Evolution or god?
2015-10-20 20:30:16 UTC
Do you believe the theory of evolution or did God make mankind how they are today?
73 answers:
Alpha Beta
2015-10-20 20:34:45 UTC
Evolution has nothing to do with how life started, only how it evolved after it started. No, I do not believe a god was involved in anything because I don't believe there is a god or gods. God exists ... in the minds of many humans. That's all.
2015-10-20 20:31:44 UTC
It's called Evolution vs Creationism
2015-10-21 14:55:11 UTC
You people are all the same: You never explain what you mean when you say that God made humans. What do you mean by that? What process are you talking about? Some at least say that they believe that God made humans through the process of evolution. But you haven't explained anything. The best possibility is what the ancient texts say. That highly developed people came down here and genetically engineered the species now known as "human." That one makes more sense that anything else, and even then it could be said that God used those people to do His will and create the human race. Next time be more specific with your questions ...
Jtis Me
2015-10-22 14:04:55 UTC
God! Evolution came after Adam and Eve
2015-10-20 20:39:54 UTC
God created evolution.
2015-10-20 20:54:23 UTC

Many who do not believe in the Bible embrace the theory that living things emerged from lifeless chemicals through unknown and mindless processes.

Supposedly, at some point a bacteria-like, self-replicating organism arose, gradually branching out into all the species that exist today. This would imply that ultimately the mind-bogglingly complex human actually evolved from bacteria.

The theory of evolution is also embraced by many who claim to accept the Bible as the word of God. They believe that God produced the first burst of life on earth but then simply monitored, and perhaps steered, the process of evolution. That, however, is not what the Bible says.

The Bible account of creation does not conflict with the scientific observation that variations occur within a kind

According to the Bible, God created all the basic kinds of plant and animal life, as well as a perfect man and woman who were capable of self-awareness, love, wisdom, and justice.

The kinds of animals and plants created by God have obviously undergone changes and have produced variations within the kinds. In many cases, the resulting life-forms are remarkably different from one another.

The Bible account of creation does not conflict with the scientific observation that variations occur within a kind.
2015-10-22 19:11:23 UTC
I accept evolution; but I also believe in the God of nature as a first cause. Evolution is part of the natural laws set up by God
2015-10-22 02:38:43 UTC
Nothing comes itself. There is too many thoughts behind creation. Whose thoughts are they? How the people who cannot realize themselves what they are can come to a conclusion that it is an evolution?

We are created beings. (The word 'created' is self-explanatory.) That doesn't comes under natural way of life. We are not natural but unnatural beings. I mean we are just robots made of different materials (flesh, bones, tissues etc.,). There are ever existing eternal beings which knew neither death nor birth and God is the chief of these eternal beings. In fact this is the real ever existing phenomena. Some people asks "Who created God?". This is because they think from the state what they are. That's why they are unable to understand the truth.
2015-10-22 00:19:28 UTC
If you were to dismiss all the fossils that prove evolution, you could still compare your grandparent's pinky toes with your own and see how much bigger theirs is. That kind of proves evolution is happening.

Then you got a book from the middle east that tells you an invisible Sky Daddy hates gay people. Evolution seems more realistic than God.
Stan M
2015-10-20 21:51:13 UTC
2015-10-20 20:30:54 UTC
I believe God guides evolution.
Brigalow Bloke
2015-10-20 20:44:11 UTC
My response to all anti-evolutionist questions for the time being is this five part challenge.

1. Define what you mean by evolution and compare it to the definition used by biologists for 75 years.

2. Explain why young Earth creationists do not preach to mining, oil, pharmaceutical, agrochemical or biotechnology companies.

3. Explain why there are no creation scientists listed in the patent records as inventors for any invention in biotechnology, agrochemistry or pharmaceuticals.

4. Explain why Duane Gish claimed that the Wadjak skulls were found at the same level and near the Java man fossils when the finds were 105 miles apart, the skulls in a cave by a marble quarry at Wadjak, the Java man near the Sulo River by Trinil.

5. Put your lab coats on and find any biochemical, molecular biological or other mechanism in organisms that prevent formation of new species that do not or cannot interbreed with the parent species. Claims will not be accepted as valid.
2015-10-22 07:54:50 UTC
Evolution, as an Atheist I follow solid evidence, not beliefs.

