Prayers work according to faith. The more faith-energy a person has
(or that the people have) the more their prayers are able to accomplish.
With God nothing is impossible. God has perfect faith.
Moses was able part the Red Sea, & to do other amazing mighty miracles.
Yet Moses was not morally perfect.
This is proven in the Bible where it says that Moses was not allowed to go
into the Promised land after going around in circles in the hot desert for
forty years, because Moses claimed the power for doing a miracle...
this was against the commandments of God. Moses knew that, but he got
caught up in the moment, it was a cool miracle, a fountain of water in the
middle of a hot desert, that gave water to a thirsty people who were parched...
with thirst. Doing the miracle went to Moses' head he yelled out to everyone
that he had done it & what a great guy, he, Moses was...
& the rest is history. He remained in the desert. What Moses did was unacceptable.
Imperfectly moral people do imperfect things. Therefor, based on that, it is clear that
Moses was not a perfectly moral person while he went about doing all the great miracles...
that he performed (with the infinite power of God).
So therefor imperfect people can perform miracles. This is done through faith.
Becoming morally perfect is done through faith. Becoming more morally perfect,
this is done through faith. Overcoming sin & getting to higher & higher levels...
of the Righteous-Consciousness is done through faith. This Universe & all
Universes were created through faith. God has that amount of faith. God is
perfectly righteous, because God has that level of faith to be perfectly righteous.
Jesus Christ was always perfectly righteous, because Jesus Christ had the level
of faith necessary to do that & He did that in the Pre-Mortal existence. The
Holy Ghost has done that too. The Holy Ghost is a spirit & He is morally perfect.
So therefor both Jesus Christ & the Holy Ghost had algorithms in the
subconscious part of the Spirit that governs their behavior, that limits their
ability to sin. Much like a car can have an electronic governor put in it...
that does not allow the car to go over a certain speed limit. Obviously the
governor that is put into the subconscious part of the mind of the Spirit
is the same, just a billion times a billion times more sophisticated.
But it is still the same concept. Through faith this is done. Through
self-limitation, infinite power & ability can be connected to. Those who
are part of the Christ-Consciousness, all have a governor algorithm program...
that is put in the subconscious part of the mind of their spirit. & it is a
permanent governor algorithm program that is put into the subconscious
part of the mind of the spirit.
A person who has moral perfection engraven in the subconscious part of the
mind of their spirit are limited in their actions, they can't do certain things, they
can't sin. Jesus Christ was limited. He could not sin, even if He wanted to.
God The Father cannot sin even if He wants to, because of His faith this is so.
Because of Jesus Christ's faith, Jesus Christ was similarly morally perfect, like His
Father, who is Heavenly Father.
In the beginning the God's created the Universes. This is because the Gods are
part of the God-Consciousness, this is because the God-Consciousness is the
Perfectly-Righteous-Consciousness. So the God's are limited.
Because they have programing, that they chose to have, that they really really
wanted to have, so that they would be morally perfect, permanently, forever
& ever & ever. Even if they lost their memory, like Jesus Christ lost...
his memory when Jesus Christ was born in the flesh to The Virgin Mary,
He will still be perfectly righteous no matter what. How does the program behave???
If you know the program, then you know how the program will behave.
Righteousness is a choice. Those who grow their faith using age old
faith-increasing exercises, they will have any kind of righteousness that they want...
& their righteousness will be permanent forever.
Different people have different levels of righteousness. This is based on
their faith & their desire for faith. Therefor desire for righteousness more & this
will increase your faith more & then you can be more righteous.
Therefor the reason that there is so much poverty & pain & hurt in the world,
is very simple. You are the problem. You are the reason all this evil is happening.
Increase your own faith, & evil will no longer exist in this world, & none of the bad
things to children & to others, that will never happen again, forever.
Your faith can help others. Faith is like dominoes, one person gets it & then
the faith spreads to others. Chat.
God bless.