For the mormons out there...?
2008-04-25 23:16:44 UTC
When I ask a mormon how they know God exists they just tell me "I can just feel it." Can any mormon out there give me a different reason they know God exists? And please dont say "just look at the could he not?" Give me something do you know God is real?
Fifteen answers:
2008-04-25 23:25:30 UTC
There are many Mormons who have what we call their "calling and election made sure".

Investigate what that means if you wish to learn about a level of knowing God beyond what you already have heard.
2008-04-26 13:35:32 UTC
Well , I'm not a Utah Mormon ( who I think misrepresent Joseph Smith and his doctrines ) , But I like the Remnant Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter day Saints of Independence , Mo. ( providing they keep all of Jesus' teachings ) , which you can click on to . I know that God exists , because I am Him , and I exist . Just ask me ? And I kind of think you exist too . But , it is possible that I might be writing to a figment of my imagination . But , there is just too much evidence that you exist ; even though I have never seen you .

I'm not 100% possitive that I am really going to go through with my dream and the dreams of others , and the prophesies of the scriptures : that next year I will be confrounted by about 12 angry men who will torture and mutilate me to death because they don't like the things I say ; here in Independence , Mo . But , I believe enough in them to do it . And , I seriously don't know of a better way to motivate my sons and the rest of you to wake up and start practicing what Jesus told everyone they need to do in order to be able to enter into his Father's fiery presence here on earth when He unveils His True Self . Yea ; It is scarry . But I love my sons , and people in generally , enough to have to endure what ever it might take for them to get Truly Saved . Read Mat. 5:48 ; 19:17 ; 22:42-46 ; isaiah 18 ; 29 ; and 52 .
2008-04-26 06:30:33 UTC
It's interesting that you ask for something real, but a feeling doesn't count as it's too small, and the earth is too big.

Not accepting anything from a small feeling to an entire earth makes it impossible to find something convincing.

The ultimate convincing comes from the spirit of God. If you won't tryout know in that way you'll never really know as God can instill a knowledge in you beyond any earthly evidence.
2008-04-26 16:51:35 UTC
I mainly know because of personal experiences.

Here is some food for your brain:

With its 107 million cells, connected to the brain by over 1 million neurons, the eye is more perfect than any camera ever invented. It caused Charles Darwin to humbly admit, “That the eye with all its inimitable contrivances … could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest sense.”

The Psalmist wrote, “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God” (Psalm 53:1). Such a foolish disbeliever ought to look at his hands. Seventy muscles contribute to hand movements. Much of the rest of the body is devoted to optimizing the complex function of the hand. There are no muscles in the fingers. The sole purpose of the forearm, its muscles and bones, is to move and position the hand.

To observe a miracle, look at a baby’s creased hand. Its initial movements are uncontrolled. Shortly after the child’s birth, the hand will be able to grasp, curl, push, lift, sense hot and cold, respond to pain by withdrawing, heal itself, and display great strength and extraordinary sensitivity. These hands will be used thousands of times each day without forethought.

Your miraculous thumb is controlled by nine individual muscles and three major hand nerves. Sir Isaac Newton is reported to have said: “In the absence of any other proof, the thumb alone would convince me of God’s existence.”

Paul Brand, renowned orthopedic hand surgeon, wrote: “We use our hands for the most wonderful activities: art, music, writing, healing, touching. Some people go to concerts and athletic events to watch the performance; I go to watch hands. For me, a piano performance is a ballet of fingers—a glorious flourish of ligaments and joints, tendons, nerves, and muscles.”

The infant Son of Man once possessed tiny hands. His hands, too, grew to accomplish their intended purposes. He used them to touch and heal the blind and infirm. His hands threw the money changers out of the temple. His hands reached upward in prayer, outward in blessing, and downward from the cross.

The fool proclaims in his heart that there is no God, but our eyes, hands, hearts, and souls unhesitatingly testify to the contrary.
Scott the duckling
2008-04-26 22:04:44 UTC
I've had many experiences revealing that I know my church is true.

First time I prayed to know if it was true and it was manifested to me in that way.

Patriarchal Blessing

Fasting and praying

Studying and Meditating

Priesthood Blessings

The Gift of the Holy Ghost

All those are ways that I have gained an even stronger testimony of my God and my church.
2008-04-26 18:16:29 UTC
burning in the bosom thing, that is a feeling and faith is not a feeling. I blindly follow in the mormon church in the christian church I have seen miracles and healing and I myself was healed of my suicidal tendancies, this never happened in the mormon church, at least while I was a mormon
2008-04-26 06:56:09 UTC
No one can give your proff you have to find it for your self or better yet belive it your self, but for me I know God exists becasue when I pray I get answers that I could not make up in my head. Because I have gotten blessings from compleat strangers and yet they know exactly what to say or they say things about who I am and yet they dont know me so with out God how else would they know those things about me or what to say. I know God exsit becasue I have faith. Faith is not just beliving in things not seen. Its power. The power to know what you belive is not just a hypothicy its really. I belive that God haspower over; time,distance, mmultiplication, elements, creation and over death. So pretty much power over all excistance he created it he can destory it. I know this becasue I have tested it. How by praying. I dont know if any of this is what you are looking for but I can tell you that if your looking for proof your not going to get it. Its like asking to see the air we breath. its just something you have to belive your self.
C. Atkinson (aka gusgus)
2008-04-27 01:00:21 UTC
I think one of our chief leaders explains your conundrum best. Enjoy! Please let me know what you think. Thanks for a legit question.

