what FACTS make the bible ture?
2007-11-16 06:25:48 UTC
talked to my christian mother today and we got in a disagreement about where the bible is true....she said that there are many facts that make the bible true and that i should find someone that has studied and went to school to learn about the blibe. she said that great minds have tried to disprove the bible and ended up becoming christian....whats you take on this? I find it hard to believe that the bible is Gods word when so many Men have had their hands on it.... just looking for facts of why it IS or ISNT true
40 answers:
2007-11-16 06:40:49 UTC
The bible is "true" in that it has been written. But it was written many years after the fact, most of the gospels were written 20 to 120 years after Jesus death and much of the rest was written up to 325 years later, and when they compiled the bible they VOTED on what was to be god's word. They included one piece by Mark, since it was divinely inspired by god, but appently the 3 other works by Mark were not so divinely inspired and they didn't include them. There were approx. 30 "gospels" but they only voted on 4 to include. Most if not all of what has been included in the bible was written by people who never knew Jesus and what was voted on was what would help consolodate an empire under Constantine. What was not included and they tried to destroy was the "gospels" of Thomas and Mary Magedalene. They said that god and the kindom of heaven is within you not in a church, but that doesn't consolodate people or make the church money. Your mother is right in that some people have studied the bible and become christian but hundreds of times more people have studied the bible and have become agnostic or atheist. Part of it has to do with how the church has manipulated the bible. Each Pope put in or took out his own 2 cents. Pope Alexander the 6th had sex with his mother, had sex with many concubines, had a daughter with one of them and then had sex with his daughter - Lucrecia Borgia. What do you think he added or removed. Pope Gregory the Great decread that anyone who has sex will never enter heaven. Only the beasts of the field had sex. If you chose to have children then you made a choice of having children or entering heaven. What was his 2 cents that he put in the bible. Those lists go on and on. Good luck.
2007-11-16 17:40:22 UTC

Science and the Bible do not contradict one another! As a matter of fact, true science proves the existence of God. For instance, the

DNA code contains libraries with volumes of structured information

that could not have come into existence through random chance. It

defies the law of probability.

The case for evolution collapses under Biblical numerics. This was

the brainchild of atheist turn Christian, Dr. Ivan Panin. This

Russian mathematical genius realized that an infinite network of

sevens, multiples of sevens and powers of sevens permeate the wholeof the Bible. As you perhaps know, seven is the God's number ofspiritual perfection. There is a pattern of sevens that extends from the Hebrew Old Testament to the Greek New Testament. This is irrefutable evidence that the Bible is the inspired word of God.

The case for evolution and the Big Bang collapses under biblical

numerics. What was discovered by this scholar was that over 30

distinct patterns of sevens supported the creationist's contention

of Genesis1:1, " In the beginning God created the heavens and the

earth." This observation goes against the evolutionist's theory that

the universe evolved from a chaotic Big Bang. In the examples below, look at the amazing discovery supporting instantaneous creatiuon and notice the selected multiples of sevens.



1. Genesis 1:1 consist of seven Hebrew words

2. These seven words have 28 (7x4) Hebrew letters.

3. " In the beginning" consists of 14 letters(7x2) letters.

4. The last four words "heaven and earth" have 14 (7x2) letters.

5. The Fourth and fifith words " heaven and earh " have 14 (7x2)


6. The three key words: "God, Heaven and Earth" have 14 (7x2)


7. The remaining number of words consists of 14 ( 7x2) letters.

8. The middle word is flanked by two other seven letter words.

9 The sum of the numberical value of the letters of God, heaven and

earth is 777 (7x111). Personally checked by my calculator!

10. The sum of the first and the last letters of the first and last

words is 497 (7x71). Personally checked by my Calculator!
Cybele K
2007-11-16 07:39:32 UTC
The ONLY fact is that:

Those who believe in the bible will uphold the "reality" of the bible.

Those who do not believe in the bible will do likewise for the opposite idea.

Which is right? Good question!!

Only thing I can suggest is study the issue yourself and come to your own conclusion.

My own opinion is that anything written by so many men surely carries the author's opinion, bias agendas, and interpretations, therefore, unless all of them were god, and am sure that was impossible, then the logical deduction would be that the bible is based on men's words, not god's, and therefre bound to have imperfections which negates the belief that the bible is 100 % true

Here are a few sites that might help, and caution .... dont believe 100% everything you read.

I have been studying this very same issue for many years and I am still not convinced that the bible is THE real thing, but that is my experience, you must have your own experience to formulate your owm opinion.
2007-11-16 07:25:26 UTC
Simple fact - the bible has fewer true facts in it than any fiction novel written in an historical setting.

Take for instance the fact that Jesus was supposed to have been a big problem to the Romans. Strangely there is not one single mention of him in the historical record. BUT - there were a number of Jews at that time claiming to be the Messiah and they are all well documented in the Roman record.

Christianity is a faith. Those with a weak faith seek proof!!!!

If the supposition in the question is true then if you seek to disprove the spaghetti monster what religion do you end up with?

Yet another desperate Christian myth!!!!!!
Pirate AM™
2007-11-16 06:33:32 UTC
I grew up as a christian hearing, and believing, the same thing. When I started to question my faith I thought that reviewing the evidence for the Bible would help so I started to research it. Much to my surprise, there is very little, if any, evidence to support any of the miraculous events recorded in the bible.


Creation is the easy one, there is overwhelming evidence for evolution and none for creation.

Flood: No evidence whatsoever. Many problems with the story. Other cultures' flood stories date to different times and are only similar in the element of a flood.

Exodus: No reference in Egyptian documents of anything close to this story or the 200 to 400 years of history around it. Well know sites on the route out of Egypt have been excavated with no results.

Sun stopping and moving backward: no other civilization existing at the time recorded anything similar.

Star of Bethlehem: No other civilization existing at the time recorded anything similar.

Events around Jesus' death: No first hand or contemporary record of these events. The temple curtain was not recorded as being destroyed until 70 CE.

