Regardless of which translation anyone uses, this is totally speaking of AFTER the RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ and his ascension to heaven, where God set Jesus on the throne of god, and then called Jesus, God. Now let all the angels of God worship him.
Not before. When you all try to say that Mary's baby was fully God, you are ADDING LIES TO GOD'S WORD and it is totally false and misleading.
Then you miss the real truth, that this MAN, JESUS, earned this glory BY HIS PERFECT LIFE, overcoming sin in the FLESH of his being human just the same as us.
and what are you going to do with the fact that the Apostle Peter, shows that we will all be partakers of this DIVINE nature, when we follow Jesus as we should:
2 Peter 1:3-5
King James Version (KJV)
3According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:
4Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
So now, does that me us fully God?
You do greatly err, not knowing the truth of god, but trying always to prove the catholic lie of Mary being mother of a god. It is simply not true.
the JW also missed the real truth, not having revelation from God, but still FOLLOWED THE LIE OF CATHOLICISM, OF INCARNATION, when not one single verse mentions such a thing.
So they say it is an incarnate angel. there is no such thing as any incarnate god or angle. It is lies of the devil.
Edit: write and ask me anything you wish. The answers are ALL in written Scripture, and without it, there is no truth. I was showing that just because Jesus was given all power in heaven and earth, BY GOD, AFTER HIS RESURRECTION, (thereby, having all the fullness of the Godhead) does NOT mean that he was anything other than FULLY HUMAN. If, If, he had been God, before God set Jesus on his throne, there would have been no need for God to have to GIVE POWER TO JESUS.
You have not heard these truths, because the seventh church is STILL in the lead and is blind, naked, dead, wretched, poor and cast out of God's mouth. The truth is not in them, and that is why God said, COME OUT OF HER. I came out and God is now teaching me, HIMSELF, HIS TRUTH. Jesus is MY GOD. But he is still a MAN.
Edit@doe: for one thing, I am NOT a JW. They do not have anymore truth than you do. Neither of you have any truth from God, but go with the false teachings of the lukewarm, blind church. Jesus is NOT THE WORD OF GOD. He never taught such a thing. His apostles never taught such a thing. that teaching did not exist until the catholic church changed all of God's truth and brought in the pagan, trinity, idols.
You do not know what you think you know. What you say, THEY ALL SAY. Even the JW cling to the false idea that Jesus, as some kind of being, existed before he was born. GOD NEVER SAID SUCH A THING.
It is not in any scripture. Paul never claimed this, Peter never believed it. It is lies.
The 144,000 should never be written that way, as a numeral; for it is not a numeral. It does NOT MEAN that MANY...neither does ONE MEAN 1.
the 144,000 (doing this for short), happens to be ALL OF GODS PEOPLE from the very beginning. Paul and that early church were clearly the FRIST FRUITS. We are all fruit on that tree of life. It has no number. Just as the members of the God kingdom, has no number. No one has any idea how many members are GOD. So now fire away, WRITE TO ME and bring your accusations. You have no scripture proof. only twists, adding to it, taking away from it.
Edit@watchtower: You said: Summary: Studying the greek grammar along with the context and several passages within the bible clearly state Jesus is the God-man, two natures united in one person.
Me: give me just 1 verse. It is not written in any scripture, but is lies of man. the term, God-man, does not exist in Scripture, for it is lies of the devil. You say it clearly says this...then prove it, quote me 1 verse. If they close this out, email it to me. You will see you cannot do it.
Also, quote me that word, INCARNATION, from 1 verse. find it. You will see it is not God's word. It is satan's word.