Is everybody here frightened?
Fundamenta- list Militant Atheist
2010-08-06 22:17:15 UTC
[American] Christians... does it frighten you that the American government is becoming more lenient on abortion and gay rights? Does it frighten you that we're becoming evermore liberal? Does it frighten you that the government is actually exercising the first amendment to take away Christianity from secular establishments? Does it frighten you that America is becoming more and more atheistic?

And atheists... does it frighten you that some people are still completely ignorant of evolutionary theory (Someone told me recently that evolution said that the universe came from a rock.), and nothing is being done about it? Does it frighten you to know that parents and churches decide what children should and shouldn't learn in many states (rather than the people paid and trained to do the teaching)? Does it frighten you to think that the only "religious group" (though we aren't religious, nor are we really a "group") more hated than us is scientologists?

At what point are we going to be able to relax when it comes to religion and education? What justifiable reason do we have for not being able to relax now? Whose fault is it that some people are frightened by these things?
22 answers:
2010-08-06 22:46:30 UTC
I am a liberal, who has a great respect for people who choose to follow their religion.

What I do NOT respect is when these people decide that the teachings of their gospel is what is best for me, and strive to make God's Law into American Law.

I am pro-choice because while there is a "living human being" inside a woman's body, whose body is this child inside of? Not yours, not mine, the woman's. It is also incredibly hard to pinpoint most pregnancies as those containing a living, breathing, thinking human being. I only agree with 3rd term abortions when the mother is at risk of death. Otherwise...not my cup of tea. However, Scott Roder pretty much blew if for the religious groups who oppose it when he committed murder in a church. Therefore, I continue NOT to take religious groups very seriously at all.

If you disagree with abortion, I understand. STOP trying to "fight for the unborn." It's creepy, especially when you do not even know the mothers. What is the point of standing outside the clinic all day and yelling at the patients? It is not your body. The fetus is not yet out and in the world. Plus...there has not been very much persuasive evidence after the child is born, that the religious right wing truly cares about them. What if they end up on death row? Do they deserve the swift hand of "justice?" What if they're gay...would you fight for their rights to marry, adopt, to join the military? What if they join the military? Do you care that they would be sent off to die for their country?

As far as gay rights's a simple test to do at home, to help you understand that homosexuality is not a choice, or a perversion [like bestiality], and that LGBT citizens are indeed being unfairly treated as second-class...did you choose to be straight?

We can have a separation of church and state in this country, while enjoying freedom and equality for all Americans. As long as religion is invisible from all government factions, then we will make it there. It may be unfair to some, who consider us a "Christian nation" and feel upset that the Bible is being trampled upon...but that's about the same argument had when slavery and segregation ended.

And finally..."does it frighten you to know that parents and churches decide what children should and shouldn't learn in many states (rather than the people paid and trained to do the teaching)?"

It frightens me to an extent...a lot of parents, and definitely churches, feel that THEIR words are more infallible than educational thought or otherwise scholarly inferences...but most of the time, I think it's completely wrong not to rely on the educational system for a perspective on most views.

Your first paragraph gave me comfort.

The second made me cringe.

Fortunately, we are closer to the first paragraph...and only pushing forward.
Denny Crane
2010-08-06 22:38:37 UTC
U.S. of A. citizen atheist:

No, it makes me laugh at their ignorance. Ignorant people are funny, and I live with some (until Tuesday that is!)! About the universe coming from a rock, ask him/her were s/he got the idea that mineral = ether/space/emptiness!

A bit, for then how could they be called 'educated'? What I fear more is people of any age not educating THEMSELVES!

I think that more hated than atheists (by religious/spiritual bases) would be Scientologists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and the Mormons. The later two because of the frequency and determination of 'Door to Door 'SERVICE'' (glad I don't have to partake in that for the short while I was a JW), and Scientologists, well from this hand book I have been reading about them, that they blame ALL of the worlds errors on materialism ONLY!

We should get to relax about that when Kaliyuga ends!

MY answer for the justifiable reason why we can't now, it IGNORANCE and INTOLERANCE! Was it NOT that Christ Jesus taught of peace (though Luke 19:27 quotes Him on otherwise)?

As to the final question, I say the Church!

Edit: Wow Freedom, you refuse to give your own opinion, you are SO EPIC! =]
2010-08-06 22:37:46 UTC
Everyone has the inherent birth right to believe according to the dictates of their conscience.

Everyone also has the inherent birth right to share what they believe with others.

Everyone has the right to raise their children according to those standards.

