Although Jesus came to save all mankind, we have to choose to become one of “His people” and be saved. Jesus said whosoever believes will have eternal life (John 3:16) and everyone who asks receives (Matt. 7:7-8). This means we all have the choice to be saved, but we have to ask in faith in order to receive it.
Romans 8:29-30 tells us that God, who knows the end from the beginning, knew everyone who would ask for salvation before even one of us came to be. Those He foreknew He predestined (appointed) to have a place in His Kingdom. At the appropriate time in our life He calls us, knowing we will respond. When we do He justifies us by allowing the death of His son to pay the penalty for our sins. At that time He gives us to His Son. The Son becomes our Shepherd, as we have become His sheep, and He will never lose any of us (John 6:37-40). When we are raptured or resurrected He will glorify us.
So Jesus came to die for all mankind, but only those who accept His death as payment for their sins will be called His people. The choice is ours. Since we can pay for our own sins the choice should be a no-brainer. See, spending eternity in Hell is not the penalty for our sins, it’s the consequence of being unable to pay the penalty. The penalty for our sins is the life of a sinless person, the righteous for the unrighteous (1 Peter 3:18). None of us is sinless so none of us is qualified to pay the penalty. Not for ourselves or anyone else.
Jesus agreed to pay the penalty for us, as long as we agreed to let Him. Because He was sinless, He was qualified to do so. As soon as He gave His life for us we were free. The penalty had been paid, and we were able to avoid the consequences of being unable to pay.
Therefore people don’t go to Hell to pay the penalty for their sins. They go to Hell because they can’t pay the penalty and refused to let Jesus pay it for them. Even after spending eternity in Hell, they’ll still owe the same penalty as they did on their first day there. That's why hell is eternal torment.
If you're not sure what Jesus has done for you then listen to this:
And this: