You are in charge. You are choosing, electing and deciding. Nobody out here can do for you what you can do for yourself and must do for yourself. You see, it all has to do with HOW you decide to react to what is happening to you. You are the one who decides. So if what is happening to you, you find you do not like, then change how you react to it. Choose to see things differently.
You are your own power. Others are not. You have all the tools necessary in your life to live it just exactly as you choose to. You were created by God in perfection, not in imperfection, because God creates no thing which is not perfect, ever! Believe in yourself, and all things will be provided to you.
God is always there for you, and you are never EVER alone. But more importantly, if you want to know God better, if you really desire to know God, then go within yourself. God is NEVER found "out there" somewhere else. There is no such thing as ELSE. You have thought the world is out there (outside of you), but instead, the world is inside of YOU. So this means, God is inside of YOU.
If you want to know God, then stop telling your story to God - instead, LISTEN. God cannot speak to you if you are not listening. Jesus frequently brought this up in his teachings - people were not listening (they were not "hearing."). So if you want to hear God, then LISTEN. Go within yourself and trust yourself. This is the first step. Trust. Trust what you hear about your feelings, for feelings are your direct connection with God. Feelings have meanings to you that words can never describe. And God, ever always the clarifier, speaks to you in a way that you get the meaning - the clear meaning of things. Listen to your HEART because your heart (not your mind) but instead, your HEART, is the gateway to God. What you feel about something is your truest knowing.
Ask God to help you FEEL about something. What is it that you are feeling? Listen to that feeling and honor it. That is God speaking to you.
What is it that you are experiencing in life? Nothing happens by chance. There is no such thing as luck. And the word FATE means: From All Things Everywhere. You are creating everything you are experiencing, so if what you are experiencing is something you do not want, then THINK DIFFERENTLY. Use thought, which is your creative force, to create a new reality for you, a new way to understand what is happening. You are more powerful than you think. So when God does not communicate by feeling, God communicates by experience. To change your experience about something, change your thought about it! How do you think about something? This requires you to become aware of your every thought.
And don't discount imagination, for there is nothing (NO THING) which God will not use, to get messages through to you. Imagination means to IMAGE-IT. So imagination are the pictures you see in your mind, they are the formed images of your thoughts and these formed images are your reality (notice that everything you know comes from the images you perceive in your mind). Imagination is just as much of an effective tool of communication as any other. Imagination does NOT mean hallucination!
The challenge in life is to see God everywhere and in all things, to not believe in separation or exclusion, for these things do NOT exist. God is never separate from you and you are never separate from the Creator. In fact, you are a minature God yourself, having been created in God's image and likeness, you have been given all the powers that God has to create - and you are doing this every moment of your life. You may not know you are doing it, but you are. You are the creator of your own experiences, your own thoughts - your own reality.
When you realize these are truths, that I have told you, then you will become empowered in your life - ACT the part that you are. Believe in yourself, never disempower yourself or think less of yourself. For whatever you think of yourself is how your reality forms and unfolds before you.