? Stalemate.

Missing links – there’s another place where evolutionists saw what they wanted, not what was there. Leakey found 3 teeth & a piece of a jawbone mixed with a number of orangutan bones. Even after the ape bones were confirmed to be ape & not human, Leakey commissioned an artist to draw the face of the Java Man based on 3 teeth & a piece of a jawbone. Even with our understanding of science today & the forensic methods available, can you even imagine a reputable police artist trying to draw the face of someone based on 3 teeth & a piece of a jawbone? And even if (s)he tried, would anyone believe it? Then why believe Leakey’s drawing?

Neanderthal, homo erectus, homo sapiens. Gorilla, orangutan, chimpanzee. Goldfish, trout, tuna. Chicken, ostrich, canary. Get my point?

Lucy – maybe she’s really Eve. She’s a homo sapiens.

I don’t need t prove the Big Bang wrong. I think it’s probable, although you may want to do your homework. The Big Bang is not nearly as scientifically accepted anymore as the String Theory. And the String Theory does so with the help of an imaginary number. Literally. I kid you not. It’s a number that doesn’t exist, but if it did, it would explain everything. I’ll try the String Theory when I write a $200,000 check next week. Well, if you would believe in my imaginary number that factors in and makes `$1000 = $200,000, the check would be good. Think it’ll work? I’ll even reference you & Dr. Hawking when I try it. Or not. Besides, the Big Bang has one huge fault. Evolutionists always as who created God. I ask, who created the gases that just magically existed since before the dawn of time – or materialized out of nothing. And you say it’s hard to believe in God. I don’t have enough faith to make the leaps that evolutionists do.

Proving evolution as a whole wrong is not necessary. Darwin’s “Origin of Species” states that we all share a common ancestor that randomly created a random amino acid from a mixture of hydrochloric acid, methane & ammonia. Yet it’s never been done in a lab, except for Miller. And his experiment was flawed because he added a catalyst. But according to Darwin, no catalyst was necessary. Also, scientists at Stanford created a mathematical model of doing this once. According to the model, it would take approx. 15 billions years for a single random occurrence. And even using the old earth standard of 4.5 billion years, that amount of time is more than 3 times as long. To do it twice was almost mathematically impossible. But somehow I am supposed to believe that it not only happened once, it continued to grow for no apparent or logical reason to create the entire universe and all its complexity today. That’s not even feasible when placed in any other model, but for some reason evolutionists cling to it as if it were their Unholy Grail.

Note that I didn’t come up with a stupid Website. Neither did I come up with a smart one. Why be bothered with facts, when you can “come up with your own explanations and support.” Why ddn’t I think of that? Why be held down by facts? I’ll just make up my own stories and tell everyone they’re facts. Yeah – that’s the ticket. On second thought, I think I’ll stick with facts.

And while I again say that I won’t bore you with a Web site, I will say that if you want to see others who agree with me and have more academic clout than I, try Googling the following:

darwin 600 scientists
2006-08-05 08:02:48 UTC
Why is this 8 questions masquerading as one?

Your question is confrontational but not all Christians believe the world was created in 6000 years or any of that other junk. It ticks me off that a few extremists are assumed to speak for all Christians insisting that we believe in pseudoscience, spurious research and a doggedly literal interpretation of the Bible.

I know you said no websites but check out It's a group of Christians who are also PhD scientists offering their support FOR evolution and the big bang, etc. I think you'll find it enlightening.

And by the way, some secular astronomists have been trying to dodge the Big Bang for YEARS because it can be seen to support the Bible (creation ex nihilo).
2006-08-01 13:03:56 UTC
To those who answer these were not proven right...carbon dating is well proven and well accepted method of detecting the age of carbon based object. It has been determine and accepted that carbon atoms naturally decay at a constant rate. Therefore by determining the amout of decay that has occured in an object you can determine its age.