Until someone can show me a God in the 'flesh,' I will stand by Science's side.

I'm not saying that to be an asshole either, that's just quite literally, what it would take to make me believe in God.
2015-10-21 12:58:25 UTC
God, I used to believe in Evolution and a lot of science theories. I don't think science is stupid or hard to understand, maybe the math part of it. But that is it. I just think as you get older you start to realize there are too many things to be just "luck" or "coincidence" in this world and in life. I have been a Christian again for a while now. I have studied the Bible the whole way through and I think the next big leap for us is the leap back to finding the gap between what is true in the Bible and science/psychical world. But I believe God, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit and Angels, and The Devil and demons are real. I have no doubts and when I do have them very few.
2015-10-22 10:38:11 UTC
2015-10-22 17:02:47 UTC
2015-10-22 06:06:50 UTC
Between these two theories the evolution theory is more acceptable. Although none of the theories has been proved beyond doubt. The god factor is absolutely based on belief, whereas the evolution theory can be proved to a little extent. So, it is up to you to decide which one is more acceptable.
2015-10-20 20:40:15 UTC
A lot of people believe in God and also understand that evolution is how human beings got to be how they are today. You are demanding that we choose between two childishly simplistic options. Most people refuse to do that. How old are you, anyway, about five?
Lucius T Fowler
2015-10-22 14:10:12 UTC
There cannot be a belief in evolution, as it's a scientifically proven fact. You may believe in a god, however, who started it; that's not for me to decide.
2015-10-20 21:11:31 UTC
I accept the theory of evolution as the best explanation of how man evolved thus far, given the evidence. I cannot even consider that some god made man since there is absolutely no credible evidence to review.
2015-10-21 13:19:17 UTC
Perhaps.Evolution sounds far more feasible that blowing spit into dirt and making a fully formed man who is so dumb that his own rib can deceive him. How is that better or smarter or more sensible than evolution.

If you don't beleive evolution look at dogs. All dogs evolved--not spit balls- from wolves. One species, but one is 2 pounds and hairy and one is 130 pounds and hairless. One is white and blue- eyed - one is speckled and yellow eyes - one is black and brown eyes. one species- dog

HOw did all these variations occur? Selective breeding over dozens of generations by HUMANS for money!.

Open that mind of yours. Let some fresh air in.
2015-10-21 10:07:56 UTC
I don't believe in evolution, but I do believe in God. The bible tells is in Psalms 83:18 that his name is Jehovah. If you would like further information about Jehovah and have a free home bible study go to
2015-10-21 13:09:07 UTC
Our world is a vast and complex thing, its life and economy far too teleological to be accidental. Its cause can be none other than an intelligence of some kind, and since all nature bears witness to such an element , this intelligence constitutes the cosmic mystery. Now most of us know that all terrestrial plants spring from a seed , and that this seed contains both the cause and ideation of all subsequent growth and expression. Only in the seed do we find combined the two essentials, creative intelligence and energy. These are mother natures symbiosis and together they constitute Causation, a principle , not personality( God) . Space is their field of expression and in this, World seeds are indigenous, and just as with terrestrial seeds their germination sets in motion the dynamics of creation. And just as biologic seeds draw their substance from terrestrial fields , so do cosmic seeds draw theirs from celestial fields. Chaos is the seed ground of the cosmos.

Like all other seeds these cosmic seeds have within them a creative intelligence, the cause of all creative activity ; like all other seeds they create the forms in which this principle manifests; and like all other seeds they have the power of self -generation, motivation and sustention ; in other words, the active agent in creation is within the created. The life principle. In all terrestrial seeds there are what science calls genes, the carriers of all creative ideation and hereditary characteristics. This is called" genetic", genetic intelligence is creative but not discriminatory. It has no choice , but creates only after an innate plan or idea. Thus there is no" free will" or fiatic choice in creation, nor is it a reasoned process. Some of us ask why did you make the world and me ? Why did you make pain and suffering, disease and death ? Reasons imply moral qualities are necessary to the creation of a world. They are , however, necessary to the civilizing of one, and here is where moral qualities appear, in biogenesis, not cosmogenesis. To put it another way, in creation, quantity is made but no quality( moral or rational). Here we find the error of scriptural theology.