Jesus: Given the second hand evidence, it would not be surprising if he had existed, but there is no first hand or contemporary confirmation of his existence nor of his teaching.

Edit 2:

Remain skeptical and objective. A faith built on blindly accepting stories is just a blind faith. Only by objectively evaluating the evidence can you determine the true facts.

Edit 3:

The one thing the Bible is fairly accurate about is geographic locations and other civilizations. This in of itself does not verify that it's miraculous events are true; consider any "real life" fiction, any of the recorded locations and countries are likely to be based on real ones, this does not mean that the story itself is real.

Note: I approached my research objectively, but with the desire to see the Bible proved, not as if the Bible was a load of hooey.

Last edit:

Yes the existence of Pilate has been confirmed, and there is a reference to David's Kingdom, once again these do not by themselves mean that David actually slew a giant any more than George Washington existing means that he chopped down a cherry tree.
2007-11-16 06:39:21 UTC
I find that people looking for facts often are predisposed to believing the bible is a bunch of hooey. I hope that's not the angle from which you approach this question.

Yes, many who set out to disprove the bible come to the realization that it is the true word of God, despite the fact that it was written by men. God's inspiration is alive and well.

The easiest way to prove the authenticity of the bible is to compare architectural and geographical data in the bible with the many hundreds of archaeological discoveries over the past 150 years or so. The more we dig, the more accuracy we find in the bible.

Of course that is just one way to go about things. The bible is self-verifying, meaning that a particular passage in one book will be verified in another book, often written in a different time period by a different author from the first.

Finding this stuff does take great discernment, which is why Christians see things others do not. That's the Holy Spirit at work again.
2007-11-16 06:43:53 UTC
--HERE ARE some of thousands of proofs by people of more than ordinary understanding in their many fields of expertise:

*** g84 3/22 Why Should I Read the Bible? ***


What other book:

—was written by some 40 men from several countries on three different continents in three languages over a period of 1,600 years?

-- —has inspired some of the world’s greatest art, literature, music and architecture, while also having a profound influence on law?

-- —mentions scientific truths discovered and utilized by man only centuries later?

-- —contains hundreds of prophecies already fulfilled and a number of others now undergoing fulfillment?



“The Bible is worth all other books which have ever been printed.”—Patrick Henry, American statesman

“I am convinced that the Bible becomes even more beautiful the more one understands it. Let culture and science go on advancing, and the mind progress as it may, it will never go beyond the elevation and moral culture of Christianity, as it glistens and shines forth in the Gospels.”—Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German writer

“I find more sure marks of authenticity in the Bible than in any profane history whatever.”—Sir Isaac Newton, British scientist

“ . . . probably the most influential collection of books in human history. Whatever one may think of the Bible’s contents, its role in the development of western culture and in the evolution of many eastern cultures makes at least some acquaintance with its literature and history an indispensable mark of the educated man.”—The Encyclopædia Britannica

“It is the best book that ever was or will be in the world, because it teaches you the best lessons by which any human creature who tries to be truthful and faithful can possibly be guided.”—Charles Dickens, English author


--TO THOSE who claim that archaeology disproves the Bible, many times--PLEASE NOTE:

*** ce chap. 17 p. 214 par. 34 Can You Trust the Bible? ***

---. The former director of the British Museum, Frederic Kenyon, wrote: “Archæology has not yet said its last word; but the results already achieved confirm what faith would suggest, that the Bible can do nothing but gain from an increase of knowledge.

---”32 And the well-known archaeologist Nelson Glueck said: “It may be stated categorically that NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCOVERY (my caps) has ever controverted a Biblical reference. Scores of archaeological findings have been made which confirm in clear outline or in exact detail historical statements in the Bible.”
2007-11-16 06:31:57 UTC
It depends on what you mean by "true".

It is quite possible for the Bible to be "true" as a guide to spiritual development, and philosophical basis for living a good, decent life, without it being a factual account of historical events.

The idea that it's a good idea to treat others as you would have others treat you can remain a perfectly good, even noble truth, even if a story about some guy loading two of every animal on a boat aren't completely and totally historically accurate.

The historical accuracy of certain elements of the Bible (especially the Creation story in Genesis) are incompatible with observed physical evidence of the universe around us, but that in no way diminishes the truth that it's a bad idea to kill other people.
2007-11-16 06:44:32 UTC
There is so many. The bible is full of prophecy. In fact 1/3rd if the bible is prophecy and all has come true or taking place as we speak. There are too many scietific facts in bible this could be long so I'll name one small example: the sun;

The Sun's Movement

Psalm 19:4-6: "In them has He set a tabernacle for the sun, which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoices as a strong man to run a race. His [the sun's] going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof."

bible critics have scoffed at these verses, saying that they teach that the sun revolves around the earth. Science told them that the sun was stationary. Then they discovered that the sun is in fact moving through space at approximately 600,000 miles per hour. It is traveling through the heavens and has a "circuit" just as the Bible says. It is estimated that its circuit is so large, it would take 200 million years to complete one orbit.
Doc Occam
2007-11-16 06:39:23 UTC
Some portions of the Bible are accurate. A great deal of it has been adjusted over the years to conform with orthodoxy, however.

For example, in order for Jesus, a Nazarene, to end up being born in Bethlehem, to conform with prophecy, Matthew and Luke use different reasons for why he was there in the first place. Luke says that he was born when Quirinius was governor of Syria, putting his birth after 6 AD. Matthew says he was born when Herod was king in Judaea, putting his birth before 4 BC. Someone can't add.
2007-11-16 06:28:23 UTC
It's true. Some people have attempted to disprove the Bible and become Christians. It's more often true, however, that Christians read the Bible and begin disbelieving.

