The problem is from our point of view. We are designed to have two sexes, and one of them has to be in charge. As the holy scriptures point out, Adam was created first. We understand that man is to be the head of the family.
God, is the head of all, is naturally referred to as Father, since in the spirit realm there is NO division among the spirits by sex, since it doesn't exist. God uses references in speaking to us in terms we can relate to, and understand. Father is a clearly understood position, representing proper authority.
We have to remember in Genesis, when God created man, it wasn't just after he created Adam that he saw that everything was very good. It was after he created Eve. The phrase that "let us make man in our image" refers to the couple, not just Adam alone. Women are also in the "image" of God, and their dominate qualities reflects God's love, caring and nurturing that are part of God's personality.
It is not a bias on our part, it is how God also describes himself. He speaks to all his creation, human or spirit as their father.