In all terrestrial seeds this principle of creation is non-moral and non-self-conscious, and its first creations are savage, merciless and warlike; such then is its nature.
2015-10-21 07:26:16 UTC
I believe in both, evolution does not disprove Gods existence, it has nothing to to with God
2015-10-22 07:10:07 UTC
No, don't believe in evolution. Contrary to scientific belief Man was created by God.

Here is something to think about. Everything in the universe had a creator, from the tiniest screws to huge planes, these items did not just pop up they all had a creator. The same with physical universe, smallest animal, to humans themselves.

Here is why, man first of all likes to make or think of things as complicated and so often looks over the simple answers. Second most men and scientist have not read the bible. Yes, man did actually wrote the bible under the direction of God's Holy Spirit.

To illustration a business person asks there secretary to take notes and write a letter that I am going to tell you what to say, so the secretary does just that. Even though the secretary wrote the words, are the words written the business persons' or secretary. That's right the business person. Same is true with God's word the Bible, he may have had men write it, but they were his words, since he is the God of the universe and Creator, he has the power to make sure it does not get changed or done away with.

If you have never read a bible, go the table of contents in front, look for the bible name sometimes abbreviated on the side as well. Some books will have 1, 2, or 3 before the bible book title that tells you that the writer wrote more than one letter with the same name. Once you have found the bible book that you are looking for, the larger dark numbers that means the chapter, the smaller numbers within that chapter are the versus. Example:

Luke is the book, look larger number which is the Chapter 3, read smaller numbers Versus 23 through 38.

Luke 3:23-38

Understanding our origin is vital to understanding who we are, where we are going, and how we should live. Only with knowledge of man’s origin can we understand God’s permission of suffering and his purpose for man’s future.

Luke is the book, look larger number which is the Chapter 3, read smaller numbers Versus 23 through 38.

Luke 3:23-38

The writer Luke of the Bible book entitled Luke traced Jesus’ genealogy back to the first man. (Luke 3:23-38) Not some bacteria that evolve to plants, then apes, then humans.

Acts is the book, look larger number which is the Chapter 17, read smaller numbers Versus 24 through 26.

Acts 17:24-26

The writer of Acts who was the apostle Paul spoke before an audience that included philosophers who were educated in the famous Greek schools, he told them: “The God that made the world and all the things in it . . . made out of one man every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth.” (Acts 17:24-26) Clearly, the Bible teaches that we descended from “one man.

Genesis is the book, look larger number which is the Chapter 1, read smaller numbers Versus 27 the skip to 31.

Acts 17:27, 31

Ecclesiastes is the book, look larger number which is the Chapter 7, read smaller numbers Versus 29.

Ecclesiastes 7:29

According to the Bible, Jehovah God made the first man perfect. It is impossible for God to make things any other way. The creation account says: “God proceeded to create the man in his image . . . After that God saw everything he had made and, look! It was very good.” (Genesis 1:27, 31) What is a perfect man like?

A perfect man has free will and is able to imitate God’s qualities completely. The Bible says: “The true God made mankind upright, but they themselves have sought out many plans.” (Ecclesiastes 7:29)

Adam chose to rebel against God. By his rebellion, Adam lost perfection for himself and his offspring. Man’s fall from perfection explains why we often disappoint ourselves, even though we want to do what is good.

Jehovah God would not have declared the creation of man to be “very good” if the man had a tendency to get sick or to rebel. The fall from perfection explains why the human body, though marvelously designed, is susceptible to deformities and disease.

Evolution is therefore incompatible with the Bible. Evolution presents modern man as an improving animal.

The Bible presents modern man as the degenerating descendant of a perfect man.

The idea that God directed evolution in order to produce man is also incompatible with what the Bible says about God’s personality. If God guided the process of evolution, it would mean that he guided mankind into its present diseased and distressed state.

Deuteronomy is the book, look larger number which is the Chapter 32, read smaller numbers Versus 4 and 5.

