what evidence is there that god is real?
2009-01-14 14:19:35 UTC
i am confused.... is god real? if so where does he live? what does he look like? how did he make everything? what did he make everything out of? what is god made of? did god make himself? Science doesn't seem to provide any evidence to say that there is a god. So what evidence is there that god real?
25 answers:
zack_attack. so original right?
2009-01-14 14:24:08 UTC
what evidence is there that he isnt?
2009-01-14 14:44:16 UTC
The bible said, the Earth was a circle and hung on nothing long before Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue. ISAIAH 42:22 , JOB 26:7 Also, the Israelites had strict laws on cleanliness long before anyone had a microscope to know why God had such laws. Deut. 23:12-14 There are many more things that I could share with you but for the sake of time and boring everyone I will stop here.
2009-01-15 13:36:08 UTC
For thousands of years people have thought of god and in pretty much in every society of the past we used god's as a way to explain what we can not explain using. so therefore god the only evidence of a god is that there is no proof that there is not a god. and with science in god most evidence that they have is proof that the bible is just full of lies that some guy made up.
Al G
2009-01-14 14:34:32 UTC
I can't given give an experiment to 'prove' that God is real, I can't show you God - but I know God HAS to be real - it seems so obvious that we don't need to prove it - all I have to do is look out my window. To me it is much easier to understand life with God and without it as life doesn't make any sense - for example, if there was no creator, then where did we come from? if there was a big bang is it logical to asume that this world just formed by itself in perfect logical formation so life existed? if there is no God, then why are we here on earth? why does everyone have conscience of right and wrong if we are just animals?

The problem is we shouldn't use Science to work out whether God is real - as Science will never tell you these answers and never show you WHY things existed as they are.

A lot of people think the Bible is a lot of made-up stories, brainwashing etc. but they haven't investigated thoroughly it for themselves but going on someone else's ideas. They close their minds even before looking. The Bible to me makes the most sense as to who God is.
2009-01-19 01:13:40 UTC
Science has for the most part proven that God does in fact, NOT exist. Nothing that I have ever seen or heard gives any credibility of proof to his actual existence. I do not believe in God but I do believe that each and every soul has their own faith, and by many, refer to as a god. Faith to me is the simply the act of conducting good commen sense in your decisions during life. Anyone who actually believes that someone could, or has, walked on water, in my mind, is living a big and deceitful life lie. Kind of reminds me of how a lot of worshipers think: "If something really good happens, they say it was a miracle, but if something really bad happens, they say it was Gods will". That's a pretty easy way out. Make you own decision and you will do just fine with the short life that you have. As far as the old saying that "everybodys days are numbered". I don't buy it.
2009-01-14 14:39:59 UTC
In simple terms academia states that in the absence of proof of the existence of something it must be deemed not to exist until verifiable proof is found - thus god is held not to exist pending some sort of verifiable evidence.

There is not one single mention of Jesus in the entire Roman record - that is right - not one!!! At the same time as he was supposed to have been around there were a number of Jews claiming to be the messiah - all of whom are well recorded!!

He was supposed to have been a huge problem to the Romans and produced wonderful miracles but still not one contemporary record?

Even the bible mentions of him like all other references were not written until many years after his supposed death!!

At best he was an amalgam of those others!!

Pilot is recorded in the Roman record as a somewhat lack luster man but no mention of a Jesus, a trial or crucifixion that would surely have been used to make him look brighter!!

The Roman Emperor Constantine produced the bible and he was a pagan not god!!! He also organized Christianity into the Holly Roman Catholic Church!! Not in Israel or any of the countries of supposed origin but entirely Italian!!

Not one word of it is contemporary with the period and was not written until many years after the period the story is set in!!

What a wonder full disinformation and deception campaign he waged against his Christian enemies - so good in fact that Christians are still following the deception to this day!!!
2009-01-14 14:27:54 UTC
There is no actual evidence that I have ever heard of to prove the existence of God. But, that is why it is called faith. Sometimes you don't have to see things to believe in them. I have faith that God exists even with out the proof. If you need proof, you are looking to the wrong people for that proof. You just sort of have to believe that God is real. There is nothing to disprove God's existence either though. Why does every one always need proof of something to believe it exists, or to believe the possibility of that existence?
2009-01-18 04:07:16 UTC
What evidence is there that god is real.

