How do we know for sure that there is a Heaven or hell????
2007-10-23 19:37:06 UTC
i no longer attend church because there were so many hypocrites there. now i'm starting to wonder if there is a God and if i should worry about heaven or hell..... Is there really anything to worry about?? And why do people pray to a torture device? And why do people only pray when they need something???? If there is a God don't u think he's pissed off???? Do people think there is a God because it was drilled into them??????? I need Answers!!!!!!!
Eighteen answers:
2007-10-23 19:40:10 UTC
Several years ago I had an unusual experience concerning an uncle, a distant relative who lived over a thousand miles away.

While driving my car I suddenly felt the unmistakable presence of this relative that I hardly even knew. He was more like someone I had heard about than someone I knew. It was very strange; it felt as though I was momentarily lifted right out of my physical body. I seemed to be suspended somehow beyond space and time, bathed in a love so intense It felt like I could have just disappear into it at any moment if It would have let me. It only lasted for a few seconds, but it seemed to last forever at the same time. I realize how crazy this must sound. The experience was so strong that at first I was afraid I was loosing my grip on reality. I finally managed to chalk it up to an over active imagination.

Three days later I got a call from my aunt telling me that this uncle we are talking about had gone into a coma and died the day I had the experience. It felt like ice water had been poured down my back when she told me this. I had lost any real ideas of God or faith and had become somewhat of an atheist. Needless to say this experience caused me to rethink some of the conclusions I had come to.

I feel blessed to now understand that even in our darkest confusion something loves us so much that it went out of its way to assist me and bring me back to a state of absolute certainty about Gods love for us.

During the experience it seemed like there was a vast amount of information that I was somehow allowed access to. One thing that I came away from this experience understanding beyond any shadow of a doubt was that any Idea that God is unhappy with us or would judge or allow us to be punished for any reason is simply impossible.

I can’t explain the love I felt with words. They simply don’t make words big enough or complete enough to do this. The only way I can begin to convey this love to you is to say that there was simply nothing else there. Nothing but love. No hint of judgment, no displeasure of any sort. It is as though God sees us as being as perfect as we were the day we were created. It is only in our confused idea of ourselves that we seem to have changed.

I hope this is of some help to you. Good luck. Love and blessings.

Your brother don
2007-10-24 02:44:17 UTC
I know for sure that there is a Heaven and that there is a Hell, but that is not true for everyone. There is ample proof of the existence of God, and that the Bible speaks the truth. Just because there are hypocrites that are Christians does not mean that there isn't a God. A Christian doesn't worry about Heaven or Hell. A Christian knows where they're going so have no reason to worry about that. I can honestly say that I do not pray only when I need something. I pray all the time. I thank God for His mercy, His love, and His guidance. I talk to Him all the time. I don't simply pray to ask for something, and I rarely ask for anything for myself. Christianity was not drilled into me. My whole family is Christian yes, but I am 22 years old, and am perfectly capable of making up my own mind. My sister is 18, and at one point she was an atheist. We were all raised the same, and nothing was drilled into us. I read the Bible because I choose to, I believe in God because I know He's there, and I love Him, and follow Him.
Thomas E
2007-10-24 02:59:26 UTC
For years I refused to believe in anything spiritual, because it was too much like fantasy and wishful thinking. After 52 years, I've learned that there is a lot going on in life that science and school books can't explain. There is a God, angels, demons, heaven, hell and Jesus Christ--because I doubted with a heart seeking honestly, these were revealed to me as fact, not just something read in a book. When a spirit comes and shows these as fact, I cannot doubt any longer. Yup, I was a doubting thomas, literally, and recieved a divine answer. Please believe- your faith will be greater than mine. The Bible is true, don't gamble with your eternal soul.
brown eyed girl
2007-10-24 02:50:52 UTC
You are right about hypocrites. Jesus despised hypocritical behavior and called the pharisees and rabbi's hypocrites for their behavior. It's unfortunate that you've experienced this in church. I've seen very un-Christian like behavior from other Christians (we're all guilty at one time or another because we're all sinners. the trick is to keep asking forgiveness and to live in Christ's light and teachings the best we can)

We use the cross as a symbol of Jesus' death for our sins. Certainly not to glorify torture and death. It is representing of Christ's love for humankind.

I believe God get's upset and the bible shows that He does. Jesus flipped over tables at the temples because of the way it became a place of greed and not for worship. Yes, God gets upset, but He is divine in His ways.

God is LOVE. The purest form of it that when saints talk of really being close to God and really giving yourself to God, it is like ecstasy.

Don't give up, the Lord is with you. Pray and be patient and alert for His answers.
2007-10-24 03:01:11 UTC
Hypocrites in church do not keep me from worshiping God. Looking at people that way is also a form of judging and at that point we also would qualify as hypocrites. Your focus should be on God and let Heaven and Hell take care of themselves. They should make little difference in why you want to know God.