Deuteronomy 32:4, 5

A God of faithfulness, with whom there is no injustice; righteous and upright is he. They have acted ruinously on their own part; they are not his children, the defect is their own.” (Deuteronomy 32:4, 5) Therefore, mankind’s present suffering is not the result of God-directed evolution. It is the result of one man’s losing perfection for himself and his offspring by rebelling against God.
2015-10-21 14:45:06 UTC
I am inclined to have to go with 'evolution'; when was the last time you saw a legitimate argument that demonstrated the presence of god? Facts only accepted, no suppositions accepted.
2015-10-22 09:00:23 UTC
God did the creating, man made us what we are today. There's a difference. Adam was created perfect but sinned, chose for himself how he wanted to live without Jehovah saying what is right and wrong. Today we are the product of Adam's choice. We will be brought back to perfection in Christ's thousand year rein though. can help you find answers to this.
2015-10-21 12:06:06 UTC
Evolution. Why? Dinsaurs, that's why.
2015-10-24 00:46:21 UTC
Many who do not believe in the Bible embrace the theory that living things emerged from lifeless chemicals through unknown and mindless processes.

Supposedly, at some point a bacteria-like, self-replicating organism arose, gradually branching out into all the species that exist today. This would imply that ultimately the mind-bogglingly complex human actually evolved from bacteria.
Jacob Njeru
2015-10-21 22:21:23 UTC
Evolution is just what man think, but truth of the matter is God created man the way he is today, we have not seen man evolving to another form recently if he evolved from the monkey as they say.
Apostate Son Of God
2015-10-23 06:55:25 UTC
I choose evolution and the Buddha rather than God.
2015-10-20 23:36:18 UTC
I believe both God and evolution . [GOD] God created humans, dogs, elephant, monkey, cat, fish, birds, plants, etc. [EVOLUTION] Genetic traits (Example: Few bears imigrates to Arctic, they breed, one of their child have genetic traits that make it have white fur, after it grows up, it breeds, having more white-furred bears. White furs make them hide better from predators. On the end, brown bears extinct from the Arctic, white bears survived) and cross breeding made them have different types (like tiger and leopard.) However, evolution will not make much different. Like monkey into human, that's impossible
2015-10-21 05:03:49 UTC
God created evolution.
2015-10-21 00:13:47 UTC
Evolution of man began millions of years before Adam and Eve (NEPHILIMS - Angels

designed for earth).

1. Man was "MADE(evolved), not in God's image, millions of years ago.

2. Adam and Eve were "CREATED(not made) in God's image over eleven thousand years ago.

Adam and Eve were suppose to teach, not mate(forbidden fruit) with mankind . If you mate with mankind you die(lose supernatural powers).
2015-10-21 14:22:08 UTC
Well if evolution is true, then we have no purpose or meaning. It also takes more faith to believe nothing made everything. Even to the exact detail.
2015-10-21 21:04:20 UTC
Both God created evolution
2015-10-20 20:37:41 UTC
My child says that God was the first person. When I asked her where God came from, she said God came from monkeys. Seems like a good enough answer as any.
2015-10-21 15:53:06 UTC
God. I'd rather live finding out there is a afterlife rather than being naive and say there is no after life at all
Groove doctor
2015-10-21 11:52:19 UTC
Although that's a false dilemma, I believe evolution to be true. In fact I know (strongly believe) it to be true.
2015-10-21 09:41:47 UTC
Do you believe the theory of evolution

- That is like asking if I believe in gravity.
2015-10-20 20:56:23 UTC
God made the world and everything in it Acts 17:24
2015-10-20 23:19:18 UTC
Evolution exists. The proof is overwhelming.

God exists. The proof is overwhelming.

It makes sense that these two facts are somehow related. It is not an either, or case.
Lighting the Way to Reality
2015-10-20 21:29:19 UTC
Well, I think the answer to evolution or god can be determined by examining the evidence and arguments of those who say man is the result of evolution and those who say their god created man.

Those who say evolution can back it up with a considerable amount of evidence. And that a evidence is available on the Internet.