I don't think there is, but I feel Him, in my heart, I feel Him everywhere. What about the Bible. That's evidence. He made humans out of clay and Eve out of Adams rib. Science isn't the answer to everything... I don't belive in gravity or evolution. Science isn't fact either, it's just a theory. However, I have seen God. He is with me, as I am with him.
2009-01-14 20:12:19 UTC
Let us start with the fundamentals




Meditation changed the way of life in such a manner that I as a hard core rationalist now automatically has become the complete opposite.

MInd you it took me years of meditation . As a rationalist I would question every thing.

Being a lazy rationalist can never prove you anything untill you genuinely want to find out.

Do not belive in god but follow the techniques of meditation for some time.

Meditation can bring you health ( qualified doctors say ) ;

peace of mind ( meditate to belive it );

Harmony. ( what you call luck is harmony


IF YOU ARE LUCKY YOU WILL SEE GOD HIMSELF. ( if you are a genuine rationalist).

Suppose if you get superman type of vision & you see couple of bacteria saying to other " I do notbelievee in human beings "

Now what is your reaction to that bacteria. IT DOES NOT MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE TO YOU.

same way it will not make difference to god even if the whole world stops beliving in him.
2009-01-17 06:46:46 UTC
Did u ever seen Air? how it looks like?where it lives? how it works?Whts its color?does science proved it.anyone has evidence wht it is?

Answer is noone can see air but everyone can feel it.we cant live without it.The whole world depends on the same manner God is not a thing to prove .We just feel his love,grace.the ecxperience of god is vary to person to person.He is the Ominicent of us.He is almighty.He is he looks, lies in the eyes of beholder.

there r many things which is beyond of science.Science only proof that which is already created after several experiments.

The evidence of God is Trust.if u have faith on him u can definetly see him.
2009-01-14 16:40:18 UTC
Is God real?: Yes.

Where does he live?=Lives in every thing you see and conceive.More pronounced in the heart of his devotees..

Looks like the things,life you behold.

Made everything just by his will.

Made out of the five elements, which again are different aspects of God.

Made out of nothing.

Birth and death not for God. Always exist.

No evidence can be given for existence.It has to be felt. Can you fully explain how sweet tastes or bitter tastes?Only by making the student taste the sweet you can make him understand. Same with God. You have to experience.
2009-01-16 21:02:45 UTC
who said god was real? I mean around the US and stuff everyone going around saying god is real and your stupid for not believing. But how do they know that God is real or not? wheres the evidence? and pulse, theres a whole lot of other religions such as Buddhism, ETC. ( I know a whole lot more but I can't spell them ) So which one is the real one? People can't just go around saying God's real just because they believe in stuff like Jesus and stuff. ( I know Jesus was real but that was like a 100,000 years ago who knows if his message was real or not? )
ibn adam
2009-01-14 22:33:38 UTC
All the deniers deny God, on account of the reason that God is not encircled by their intellect. And ___ all the believers believe in God, on account of the same reason that God is not encircled by their intellect. Therefore, the believers and the deniers, the both, do agree that God is not encircle-able by human intellect.

The believers do believe that God is Ever Sufficient for them and for their needs. And___ God not only, suffices them and their needs, rather, God guides them in every matter in every walk of life. By and by, a co-existing fact is notice-worthy that God remains Ever Sufficient for the deniers as well.

If God had been for the believers alone and God had not been for the deniers___ then everyone would have believed in God’s existence equally so as to meet their needs of life equally.

Rational thinking has collected a series of scientific about the universe whose result is highly thought-provoking____ which has been summarized in the following words:

“No material thing is capable to create it by itself”.

means that there is a Creator of all the things of universe.

1. Who is this Creator?

2. How like is this Creator?

3. Where is this Creator?

These are the questions to be answered in detail.

