No...I will refrain from shouting "HERETIC!" at passing Christians, (none of them follow or even UNDERSTAND their own laws,) and demanding that they become Existentialists, or forever burn in Arizona...I won't tell the elderly that "there's no heaven, they've been lying to you for 77 years," because there's no point beyond malice...
However, if someone is posting a question (questioning denotes a desire for enlightenment, and permits me to speak the facts as I see them without fear of offending anyone's sensibilities,) on this site then I feel that it is my RESPONSIBILITY to try and convince them of the fact that Christianity has had its day in the sun and is now doing nothing but paving the way to the UTTER AND COMPLETE FAILURE OF THE HUMAN RACE!
Christianity has been the banner raised to justify torture, murder, war, oppression and the propagation of ignorance...
Christians are perfectly happy to "leave it in God's hands," and wait for the Apocalypse...Well, some of us would rather AVOID OUR OWN EXTINCTION and start taking responsibility for our lives...You could understand why if you'd look around and see WHAT A BANG UP JOB GOD'S DOING WITH THE WORLD TODAY...Good ol' God, watching over us, telling us how much he loves us and needs our money...Handing out debilitating birth defects on the one hand, and demanding the deaths of perfectly healthy abortion doctors on the other...
Christians ARE PARASITES...I don't care what anyone says, Christianity is A DISEASE of the mind and the only cure is KNOWLEDGE...
All you have to do to cure a Christian is make him ACTUALLY READ AND UNDERSTAND THE BIBLE...Theologans don't count, after all, they're getting paid...