Something to add....the gentleman above stating that evaloution at best is small gentic defects. Ok, so you have accepted the principle of evaloution. That is what it is. Its genetic defected developed in an organism from generation to generation over billions of years. These organism's defect come about out of need to adapt to a enviroment or situation. If evolution was not true then why would you need a new flu shot every year. You need one because the flu virus "evolves" or mutates. Look at the Gingko tree. Oldest tree known to man. The gingko is impervious to almost all insects and diseases. This could not have happended without out evolution.

Ok...another addition...someone asked how the people that have proven all these correct. Well, its called "scientific method" and read.
Daniel L
2006-08-01 13:01:29 UTC
Can you prove that what the bible teaches is wrong? No, you can't and neither can any of the scientist you may try to quote. Maybe the problem is YOU are not thinking for yourself. You have been taught to believe in evolution. You did not come up with the idea of evolution or the big bang. And yest carbon/argon/potassium dating can be proven wrong. You are then one that needs to do more research. Stop trying to argue with Christians. You are really arguing with God, who is the One who had the Bible written.
2006-08-01 13:04:47 UTC
God spoke and *BANG* it happened.

The whole earth flooded when the fountains above and below opened up. The earth's atmosphere was surrounded by a circle of ice and water. If a meteor hit the earth hard enough, it would break that, hence the water above, crash into the earth, hence the water below, and could knock the earth off it's axis. There was a name in the Old Testament given to a child (don't have my references here) that meant when the earth shook or something of that sort. It was after Noah. Lucy was a woman with arthritis. We are made in Gods image. I seriously doubt that God is an ape.
2006-08-01 13:09:57 UTC
Look, there is allot I don't know about like how exactly the flood happened or how the universe is created, I have never read anywhere in the bible where it says the earth was created 6000 years ago. What I do know is that God is very real to me, when I accepted Jesus Christ as savior, allot of good and positive things started to happen in my life. One huge difference is that I'm not as "self-focused" as I used to be and I have discovered what it truly feels like to be loved by something greater than myself. Maybe after I die, I'll find out the answers to these questions, but until then, you have your beliefs and I have mine so lets just try to get along as best we can with each other and respect other peoples beliefs.
2006-08-01 13:10:44 UTC

Some years before during his interview with an American Magazine, he


"Christianity will end, it will disappear. I do not have to argue

about that. I am certain. Jesus was ok, but his subjects were too simple.

Today we are more famous than Him" (1966).

Lennon, after saying that the Beatles were more famous than Jesus

Christ, was

shot six times.

TANCREDO NEVES (President of Brazil):

During the Presidential campaign, he said if he got 500 votes from

his party,

not even God would remove him from Presidency. Sure he got the

votes, but he got

sick a day before being made President, then he died.

CAZUZA (Bi-sexual Brazilian composer, singer and poet):

During a show in Canecão

(Rio de Janeiro), whilst smoking his cigarette, he puffed out some

smoke into the air and said:

"God, that's for you."

He died at the age of 32 of AIDS in a horrible manner.


After the construction of Titanic, a reporter asked him how safe the

Titanic would be.

With an ironic tone he said: "Not even God can sink it"

The result: I think you all know what happened to the Titanic.


She was visited by Billy Graham during a presentation of a show. He

is a preacher and Evangelist and the Spirit of God had sent him to preach to


After hearing what the Preacher had to say, she said:

"I don't need your Jesus"

A week later, she was found dead in her apartment.


The ex-vocalist of the AC/DC. On one of his 1979 songs he sang:

"Don't stop me, I'm going down all the way,

Wow the highway to hell".

On the 19th of February 1980, Bon Scott was found dead, he had been

choked by his vomit.


In Campinas, Brazil a group of friends, drunk,

went to pick up a friend.

The mother accompanied her to the car and was so worried about the

drunkenness of her friends and she said to the daughter - holding her hand,

who was already





Hours later, news came by that they had been involved in a fatal


everyone had died, the car could not be recognized what type of car

it had been,

but surprisingly, the boot was intact.