Each creature is identifiable within its particular creaturely limits and the creatures of the universe are countless. And___ they are all alike on the one side and different from each other on the other side. So, we come to the following three important attributes of their Creator, automatically:-

1. The Creator owns infinite knowledge & all-encompassing creativity.

2. Harmony, Balance, Style and System of Creation reveal that the Creator is the All-Alone Owner of the Nature & the Almightiness.

3. The Creator is Unseen Omnipotent and nothing is alike the Creator. And, the Creator can never be considered as a limited, conceivable and physically approachable thing.

Appropriate way of belief in God is that, God should not be considered in terms of things as nothing of the whole series of things___ is alike God. That is why that God is termed as Super-natural and Super-physical. And, such a terminology is completely correct, as we can not determine that how-like is God. Nor we can say that such and such thing is alike God.

To pronounce God’s glory in proper terms, we should not say, “God is not a thing”. Instead, we should say, “Nothing is alike God”. Delicate difference of the both sentences is a particularly notice-worthy. If we say that:

“God is not a thing”

then, the intellect (which is accustomed to perceive things) will say that God is nothing and God is not existing. Whereas God is existing here and there everywhere. So, when we say that:

“Nothing is alike God”

then, it is automatically declared that God is the beyond of everything and God is not a thing. God is very much existing but God is not perceivable by human intellect.

To believe in God in rational terms, we should positively know that what is a thing. Such knowledge will enable us to know the Creator, with reference to God’s created things, conveniently.

Here___ the intellect is highly amazed that how-like are these working rules and regulations, which do not let the things go beyond their organic limits. Wherefrom have these rules & regulations come including their regulative force, which remains always intact and is never decayed by the passage of time. Are these rules and regulations alive? Of course, they are alive, as it is evident from their creative working. But who has given them such a strange & marvelous life? These are the questions, entailing in certain other questions, for which, human intellect has no answer at all.

The only and the alone answer in this regard is that, some Ordainer of these rules & regulations is definitely alive and existing. Who is the All-Alone Creator of everything including it’s order and composition or its characteristics. But rest assured that even the commonplace creature, is not encompass-able by human intellect in real terms. So, how the Creator can be encompassed by the human intellect.

If everything had been God and God had been everything, then, the revealed verdict would have not been like that:

“Nothing is alike the Creator (God)”.

“The Creator of things is not a thing or like the created things. And as the intellect itself is a thing, so it is not considerable more than a thing of superior kind. Therefore its capability of making some image or imagination of the Creator will result to such a step, which may diminish the supreme sublimity of the Creator”.

In this way a man of intellect may believe in God on logical basis. Whereafter he will always consider his God as the Sole Creator and the Sole Guardian of universe. He will never consider his God as a part of universe or a thing in universe or the universe.

It means that God is Super-natural and Super-physical. Who is not perceivable through our senses at all.
2009-01-22 08:45:52 UTC
Science does however prove that there is no god. I am an Atheist, I very much believe in proof, and if there was a god, someone would have seen him by now. go to that site, they can scientifically prove that god if fake, and prayer is a superstition.
Dreamstuff Entity
2009-01-14 14:23:31 UTC
Thousands of gods have been described throughout history; there's zero evidence any of them are real. Honest theists admit that; dishonest ones claim they have evidence, but they're either dishonest or don't understand what evidence is.
2009-01-16 05:37:15 UTC
u live in God.

God is like water in a sea, we are like shells in that sea with water inside and water outside. Its formless, motionless and omnipresent. It has made everything out of itself, whereas its single root element of everything (so question of its made up doesnot arise). Science has limitations, its incomplete at all times.

Its difficult for these shells to realise sea. Its easier to realise the water within.

Realisation of God is an experience, which cannot in reality be fully shared by any means.
2009-01-16 15:08:53 UTC

WAKE UP! Your life is not about your job, how much money you have, your car, your hobbies, friends or even your family. You are only on this earth because of God's grace and you have been granted an undeserved opportunity by the sacrifice of Jesus. I challenge you to read on and to make your mind up by the end of what's said.

