Can somebody teach me how to be a good "critical thinker"?
2011-10-19 18:32:58 UTC
Ok you know like thinking "outside the box"...being a good problem-solver.

How to think quickly and critically. I want to learn how to think better and faster.
Fifteen answers:
2011-10-19 18:36:32 UTC
the most important question is, "what do i know, and why do i think i know it?"

be careful not to actively try to think "outside the box", or you'll just fall into another set of cliches. just ignore the box altogether.

mainly, you should look at the reasons for why you believe things, and constantly ask yourself if you'd find them convincing if someone else said gave them as their reasons.
2011-10-19 18:45:12 UTC
Critical thinking and out-of-the box thinking are two different things. Thinking quickly does not enter into it at all.

Try reading a books like "Why People Believe Weird Things" and "The Demon-Haunted World". That will get you started on the critical thinking part. The book "Goedel, Escher, Bach" was supposed to be about thinking outside of the box, but the book belonged to my roomate and we graduated before I had a chance to finish it.

I've been accused of thinking outside of the box and I'm not sure it is something that can be taught. For the most part, people will fight innovative ideas because, by definition, they will challenge the way they have always done things.

Anyway, I've tried to get others to follow my thought process and the best way I can describe it is with this analogy: When you are looking for something, such as lost car keys, you stop looking once you've found it. Most people are like this with ideas. Once they find a solution to a problem, they stop right there are use their solution. In my case, I've learned to keep looking, hoping to find a better solution that the one I've already found. In other words, just because I have found the 'keys' doesn't mean I stop looking. I know this sounds crazy and it goes against human nature, but then again, I've also been accused of being crazy.
2011-10-19 18:40:33 UTC
Critically and 'outside the box' are two very different things.

One of the better books I have read on 'thinking outside of the box' is "A whack on the side of the head: how to be more creative" it is the most creative book on creativity I have found, with lots of simple exercises to boost creativity.

To learn to think critically, take some classes on logic and reasoning. Hopefully you can find some at your local JC. If you want to be quick also try a debate class or other events where you have to think on your feet.

Mostly though, it's practice.

Addition: The best way to learn to think outside of the box is to relate to people who do. It tends to 'prime the pump' and get you started, once started it tends to flow more easily. It's hard to be become MORE creative when you are only relying on your own creativity.
Brigalow Bloke
2011-10-19 18:55:36 UTC
Get a copy of "Straight and Crooked Thinking" by Robert Thouless. it was first published more then 70 years ago and has gone through many editions and reprints. it is not about strict logic, it is about getting things mostly right. You will not get everything right after reading it, but you will not be taken in by some of the more obvious scams and frauds.

And faster thinking is not the same as better. It is usually worse.

In the meantime look for the late Carl Sagan's "baloney detection kit" which is on-line on many sites.

Some people will tell you that it is "evil". That's because they are sellers of baloney.
2011-10-19 18:46:32 UTC
Quickly and critically? I'm not sure that is possible.

Your speed is more likely set at birth. You've got what you've got.

What you do with it -- that's two parts reading, one part studying and one part self reflection.

First, take a college level course in logic plus an introduction to philosophy class.

Second, take instruction in some kind of meditation technique.

Third, spend some quality time with a good shrink or counselor.
2011-10-19 18:37:40 UTC
Take philosophy classes. Ask yourself difficult questions that require a lot of time and hard thinking to figure out. Think about why you think the way you do. Think about why you have the goals you have. Do the same for other people. Ask yourself if what someone does or thinks is reasonable. Try to find examples of how it would not be reasonable.
2011-10-19 18:39:49 UTC
Eyeshine gives good advice. Take a philosophy course, and you'll begin to examine your beliefs and the beliefs of others with endless and ruthless skepticism.

Try reading the book The Demon Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark.
Martin S
2011-10-19 18:37:25 UTC
Everyone has different gifts. Some people are "naturals" at thinking "outside the box"...being a good problem-solver.

If you don't have that gift you can still "get better" by practice and by learning as much as you can about whatever subject you want to tackle in that manner.
2011-10-19 18:36:49 UTC
Thinking takes practice. I used to be good at it. Do math problems and read books by Mary Daly.
2011-10-19 18:40:10 UTC
Take the "critical" out of it. Your mind can't understand things it would not be accepting of.
Cabur Jones
2011-10-19 18:35:53 UTC
Take officer's training and stay away from theists because everyone knows they're not problem solvers they're just problems.
mike s
2011-10-19 18:35:40 UTC
that's not something that can be taught. it's something your born with. to see alternate possibilities based on what you know. and ignoring what's already out there. being confident enough to ignore what is already known.
2011-10-19 18:35:27 UTC
Do sudoku and logic problems and word searches and stuff like that.
2011-10-19 18:34:57 UTC
By not asking others how to think.
2011-10-19 18:34:41 UTC
go to school

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