Atheists, please give your opinion!?
2009-01-14 23:20:02 UTC
They're working on computer chips the size of molecules.

Imagine what computers 1000 years in the future can do.

Now imagine what computers 100,000,000 years more advanced than ours might be able to do.

Remember the movie The Matrix? It's fiction, but it gives you an idea of what's possible.

Just because we don't know about something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I know some of you will tell me I'm living in fairyland, but I want to hear everyone's opinion. Religious folks too, if you want. Personally I'm pro adultery so I'm far from a fundamentalist, but I want to hear everyone's opinion.
26 answers:
2009-01-14 23:24:17 UTC
"Just because we don't know about something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

There is far more to this universe than that which we hear with our ears and see with our eyes...

Bram Stoker "Dracula"

...our senses are merely tools which also have limitations.

As for your computer theory, yeah your probably right, and I reckon any one that disagrees are the ones living in fairyland.

But the world will be a very different place in a million years time. and I don't think our focus then will be computers....
2009-01-15 00:27:21 UTC
Scientists are the first to say there is a tremendous amount that no one knows!!

The Large Hadron Collider is said to be the first experiment ever set up that is likely to show science things that they could never have imagined existed!!

As for computers CERN where Tim Berners Lee invented the WWW has recently started what is called the grid. That is a number of supercomputers coupled together so that a desktop asks the larger computers which then produce the answer as soon as the question has been asked!! The Grid is expected to come to the public in five years or less!!
2009-01-14 23:29:53 UTC
It would not be the first time science fiction was a pretty accurate outline of future science fact. The best SF takes what we know is possible and extrapolates in a reasonable way. Gets pretty spooky, but that's the point. I believe it was Arthur C. Clarke who said that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

It has long been speculated that the strangest things in our history were in fact caused by a superior intelligence (often called "God") that either visited the earth or had been here all along in a different plane of existence (like "Flatland") or perhaps were time travelers from the distant future.

Unfortunately, I do not have the imagination to write fiction at all, let alone science fiction, but my mind is greatly stimulated by the best writers, and some of the best have written science fiction.
2009-01-14 23:32:25 UTC
you can't get much smaller than molecules, you know. moore's law has got to slow down some time. maybe it's already happened, for all I know. I don't follow the specs closely but it seems like the emphasis in recent CPU technology development is multiple processors rather than faster processors. I could be wrong but to me that's a sign that engineers are already hitting some hard limits on what's possible. on the other hand I suppose there's the possibility of quantum or optical computers, or who knows what, you may be right after all.

you might be interested in the 'simulation argument'. personally I can't quite work out if it's supposed to be a joke, or not.

"The question was directed at people who believe we stop existing when we die, and that there is no possibility of a realm where our consciousness might go."

oh. we were supposed to guess that? whoops!
DesiDani(still waiting for 12am)
2009-01-14 23:29:55 UTC
By statement:

1. you mean nanos

2. lots, but we will still need humans

3. a whole lot, but I am still on the side of humans

4. The matrix left a gap, there has to be humans capable enough and brilliant enough to design and understand those computers. I am thinking "Kick-a$$ commando Bill Gates the VII"

5. Sure doesn't

6. No I don't think you are living in lala land. I'll ponder a bit, but I won't by the product yet. The adultery bit is a bit off topic, but ....
2009-01-14 23:28:24 UTC
Increased knowledge and understanding of this world tends to discredit rather than aid religion. Eg. it was believed fruit trees existed before sunlight existed because genesis said so, but with the knowledge of what photosynthesis is we know this wouldn't have been so and proves the bible wrong. If you're thinking of a more regressive level like whether god or an afterlife exists, then you have a point, but since anything could be possible it would mean eveyrone should be agnostic of everything if they take your philosophy to its fullest.
2009-01-14 23:25:05 UTC
What do tiny computer chips in the future, and the movie Matrix have to do with the existence of a sky daddy?
2009-01-15 00:22:46 UTC
Scientists tell us that the sun has been burning for 4,600,000,000 years; the guess is it will burn for an additional equal amount of time. That's 9,200,000,000 years. Now why is it that the reality of Hell escapes the comprehension of certain individuals? The reason is that they know Hell is where they will be going (adulterers included) after they take their last breath.

Even the anti-God psuedo science of psychiatry has a term to describe this behaviour. They say that the person(s) is (are) "in denial".

