I also saw a couple articles that hung a lot on the fact that he distrusted the US gov - enforcing the idea that anyone who questions them is dangerous and violent.
His phrase.... whats gov if words have no meaning? I think its a pretty valid question, with the lies that have come out recently, all the false promises we get every election year. And so on. I dont support attempted murder, but the question is valid.
I strongly disagree with the athiest = person who is mad at god.
I dont believe in Christianity or the Bible, but yeah, I have problems with both. Real or not, they absolutely effected me, my life, and my family. Just because I dont believe its real, doesnt mean that there arent people who do believe it, act like they believe it, and hurt a lot of other people in the process.
I think the religious are scared that they think, within themselves, that believing in god is the only thing that keeps them a moral person. That if there is no god, there is no morality.
How they can say god is unchanging morality though is beyond me.