The problem comes when any particular person(s) believes it is within their right to FORCE their belief upon another by violence or by threat or by law.

The Biblical faith, according to the words of Jesus Himself, is that His followers are to share the Faith but also to respect the refusal of others to accept that faith. And while it is true that there have been many who, in the name of Christianity, have abused this, it is most certainly true that all other religions - including Atheism - has done the same.

I really don't think this has been a religious war. Human beings argue over everything. That's what we do. We are all always attempting to persuade others to our point of view in every area of life. Everyone is guilty of this, no one is exempt. And yes, there will always be misunderstanding and miscommunication and even ignorance, whether innocent or willful. None of us has the right to dictate to another human being how he must think and believe. If we are all equal, then even if we are not all equally right in our beliefs, we at least have an equal right to believe as we see fit. But the one thing we must always remember is to avoid stereotyping entire groups of people. I find that many Atheists are heartless and cruel, while others are dear and kind friends. I am Christian and I am also pro-gay, while many of my fellow believers are anti-gay. I don't hate them. We just disagree on that point. And after we debate the issue (or any other issue) we shake hands and go out for lunch. My life won't be effected by someone else's disagreement with what I believe, and vice versa - so long as we all remember to respect everyone's right to their own beliefs.

No, I am not frightened. I trust is in my Creator, not in the chaos going on around me.
2016-10-02 05:03:40 UTC
No individuals don't frighten me primarily the ones with most important matters approximately the direction of there nation. If any factor they reasonably encourage me even if they look inaccurate. I do not suppose tea celebration individuals are inaccurate. They simply have one more viewpoint than you could have. You typically have one more one than me. You don't seem to be frightening to me. I do not care what you assert or do adding move loopy and do a little dull $hit. I can manage it.
Aristotle Reginald Tesla
2010-08-06 22:25:45 UTC
Well, I guess I'm frightened too. I'm scared to death of earthquakes. As soon as I can, I'm moving somewhere this won't be an issue. But as far as those things you listed, I'm more concerned, worried, and saddened about the continued ignorance and indoctrination than I am frightened.
Stan Dalone
2010-08-06 22:27:16 UTC
No, what really scares me is that kids aren't being taught the basics of democracy in school. American Government courses in high school teach the "how"--voting, parties, etc. But they don't teach "why"--why we have certain rights, and why it's important to fight for them on principle. "Yes Johnny, we protect unpopular ideas...because popular ideas *don't need* protection." Teaching the form but not the substance of democracy will be the undoing of our democratic society and government.
2010-08-07 05:23:27 UTC
It is not fear but concern. As a Christian , fear is thought to be the opposite of love . Perfect love casts out fear.

I have fears but not about gay rights. I have known many homosexual people. I do not think they should be treated like lepers. I am concerned with ageism which is acceptable in the United States and has been since I was young enough to hear the slogan "never trust anyone over 30."

I am concerned that changing times mean we discount the mistakes of our elders and refuse to learn from them.Each age group is conveniently isolated from the next. Divide and conquer. It has not always been this way. It was not this way a generation ago.

If we do not know elderly people: we can put them down like you would an aging animal. This decision should always remain with the one doing the dying. I have been involved in elder rights long before I became elder and long before Sarah Palin's hysterical death panel commit .

I have helped put people down a week before Christmas so the holiday is not ruined for the family. It is easy enough to increase morphine. Actually I resisted hospice for doing this but was part of a family that made the final decision for the patient.

It bothers me that home teaching is linked with anti science. I home taught in a co op with the families of ten doctors who home taught.. This is the mid west, mind you in the midst of the Bible belt. Many were school teachers who decided they did not want their children in government schools. Three of my friends were trained and paid to teach by government schools. We pooled our resources. What happened to "it takes a village?" Would you vote to restrict all private education? My kid believes in intelligent design but also accepts evolution. We taught evolution and I refused to spen a lot of time debating the issue pro or con. I said you sort it out because it doesn't really matter to me.Each person finds their own path.

. My spouse got a BA in Science and nearly finished a MA.

None of these doctors taught our kids to dismiss evolutionary process.My kid is a science nerd and proud of it.

Many of us home taught because of studies which show that girls are often dismissed or overlooked in the classroom and males are given special attention. The teachers knew they were being studied . The cameras were on and more times males were given the opportunity to answer questions in the classroom.

I compiled a history based on women's studies when I read through the available curriculum for history and found that early American history focused on men and only included two women prior to the Civil War.

You simply cannot give a child the attention they require in a government based regime.