There are some historical facts within the Bible, but archeology has shown many errors also.
Q&A Queen
2007-11-16 06:41:41 UTC
(1) Science - While the Bible is not a book of science, where it touches on it, it is accurate. An example is where Job referred to God as the one "who is hanging the earth upon nothing". There was no way any human could know that independently at that time, and it went against the "science" of the times

(2) Prophecy - An example is the prophecies in the book of Daniel ... even more specifically where it referred to the fall of ancient Babylon. Critics alleged that Daniel was actually a book of history, claiming to be prophetic, because the fulfillment of the prophecies it contained were so accurate and specific. However, that criticism went down the tubes when among the Dead Sea Scrolls were fragments of the book dating back to 100 years (or so) before the events it foretold.

(3) Archaeology - Among other things, critcs scoffed at the Bible and claimed that King David never existed. That Pontius Pilate never existed. However, archeologists in recent times have unearthed evidence that they did, indeed, exist.

All of this is independently verifiable by a study of secular history and archeaology and comparing it with the Bible.


(4) It's internal harmony - How is it that 40 men, living hundreds and hundreds of years apart could write books that would perfectly harmonize with one another, with a common theme?
Music and dancing
2007-11-16 06:48:43 UTC
Consider Israel - the Jews came back to form the nation of Israel in 1948. That fulfills Bible prophecies in the Old Testament (eg Jeremiah 31).

In Luke 4, Jesus said He was anointed to proclaim the good news to the poor, and liberty to the oppressed. After Jesus died and rose again, and returned to His Father, He sent the Holy Spirit to empower the believers to spread the good news. The gospel first spread to Europe, then America, and then Asia, Africa, and the outermost islands.

Now, observe those countries that have been open to the gospel. Many countries in Europe were the first to prosper, both spiritually and materially. Then when the early believers migrated to America and founded America, America began to prosper too.

Compare countries that have closed their doors to the gospel. The people are generally poorer, and many suffer oppression. I will not attempt to name these countries, out of respect and sensitivity for them.

But praise the Lord, the gospel has travelled around the world, and is coming one full circle across the globe back to Israel. The Lord Jesus is coming back for His Jewish brethren. By then, He would have returned to rapture the church. We are definitely living in the endtimes. But remember this: "The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9)
2007-11-16 06:44:28 UTC
I am finding that my bible attracts more dust than any other book in the house.

I believe in God, but not in the ways that are taught within the bible.

The 'stories' written are just that --- 'stories' and 1000's of years ago --- maybe believable. But in our society today these types of stories are disproved time and time again by media coverage.

A greater entity is within us all. Whether we are Christians, atheist, Muslims or from a tribe that has never heard of God or a greater entity. We are walking the path we walk for the experience we have and share with another.

I found the books "Conversations with God" by Neil Donald Walsh to be very enlightening and much more palpable than the bible itself.
2007-11-16 06:39:25 UTC
Tell me how can one prove to me that this is the same Bible Jesus dictated to us?If Bible is uncorrupted then why there are so many revised versions?You should ask the name of those who become christians after they didn't find a single mistake in Bible.I sugest you to watch the dabate between Zaker Naik & Williun Camble Bell on ''Quran & Bible in light of Science & History'' Open debate
Drop short and duck
2007-11-16 06:38:59 UTC
A famous professor of physics would say: Why is it so? Do we accept Darwinism or do we believe in the Scriptures from a Habuir tribe that came from Mesopotamia past.

The Bible tells us the only way too heaven is by spirit while scientist show us it can be done by spaceship so take your pick.

I'll take the spaceship any day then fly my spirit into the atmosphere as I might not be able to breathe without air.
2007-11-16 06:36:46 UTC
The bible is actually more likely to make a Christian become an atheist then it is to make an atheist become a Christian.

The fact that the bible contradicts itself all over the place as well as contradicting reality and morality also makes it a very good atheism reinforcer.
2007-11-16 06:34:50 UTC
No one can prove the Bible true-there is just too much in it.

Now, there are many things in the Bible that were thought to be false for hundreds of years that were eventually proved correct with archaeological findings in the last 150 years or so.

Turn your skepticism around. Find something in the Bible that you can prove false-if you can. Its been tried unsuccessfully by many. If you can find something in the bible that is false, and you can prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt-then you will shut down all of Christianity.
2007-11-16 06:32:37 UTC
What makes the Bible true?

Is the answer It turns a profit?
2007-11-16 06:32:38 UTC
I'm sure that there is nothing anyone can say on this forum to convince you, however I think your Mom is right. To expand a little on what she said:

You are right that so many men have had their hands in it. That is precisely what makes it true. Can you think of another book that was written by about 40 different authors over a span of 1400 years that does not have obvious contradictions?

I realize that if you don't believe, you can find apparent contradictions. But there are none that are so blatant, that you don't have some doubt that they can't be reconciled.
2007-11-16 07:52:15 UTC
This is how Muslims understand Revelations of God.

1. God never lies Nor any Prophet of God lies.

2. Words of God are undoubtedly and always true.

3. God doesn't contradict Himself in Quran, Bible or Torah

We feel contradicts but of incorrect translations.

4. Original Text of Bible were true words of God in Armaic.

5. What we have now are words of Translators

6. Some words of Bible are correctly translated and some

are incorrectly translated which confuse and cause

difference of opinions and mis-interpretations.

Quran is all original words of God and the truth. But many

words translated in English are not correct. I have five

Qurans. All are translated by different men and their

choice of words vary because one Arabic word has

many meanings. This make many people misunderstand

the true meanings of the original text of Quran. I use

many translations to understand the true meanings of

Quran's Arabic text.

7. Jesus some times or often spoke in parables. May be

some of his words were misunderstood by listeners

8. Muslims believe that words God spoke to Jesus were

true but they are lost and words of translators can't be

verified or confirmed. We hear Christian Evangelists

interpreting verses of Bible in any way they want to

excite Christians to send them checks. We also see

Muslim Jihadists deliberately mis-interpreting words of

Quran to excite young men to fight the war against their

enemies and to get donations for their cause. It is same

game in all religious movements. There is no mention of

72 Virgins in Quran nor is any such Hadith -statements

of Prophet Mohammad SAW.