The police said there was no way the boot could have remained

intact. To their

surprise, inside the boot was a crate of eggs, none was broken.

Many more important people have forgotten that there is no other

name that was given so much authority as the name of Jesus.

Many have died, but only Jesus died and rose again, and he is still

alive. JESUS!!!
2006-08-01 13:16:51 UTC
first off are u going to belief some crackpot with a PhD and a bias towards Christians?

Can you prove that that the earth is billions of years old or is that what you were taught to believe.

Science has not proved anything to us, just giving us "theories" of how it might be.

Are scientist giving us mis-interpreted, or manipulated data that would give us the wrong conclusion in order to keep their funding?

the big bang and evolution are still THEORIES and has NOT been proved either.

If you educate your self you'll learn that both religion and science have their flaws.
2006-08-01 13:04:06 UTC
The Bible stories are ancient accounts of something like natural phenomena of a stone age people becoming urban dwellers. They were oral stories for a thousand years or more and then written down.

The flood is not about the flood, but about God's promise not to harm the Earth again and his symbol of the promise is the rainbow.
Seeking answers in Him
2006-08-01 13:05:24 UTC
Can I prove this wrong? No. Other people have proven all of this wrong. I don't know how you expect someone to come up with their own explanations if they cannot quote what has already been proven. Let me ask YOU this...Can you prove using your own explanations and support that any of the evolution is true?
2006-08-01 13:01:38 UTC
Simple I can tell your stupid so i'll put it in simple words

When mount saint helens erupted scientests took samples when test these samples read 60 billon years old but really they where only a matter of days old, Really how do you support evolution and the big bang, Evolution does not happen if anything they call small genetic defects "Evolution"
2006-08-01 13:00:12 UTC
Rain- read the bible

you prove the fossil record to me

you prove it right

what are the missing links, it would take too long for that

they had defects, everyone does



i did and will continue always
2006-08-01 13:02:30 UTC
This is a useless question to ask. The only possible way to go about it is conversation and debate, and that has only a small chance of working. The two sides argue on different terms. Both think the other is ridiculous, and both see themselves as the obvious victor. But since there actually was no discussion, no one wins.
2006-08-01 13:47:01 UTC
You asked for explanations and support. Here's just some of it. I hope you're open-minded enough to actually read what i've said, although i doubt you will. oh well, at least you will know that Christians have plenty of evidence with which to back up our faith--and we're not afraid to give it, either!

*How did the whole earth flood back in Noah's days? *

It rained A LOT.

come on. don't try to argue that one. there's plenty of support for the fact of the Flood:

1) The climate in the pre-flood era was different than after the flood.

2) The only possible explanation for most fossils is rapid deposition from a catastrophic event. The worldwide flood is the only satisfactory explanation for the evidence.

3) Oceanographers took core samples of sediments in the Gulf of Mexico that included fossils shells from one-celled plankton called foraminifera and made an interesting discovery. They discovered that at locations in the core samples that represent thousands of years ago, the salinity in the water was suddenly reduced based upon the shells locked-in permanent record of the conditions. This reduction in salinity could only be caused by a huge fresh water deluge.

4) There is much archaeological evidence confirming the Flood of Noah. There is a tablet in Babylon on which one of the Babylonian kings mentions his enjoyment in reading the writings of those who lived before the Flood. Another Babylonian tablet gives an interesting confirmation. Noah was the tenth generation from Adam according to the Bible, and this Babylonian tablet names the ten kings of Babylon who lived before the Flood. Another tablet names all the kings of Babylon, and after the first ten there are the words: “The Deluge came up. . ."

5) Stories of the Great Flood have been found in almost every civilization in the world. Dr. Aaron Smith of the University of Greensboro collected a complete history of the literature on Noah’s Ark. He found 80,000 works in 72 languages about the flood. About 70,000 of them mention the wreckage of the Ark.

*The fossil record supports billions of years, not 6000.