Whats that, you don't believe in God. Let me just ask you some quick questions of logic. Why is the earth a perfect distance from the sun if

evolution is true. Why are we the only planet in the universe which sustains life if evolution is true. Why are there thousands upon thousands of variations in animals and plants and within their

species and how about the characteristics of all of them knowing exactly what to do in their time and season if evolution is true. Why do trees produce oxygen so life on earth can breathe if evolution is true. How about the miracle of creation if evolution is true.

Look, I could go on but the point is made there seems to be footprints of a designer on this earth. Just because you cant see God, doesn't mean He is not there. You cant see the wind, but its there. Most of you have never been to Antarctica but you believe its there because somebody told you or you read it somewhere. There is a God, it doesn't matter if you don't believe that it wont change the fact that God is real.

We are walking around blind thinking life is great but have you seen the news its the same thing every day its getting worse. You know in the bible it says that in the last days men will be lovers of themselves, unholy, unthankful, slanderers, without self control, violent, headstrong, selfish, disobedient to parents, brutal, despiser's of good.

Do you realize that the statistics are saying that the average child before the age of 5 is spending more time in front of the tv then what they are spending with there father. Don't believe it? do the research and we wonder why most kids today are growing up with a lack of morals and respect for anyone with the garbage thats on tv and the lack of interaction we have with our children.

How about the weather and the planet. The bible tells us that in the last days there will be famines and earthquakes and that the seas will be roaring and there will be droughts and pestilences (diseases). Have we seen this? I think so. A skeptically minded person may say that these things have always happened. What about the analogy Jesus used in the bible, that they would be like birth pains of a woman (contractions) meaning that these natural disasters and problems would intensify and quicken in the last days and what do you know thats true, do the research.

A skeptically minded person may also challenge the fact that there have been many wars in the name of religion etc. Don't let that be your excuse not everyone represents God the right way, as He should be. A

sceptically minded person may also say that which religion is right one as theres so many. Its simple Christianity is the only one which contains prophecy and by the way not one prophecy in the

Christian holy bible has ever been broken.

A lot of other religions are about pleasing yourself and the worship of idols while a follower of Christ is a person who realizes that its a life of self sacrifice and a denial to ones carnal heart. Theres 3 steps for the skeptic to take. 1 Believe that creation is more logical then evolution. 2

Believe in Jesus Christ the son of the one true God. 3 Except Jesus as your personal Saviour.

It is my prayer that you will ponder what's been said. You can ignore this, you can ridicule this letter. But it wont change the fact that this is true and that God loves you that much that He gave His only begotten son so that you would not perish. The choice is yours do you want to take the risk and go through life blind having your candy now?

Despite what you may have heard there is no ever lasting burning hell, the bible is very specific on this point and there are many scriptures to indicate it. Don't let anyone tell you any different. God is not a tyrant. But there will be a judgment for everyone who rejected Jesus. We are told in the bible if we seek God with all of our hearts we will find Him.

Why wouldn't you want to, He loves you. Jesus even said ''I go to prepare a place for you, for there are many mansions in my fathers house, so where I go you may be also''. An eternity with a perfect God in paradise or a blink of an eye here. Your choice. May God bless you.
2009-01-14 15:47:16 UTC
Don´t believe anything told by anyone. Just search for yourself if you´re really interested on finding God.
perambur p
2009-01-14 22:56:28 UTC
God is 100% real
2009-01-15 12:06:09 UTC
there is no real god trust me the only way ill believe in god is when i see him in real life BUT then how did humans, animals form(VERY CONFUSING)
2009-01-15 04:58:05 UTC
1. Welcome to yahoo

2. No evidence that God is real

God created all this many many years ago. He is unknown, unseen etc.
Danny H
2009-01-14 14:25:21 UTC
To be truthful, science doesn't answer any questions. It comes up with answers and tries to force the facts.
2009-01-14 14:28:47 UTC
nothing can come from nothing, if there was ever a point in history where nothing existed, nothing could exist now

someone had to be there to start it all
2009-01-16 05:24:56 UTC
dear,if evil is there god is there.who helps u in grave situations,when no one is there?//who performs the miracles.not satisfied contact.
2009-01-16 10:09:22 UTC
the bible and he is real if you think he is

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.