Off course all men and women will be virgins after

resurrection with new bodies. The # 72 and word

VIRGINS is being exploited deliberately by Christians

for purpose of propaganda against Muslims. There is

no truth in it. I see many honest Christians are

understanding the mocking of Islam and not supporting

such Christians on R & S as God says in Quran that

Christians will be more closer and understanding to

Muslims than Jews will ever.

Overall Muslims have always been tolerant to Christians and Jews under Islamic governments. I have seen some honest Jews of Middle Eastern descent accepting on TV that Jewes were better treated and prospered during Muslim rule in Middle East and North African countries. It is the European Jews who have no past experience with Muslims and they hold too much enimosity against Muslims and American Christians believe every word they hear on television without ever trying to filter the true and untrue statements.
2007-11-16 06:32:30 UTC
For one, the Bible tell us which foods we should avoid and now we know because they are bad for us.It also teaches us about cleanliness, not to touch dead things because of germs, also not known at the time. If you took the time to read the Bible you will out for yourself the many truths contained there. Praise the LORD.
2007-11-16 06:31:43 UTC
First of all learn to spell and if you want to talk to someone who can help you with that talk to a pastor. first of all God is real and he is the author of the Bible so it must be true. by author i mean through verbal inspiration God wrote it through people but it is still his Word. all you have to do is have faith.
2007-11-16 06:32:33 UTC
none, the science , medicine, time line, counting , on an on , it is all wrong. a great site to go to to see hundreds of the contradictions is " bible contradictions answered',great fun to see how they try to explain.
2007-11-16 06:30:12 UTC
Many guys did write it but remember that it was the Holy Spirit of God who inspired all of those men. Everyone has the same ultimate theme, Jesus Christ.

If it was not true, why would the apostles have died horrible deaths by their persecutors? Why would people today suffer persecution around the world?
2007-11-16 06:29:22 UTC
There are no facts or evidence that makes the bible true.
2007-11-16 06:30:25 UTC
facts and truth are not the same, there is a lot of truth in the bible, AND there are some facts, there are some fables, there are some wise sayings, there is some beautiful poetry, and there is a lot of wisdom
2007-11-16 06:31:40 UTC
The Bible was written by holy inspired men. I would ask you to read a book entitled The Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel(journalist).
2007-11-16 06:31:22 UTC
No facts can make anything flase.
Fred S - AM Cappo Di Tutti Capi
2007-11-16 06:28:27 UTC
Far more great minds leave the Church than join it, so that kinds shoots her whole argument to hel, doesn't it?
2007-11-16 06:34:13 UTC
seems like you really aren't seeking facts' but are searching is GOD*real or not...honestly thats how we all start,keep searching*Jesus*is always willing to show truth to those who seek with a searching heart."&please don't give up in your efforts'you won't be sorry in the efforts made.*
2007-11-16 06:52:14 UTC
Yes, it's true that many great minds have found the bible to be true but I believe that it found them. Like it's saids in the bible you have a choice to believe in it or not. I was skeptial myself, I was sort of atheist view of God, making my own rules and beliefs, I was universalism (believe that everyone worships God in their own way). Like you I asked the same questions, how is the bible true, how do you know Jesus is real and why should I worship God, why he made the world the way it is, that sort of questions. I met my bible study teacher at my college, she out of nowhere came up to me as I was sitting by the library and asked if I wanted to study the bible and gave me a sheet with questions and answers on that said why you should study the bible, I don't know why but I said sure (thinking I would do it once and tell her off by trying to convert me). She herself was unbeliever and was converted by her bible study teacher during her college years. She was actually Buddist, her whole family was, and she even converted them to christianity. I asked her how did you do it and how did you know it was true, she said just like me it miracleous happened, she studied the bible and more and more her faith grew. She said she prayed for years and she was band from her family, but she kept with it and then they saw how she changed, and were glad and then they just tried to go to church and they became converted (not right alway but eventually, it takes a long time). I saw her deep conviction, she really opened my spiritual eyes. She didn't push me to believe, she showed me how to make sense of the bible, word from word and then my faith grew and I believe God had planned it. It is Jesus that changes the their lives, if people really took the time and energy to really study the bible, I think there is no doubt that they will find God. The bible, has many deep secrets but it can be reveal by opening your heart to God.

Not only that but, living the word of Jesus is different, then just reading it, you have to see for yourself if it is the truth. No one can really tell if based on all these evidence are pointing to the bible as true. You can believe it or not, but really if you want to know you have to experience it, but really it's your choice. I believe in miracles, in my life I had a lot of things happen to me but in the end it straighten it self out like a curvy road. One thing that made me believe is that my mom was became homeless, alcoholic, drug addict, and was going to die due to all of it. She got so messed up, she ran away from God and blamed it on Him. I told her it I asked my grandma, who was a minister a long time ago and had experience in prayer and healing, to pray over my mom. I kinda felt she could heal her or help her ease her suffering, who knows what God planned, but I excepted death for her but didn't feel sad about it. The doctor's said she could die any time, her liver and kidney failed, and didn't expect her to live no more than a week. She was yellow, blood in her stool and pee, lost a lot of weight, and couldn't eat. But she got better just within the next day, she started to eat and got her health back together, blood loss stopped, her color got back to normal, and she gradually healed. All the doctor's were amazed and couldn't believe it. Within a month, she was back to normal, her liver and kidney healed and she even started to walk. I serious She was so bad, I can't explain it. She went from being seven year of homeless to addiction to near death, she excepted God in her life and He restored her like new. I believe He divine a plan, I just knew it was God, but that's when I believed. God saved her, like in the Bible Joseph, who became a slave, He stood by God the whole time never gave up and trusted in Him and God took care of him in the end... He became great leader in Egypt. Or like the story Job, God tested him, He took everything away, but in the end He got doubled the amount of what he had. God has in the Bible shown, He has a plan for all of us, in some way or another I believe He come into people's lives unexpectedly, when you think about life unfolds it's self to the truth, but people have a choice to believe in it or not. This is just briefly what happened to me and have other experiences, but that's when I truely believed in God and that's how I know the Bible, it's God's word, was true.