If God was angry, we would have been wiped out long ago. Jesus is what you should look at. He walked this planet and demonstrated to those around him that he was God in human form. He said it, he allowed it to be said of him and he demonstrated it. Then to fulfill his requirements for the punishment of sin, he humbled himself to the point of allowing man to kill him. You know the story from there. That is the entire focus of the Bible. Jesus - our savior. Do what he said and you will understand what having relationship with God is. Performance based religion will lead to frustration and eventually, disbelief. We are spirit, soul and body beings. Your spirit is what needs renewing. Sitting in a church service does nothing...unless you hear the call of God while there.
Dan W
2007-10-24 02:45:30 UTC
If humans had to solely rely on the big bang theory and the relative time and existence of the solar system, we would go insane. God gives alternative ways of thinking. If you asked this question 50 years ago you would get totally different responses.
2007-10-24 02:57:04 UTC
Very deep questions... all which would take VOLUMES of these answer sessions. I will try and simplify though.

Believers know that God exists simply because we can see Him in everything good in the world. Its no accident why why trees are so green and the sky is so blue. God does not make the evil things of the world happen...death, war, bloodshed, disease, atrocities of all kinds. People make these things happen, usually over power and greed... and sometimes its time to go home. God said that he would not stop it from happening if we chose it. That is why we are here, to experience freedom of choice. Unfortunately, lots of us didn't chose war or greedy warmongering. We chose peace but are unable to live it in all aspects of our lives.

God is not a torture device. He NEVER gets pissed. He is all loving and wants better for us but He knows that we need to learn the lessons before we return home to him. People tend to forget that he desires a conversation with us just as we do with others. He is there waiting patiently for us to come to him for peace in our hearts and souls but lots of time we get caught up in our own lives and forget Him.

Yes...some people only believe because they were told that is the way it is and they have never tested the theory of His existence. If you live in blind faith, you will eventually fall to ignorance and others attempts to blindfold you from the truths. Your testimony has to be tested. I mean to literally question his existence and let him prove it to you. I am not speaking blasphemy here. He will do exactly that. I'm not talking telling him to start the rain or move a mountain for you... I'm talking about asking Him to prove to your heart that he is real and he will fill you with a feeling that you have never experienced before. And once you have had that feeling, you will never forget that He exists. I don't believe what anyone says over the pulpit or in Sunday School without confirmation, after all, its the teachings of man, mingled with scripture. I ask for God to convey its truthfulness to my heart.

BTW... my faith says that Hell is only a place for those who KNOW GOD AND DENY HIM. That means that you pray for knowledge of His existence and he gives you undeniable proof and then you make it your point to try and destroy His word and His followers. Yes, thats evil sounding but thats what I believe. Why would God, who unconditionally loves His children, suffer them to damnation for something silly and HUMAN in nature. Thats not the point of our existence here.
2007-10-24 02:55:46 UTC
Do you REALLY think there's a "man" (Man was supposedly created in God's image, so God must look like a man) who exists up in the sky for eternity, who watches every single thing ,that every single person on earth does, every single second of every single day? And then judges them on such things as whether or not they go to church and get on their knees and pray to how wonderful he is. And if you don't measure up to his standards, you will be subject to an eternity burning in HELL?? PUHHLEASE!!!! Those kind of scare tactics may have worked on the uneducated ignorant masses of 2000 years ago, but not anymore. Enlightened intelligent people know its all a fairy tale. Don't get me wrong, I'm not telling you not to have faith in something if it helps you through your life. But to take that vile, filthy, murderous, incestuous, child burning, animal sacraficing, pack of bull s***t called the Bible as the absolute truth is on the verge of mental illness.
2007-10-24 03:40:48 UTC
Jesus said blessed are those who believe without seeing.....I just believe in Jesus and all he has said.....

The church is like a hospital for the spiritually ill. and we are all spiritually ill in some way needing a savior and repentance for sin.....

People are spiritually developed at different levels...some are on milk while others meat.......we are to be patient with the babes in Christ......

But mind you,...the church is a place to repent of sin not practice it.

I don't want unrepentant homosexuals coming to my church and trying to teach me when they are crucifying Christ again by their defiance of his will.
Jesus M
2007-10-24 02:44:24 UTC
You do not know because you are not reading the bible. Yet you have joined the false religion with false priest or pastor or evangelist. Search the truth and join the true religion which will help you to be near to God for your own salvation, if you like to be saved.

2007-10-24 02:44:39 UTC
that is the great mystery..

we do not know. and so with the uncertainty we clung to hope..

if we live our lives with no regards than if theree was a heaven and hell we would be screwed....if not that ther would be no consequence...

but the thing is that we do not know, so to be in the safe side live your life the best way that you can....
2007-10-24 02:41:58 UTC
We dont. heaven and Hell, God and Satan, and all religion were made my early man as a way to explain things, bring order to a chaotic world, and have a kind of set law.
dogpatch USA
2007-10-24 02:42:43 UTC
For hell go to Iraq for heaven try Las vegas.
2007-10-24 02:44:38 UTC
try reading other religions like Qu'ran, Bible,and others and see which one make more sence 2 u=)
2007-10-24 02:42:40 UTC
you just have to beleive

im sorry i cant give you a better answer but thats it

2007-10-24 02:44:11 UTC
Jesus said that there is, and I'd believe Him if I were you.

Pastor Art
2007-10-24 02:40:40 UTC
As long as you don't devote your entire life to an unproven deity, you'll be okay. :)
2007-10-24 02:39:28 UTC
We don't.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.