Can you prove the fossil record wrong?*

What fossil records specifically refute a younger earth? For starters, to support the theory of evolution, even Darwin required there to be certain transitional fossils to prove the connections he was trying to make. however, science has yet to provide a single example of a transitional series of fossilized organisms that document the transformation of one kind of plant or animal into another.

Many sceintists are beginning to support the idea of a Young Earth. The geological evidence also increasingly supports a shorter lifespan for our planet, such as:

1)Sediments are being eroded into our oceans at a fixed rate. There are only a few thousand years worth of sediments on the ocean floor.

2)The Earth's magnetic field has been accurately measured since 1829. Since 1829, it has decayed 7%. It is decaying exponentially at a fixed rate. By graphing the curve, we see that approximately 22,000 years ago the Earth's field would have been as strong as the Sun's. Life would have been impossible.

3) Comets are constantly losing matter. They are losing and losing and never gaining. "Short Period Comets" (like Haley's comet), which have predictable orbits, should deteriorate to nothing within 10,000 years. Why are there still Short Period Comets?

4) Jupiter is losing heat twice as fast as it gains it from the Sun (it is five times further from the Sun than Earth). Yet Jupiter is still hot. If it is billions of years old, shouldn't it have cooled off by now?

5) Saturn's rings are not stable. They are drifting away from Saturn. If Saturn is billions of years old, why does it still have rings?

and, my personal favorite:

6) In 1999, the human population passed six billion. In 1985, it passed five billion. In 1962, it passed three billion. In 1800, it passed one billion. In 1 AD, the world's population, according to the censuses taken by the governments of that time, was only 250 million. At the current human population growth rate, considering wars and famines and all such variables, it would take approximately 5,000 years to get the current population from two original people.

*Can you prove carbon/argon/potasssium dating wrong?*

For starters, not only is carbon dating only applicable to organisms, it is only accurate for a few thousand years back. these methods of determining the age of the earth are based on a collection of questionable assumptions which have caused this method to be so controversial and, on the whole, unreliable.

*Can you prove the missing links wrong? Why do we have the Neaderthal man, homo erctus, and Lucy? *

okay, that's what-- THREE deformed corpses that you think represent an entire phase in human evolution? that's not enough to support a "link."

The anatomical peculiarities of the Neanderthal men are known to exist within the normal boundaries of human variation potential. Also, there is a lot of evidence to suggest that many of the Neanderthals suffered from a Vitamin D deficiency. This caused their bones to grow soft and deformed. This has contributed the popular hunched-over ape-man misconception.

*Can you prove the Big Bang wrong?*

Yes. The law of cause-and-effect. Science is so big on saying "nothing happens without a physical reason." What caused the Bang? Science just can't get around that question. There are other scientific proofs that refute the Big Bang theory as well, besides just that one rule that is simply COMMON SENSE.

*Can you prove evolution as a whole wrong?*

I accept microevolution but macro is ridiculous. the time it would take merely to form the proteins that are the building blocks for life is impossibly long, and the odds against these building blocks randomly forming in the right time frame are monumental.

even if they had managed to piece themselves together with a speed that defies probability as well as science, the time it would take for those tiny proteins and amino acids to evolve into a human being is also far beyond the realm of possibilty if you accept what scientists say is the age of the earth.
2006-08-01 13:01:14 UTC
Can you prove otherwise on any of them? And why should we bother. Jesus told the disciples that if they went into a place and were not welcomed, to shake the dust off their feet and leave.

You aren't wanting proof. You are merely mocking God.

Being a faithful Christian puts you in the line of fire from the whole world. We are in Spiritual Warfare---on a daily basis. The world hates us because it first hated God.

Thank you for your wonderful, uplifting spirit.

For those who will, no doubt, insult and persecute you for your question and comments, I would add this to our Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

To all the faithful who read questions or answers to our questions relative to our faith in Jesus Christ, that do nothing but mock God and assault the Word of God:

"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you for My sake. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven. They persecuted the prophets before you in the same way."

Matthew 5:11-12

"If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you."