If this doesn't help then I suggest reading... Lee Strobel "Case For Christ", a good book about if Jesus was truely real as they say, he has evidence that you might seek.

Also, I watched the Christian channels, they helped me understand the Bible more and had great evidence that the Bible is real.
2007-11-16 06:29:55 UTC
It's true-except for Adam and Eve. The Church believes that it is a metaphorical story about man's cross from hunting and gathering to agriculture.
juan m
2007-11-16 06:32:42 UTC
there r many facts like jesus, that he realy lived
2007-11-16 06:29:22 UTC
Read 2nd Timothy 3:16-17. Have faith and believe....

.... forever is TOO long to be wrong!
2007-11-16 06:33:37 UTC
All of it are facts!
2007-11-16 06:28:31 UTC
Jesus is in the encylopedia and God never lies...she is correct
2007-11-16 19:50:51 UTC
The Catholic Church, through her Popes and Councils, gathered together the separate books that Christians venerated which existed in different parts of the world; sifted the chaff from the wheat, the false from the genuine; decisively and finally formed a collection—i.e., drew up a list or catalogue of inspired and apostolic writings into which no other book should ever be admitted, and declared that these and these only, were the Sacred Scriptures of the New Testament. The authorities that were mainly responsible for thus settling and closing the 'Canon' of Holy Scripture were the Councils of Hippo and of Carthage in the fourth century, under the influence of St. Augustine (at the latter of which two Legatees were present from the Pope), and the Popes Innocent I in 405, and Gelasius, 494, both of whom issued lists of Sacred Scripture identical with that fixed by the Councils. From that date all through the centuries this was the Christian's Bible. The Church never admitted any other; and at the Council of Florence in the fifteenth century, and the Council of Trent in the sixteenth, and the Council of the Vatican in the nineteenth, she renewed her anathemas against all who should deny or dispute this collection of books as the inspired word of God.

What follows from this is self-evident. The same authority which made and collected and preserved these books alone has the right to claim them as her own, and to say what the meaning of them is. The Church of St. Paul and St. Peter and St. James in the first century was the same Church as that of the Council of Carthage and of St. Augustine in the fourth, and of the Council of Florence in the fifteenth, and the Vatican in the nineteenth—one and the same body—growing and developing, certainly, as every living thing must do, but still preserving its identity and remaining essentially the same body, as a man of 80 is the same person as he was at 40, and the same person at 40 as he was at 2. The Catholic Church of today, then, may be compared to a man who has grown from infancy to youth, and from youth to middle-age. Suppose a man wrote a letter setting forth certain statements, whom would you naturally ask to tell what the meaning of these statements was? Surely the man that wrote it. The Church wrote the New Testament; she, and she alone, can tell us what the meaning of it is.

Again, the Catholic Church is like a person who was present at the side of Our Blessed Lord when He walked and talked in Galilee and Judea. Suppose, for a moment, that that man was gifted with perpetual youth (this by the way is an illustration of W. H. Mallock's, 'Doctrine and Doctrinal Disruption', chap. xi.,) and also with perfect memory, and heard all the teaching and explanations of Our Redeemer and of His Apostles, and retained them; he would be an invaluable witness and authority to consult, surely, so as to discover exactly what was the doctrine of Jesus Christ and of the Twelve. But such undoubtedly is the Catholic Church: not an individual person, but a corporate personality who lived with, indeed was called into being by, Our Divine Saviour; in whose hearing He uttered all His teaching; who listened to the Apostles in their day and generation, repeating and expounding the Saviour's doctrine; who, ever young and ever strong, has persisted and lived all through the centuries, and continues even till our own day fresh and keen in memory as ever, and able to assure us, without fear of forgetting, or mixing things up, or adding things out of his own head, what exactly Our Blessed Lord said, and taught, and meant, and did. Suppose, again, the man we are imagining had written down much of what he heard Christ and the Apostles say, but had not fully reported all, and was able to supplement what was lacking by personal explanations which he gave from his perfect memory: that, again, is a figure of the Catholic Church. She wrote down much, indeed, and most important parts of Our Lord's teaching, and of the Apostolic explanation of it in Scripture; but nevertheless she did not intend it to be a complete and exhaustive account, apart from her own explanation of it; and, as a matter of fact, she is able from her own perpetual memory to give fuller and clearer accounts, and to add some things that are either omitted from the written report, or are only hinted at, or partially recorded, or mentioned merely in passing. Such is the Catholic Church in relation to her own book, the New Testament. It is hers because she wrote it by her first Apostles, and preserved it and guarded it all down the ages by her Popes and Bishops; nobody else has any right to it whatsoever, any more than a stranger has the right to come into your house and break open your desk, and pilfer your private documents. Therefore, I say that for people to step in 1500 years after the Catholic Church had had possession of the Bible, and to pretend that it is theirs, and that they alone know what the meaning of it is, and that the Scriptures alone, without the voice of the Catholic Church explaining them, are intended by God to be the guide and rule of faith—this is an absurd and groundless claim. Only those who are ignorant of the true history of the Sacred Scriptures—their origin and authorship and preservation—could pretend that there is any logic or commonsense in such a mode of acting. And the absurdity is magnified when it is remembered that the Protestants did not appropriate the whole of the Catholic books, but actually cast out some from the collection, and took what remained, and elevated these into a new 'Canon', or volume of Sacred Scripture, such as had never been seen or heard of before, from the first to the sixteenth century, in any Church, either in Heaven above or on earth beneath, or in the waters under the earth! Let us make good this charge.