What really 'scares me" is that atheist cannot home teach in some states. You must declare yourself as home teaching for religious purposes. This should be fodder for atheists or gay couples who wish to teach at home but are not interested in declaring a religion.

Home education should be a right . If students fail exams or do worse academically , make some adjustments. I am certain I do not need to say that home schooled kids do better or as well as government schooled children.

I am happy there is a morning after pill and that contraceptive devices are available to sexually active teens The rise in STIs is epidemic. This makes me afraid for my grandchildren. Abortion is a private decision but should be done in the first trimester and people with religious objections should not be required to support abortion with their tax monies. It is the same with tax money that goes to kill people in the next war.

As for the "hatred' of atheists.. I know of no one who hates atheists.I like some of them and dislike some of them just like any other people group.

I know no Scientologists and I certainly don't hate any of them.You mean we hate John Travolta and half of Hollywood?

People may not want an atheist for president . More Catholics voted for JFK. The majority of blacks voted for Obama.

The majority of people in the US are not atheists. Do I think an atheist is capable of overseeing the governance of the US? I am certain they could do as well as any other American politician.

. Maybe it is a public relations problem?

I am not afraid of change. I fear stupid people. I fear people who believe the media and who refuse to research.

Many non practicing Christians do not understand evolutionary process. Many science students do not understand it , either. Science is continually being updated. I just found out I am related to a sea sponge. A few months ago I was related to a mud fish. It is just so confusing ,and last week I heard there was NO primordial soup that was possibly seeded by highly evolved space aliens. Great Caesars Ghost!

No wonder I am confused when the body of evidence is always being readmitted. I have simply stopped caring. Many of you will stop caring about this as you age. I have peace that whatever happened I am here living and breathing and that is all that really matters today.
Just So
2010-08-06 22:25:24 UTC
Well what dose on expect when the ruler of this world is satan. John12:31; 16:11; Matthew 4:8-10

For a little while longer anyway!!!
2010-08-06 22:21:55 UTC
God told us not to be afraid of the future. He predicted all of this (and more) would happen. It's going to get a whole lot worse than it is better. It has nothing to do with who is in the Oval Office this year either. It has been foretold this way and so shall it be. Hang on for the ride and have your faith in the right place. These are exciting days in the history of the world. They don't have to be dreadful.
2010-08-06 22:21:12 UTC
I think you wrongly assume that all Christians believe abortion should be illegal and that evolution is ****. Everything that you mentions in the "for atheists" sections does disturb me.

I'm liberal. An evolutionist. Pro-choice. Love my atheist/agnostic friends. A Christian.

When I walk in a church, I don't throw my brain out the door. :)
2010-08-06 22:31:27 UTC
I fear nothing but the Lord and all this has been written and shall come to pass.. if it doesn't happen then the bible would be a lie and therefore God would be a lie which he surely is not. everything that God says will happen has happened already or still is happening. the bible is also a history book. read it
2010-08-06 22:19:26 UTC
I'm frightened for many different reasons.

Mostly from the fact that a news channels ticker tape said today "Governmental study concludes head trauma is unsafe for seniors".
I'm a nice person
2010-08-06 22:26:09 UTC
The only thing that truly bothers me is that we here on R&S AND also IRL could care more about issues than we do people. God is in control of the things we cannot control but He leaves many things within our control to see how we will handle them.
2010-08-06 22:24:25 UTC
Not frightened at all

God is real,He's in control.

One day everyone will know He is real.

Darwin knows now.

Evidence God is real and the Bible is accurate is the fact that the evils of the world have gained. Just as the Bible predicts.

God has it all covered and His Glory will abound. Just wait
2010-08-06 22:22:12 UTC
Everything I read in the first paragraph actually made me happy and more excited for the future.

I think the coming generations are going to be much more accepting and loving of one another no matter that persons sexual orientation, beliefs, race, disability, or how they act.
2010-08-06 22:30:26 UTC
Psalm 23:4

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
2010-08-06 22:21:21 UTC
What frightens me are people like you!
2010-08-06 22:20:50 UTC
No, I'm not frightened.

It's a slow process, but prejudice and bigotry are gradually losing their stranglehold, and reason and tolerance are gaining strength.

WE're maturing as a species.... slowly, but it is happening.
2010-08-06 22:20:44 UTC

I read the end of the book, and I know who wins.
2010-08-06 22:21:35 UTC
I fear religion's IQ-lowering abilities and I fear about religious *** holes taking away my freedoms.
2010-08-06 22:22:39 UTC
no because none of those things really change my faith
2010-08-06 22:20:22 UTC
I fear nothing.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.