Since all of the evidence is for evolution, those who say God invariably resort to misrepresentation and even lies in their attempts to refute evolution in an attempt to prove their God as creator, or, more specially, the lay believers refer to web sites where they find that material.

For example, in answer to your question, besides his own nonsense, @David@YourService provided links to some creationist videos. One of those videos is by a creationist pseudo-scientist by the name of Don Patton. It so happens that, in answering a previous question, I had exposed Patton's SOME (space limitations) of deceit, lies and plain BS.

See it here. Scroll down a bit to get to my answer.

So, since the evidence is on the side of evolution, and those who say god created us are forced to resort to deceit, it should be clear which is the answer.
2015-10-23 05:29:16 UTC
Science and God
2015-10-21 01:03:35 UTC
Microevolution does exist. Macroevolution does not. God made man in His image, yes. As a fully formed man, with an intact Spirit that was pure and holy. Satan tricked mankind, through our first parents, and therefore what you see in the race today is after 6 thousand years of degeneration, not evolution. This world has been claimed by the great Enemy of souls, and he has had almost free reign with our societies and cultures ever since.
Dogstar Ascendant
2015-10-20 20:56:46 UTC
Evolution happens whether you believe in it or not.
2015-10-20 21:12:59 UTC
Evolution. I don't think God really cared about our physical form, and I suspect that we aren't his only advanced creation.
2015-10-20 20:32:26 UTC
I think that both can go hand in hand, you shouldn't have to choose.

“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.”

― Werner Heisenberg

Basically the more we learn about the world around us, we can better appreciate God...if he exists.
i am dog
2015-10-21 15:45:11 UTC
your question implies that the two are mutually exclusive. why can't god be creating through evolution? it's obviously happening. perhaps that is how "god" meant it to be. and really, if god meant it to be different, wouldn't it be?
2015-10-21 12:58:53 UTC
God is our creator.

A century after Darwin's death, we still have not the slightest or even plausible idea of how evolution really took place.
2015-10-21 10:15:22 UTC

1Co 15:39 Not all flesh is the same. Humans have one kind of flesh, animals in general have another(apes and monkeys are not humans), birds have another, and fish have still another.

1Co 15:40 There are heavenly bodies and earthly bodies, but the splendor of those in heaven is of one kind, and that of those on earth is of another.

1Co 15:41 One kind of splendor belongs to the sun, another to the moon, and still another to the stars. In fact, one star differs from another star in splendor.

1Co 15:42 This is how it will be at the resurrection of the dead. What is planted is decaying, what is raised cannot decay.

1Co 15:43 The body is planted in dishonor but raised in splendor. It is planted in weakness but raised in power.
2015-10-21 04:09:17 UTC
Evolution. Seriously, who found evidence for the other?
2015-10-20 20:30:52 UTC
Evolution. Because I went to school.

Haha, this is interesting. About ten minutes after I posted this it was 3 TDs and one TU. Now it's six to three. Seems like the people with brains have arrived on the scene to back me up.
2015-10-21 19:52:23 UTC
I believe in theory of evolution....God is ourselves....
2015-10-20 20:37:24 UTC
This wasn't meant to be offensive to anyone. Love how fast answers pooled in though.
2015-10-22 13:39:32 UTC
The thing with this is both are highly likley, its stupid for us to say there is no god, it just makes sence that weather it was jesus, Allah, the universe, etc. We had to of been made by something.
2015-10-22 06:02:23 UTC
Pokemon do not believe in God. This is a fact.
2015-10-20 21:23:45 UTC
I can honestly say I do not know but I like the idea of being placed here by an advanced alien race.
2015-10-20 21:12:40 UTC
God created us, but I believe we made us the way we are today, by poor choices and decisions.
2015-10-21 01:37:49 UTC
I believe we were created by God the way we are
brother trucker
2015-10-21 00:29:05 UTC
Im quiet sure God created the world to evolve so its an illogical question. There is no choice. ,
2015-10-20 22:37:05 UTC
No brainier: Evolution!~
2015-10-22 14:08:35 UTC
Don't think one's a substitute for the other.
2015-10-21 07:50:53 UTC
God created mankind and the earth and all that is here.
2015-10-20 20:32:34 UTC
which theory?

