Ok, sorry to be so blunt here but there is something wrong with you.
You'd ask a question like this on Yahoo! Answers in the Religion and Spirituality section. You pray to God every day asking for help finding someone. You frequent tarot readers and I presume believe they have special powers. You believe a black magic spell has been ruining your love life for over 9 years.
You really need to take some responsibility for your own actions, your own thoughts and your own mind.
The "spell" is working because you believe it is working. You want to believe in spells and tarot, etc, so they work for you. Your own mind creates the connection because you want it to.
Whenever you have forged a new relationship, you've had a subconscious urge to destroy it.. either by doing weird things to push people away and when you didn't scare them off, you concocted some reason to hate the person.
You have been infected by numerous memes that are having a detrimental effect on your subjective (emic) reality. None of these memes have any bearing what-so-ever on the objective (etic) or true reality. It is your actions, thoughts, and beliefs that are doing this to you.
Reality is what you can get away with.. and you're letting your mind get away with sabotaging all chances you have of having the relationship you desire.
There are only two ways you can help yourself.
One is to find some witch you trust to do some purity spell on you and unbind whatever black magic is affecting you. Deal with it in an emic way.
The second is to simply stop believing in all of this nonsense and take control of your own life. Stop poisoning yourself and giving yourself excuses to fail. You don't have to blame others, that is a waste of time. You can't control what others do or what "spells" are put on you. The only thing you can control is your reaction and what you do. If you are reacting to the spell, that is your own fault. A psychiatrist can probably help you, but avoid the pills if you can. Deal with it in an etic way.