It is really incredible that those who are abysmally ignorant about science, the scientific method, the Big Bang, evolution, and the evidence for evolution and the Big Bang think they can refute those aspects of science and call it junk science.
But, of course, all they are really doing is getting their misinformation from lying creationist web sites and posting it here on Y!A.
>>"If you Ask a Scientist for the definition of Science “Method”, and the 1st descriptive word he uses is “Observation”."
The second part of the scientific method is testing. Scientists have tested evolution by various means ever since Darwin proposed his theory, and it has always come through with flying colors.
One test is performed every time a paleontologist digs in geologic strata--the results of which could falsify evolution if it is false and verify the creation model if it is true. The results, in fact, verify evolution and falsify the creation model. Evolutionary theory would be falsified if fossils of any of the 5,000 present-day species of mammals, including human, or the 10,000 present-day species of birds were found in the fossil strata where they should not be found (for example, in the same strata with dinosaur fossils). No such finds have been made. But, according to the creationist flood "model" those species should be found in those strata.
Here are some other examples in which the theory of evolution has been tested and passed with flying colors.
Another requirement of a scientific theory is being able to derive predictions from it about what should be found in further lines of research. For example.
About fifty years ago, when it was first noted that apes have 24 pairs of chromosomes, but humans have 23, the creationists subsequently pounced upon that as evidence against the evolution of humans from a common ancestor with the apes. The evolutionary scientists, however, using evolutionary theory and an understanding of genetic modification, proposed that two of the chromosomes must have joined together in the line that led to man from the common ancestor, thus reducing the chromosome number.
That prediction has been verified with the results of the recent human and chimp genome projects. It was found that human chromosome 2 is the result of the joining of two chromosomes that have homologues in the chimp. The decoding of the genomes revealed that human chromosome 2 has a stretch of non-functioning telomere coding in the exact place it should be if the two chromosomes had joined in the human line from the common ancestor with the apes, and there is also non-functioning coding for a centromere in the exact location where the extra centromere would be as it occurs in one of the homologous chimp chromosomes, as well as a functioning centromere in the same location as in the other homologous chimp chromosome.
Long before the genome projects verified it, this article contained an example of the proposition that two of the ancestral chromosomes joined together to form human chromosome 2. (The link is to an abstract of the article. The full article is available for a fee. Sorry)
The following site (which is an NIH human genome site), however, does have this statement: "Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes - one less pair than chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and other great apes. For more than two decades, researchers have thought human chromosome 2 was produced as the result of the fusion of two mid-sized ape chromosomes and a Seattle group located the fusion site in 2002."
This site explains the finding of the genome projects.
No creationist pseudo-scientist could make a before-the-fact prediction like that. All they can do is to make up pseudo-explanations after the fact of the finding.
And contrary to the creationist lies that another responder mentioned, the fossil record fully supports evolution. The sequence of fossils in the geologic strata shows an evolutionary progression from the earliest to the latest, from simple organisms through more complex, and following a sequence of species replacing one another over time in a manner that is fully consistent with evolutionary theory.
Note the appearance of types of organisms over time in these tables: