Theists, what exactly makes you think that God exists and prayers work?
2013-07-15 08:08:23 UTC
I used to be a devout Christian girl (Mormon specifically), I went on a mission and baptized tens of people into the LDS Church, got married in the Temple, was active in the daily church activities but the shocking inequality in this world really made me think that something *was* wrong.

About 25,000 people die every day of hunger or hunger-related causes. Nearly half the world - over 3 billion people live on less than $2.50 a day. 2.6 billion people lack basic sanitation and over 1 billion people do not have adequate access to clean water which means over 40 million people die from preventable medical conditions such as malaria and diarrhea. Millions more are blinded by treatable eye conditions such as cataracts.

So theists - what exactly makes you think that God cares about your prayers when more than 22,000 babies die EVERY DAY from starvation and malnutrition. Does God care more about your prayers these these vulnerable little babies? How can a just, loving God allow SO much inequality, so much poverty and so much grief?

When I was young, the local Mormon bishop used to tell me that people were born in poverty in Africa and in third-world countries because it was a punishment as they had been less valiant in the pre-existence. Although this belief is nauseating and irrational, I was simply blinded by my faith and really did see it that way.
23 answers:
2013-07-15 12:09:47 UTC
There are many aspects about earth life that are horrible. You forgot to mention the holocaust. Of course God did not cause this to happen (though opposition is an important part of the plan). He set it up so that the fall had to be a choice made by Adam and Eve.

It is true that the earth seems filled with terror, sickness, sadness and death. But in the big scheme of things, life is short and the character lessons needed to become like the great God of the universe are often severe.

This kind of conversation also reminds me of the temple endowment. When we join the church we take upon us the preparatory covenant of repentance and baptism. When we are spiritually mature, we can perform the endowment which is so strange compared to other things we have experienced. The endowment needed to be powerful enough to establish sufficient faith to let go of the world, be able to sacrifice all that we have to God according to the gospel that Jesus taught and eventually come into his presence.

Eternal life is a really big deal and requires strong medicine.

Many of earth life's lessons are not caused by God but by man. Fortunately, God is patient enough to stand aside and allow the growth and depth of experience that we need and which we would not have the strength to accept if given the choice..
who goes there?
2013-07-15 08:44:37 UTC
Maybe no one is praying for all these people that suffer and THAT'S the problem.

Who prays for the starving and oppressed babies in Africa, do you??

This earth is satan's domain and he is the one inflicting the suffering which God is well aware of and He has got those kids taken care of, the test is for you - do you have the charity to pray for these children rather than your new car?

Do not blame your beliefs on what some guy told you, the word of God is there to read for all who are literate.

22,000 die every day in the world because of hunger -

3750 die every day in the U.S. alone because of Roe v Wade -

What 'choice' did either have?

All that other bad stuff in the world, yet that is the way people live and have lived for millennia, can you see now how 'God bless America' and how that in America(a Christian nation, of the seed of Abraham) all nations are blessed fulfilling one of God's promises to Abraham, yet people doubt, being so accustomed to the rights endowed and to the blessings given[water, food, freedom]. All these will be revoked because of disbelief! and suddenly - "Death to America!"
2013-07-15 08:25:14 UTC
Well from my knowledge god is just he would not punish someone for something they didn't do.

In Islam

Adam and Eve were forgiven for their sins since they repented but were sent to earth as a test for them and thus the test for us all.

People in Africa are poor and maybe it is from politics or some other reason. Regardless we can't just leave things as they are. Don't you think are were being tested and us at the same time? As in we were meant to help them?

From my knowledge all poor/sick people and children will attain paradise and all children that died will be given a test to determine if they can go to heaven. God is just and most merciful perhaps since they suffered in this life they can live in bliss earlier than those who do good.

Think of it like a test everyone can't pass if they did nothing but bad and didn't study and for people who had trouble taking the test will have fair judgement like an exemption.

Also God is just, and people have been stricken with things like famine the entire world is suffering, (don't be oblivious) oil prices rise, food is more expensive and smaller, there are more crimes, corrupt governments the very which we live by is under the hands of these same corrupt people.

Don't think we are safe yet, we should try and help people in other countries the people that are suffering and crying out for help.

Note I really don't care what religion you are, have a heart, these people need help. Regardless whether you agree with me or not we should all try our best to help them.
2013-07-15 11:22:33 UTC
The mystery's of faith an GOD are beyond human comprehension.

Faith concerns questions which cannot be settled by evidence.

How can the universe create itself out of nothingness? Given the fact that the universe began to exist, it must have had a “cause” that originated it.Doesn't it make more sense to assume the existence of a Creation.

You can't see the wind, but you know it is there because you can see what the wind is doing. You can know that the wind is there because you can feel it.God is like the wind, you can't see him.

2013-07-15 09:59:03 UTC
I don't remember reading anywhere, nor have I ever thought that our experience on this earth was based on equality. The statistics you cited are tragic and from our perspective it could appear as though God doesn't care. However, this life is a blink of an eye compared to the perspective of eternity. I believe that if we could see things from that perspective we'd see that God is just and the suffering we experience here (even severe suffering) will not be as dramatic. I also believe the pain we suffer here due to circumstances out of our control will not carry over to the other side.
Michel Gnon
2013-07-15 17:21:29 UTC
I want to give you as basic reasons as possible. God ALLOWED suffering but did not CAUSE it. Being a God of justice and fairness, He gave Adam and Eve all the other trees to eat from in the garden, except from one. They chose to listened to the ventriloquy that Satan used to disobey the One who gave them everything.

God was offended. He was maligned. But He took the first step to reconcile with us mankind. He could have given an angel a human form and tell him to come and pay for the sin that Adam and Eve incurred. He did not. The loving God that He is gave the best that He has: His only begotten son, Jesus.

The sacrifice of Jesus has fixed what Adam and Eve wronged. Romans 6:23 says: For the wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord.

True there is too much inequalities today. True there is hunger here and there. But God has taken all the measures to revert that. That is why we have these beautiful and comforting scriptures in the Bible.

Isaiah 33:24 says no resident will say I am sick.

(Revelation 21:3, 4) says :With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”

He has set everything in motion for the blessings of mankind that seeks Him now and obeys His directions.

His son Jesus whom He has appointed as king, has demonstrated when he was here on earth that he was qualify to rule mankind successfully.

When it comes to food, Jesus miraculously fed more than five thousand people with five loaves of

bread and two fish.Matthew 14:19

At Matthew 12:15, Jesus proved that no sickness will resist his God-given power.

When it comes to storms, hurricanes or tornadoes, Jesus has perfect control over them as this text in Mark shows (Mark 4:38, 39) 38 But he was in the stern, sleeping upon a pillow. So they woke him up and said to him: “Teacher, do you not care that we are about to perish?” 39 With that he roused himself and rebuked the wind and said to the sea: “Hush! Be quiet!” And the wind abated, and a great calm set in.

Yes Jesus did what any other ruler or doctors can do: he resurrected the dead.

So why is God waiting? Satan challenged God's sovereignty or His right to rule at Genesis 3:4 and 5. He is allowing Satan to prove his claims that he (Satan) is a better ruler. That is why 1John 5:19 clearly says the "whole world is lying in the hands of the wicked one". He has been ruling over mankind for 6000 years. Has he been successful? No! God now has ample reasons to eliminate him and return mankind to the original paradise. As He states at Isaiah 55:10 and 11 10 :For just as the pouring rain descends, and the snow, from the heavens and does not return to that place, unless it actually saturates the earth and makes it produce and sprout, and seed is actually given to the sower and bread to the eater, 11 so my word that goes forth from my mouth will prove to be. It will not return to me without results, but it will certainly do that in which I have delighted, and it will have certain success in that for which I have sent it.

Hope my modest contribution helped.

Oh, what makes me believe He exists is this: if I find a well equipped house in the middle of nowhere, I will automatically assume that someone build it. This Scripture makes this point clearly:(Hebrews 3:4) . . .Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but he that constructed all things is God. human, the universe are more complex that a house
2013-07-15 08:54:08 UTC
Your thoughts are very profound, and they show that you want truthful answers to your very important questions. I'm thankful to my God that I am able to answer your questions. However, the answers to your concerns and questions requires you to be willing to hear/listen to the truth, from God's word the Bible. (I will try to address your concerns as briefly as possible.)

First and foremost, God is not causing the terrible suffering in this world in harmony with what you mentioned in your details. However, he is allowing it, and for a good reason.

The first book of the Bible tells of an opposer of God who showed up in the garden of Eden. He is described as “the serpent,” but he was not a mere animal. The last book of the Bible identifies him as “the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth.” He is also called “the original serpent.” (Genesis 3:1; Revelation 12:9)

When Satan led Adam and Eve into sinning against God, he was really leading a rebellion. He was challenging Jehovah’s way of ruling. In effect, Satan was saying: God is a bad ruler. He tells lies and holds back good things from his subjects. Humans do not need to have God ruling over them. They can decide for themselves what is good and what is bad. And they will be better off under my rulership.’ How would God handle such an insulting challenge? Some think that God should simply have put the rebels to death. But would that have answered Satan’s challenge? Would it have proved that God’s way of ruling is right?

Jehovah’s perfect sense of justice would not allow him to put the rebels to death right away. He decided that time was needed to answer Satan’s challenge in a satisfying way and to prove that the Devil is a liar. So God determined that he would permit humans to rule themselves for some time under Satan’s influence.

With each passing year, the world is becoming more and more dangerous. It is overrun with warring armies, dishonest politicians, hypocritical religious leaders, and hardened criminals. The world as a whole is beyond reform. The Bible reveals that the time is near when God will eliminate the wicked world during his war of Armageddon. This will make way for a righteous new world. (Revelation 16:14-16)

I know without a doubt that God cares for each one of us, whether we believe he exist or not, and I am convinced that he will do away with all the suffering he sees on this earth, including the suffering you mentioned. If you would like to get more info regarding your concerns, please feel free to visit
the re - chosen one
2013-07-15 08:26:42 UTC
The God Yahweh established His Mosaic Laws and Ten Commandments for all humans to follow to create the most perfected human societies possible on earth. Those that follow Yahweh's Laws and Commandments will prosper and those who refuse to follow them will suffer. So don't blame Yahweh for Africa's and many other countries refusing to worship the right God and follow His Words of Wisdom for mankind to succeed as a specie while we inhabit planet earth. Until they do that their situation will only continue to get worse.
2013-07-15 18:01:35 UTC
Prayers work according to faith. The more faith-energy a person has

(or that the people have) the more their prayers are able to accomplish.

With God nothing is impossible. God has perfect faith.

Moses was able part the Red Sea, & to do other amazing mighty miracles.

Yet Moses was not morally perfect.

This is proven in the Bible where it says that Moses was not allowed to go

into the Promised land after going around in circles in the hot desert for

forty years, because Moses claimed the power for doing a miracle...

this was against the commandments of God. Moses knew that, but he got

caught up in the moment, it was a cool miracle, a fountain of water in the

middle of a hot desert, that gave water to a thirsty people who were parched...

with thirst. Doing the miracle went to Moses' head he yelled out to everyone

that he had done it & what a great guy, he, Moses was...

& the rest is history. He remained in the desert. What Moses did was unacceptable.

Imperfectly moral people do imperfect things. Therefor, based on that, it is clear that

Moses was not a perfectly moral person while he went about doing all the great miracles...

that he performed (with the infinite power of God).

So therefor imperfect people can perform miracles. This is done through faith.

Becoming morally perfect is done through faith. Becoming more morally perfect,

this is done through faith. Overcoming sin & getting to higher & higher levels...

of the Righteous-Consciousness is done through faith. This Universe & all

Universes were created through faith. God has that amount of faith. God is

perfectly righteous, because God has that level of faith to be perfectly righteous.

Jesus Christ was always perfectly righteous, because Jesus Christ had the level

of faith necessary to do that & He did that in the Pre-Mortal existence. The

Holy Ghost has done that too. The Holy Ghost is a spirit & He is morally perfect.

So therefor both Jesus Christ & the Holy Ghost had algorithms in the

subconscious part of the Spirit that governs their behavior, that limits their

ability to sin. Much like a car can have an electronic governor put in it...

that does not allow the car to go over a certain speed limit. Obviously the

governor that is put into the subconscious part of the mind of the Spirit

is the same, just a billion times a billion times more sophisticated.

But it is still the same concept. Through faith this is done. Through

self-limitation, infinite power & ability can be connected to. Those who

are part of the Christ-Consciousness, all have a governor algorithm program...

that is put in the subconscious part of the mind of their spirit. & it is a

permanent governor algorithm program that is put into the subconscious

part of the mind of the spirit.

A person who has moral perfection engraven in the subconscious part of the

mind of their spirit are limited in their actions, they can't do certain things, they

can't sin. Jesus Christ was limited. He could not sin, even if He wanted to.

God The Father cannot sin even if He wants to, because of His faith this is so.

Because of Jesus Christ's faith, Jesus Christ was similarly morally perfect, like His

Father, who is Heavenly Father.

In the beginning the God's created the Universes. This is because the Gods are

part of the God-Consciousness, this is because the God-Consciousness is the

Perfectly-Righteous-Consciousness. So the God's are limited.

Because they have programing, that they chose to have, that they really really

wanted to have, so that they would be morally perfect, permanently, forever

& ever & ever. Even if they lost their memory, like Jesus Christ lost...

his memory when Jesus Christ was born in the flesh to The Virgin Mary,

He will still be perfectly righteous no matter what. How does the program behave???

If you know the program, then you know how the program will behave.

Righteousness is a choice. Those who grow their faith using age old

faith-increasing exercises, they will have any kind of righteousness that they want...

& their righteousness will be permanent forever.

Different people have different levels of righteousness. This is based on

their faith & their desire for faith. Therefor desire for righteousness more & this

will increase your faith more & then you can be more righteous.

Therefor the reason that there is so much poverty & pain & hurt in the world,

is very simple. You are the problem. You are the reason all this evil is happening.

Increase your own faith, & evil will no longer exist in this world, & none of the bad

things to children & to others, that will never happen again, forever.

Your faith can help others. Faith is like dominoes, one person gets it & then

the faith spreads to others. Chat.

God bless.
Mu Cephei
2013-07-15 08:21:59 UTC
First, if you were once "devout" to the LDS, there's no telling what other serious misconceptions you harbor. Let me dispell one for you now. LDS are not Christians by a long stretch.

Second, the "I see evil therefore there is no God" is a dumb argument that has been answered ad nauseam pretty much everywhere you look. I suggest you take your time to recognize the illogical conclusions you're getting. Logic is your friend. Saying the world is evil means you recognize the good as well. Unless you're saying "good" is simply a nice thing for this age, and not an absolute, your argument is moot.
2013-07-15 08:18:25 UTC
Have you not heard of revelations, which speaks of the end times and how its going to be bad, which then again should prove that God is real if what the bible says will happen is happening. Science points me to God, thats why I believe God exists.
Roman Glass
2013-07-15 08:52:16 UTC
I do not believe that God exists, God to me is defined as existence. I am panentheist, God is the reality of all things. This is the Orthodox Christian view. God is not a contingent being whose existence is dependent upon the principle of existence. God is the principle of existence. that in whom all things live move and have their being to quote St. Paul. God is the harmony or way of being. Christianity was originally called "the way". Christ refereed to himself as the way, the truth, and the life. I call myself christian because it is in Christ for which I see the fullness of humanity. Mormonism is not Christianity, the historic church is the Orthodox church which dates back to the 1st century.
2013-07-15 08:37:36 UTC
because the world seems unfair,you think that god to is unfair...this is what we demanded when we decided to reject god. we decided let us be in control of this world.well we got just what we asked for.

now we are mad at god. yes this is a tough lesson to learn the lessons that change us the most in life are the tough ones.believe me we are the ones that are guilty,not the poor who suffer for what we do.

god bless
2013-07-15 08:27:08 UTC
i believe in God but i also believe that everything happens in a scientific way,we don't get any super natural help,i guess our obstacles would be cleared luck would be on our side,God raises our spirits,we get the strength to work harder and longer but some people say that its all inside our head and prayers are about self satisfaction,i agree with it too at some sort
2013-07-15 08:31:28 UTC
Good question Natalie,

You now see why Jesus said "I would have you all be as one", meaning that we would all use the ORIGINAL system He set up. I don't mean to be offensive, but the mormon church was wrong on those who are born into slavery, suffering or poverty because they were being punished. In Ezekiel it says "the son shall not inherit the sins of the father". That means no man or woman born from sinful parents is punished because of "their" sins. We know this is true again because the apostles asking Jesus "What did this man's parents do to cause him to be blind?". Jesus said it was not the sin of his parents that caused his blindness. So, we know that children dying of hunger, living in poverty, ect. are not being punished for their sins or their parents.

The problem is a lack of properly following the new testament. We know we are free moral agents. We have the opportunity to kill, steal, lie, cheat, be sexually immoral. We also have the opportunity to be people of integrity, peace, morality and love. The problem is man. We are the highest form of creation, we have been given the supernatural laws to abide by to our properity, yet our selfish, human nature refuses (because of pride) to submit to God. We think OUR way is the best way and that ends up in pride and selfishness swelling and moral compasses being thrown off the heavenly course. Example: What if Idi Amin was a Christian? Pol Pot? Adolph Hitler? What if they were put into office and decided that each person was to be subjected to the laws of GOD first. What if they did their very best to operate and make choices according to the laws of GOD first? Would all those jews have murdered? Would all those Africans and cambodians been slaughtered? NO. They would have morals and boundaries to have adhered to. God does care about the suffering and starving, WE are the agents, moved by His love and compassion to care for others (Galatians 6:10 says 'do good to all men/mankind, especially those of the household of faith). We are the ones who take part of our prosperity and share it, feed hungry people, clothe the naked and help with their medical problems. We in the churches of Christ (Not LDS) build schools, hospitals, dig fresh water wells, build homes, orphanages and old folks homes for this very reason. Think about this for a minute, if you are following Gods plan, in America, you prosper and make a pretty decent living. You go out and help people follow the true plan while you are sharing to do all the above mentioned things. By doing this, you increase God's influence (by being His agent down here) and the world see's His plan. You are the one ANSWERING prayer for others. It's hard to see because God said "My ways are not your ways". We only see His ways when we understand the nature of God. Once anyone with an open mind studies God, His nature, His self imposed limitations because of His covenant with us, you will see our choices dictate His interaction with us. I hope that makes sense. There are only three answers to prayer, Yes, No and Wait.
2013-07-15 08:12:58 UTC
I agree. Your religion wasn't rational. Mormons aren't christians. Why not look into the real Jesus?

As for why there is evil in the World, it's partially your fault. You need to pick up a good book on apologetics. Are you an atheist now? How do you explain evil? How do you even define it?
2013-07-15 08:17:35 UTC
and this is why you left the church?

because you didn't like what was going on in the world? threw away your eternal salvation because you don't like the existing conditons? left because you cannot abide the laws. No one destroys their life because other beings are hurt.....they destroy their life because they have desires that are not in compliance with the church.

and........if you read in D & C...those who leave after knowing.......................go to the lowest level.

so...what you are saying us...." because there are starving people...and babies feel that you should go to the telestial kingdom

now that makes sense right?.......

not just cannot obey Gods laws and this is your excuse


a Mormon, temple worker...and member for 40 years
2013-07-15 08:20:39 UTC
How did you manage to serve a mission without ever once seeing a prayer work? How did you serve a mission without knowing the presence of the Holy Ghost? How did you serve a mission without feeling the love of God?

While suffering hunger and cold in the dark dungeon known as Liberty Jail, he asked God where he was hiding, and why he did not avenge the suffering of the saints, which were being driven from their homes even as Joseph lay helpless to help them. The answer was as much a revelation as any ever garnered through prayer. Since you were once a missionary, you must know it by heart.

"5 If thou art called to pass through tribulation; if thou art in perils among false brethren; if thou art in perils among robbers; if thou art in perils by land or by sea;

6 If thou art accused with all manner of false accusations; if thine enemies fall upon thee; if they tear thee from the society of thy father and mother and brethren and sisters; and if with a drawn sword thine enemies tear thee from the bosom of thy wife, and of thine offspring, and thine elder son, although but six years of age, shall cling to thy garments, and shall say, My father, my father, why can’t you stay with us? O, my father, what are the men going to do with you? and if then he shall be thrust from thee by the sword, and thou be dragged to prison, and thine enemies prowl around thee like wolves for the blood of the lamb;

7 And if thou shouldst be cast into the pit, or into the hands of murderers, and the sentence of death passed upon thee; if thou be cast into the deep; if the billowing surge conspire against thee; if fierce winds become thine enemy; if the heavens gather blackness, and all the elements combine to hedge up the way; and above all, if the very jaws of hell shall gape open the mouth wide after thee, know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good."

(Doctrine and Covenants 122)
2013-07-15 08:18:48 UTC
Sorry, but Mormons are not Christian, despite their claims.

That quote from the bishop is a prime example of heresy.

GOD wants us to care for our brothers & sisters.

You are right to be concerned about the world.

Our challenge is to find meaningful solutions.
2013-07-15 14:56:10 UTC
How does a loving God allow it?

He would ask you, how do YOU allow it.
2013-07-15 08:10:07 UTC
God gave us life and the world; what happens after that is dictated by those who live in it, not by God, He does not micromanage.
2013-07-15 08:12:54 UTC
If God doesn't micromanage, what are prayers for?
2013-07-15 08:09:08 UTC
I wake up with a woodie in the morning. I sleep alone so obviously god is making me hard while I sleep

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.