btw, God made Adam and Eve, and all animals as we see them today
2015-10-21 03:37:50 UTC
If one read Charles Darwin, and his theory of, Survival of the Fittest, their is no question of the truth of life. Science wins. Always !
2015-10-20 20:59:41 UTC
It would be nice to have someone else to blame for our stupidity.
2015-10-20 21:08:44 UTC
2015-10-20 20:30:39 UTC
god did it
great knight
2015-10-21 12:53:31 UTC
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."- the Word of God. and soo on.
2015-10-22 01:01:24 UTC
why not even both
2015-10-21 05:21:45 UTC
David at Your Service
2015-10-20 20:53:40 UTC

Would you like to be an expert on the theory of evolution and how it really works? You can be. Just continue reading.

The fundamental key to having a complete understanding of the theory of evolution (aka evolutionism) can be found within the first ten seconds of an episode from the slavishly pro-evolution TV series “David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities” (see vid below). There the famous naturalist unwittingly spills the beans with this question: “How did two small animals ... **change** our understanding of evolution?” (** emphasis added).

Well who would have guessed? It turns out that evolutionism itself has its own built-in survival mechanism: evolution. It evolves as necessary to adapt to ever new contradictory information. When evidence again and again is found against the failed theory, it just maneuvers, dodges, twists, weaves and “changes” as required to accommodate the new evidence. Below are some examples.

Almost immediately after Darwin wrote his nonsense, evolutionists touted fossils of the strange looking coelacanth fish as proof of evolution. All were told the 65-million year old seagoing vertebrate was a clearly recognizable precursor to animals that walked on land based on its obvious foot-like fins--that is until 1938 when they found one swimming around in the Indian Ocean. It was just a weird-looking fish. With any other theory, especially with such a setback, scientists would at least consider the prospect that the theory is fundamentally flawed and maybe should be relegated to the dust heap of other failed theories like bloodletting and the flat-earth theory--but not with the theory of evolution. All you do is “change [the] understanding of evolution” which is code for “evolve” the theory. (Since everything else evolves, why not the theory itself?) So scientists came up with the idea of “living fossils”. They changed the theory from all animals evolving to only those that had not met an “evolutionary dead end” where they were so perfectly evolved, they no longer needed to evolve any further. (Huh? So even if the theory is true, how do they know with certainty that all animals haven’t now met their evolutionary dead end, and therefore there is no more evolution? You’re not supposed to ask questions like that.)

Later as more and more fossils were dug up it became more and more obvious that the fossil record was NOT replete with transitional-intermediates as theorized by Darwin, but rather if anything, showed animals NOT evolving; staying relatively the same for supposedly “millions of years”. Such was described as the “trademark secret of paleontologists” by famed evolutionists such as Dr. Stephen Gould. Again, not a problem for the ever evolving theory of evolution; Dr. Gould and others changed the theory and invented the idea of “Punctuated Equilibrium” where evolution happens so fast when it does happen, it rarely or can’t be found in the fossil record. What once was a “problem” for evolution, with the writing of a new book, instantly became “proof” for evolution. Now NOT finding transitional-intermediates in the fossil record was proof of the theory (huh?).

A more recent example of the dodging and twisting was when soft tissue was accidentally found in dinosaur bones in 2005 by Dr. Mary Schweitzer. Mainstream scientists for decades had told everyone that there was no sense looking for soft tissue in dinosaur bones because they were so old, it would be impossible for such to be found in them. Although at first those biased scientists dismissed her evidence as faulty, with more and more testing and it being determined that in actuality, soft tissue is the rule rather than the exception in dino bones, the theory “changed” once again and asserted that soft tissue in dinosaur bones CAN continue to exist for even hundreds of millions of years after the death of the animal. Thus at one time what was proof that a bone was young, now is also proof that it may be old--all according to the latest version of the theory. But that’s not all.