1st Peter 4:14

"Hear me, you who know what is right; you people who have my law in your hearts: Do not fear the reproach of men or be terrified by their insults." Isaiah 51:7

"You will be protected from the lash of the tonge, and need not fear when destruction comes to them." Job 5:21
2006-08-01 13:21:34 UTC
well if you really need answers to these questions sounds like you need to read the bible K.J. version for yourself and find the answers you are looking for. If you don't believe it then, there is nothing anyone can tell you anyways cause your a non believer Use the Strong's Concordance while you try to read the K.J. version read nothing in to it but what it states. If you need further advice check out Shepherd's Chapel. Pastor Arnold Murray wonderful teacher and he gives you other places to verify what heis saying.
2006-08-01 13:06:18 UTC
Answer to question 1. It pissed down rain for a long time.

Do you understand all that you just mentioned?

Are you a scientist?

Can YOU come up with your own explanation as to how all that works?

Your just resting on someone elses knowledge and you critisize God beleivers for doing that.
odd duck
2006-08-01 13:00:54 UTC
If you need proof that all of this is wrong, then no one is going to be able to give it to you. You are looking for something that you would never understand in your mind. Try praying about it. Maybe you will get your answer that way. I have my theories, but that isn't for me to worry about. It isn't contingent on my salvation, so what does it matter??
2006-08-01 13:05:45 UTC
believe that it happened or not that is your choice but let me ask you this question. how do you know that the people who declared this so called fact are correct ?for God is the one who flooded the earth he also gave these men or women their knowledge ,so if there is no proof that they are correct then how do you know they are.let me also say that if you believe these people without knowing the facts then why can't you beleive in God?
2006-08-01 13:04:34 UTC
Neither you nor any one else can "prove" your pov either... that is why they are called "theories"

If you would like my pov on all of thet you will have to go to my website. I will give you the direct link to my Creation page so you will not have to look at all of the other God stuff you are not interested in.

All honest seekers welcome
2006-08-01 13:04:19 UTC
What's wrong with the Big Bang Theory? God said, Let there be Light, and *BANG* there was light!
2006-08-01 12:59:39 UTC
We may not be able to prove many of them wrong, but no one has yet to prove them right either ;)

But you do your own homework.
2006-08-01 12:59:53 UTC
I do not need to prove any thing I know God and trust his word and love
2006-08-01 13:00:21 UTC
I can prove that you are filled with Satan's hatred of the Truth.
2006-08-01 13:00:31 UTC
hmmm makes you think. I've heard someone say before God planted fossils in the ground to test his faith. haha
2006-08-01 13:01:27 UTC
Gods work he even told noah
2006-08-01 13:00:21 UTC
z3000 answer the mans question the rest of you jerks for your gods sake give us some proof
2006-08-01 13:01:10 UTC
the problem is everything u are quoting is THEORY not facts cant prove any of those things accurate either ...
Blunt Honesty
2006-08-01 12:59:26 UTC
The short answer you knew you were going to get when you asked this is: Faith.
2006-08-01 12:59:36 UTC
You forgot one thing,The "Piltdown Man"hoax.Along with all your fosssil "evidence".God Bless.
2006-08-01 13:00:29 UTC
Why? You wont belive us anyways...

So, whats the point? You want to argue an no one wants to do that...

I wish you well..

2006-08-01 13:18:28 UTC


LOL, some folks just don't know when to give up, I guess.

But hey, you have fun with it!!
P Bass
2006-08-01 12:59:54 UTC
Taunting the willfully ignorant isn't nice.... ;D
2006-08-01 13:00:34 UTC
The only way I can prove it is...................I believe in the word of God and none of those things are in the word.................
The Cowfather
2006-08-01 13:00:24 UTC
i'm going to give you a stupid website... don't expect me to type so much in one day...
2006-08-01 13:02:06 UTC
Who do you think wrote the bible?
2006-08-01 12:59:40 UTC
im not christian?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.