All the deniers deny God, on account of the reason that God is not encircled by their intellect. And ___ all the believers believe in God, on account of the same reason that God is not encircled by their intellect. Therefore, the believers and the deniers, the both, do agree that God is not encircle-able by human intellect.
The believers do believe that God is Ever Sufficient for them and for their needs. And___ God not only, suffices them and their needs, rather, God guides them in every matter in every walk of life. By and by, a co-existing fact is notice-worthy that God remains Ever Sufficient for the deniers as well.
If God had been for the believers alone and God had not been for the deniers___ then everyone would have believed in God’s existence equally so as to meet their needs of life equally.
Rational thinking has collected a series of scientific about the universe whose result is highly thought-provoking____ which has been summarized in the following words:
“No material thing is capable to create it by itself”.
means that there is a Creator of all the things of universe.
1. Who is this Creator?
2. How like is this Creator?
3. Where is this Creator?
These are the questions to be answered in detail.
Each creature is identifiable within its particular creaturely limits and the creatures of the universe are countless. And___ they are all alike on the one side and different from each other on the other side. So, we come to the following three important attributes of their Creator, automatically:-
1. The Creator owns infinite knowledge & all-encompassing creativity.
2. Harmony, Balance, Style and System of Creation reveal that the Creator is the All-Alone Owner of the Nature & the Almightiness.
3. The Creator is Unseen Omnipotent and nothing is alike the Creator. And, the Creator can never be considered as a limited, conceivable and physically approachable thing.
Appropriate way of belief in God is that, God should not be considered in terms of things as nothing of the whole series of things___ is alike God. That is why that God is termed as Super-natural and Super-physical. And, such a terminology is completely correct, as we can not determine that how-like is God. Nor we can say that such and such thing is alike God.
To pronounce God’s glory in proper terms, we should not say, “God is not a thing”. Instead, we should say, “Nothing is alike God”. Delicate difference of the both sentences is a particularly notice-worthy. If we say that:
“God is not a thing”
then, the intellect (which is accustomed to perceive things) will say that God is nothing and God is not existing. Whereas God is existing here and there everywhere. So, when we say that:
“Nothing is alike God”
then, it is automatically declared that God is the beyond of everything and God is not a thing. God is very much existing but God is not perceivable by human intellect.
To believe in God in rational terms, we should positively know that what is a thing. Such knowledge will enable us to know the Creator, with reference to God’s created things, conveniently.
Here___ the intellect is highly amazed that how-like are these working rules and regulations, which do not let the things go beyond their organic limits. Wherefrom have these rules & regulations come including their regulative force, which remains always intact and is never decayed by the passage of time. Are these rules and regulations alive? Of course, they are alive, as it is evident from their creative working. But who has given them such a strange & marvelous life? These are the questions, entailing in certain other questions, for which, human intellect has no answer at all.
The only and the alone answer in this regard is that, some Ordainer of these rules & regulations is definitely alive and existing. Who is the All-Alone Creator of everything including it’s order and composition or its characteristics. But rest assured that even the commonplace creature, is not encompass-able by human intellect in real terms. So, how the Creator can be encompassed by the human intellect.
If everything had been God and God had been everything, then, the revealed verdict would have not been like that:
“Nothing is alike the Creator (God)”.
“The Creator of things is not a thing or like the created things. And as the intellect itself is a thing, so it is not considerable more than a thing of superior kind. Therefore its capability of making some image or imagination of the Creator will result to such a step, which may diminish the supreme sublimity of the Creator”.
In this way a man of intellect may believe in God on logical basis. Whereafter he will always consider his God as the Sole Creator and the Sole Guardian of universe. He will never consider his God as a part of universe or a thing in universe or the universe.
It means that God is Super-natural and Super-physical. Who is not perceivable through our senses at all.