Why do Christians celebrate Halloween?
2013-11-25 13:27:55 UTC
I'm not going to start the whole "what are the origins of halloween debate". Instead, consider this. Is it respectful to God to dress as something that portrays an evil being. Regardless whether you believe in demons, it's the symbolism that counts. God instructed us not to have abominations in our house and we are going to dress like one!? Thoughts please...
Eleven answers:
2013-11-25 13:40:42 UTC
You are right. Christians should not because it is a satanic day. I use to celebrate it but I read more about it and start to see what the bible was saying about satanic things such as halloween, so I stopped. It was first a little painful because I thought it was just fun, but I seen that it's more than just handing kids cndy. This is a day a christian should never participate in.
2013-11-25 13:51:51 UTC
Ok, I'll have to grant that you make a valid point given our theology. Then again, our theology is rife with elements we've borrowed from so many other cultures and belief systems. I've no problem with that, personally, because to me all religions have a piece of the whole picture and none have the whole enchilada.

But clothes do 'make the man', so does dressing up as icons of violence lead one to take on some of that karma, especially when it is of such a young age? Honestly, that could well be a consideration. I usually dressed up as a hobo, though, and don't feel I suffered a homeless or deprived life.

I think the rarity, 1/365th of a year, and only a portion of the day at that, makes the impact on the young psyches minimal. Now candy addiction? That's a whole different ballgame.

Dr. D
2013-11-25 13:32:44 UTC
Why do pagans celebrate Chrismas? It's really the same thing. There are basically two types of Halloween's: the pagan, and the religious. No Christian should practice the latter, but the former seems innoculous enough to me. Although I do agree that more Christians should make a point of not having their children dress as evil beings.
2013-11-25 13:31:28 UTC
I don't celebrate it by default because it's a Western holiday and I'm Eastern Orthodox, however, the Western Church declared that it was okay to celebrate Halloween and gave it a Christian meaning, so I don't see why some Christians (mostly fringe group Evangelicals) make Halloween such a big deal. The Church is the ..."pillar and ground of the truth" and therefore has the authority to decide upon this issue. Most Protestants who don't celebrate Halloween don't refuse to celebrate it because of doctrinal problems with the holiday itself, but they refuse to celebrate it out of rebellion against their Mother Church because they are rebellious by their very nature and reject the authority of the Church.
2013-11-25 14:26:41 UTC
True Christians dont' celebrate Halloween !
2013-11-25 13:40:55 UTC
It USED to be a semi-religious holiday, and it has to do with giving. People used to go house to house in Europe collecting food for the poor. Of course, it wasn't a CHRISTIAN holiday, and it's been seriously warped since then, but anyone can do it.
Envy Is My God
2013-11-25 13:38:40 UTC
Because it's a fun cute holiday for children, that hurts no one. Also, not everyone dresses "evil"(subjective term btw), some people dress as angels, or cartoon characters, etc...
2013-11-25 13:31:04 UTC
Well....golly....people shouldn't walk around looking so much like people either given the whole original sin thingy makes all people...ya know...evil.
2013-11-25 13:49:44 UTC
A sin is something that separates you from God.

A kid wearing a costume, and trick or treating doesn't do that, so, it is not evil.
2013-11-25 13:29:56 UTC
Which god?
2013-11-25 17:44:15 UTC
most don't

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.