Do I agree that there are plenty of sickeningly arrogant, intellectually dishonest apologists? Absolutely, yes! But there are also some that are genuine.. People who are sincere about their motives, who don't deliberately try to manipulate people, and who are usually able to reconsider the information they present, and admit to making errors. They might still be misinformed, and ignorant, about a number of different topics! (As most humans are...) And they might have attended schools that only presented to them ONE specific, thoroughly biased side of the whole picture. But then again, MOST of us are unable to understand the whole picture! And I think the only thing you can really demand of people in that sense, is that they do their best. That they remain humble, and willing to admit potential errors. That they remain truthful, and do not willingly try to deceive their fellow humans. Then hopefully, as they go along in life, they'll keep learning more and more, and increase their own understanding over time. :)
I do think you're right, however, that MOST apologists aren't very genuine about it.. MOST of them don't seem to have that much integrity.. Take Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron, for instance. They don't really care if what they present is the truth or not! Their faulty arguments keep getting debunked, time and time again, but they still keep using them! Because it's not really ABOUT finding truth... It is about converting people, and earning money through that, at whatever cost! So they are perfectly willing to be intellectually dishonest and deceitful, if only it serves their purpose! Which, personally, I find to be completely distasteful, and immoral, and disgusting!
There are also apologists like C.S. Lewis, though... I mean, I'm not even a Christian, but I've always liked the guy! I liked his fictional books, as a kid. And now, as an adult, I've come to learn more about his arguments, and his role as an apologist. :) I do not agree with all of his arguments! Like for instance, I find the whole "liar, lunatic, lord" argument to be based on a very obvious false trichotomy. But... He also has a lot of interesting thoughts, and makes a lot of valid observations! And if you read his personal conversion account, it is a very beautiful, heartfelt and sincere story, of a man who experienced something very real, and something thoroughly life-changing! I think Lewis has obviously got integrity, and sincerity.. While he was alive, he was obviously NOT one of those charlatans, or "arrogant pseudo-intellectuals"... You don't have to agree with him. Like I said, I agree with SOME of his observations, and not with other ones. But I still very much admire the guy, and his experiences, and the beautiful, heartfelt way in which he managed to present his message to the world.. I guess being such a gifted author, probably helped him a LOT with that. :)
Also, I feel like pointing out that as a non-Christian, non-atheist, I see just as many atheists who would qualify as "arrogant pseudo-intellectuals." People who sincerely think the fact that they no longer believe in a god of any kind, automatically makes them a smart cookie, and intellectually superior to anyone who disagrees with them, almost by DEFAULT! I actually see far more arrogance, smugness, intolerance and unjustified cocksureness coming from hardcore anti-theists on here, than from any other group. And it really is not the slightest bit pretty!