Open a Protestant Bible, and you will find there are seven complete Books awanting—that is, seven books fewer than there are in the Catholic Bible, and seven fewer than there were in every collection and catalogue of Holy Scripture from the fourth to the sixteenth century. Their names are Tobias, Baruch, Judith, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, I Machabees, II Machabees, together with seven chapters of the Book of Esther and 66 verses of the 3rd chapter of Daniel, commonly called 'the Song of the Three Children', (Daniel iii., 24-90, Douai version). These were deliberately cut out, and the Bible bound up without them. The criticisms and remarks of Luther, Calvin, and the Swiss and German Reformers about these seven books of the Old Testament show to what depths of impiety those unhappy men had allowed themselves to fall when they broke away from the true Church. Even in regard to the New Testament it required all the powers of resistance on the part of the more con­servative Reformers to prevent Luther from flinging out the Epistle of St. James as unworthy to remain within the volume of Holy Scripture—'an Epistle of straw' he called it, 'with no character of the Gospel in it'. In the same way, and almost to the same degree, he dishonoured the Epistle of St. Jude and the Epistle to the Hebrews, and the beautiful Apocalypse of St. John, declaring they were not on the same footing as the rest of the books, and did not contain the same amount of Gospel (i.e., his Gospel). The presumptuous way, indeed, in which Luther, among others, poured contempt, and doubt upon some of the inspired writings which had been acknowledged and cherished and venerated for 1000 or 1000 years would be scarcely credible were it not that we have his very words in cold print, which cannot lie, and may be read in his Biography, or be seen quoted in such books as Dr. Westcott's The Bible in The Church. And why did he impugn such books as we have mentioned? Because they did not suit his new doctrines and opinions. He had arrived at the principle of private judgment—of picking and choosing religious doctrines; and when­ever any book, such as the Book of Machabees, taught a doctrine that was repugnant to his individual taste—as, for example, that 'it is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead that they may be loosed from sins', 2 Mach. xii., 46—well, so much the worse for the book; 'throw it overboard', was his sentence, and overboard it went. And it was the same with passages and texts in those books which Luther allowed to remain, and pronounced to be worthy to find a place within the boards of the new Reformed Bible. In short, he not only cast out certain books, but he mutilated some that were left. For example, not pleased with St Paul's doctrine, ‘we are justified by faith', and fearing lest good works (a Popish superstition) might creep in, he added the word 'only' after St Paul's words, making the sentence run: 'We are justified by Faith only', and so it reads in Lutheran Bibles to this day. An action such as that must surely be reprobated by all Bible Christians. What surprises us is the audacity of the man that could coolly change by a stroke of the pen a fundamental doctrine of the Apostle of God, St. Paul, who wrote, as all admitted, under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. But this was the outcome of the Protestant standpoint, individual judgment: no authority outside of oneself. However ignorant, however stupid, however unlettered, you may, indeed you are bound to cut and carve out a Bible and a Religion for yourself. No Pope, no Council, no Church shall enlighten you or dictate or hand down the doctrines of Christ. And the result we have seen in the corruption of God's Holy Word.

Yet, in spite of all reviling of the Roman Church, the Reformers were forced to accept from her those Sacred Scriptures which they retained in their collection. Whatever Bible they have today, disfigured as it is, was taken from us. Blind indeed must be the evangelical Christian who cannot recognise in the old Catholic Bible the quarry from which he has hewn the Testament he loves and studies; but with what loss! at what a sacrifice! in what a mutilated and disfigured condition! That the Reformers should appropriate unabridged the Bible of the Catholic Church (which was the only volume of God's Scripture ever known on earth), even for the purpose of elevating it into a false position—this we could have understood; what staggers us, is their deliberate excision from that Sacred Volume of some of the inspired Books which had God for their Author, and their no less deliberate alteration of some of the texts of those books that were suffered to remain. It is on consideration of such points as these that pious persons outside the Catholic fold would do well to ask themselves the question—Which Christian body really loves and reveres the Scriptures most? Which has proved, by its actions, its love and veneration? and which seems most likely to incur the anathema, recorded by St John, that God will send upon those who shall take away from the words of the Book of Life?
2007-11-16 06:30:11 UTC
2007-11-16 07:06:41 UTC
I think that even ONE CONTRADICTION is enough to prove any religious scripture wrong, whether it be the bible , or any other scripture. God cant make a mistake afterall all, can he??

IN the beginning, it says that light was created before the sun. I think even a 6 year old can answer that right.



13.So Gad came to David, and told him, and said unto him, Shall seven years of famine come unto thee in thy land? Or wilt thou flee three months before thine enemies, while they pursue, thee?


11. So Gad came to David, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Choose thee

12. Either three years' famine; or three months to be destroyed before thy foes, while that the sword of thine enemies overtaketh thee;

If God is the Author of every single word, comma and full-stop in the Bible, as the Christians claim, then is He the Author of the above arithmetical discrepancy as well?


Note the reproduction of above. Compare both the quotations. 2 Samuel 24:13 tells us — "So Gad came to David, AND TOLD HIM, and said unto him . . ." These words are repeated word for word in 1 Chronicles 21:11, except the redundant "AND TOLD HIM" is removed! But while trimming the useless phrase, the author also pruned the time factor from "SEVEN" years to "THREE" years. What did God say to Gad — Three or Seven years plague — "on both your houses?"


See below. Compare the two quotations. 2 Chronicles 36:9 tells us that JEHOIACHIN was "eight" years old when he began to reign, while 2 Kings 24:8 says that he was "eighteen" when he began to reign. The "unknown" author of KINGS must have reasoned that what possible "evil" could a child of eight do to deserve his abdication, so he generously added ten years to make JEHOIACHIN mature enough to become liable to God's wrath. However, he had to balance his tampering, so he cut short his reign by 10 days! Add TEN years to age and deduct TEN days from rule? Could God Almighty say two widely differing things on the same subject?


Between Eight and Eighteen years, there is a gap or difference at a full 10 years. Can we say (God forbid!) that the all-knowing Almighty could not count, and thus did not know the difference between 8 and 18? If we are to believe in the Bible as the Word of God, then the Dignity and Status of the Lord Almighty will hit an all-time low!


