Propaganda designed to weasel in undefined political label:
"Atheists: why do liberals say the electoral college system is unfair? the electoral college helps give a bigger voice to people in rural areas, there is an imbalance in america where more people live in big cities than live in rural districts and both types of areas have very different interests. in britain we benefit by having only 2 major cities and so the rural districts still have plenty of say in elections but in the states the rural dwellers have to battle against about a dozen huge urban areas in elections"
Your premises:
Atheism is somehow related to electoral schemas.
The United States electoral system over-represents rural areas.
People in the United Kingdom (Britain) have elections.
There are only two major cites in the United Kingdom.
The British democracy has benefited from that.
There exists some undefined class of persons known as liberals.
Liberals in the United States believe the electoral system is unfair.
Your conclusion:
Please believe the term "liberals" represents a class of persons who are politically fair.
Your modus operandi:
"Argument by assertion is the logical fallacy where someone tries to argue a point by merely asserting that it is true, regardless of contradiction. While this may seem stupid, it's actually an easy trap to fall into and is quite common... This is not the same as establishing initial axioms on which to build a framework of logic or ideas."
"Overgeneralization is a logical fallacy that occurs when a conclusion about a group is drawn from an unrepresentative sample, especially a sample that is too small or too narrow."
The terms liberal and conservative in themselves are meaningless political labels. When used by political hacks, agent provocateurs, and racists they usually take on meaning as follows:
1. A despicable person.
2. Not a member of my political party.
1. A despicable person.
2. Not a member of my political party.
The opposite of those meanings are invoked from time to time by certain political hacks:
po•lit•i•cal la•bel
1. An alleged political philosophy, e.g., "I am running for office as a
2. A slogan representing some political hack or party, e.g., "The movement is founded on common sense, decency, respect for the electorate and blah blah blah..."
The propensity to invoke meaningless political labels does not necessarily elucidate the motivation from which people dispense political propaganda. The source is unknown to me. There are many likely suspects:
-- Sincere but delusional beliefs from a member of the electorate.
-- Video infotainment/propaganda industry.
-- Professional racists (e.g., Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson) working for same as above.
-- Foreign counterintelligence, e.g., China, Russia, Iran, Qatar, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Mexico.
-- Insincere—just some idiot psychopath who can read and write English.
-- Terrorist operative, e.g., Al Qaeda, Islamic State, La Raza Cosmica.
-- Domestic operatives working for a major political party or traitor mercenaries from same.
Terms of political propaganda typically are used in case stereotypes of human beings by color or ethnicity may fail when challenged with counter-evidence. To cover all challenges, the user can revert to vague political labels as a stereotyping tactic. Overall, the purpose is to turn human beings against each other.
The people who communicate that gibberish are enemies of humanity whether they will admit it or not. Nothing good can come from spreading contempt according to vaguely categorized stereotypes, or from encouraging people to think in terms of vacuous stereotypes and impossible assertions.
Lack of specific evidence linked to specific persons or dogmatic belief systems—the sort of things that shape perception, cognition, and action—makes such propaganda sociopathic, with no intellectual or ethical value.
There need be a definite chain of evidence and reasoning to justify castigating particular groups of persons.
1. Open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
2. (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
1. Holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.
For example, although Barack Obama is often accused of being a liberal, he is a Bible-thumping creationist, about as conservative as one can get:
"... I believe that God created the universe and that the six days in the Bible may not be six days as we understand it, it may not be 24-hour days, and that’s what I believe. . . . My belief is that the story that the Bible tells about God creating this magnificent Earth on which we live -- that is essentially true, that is fundamentally true." -- Barack Obama, 2008
by Nick Wing, 21 November 2012, The Huffington Post
Some may call him trendy. I hope the trend toward undue paranoid psychosis does not spread:
"There are very few African American men in this country who haven’t had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store. That includes me. There are very few African American men who haven’t had the experience of walking across the street and hearing the locks click on the doors of cars. That happens to me -- at least before I was a senator. There are very few African Americans who haven’t had the experience of getting on an elevator and a woman clutching her purse nervously and holding her breath until she had a chance to get off. That happens often." – Barack Obama, 19 July 2013
It has obvious adverse effects:
" 'I’m Putting Wings on Pigs Today,' a person believed to be the gunman wrote. 'They Take 1 Of Ours . . . Let’s Take 2 of Theirs,' the post continued, ending with, 'This May Be My Final Post.' "
-- Ismaaiyl Brinsley, 20 December 2014, New York Post
"Leaked pictures 'show Dallas killer's body' as police reveal chilling message written in blood... Warning graphic images: The 25-year-old Afghanistan veteran was blown up by a bomb robot following a standoff with police"
by Natalie Evans, Martin Bagot, 12 July 2016, Mirror online