The following was given by Boyd K. Packer of the quorum of the twelve Apostles.

"I will tell you of an experience I had before I was a General Authority which affected me profoundly. I sat on a plane next to a professed atheist who pressed his disbelief in God so urgently that I bore my testimony to him. “You are wrong,” I said, “there is a God. I know He lives!”

He protested, “You don’t know. Nobody knows that! You can’t know it!” When I would not yield, the atheist, who was an attorney, asked perhaps the ultimate question on the subject of testimony. “All right,” he said in a sneering, condescending way, “you say you know. Tell me how you know.”

When I attempted to answer, even though I held advanced academic degrees, I was helpless to communicate.

Sometimes in your youth, you young missionaries are embarrassed when the cynic, the skeptic, treat you with contempt because you do not have ready answers for everything. Before such ridicule, some turn away in shame. (Remember the iron rod, the spacious building, and the mocking? See 1 Ne. 8:28.)

When I used the words Spirit and witness, the atheist responded, “I don’t know what you are talking about.” The words prayer, discernment, and faith, were equally meaningless to him. “You see,” he said, “you don’t really know. If you did, you would be able to tell me how you know.”

I felt, perhaps, that I had borne my testimony to him unwisely and was at a loss as to what to do. Then came the experience! Something came into my mind. And I mention here a statement of the Prophet Joseph Smith: “A person may profit by noticing the first intimation of the spirit of revelation; for instance, when you feel pure intelligence flowing into you, it may give you sudden strokes of ideas … and thus by learning the Spirit of God and understanding it, you may grow into the principle of revelation, until you become perfect in Christ Jesus.” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, comp. Joseph Fielding Smith, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1977, p. 151.)

Such an idea came into my mind and I said to the atheist, “Let me ask if you know what salt tastes like.”

“Of course I do,” was his reply.

“When did you taste salt last?”

“I just had dinner on the plane.”

“You just think you know what salt tastes like,” I said.

He insisted, “I know what salt tastes like as well as I know anything.”

“If I gave you a cup of salt and a cup of sugar and let you taste them both, could you tell the salt from the sugar?”

“Now you are getting juvenile,” was his reply. “Of course I could tell the difference. I know what salt tastes like. It is an everyday experience—I know it as well as I know anything.”

“Then,” I said, “assuming that I have never tasted salt, explain to me just what it tastes like.”

After some thought, he ventured, “Well-I-uh, it is not sweet and it is not sour.”

“You’ve told me what it isn’t, not what it is.”

After several attempts, of course, he could not do it. He could not convey, in words alone, so ordinary an experience as tasting salt. I bore testimony to him once again and said, “I know there is a God. You ridiculed that testimony and said that if I did know, I would be able to tell you exactly how I know. My friend, spiritually speaking, I have tasted salt. I am no more able to convey to you in words how this knowledge has come than you are to tell me what salt tastes like. But I say to you again, there is a God! He does live! And just because you don’t know, don’t try to tell me that I don’t know, for I do!”

As we parted, I heard him mutter, “I don’t need your religion for a crutch! I don’t need it.”

From that experience forward, I have never been embarrassed or ashamed that I could not explain in words alone everything I know spiritually. The Apostle Paul said it this way:

“We speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.”

“But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” (1 Cor. 2:13–14.)
George G
2008-04-26 06:23:59 UTC
I kind of agree, but you can't really ask them that, all their going on is faith and old stories. It would be like asking you how you know your breathing oxygen if you can't see it. Don't try to take away someone's reasoning, just because it doesn't make sense. Would you keep on pestering a kid on why they are talking to an imaginary friend that isn't there, no because they are doing it to make themselves feel better.

Ok whose going around giving "thumbs downs" out like it's candy. I worked hard on those analogies. ok so i spent about 3minutes.
2008-04-26 06:27:38 UTC
Because I remember Him. And I have had a few too many prayers answered to go backwards instead of forwards. And that's all I have to say about that. Thanks for asking.
plastik punk -Bottom Contributor
2008-04-26 09:32:47 UTC
Explaining to you how I know won't do anything to change your view, so why do it. I have seen many things happen and many prayers answered. If you want more specifics, come to me with a humble attitiude.
Last In Line
2008-04-26 06:24:20 UTC
Mormons have their own bible to go with the bible which clearly states no one shall add to, or take from this book. Go figure!

Far as finding God...It's a matter of faith and believing. I believe mostly because I know for fact there are evil spirits, and good has to exist to balance, and counter evil.
Captain Galactic
2008-04-26 06:24:08 UTC
ask other Christians. They'll tell you the same answer. Mormons are no different so stop picking on them. k? thanks.
John B
2008-04-26 06:25:48 UTC
can someone who isn't mormon answer this question?
2008-04-26 06:20:44 UTC
no one will every know whether or not a god exists. And if one does exist, we obviously weren't meant to figure it out, since no one has and never will..

mormons will probably say they believe joseph smith and that he saw god and jesus, but none of them actually know. you will only get bullshit about faith.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.