9. Jehoiachin was eight years old when he began to reign, and he reigned three months and ten days in Jerusalem: and he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD.


8. Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he began to reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem three months. And his mothers name was Nehushta, the daughter of Elnathan of Jerusalem.


Compare the two quotations on page 40. How many chariot riders did David slay? Seven hundred or seven thousand? And further, did he slay 40000 "HORSEMEN" or 40000 "FOOTMEN?" The implication in the conflicting records between 2 Samuel 10:18 and 1 Chronicles 19:18 is not only that God could not discern the difference between hundreds and thousands, but that He could not even distinguish "CAVALRY" from "INFANTRY!" It is obvious that blasphemy masquerades in the Christian dictionary as "inspiration!"

700 or 7 000?

It is certainly naught for Bible-lovers' comfort that a whole nought (0) was either added to 700, or subtracted from 7 000, thus making the confused Biblical Mathematics even more confounded!*


18. And the Syrians fled before Israel; and David slew the men of seven hundred chariots of the Syrians, and forty thousand horsemen, and smote Shobach the captain of their host, who died there.


18. But the Syrians fled before Israel: and David slew of the Syrians seven thousand men which fought in chariots, and forty thousand footmen, and killed Shophach the captain of the host.

* The remarks on the Zero will be discussed soon.


As for the "inspired writers" of the Bible not knowing the difference between "footmen" and "horsemen," is all the more serious because God himself here stands accused, as a source of that "inspiration" for not knowing the difference between cavalry and infantry. Or is it possible that the Syrians who fled before Israel were centaurs (i.e. a race of creatures with the body and legs of a horse and the torso, head and arms of a man), is it possible that these "creatures" had suddenly stepped out of Classical Mythology to bemuse the all too gullible authors.


Solomon is his glory began building a royal palace for himself which took him thirteen years. We learn this from the 1st Book of Kings, chapter 7. You remember Dr. Parker's boast (earlier on) about "whole pages being taken up by obscure names?" Well, for sheer puerility you cannot beat this chapter 7 and Ezekiel chapter 45. You owe it to yourself to read it just once in your lifetime. After that, you will really appreciate the Holy Qur’ân! Reproduced below, you will read the passages for your boring pleasure. Obtain your own Bible and colour code it for easy reference. You may colour the various references from this booklet in your Bible: "Yellow" for all contradictions; use "Red" for pornographic passages; and "Green" for sensible, acceptable quotations as the ones I have mentioned at the beginning of this essay — that is words that you can effortlessly recognize as being those of God and His Holy Messengers. With just this preparation, you will be ready to confute and confuse any missionary or Bible scholar that comes your way! "IF WE PERSPIRE MORE IN TIMES OF PEACE, WE WILL BLEED LESS IN TIMES OF WAR." (Chiang Kai-Shek)



7 But Solomon took "thirteen years to build his own house; so he finished all his house. 2Chr 8:1 2. He also built the "House of the Forest of Lebanon; its length was one hundred cubits, its width fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits, with four rows of cedar pillars, and cedar beams on the pillars. 2 Chr 9:16 • About 150 feet

3. And it was paneled with cedar above the beams that were on forty-five pillars, fifteen to a row.

4. There were windows with beveled frames in three rows, and window was opposite window in three tiers.

5. And all the doorways and doorposts had rectangular frames; and window was opposite window in three tiers.

6. He also made the Hall of Pillars: its length was fifty cubits, and its width thirty cubits; and in front of them was a portico with pillars, and a canopy was in front of them.

7. Then he made a hall for the throne, the Hall of Judgment. where he might judge; and it was paneled with cedar from floor to

ceiling. Lit. floor of the upper level

8. And the house where he dwelt had another court inside the hall, of like workmanship. Solomon also made a house like this hall for Pharaoh's daughter, whom he had taken as wife.

9. All these were of costly stones hewn to size, trimmed with saws. inside and out. from the foundation to the eaves, and also on the outside to the great court.

10. The foundation was of costly stones, large stones, some ten cubits and some eight cubits.

11. And above were costly stones, hewn to size, and cedar wood.

12. The great court was enclosed with three rows of hewn stones and a row of cedar beams. So were the inner court of the house of the lord "and the vestibule Of the temple. 1 Kin. 6:36 * John 10:23

13 Now King Solomon sent and brought Hiram from Tyre.

14. "He was the son of a widow from the tribe of Naphtali, and "his father was a man of Tyre, a bronze worker; he was filled with wisdom and understanding and skill in working with all kinds of bronze work. So he came to King Solomon and did all his work. 2 Chr. 2:14 • 2 Chr. 4:16

15. And he cast "two pillars of bronze, each one eighteen cubits high, and a line of twelve cubits measured the circumference of each.

Fashioned • Jer 52:21

16. Then he made two capitals of cast bronze, to set on the tops of the pillars. The height of one capital was five cubits, and the height of the other capital was five cubits.


45 "Moreover, when you "divide the land by lot into inheritance, you shall set apart a district for the lord, a holy portion of the land; its length shall be twenty-five thousand cubits, and the width ten thousand. It shall be holy throughout its territory all around. Ezek 47:22 - Ezek 48:8,9

2. "Of this there shall be a square plot for the sanctuary, "five hundred by five hundred rods, with fifty cubits around it for an open space. Ezek. 42.20

3. "So this is the district you shall measure: twenty-five thousand cubits long and ten thousand wide; in it shall be the sanctuary. The Most Holy Place.

4 "It shall be a holy portion of the land, belonging to the priests, the ministers of the sanctuary, who come near to minister to the lord; it shall be a place for their houses and a holy place for the sanctuary. Ezek. 48:10.11

5. "An area twenty-five thousand cubits long and ten thousand wide shall belong to the Levites, the ministers of the temple; they shall have twenty chambers as a possession.