After soft tissue was found in dino bones, some inquisitive testers tested the bones for carbon-14. Because of the relative very short half-life of the C14 isotope, no remains of dead animals should have any C14 in them if they have been dead over 100,000 years. Well guess what. C14 testing of dino bones routinely shows the isotope in them revealing them to be 40,000 years old or less. As with the soft-tissue problem above, most mainstream scientists have initially dismissed and ignored this evidence; however, this problem continues to linger and is becoming more and more problematic. For one thing, dino bones can be bought online and sent to labs for date testing for only a few hundred dollars, so that almost anyone with a little cash can see the evidence directly for themselves--without ever having to even leave their own house! (See vid below of some who have done just that.) Some scientists, recognizing the problem isn’t just going away, have already started to “change” the theory again. In desperation, a few are asserting circular-reasoning nonsense: C14 works for mammoth and saber-tooth tiger fossils because they only died out a few thousand years ago, but it doesn’t work for dinosaur fossils because they died out millions of years ago (again, huh?).

In a nutshell, the basic logic for evolution goes something like the illustration below:

Person A: Rocks evolve from water.

Person B: Prove it.

Person A: Here we have simple water. Over here we have complex rocks. That means water evolved into rocks.

Person B: How can you say that? Have you ever seen water become a rock?

Person A: No. It happens so slowly you can’t see it happening.

Person B: Then how can you say water evolves into rocks if you even admit you can never see it happen.

Person A: Look at this. I’ve drawn a picture*. Here on the left we have simple water. Here in the middle is an arrow pointing from left to right. And over here on the right we have complex rocks. That obviously means water evolved into rocks. What better proof could there be? I mean you have to admit this is a well-drawn picture.

Person B: What?! I still don’t understand.

Person A: Hmm ... Let me see. Oh here’s some. See this?

Person B: That’s mud.

Person A: No, that’s what we evolutionists call a transitional intermediate.

Person B: Huh? I still don’t understand.

Person A: You must be a retard.

Knowing how the theory really works, one can easily surmise what would happen if a fossilized T-Rex sitting in a rocking chair, smoking a pipe and reading “The Saturday Evening Post” was found. The next day headlines from all the science journals would read, “Startling New Evidence Shows that Rocking Chairs, Smoking Pipes and even ‘The Saturday Evening Post’ Are at Least 65-Million Years Old!”

So now you know how Darwin’s failed theory works and continues to survive even to this day. The theory of evolution itself evolves. Because of that, it is impossible to disprove the theory to an avid evolutionist. No matter what credible negative evidence you presented, some sort of ad hoc explanation would be invented to counter the evidence, and the theory “changed” accordingly.

Many, many people do not believe in the theory of evolution because of the mountain of overwhelming evidence against it (maybe even most people if they didn’t have to deal with inevitable ridicule--or even losing their job--for expressing their true beliefs on the matter). There are too many flaws in the theory to cover in this puny forum. For those interested in a more exhaustive list, I would suggest seeing the appropriate section on the website. In the meantime, enjoy the vids below.

*For those who wonder what imaginative picture drawing has to do with evolution, see the vid below starting at about the 7:38 mark.

And who best to prove Darwin’s theory untrue, but the famed naturalist himself.

Major premise: “Lastly, looking not to any one time, but to all time, IF MY THEORY BE TRUE, NUMBERLESS INTERMEDIATE VARIETIES, linking most closely all the species of the same group together, must assuredly have existed; but the very process of natural selection constantly tends, as has been so often remarked, to exterminate the parent forms and the intermediate links. Consequently EVIDENCE OF their former existence could BE FOUND only AMONGST FOSSIL REMAINS, which ARE PRESERVED, as we shall in a future chapter attempt to show, in an extremely imperfect and intermittent record” (“The Origin of Species” by Charles Darwin, Chapter 6, “Difficulties of Theory”; emp. added).

Minor premise: Numberless intermediate varieties have NEITHER been preserved nor found amongst fossil remains (and it’s not because the fossil record is imperfect or intermittent after a century and a half of feverish digging--they just aren’t there; the lack of intermediate transitional fossils has even been described as the “trademark secret of paleontologists” by famed evolutionists such as Dr. Stephen Gould).

Conclusion: Darwin’s theory is NOT true.

Finally -

“Debating evolutionists on the topic of evolution is rather like trying to play chess with a pigeon which keeps changing the rules of the game--except only another evolutionist would even contemplate trying to play chess with a pigeon.” - David@YourService.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.