P.S. And after that 9,200,000,000 years has elapsed, eternity hasn't even begun.
2009-01-14 23:30:13 UTC
i don't really understand your question. if we were that techinically advanced in the future then somebody would know that it existed. i think computers could be eventually irrelevant and some other technology would be available.


so you think that because some people think that we don't exist after we die then we don't believe in kharma?? have you ever asked an atheist what they think happens when we die? i know you will get a variety of answers as not all of them think that is the end of them.

and in the matrix people where used as batteries, they were not judged by a higher power in a religous sense. they were disposeable.
2009-01-15 06:43:08 UTC
and just because we know a little about something doesnt mean it DOES exist

god eithe rdoes or doesnt exist, A god or creator either does or doesnt exist

but, none of us, not one, KNOWS which is the truth

so we choose a side we beleive sounds more logical or realistic or whatever to US

now i dont KNOW if there is an afterlife or not

but i do know that if any did, it doesnt have to have anything to do with a god or creator

it coudl be, and it seems most likely to me, that we are not "judgend when we biologically die in this life and pass on to the next by ANY being, and IF we are "judged" i believe it woudl be by ourselves, we woudl condemn ourselves to whatever, as that is what makes the most sence
2009-01-14 23:31:00 UTC
ah, you sound like you would be a good agnostic.

There is a classic cartoon that talks about how it would be in the year 2000. It talks about having pools in boxes,and robots.

Point being, they thought that believed the technology could advance so fast (I think it was made in like the 50s?), but it did not. Basically, just because it "could" happen is not a logic reason to believe in something.

I could spontaneous combust tomorrow. I don't believe I will though.
Susan M
2009-01-14 23:39:28 UTC
I would never claim that my human intellect and my senses are aware of all that exists in the universe, but none the less, I have to live in the world as it presents itself to my understanding. There are an unlimitted number of imaginary scenarios, religious or paranoid, that I could allow to govern my thinking, but I choose to find my own path. I can't see any other honest way to live my life.
sausage wallet
2009-01-14 23:36:33 UTC
Err, why have only directed this to Atheists?

Do you realise that whilst "The Matrix" is fiction, it is not only that but also really really bad science. Not only that but no matter how powerful your computer is, the mere implementation of it is impossible
Liberal AssKicker
2009-01-14 23:29:45 UTC
If He wanted to He could make computers as small as a grain of sand and faster than the sped of light. He can do anything wether we can imagine it or not
2009-01-14 23:24:46 UTC
I don't really get your question. Technology advances. People from 100 years ago would barely recognise our world. What does that have to do with anything?

You're "pro adultery"? What?
2009-01-14 23:24:45 UTC
What's the issue you want our opinion on? The scientific research or the actual implementation of the microchips into society?
2009-01-14 23:27:46 UTC
100,000,000 years or even a trillion years, it just tell you that the promised "second coming" will become more of a myth - even to hardcore fundamentalists (assuming Christianity still survives).
Diane (PFLAG)
2009-01-14 23:26:21 UTC
My opinion...

Your rant is lacking in substance, style and clarity..

You have neglected to ask a question...

You make about as much sense as a head of cabbage giving a lecture on physics...

There you have it, my opinion....

Edit: More of the same in your edit...

Stop drinking sterno, have a nap and give it another try tomorrow.....
2009-01-14 23:29:40 UTC
I've failed to understand the question.

First off, "because we can't see it, doesn't mean we dont exist."

We (humans) MADE the chips in the first place.

I guess we did the same with God.
2009-01-14 23:26:59 UTC
Opinion on...?

Yes, eventually computers will be so powerful that they will be able to screw with time and create a god, thus proving that god was made up by computers and is not real.
2009-01-14 23:27:51 UTC
but we do know about computers...we understand the current technology and we're developing the future technology, all technology is based off previous technology or scientific discover and its all tangible and observable
2009-01-14 23:25:26 UTC
So . . . you think we might really be living in the Matrix?
2009-01-14 23:27:40 UTC
So....does that mean I can download porn 100000 times faster? Sweet.
2009-01-14 23:24:25 UTC
Won't those like, get lost easier?
Peter G.
2009-01-14 23:23:49 UTC
I missed your question mate.
2009-01-14 23:45:43 UTC
not a question but a statment

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