6. "You shall appoint as the property of the city an area five thousand cubits wide and twenty-five thousand long, adjacent to the district of the holy portion; it shall belong to the whole house of Israel. Ezek. 48:25

7. ""The prince shall have a portion on one side and the other of the holy district and the city's property; and bordering on the holy district and the city's property, extending westward on the west side and eastward on the east side, the length shall be side by side with one of the tribal Portions, from the west border to the east border. Ezek. 48:21

8. "The land shall be his possession in Israel; and "My princes shall no more oppress My people, but they shall give the rest of the land to the house of Israel, according to their tribes."

Ezek 22:27

9. Thus says the Lord god: "Enough, O princes of Israel! Remove violence and plundering, execute justice and righteousness, and stop dispossessing My people." says the Lord god.

10. "You shall have just "balances, a just ephah, and a just bath. Lev. 19:36

11. "The ephah and the bath shall be of the same measure, so that the bath contains one-tenth of a homer, and the ephah one-tenth of a homer; their measure shall be according to the homer.

12. "The shekel shall be twenty gerahs; twenty shekels, twenty-five shekels, and fifteen shekels shall be your mina. Ex. 30:13

13. "This is the offering which you shall offer: you shall give one-sixth of an ephah from a homer of wheat, and one-sixth of an ephah from a homer of barley.. ""The prince shall have a portion on one side and the other of the holy district and the city's property; and bordering on the holy district and the city's property, extending westward on the west side and eastward on the east side, the length shall be side by side with one of the tribal Portions, from the west border to the east border. Ezek. 48:21

8. "The land shall be his possession in Israel; and "My princes shall no more oppress My people, but they shall give the rest of the land to the house of Israel, according to their tribes."

Ezek 22:27

9. Thus says the Lord god: "Enough, O princes of Israel! Remove violence and plundering, execute justice and righteousness, and stop dispossessing My people." says the Lord god.

10. "You shall have just "balances, a just ephah, and a just bath. Lev. 19:36

11. "The ephah and the bath shall be of the same measure, so that the bath contains one-tenth of a homer, and the ephah one-tenth of a homer; their measure shall be according to the homer.

12. "The shekel shall be twenty gerahs; twenty shekels, twenty-five shekels, and fifteen shekels shall be your mina. Ex. 30:13

13. "This is the offering which you shall offer: you shall give one-sixth of an ephah from a homer of wheat, and one-sixth of an ephah from a homer of barley.


Now, look below and note that the author of 1 Kings 7:26 has counted 2 000 baths in Solomon's palace, but the author of 2 Chronicles 4:5 increases the kingly count by 50% to 3 000! What extravagance and error in the "Book of God?" Even if God Almighty had nothing else to do, would He occupy Himself "inspiring" such trivial contradictory nonsense to the Jews? Is the Bible God's Book? Is it the Word of God?



26. And it was an hand breadth thick, and the brim thereof was wrought like the brim of a cup, with flowers of lilies: it contained two thousand baths..


5. And the thickness of it was an handbreadth, and the brim of it like the work of the brim of a cup, with flowers of lilies; and it received and held three thousand baths.

Whether it is witting or unwitting, the "inspired" writer's singular inability to grasp the difference between 2 000 and 3 000 is unforgivable. It is an obvious contradiction. "AND NO MIRACLE WOULD PROVE THAT TWO AND TWO MAKES FIVE, OR THAT A CIRCLE HAS FOUR ANGELS; AND NO MIRACLES, HOWEVER NUMEROUS COULD REMOVE A CONTRADICTION WHICH LIES ON THE SURFACE OF THE TEACHINGS AND RECORDS OF CHRISTIANITY." — (Albert Schweizer), from his book: "In Search of the Historical Jesus." Page 22.


Before I conclude this series of contradictions, let me give you just one more example. There are hundreds of others in the Bible. See below. It is Solomon again. He really does things in a big way. The ex-Shah of Iran was a nursery kid by comparison! The author of 2 Chronicles 9:25 gives Solomon one thousand more stalls of horses than the number of baths he had given him. "And Solomon had FOUR thousand stalls for horses ..." But the author of 1 Kings 4:26 had real kingly thoughts about his royal patron. He multiplied Solomon's stalls by 1 000% — from 4 000 to 40000 stalls of horses! Before some glib evangelist draws the wool over your eyes that the difference is only a nought, a zero — "0"; that some scribe or copyist had inadvertently added a zero to 4 000 to make it 40 000, let me tell you that the Jews in the time of Solomon knew nothing about the zero — "O"! It was the Arabs who introduced the zero to the Middle East and to Europe centuries later. The Jews spelt out their figures in words in their literary works and did not write them in numerals. Our Question is — Who was the real author of this staggering discrepency of 36000? Was it God or man? You will find these references and many more allied facts in a very comprehensive book — "THE BIBLE — Word of God or Word of Man?" by A. S. K. Joommal.



25. And Solomon had four thousand stalls for horses and chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen; whom he bestowed in the chariot cities, and with the king at Jerusalem.



26 And Solomon had forty thousand stalls of horses for his chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen.

The Difference between 4 thousand

and 40 thousand is only 36 OOO!

The Jews did not use The "0" (Zero)

in the Old Testament between 4 thousand

and 40 thousand is only 36 OOO!

The Jews did not use The "0" (Zero)

in the Old Testament

Well there are MANY MANY MORE. But i cant put ebverythig down.

The Qurans says:

IF you want to prove this book (quran) wrong, find a contradiction in it

If you want to prove this book wrong, find just one contradiction in it.

Till date, no one has been able to find a single contradiction, whereas ALL the other religious scriptures have tons of contradictions! Surely, a book revealed by God cant have a contradiction. This is the falsification test of the Qur'an which science uses today fpr many theories

There are numerous scientific facts mentioned in the Qur'an, for example, the earth is round (not flat), the sun will extinguish after a certain period of time, living things are created from moslty water, there is a barrier between the sea (salty and sweet), big bang theory, and many many more. This was 1400 years ago when there was nothing like science!

I dont mean to offend anyone, but im only putting forth the truth.

MAy God guide us all to the right way. Ameen.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.