If faith is belief without evidence, then why do people dispute this when it comes to the presence of God? Ex: Why do they try to prove?
2018-09-10 15:35:52 UTC
To have faith in God is, in essence to believe that He exists, without any evidence that He exists. So with this being the case, I am confused as to why some people refuse to just accept it for what it is, as opposed to trying to go a step further and find evidence that God does exist. This is almost like a contradiction of the very idea of what God is, as if saying that a person of faith does not actually believe that He exists or has doubt, since they are trying to prove that he exists. It would be like me saying that I have faith that Santa Claus is real, but instead of just taking comfort in the fact that I believe it, I was concerned about the fact that other people didn't believe it, which suggests a measure of uncertainty on my part that he actually does exist. Furthermore, none of this changes what it is to have faith in God, Santa Claus, etc. But rather it does nothing but show that some people are lacking the faith that they claim to have in these people. There is nothing wrong with believing in God, without having any evidence that he exists, and if someone thinks that there is a problem with it then chances are that they are not truly a person of faith or religion, as opposed to one who is agnostic or something similar to it. Or either they misunderstand what it is to have faith, or they are not comfortable with it.
116 answers:
Saad M
2018-09-24 13:38:42 UTC
The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Faith in God is embodied in the heart and concretized by religious practice.
Rolando C I
2018-09-21 20:35:51 UTC
To not be able to see God. Does not mean that he doesn't exist. He definitely exists but we cannot see him because he is a spirit person. If we could see him he wouldn't be God. Hebrews 11:24:27
2018-09-20 18:29:22 UTC

Before I answer your question about the existence of God. Let's discuss what the Bible defines as Faith. Many people believe that faith is blind trust or belief.

The Bible, in contrast, describes faith as being neither blind nor illogical. God’s Word says: “Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.”​—Hebrews 11:1.

What that means...

At the time of the writing of the Bible book of Hebrews, the Greek term translated “assured expectation” was commonly used. It often appeared in business documents and carried the idea of a guarantee of future possession of something. Therefore, one reference work suggests that Hebrews 11:1 could be translated: “Faith is the title-deed of things hoped for.”

If you have ever bought an item from a reputable company and then waited for it to be delivered, you have exercised that type of faith. The sales receipt in your hand gave you reason for faith in the company from which you bought the item. In a sense, that receipt was your title deed, your guarantee that you would receive what you purchased. If you had lost the receipt or had thrown it away, you would have lost the proof of your claim of ownership. Similarly, those who have faith that God will fulfill his promises are guaranteed to receive what they hope for. On the other hand, those who do not have faith, or who lose it, are not entitled to receive the things God promises.​—James 1:5-8.

The second expression at Hebrews 11:1, translated “evident demonstration,” carries the idea of producing evidence that contradicts that which only appears to be factual. For instance, the sun appears to revolve around the earth​—rising in the east, moving through the sky, and setting in the west. However, evidence from astronomy and mathematics reveals that the earth is not the center of the solar system. Once you become familiar with that evidence and accept it as true, you have faith that the earth revolves around the sun​—despite what your eyes tell you. Your faith is not blind. On the contrary, it gives you the ability to see things as they really are, not merely as they seem to be.

This is the type of faith that the Bible encourages​—strong faith built on solid evidence, even if it requires that we adjust our beliefs. Such faith is vital. The apostle Paul wrote: “Without faith no one can please God. Anyone who comes to God must believe that he is real and that he rewards those who truly want to find him.”​—Hebrews 11:6, New Century Version.

As to the second part of your question belief in God. I was a little confused by the latter part of your query I wasn't sure if you believed in God or not, but notice what the Bible has to say on the subject.

Does God Exist? Is there a God?

The Bible’s answer

Yes, the Bible provides compelling evidence that God exists. It encourages us to build faith in God, not by blindly believing religious assertions, but by using our “power of reason” and “mental perception.” (Romans 12:1; 1 John 5:20, footnote) Consider the following lines of reasoning based on the Bible:

The existence of an orderly universe containing life points to a Creator. The Bible says: “Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God.” (Hebrews 3:4) Although this logic is simple, many well-educated people find it to be powerful. As humans, we have an innate desire to understand the meaning and purpose of life, a type of hunger that can remain after our physical needs have been met. This is part of what the Bible calls our “spiritual need,” which includes the desire to know and worship God. (Matthew 5:3; Revelation 4:11) This spiritual need not only gives evidence that God exists but also indicates that he is a loving Creator who wants us to satisfy that need.—Matthew 4:4.

Detailed prophecies in the Bible were written centuries ahead of time and came true exactly as predicted. The accuracy and detail of those predictions strongly suggest that they came from a superhuman source.—2 Peter 1:21.

Bible writers had scientific knowledge that was beyond the understanding of their contemporaries. For example, in ancient times many peoples believed that the earth was supported by an animal, such as an elephant, a boar, or an ox. In contrast, the Bible says that God is “suspending the earth upon nothing.” (Job 26:7) Similarly, the Bible correctly describes the shape of the earth as a “sphere,” or “globe.” (Isaiah 40:22, footnote; Douay Version) Many people feel that the most reasonable explanation for such advanced understanding is that Bible writers received their information from God.

Would you like to learn more about our Creator, Jehovah God? Why not take time to investigate for yourself?

The Bible’s message about God is simple yet thought-provoking—and to some it is surprising.

Our Creator is not an impersonal force. God has a personality and a name, Jehovah. *—Isaiah 42:8.

Jehovah God’s existence has no beginning and will have no end.—Psalm 93:2; Isaiah 40:28.

God is not a stern judge, as he is portrayed by some religions. Rather, his foremost quality is love.—1 John 4:8.

God is interested in humans and has communicated his purpose for our lives.—Ecclesiastes 12:13; Micah 6:8.

Does the Bible reveal everything about God? Of course not. The Bible itself says that we know “just the fringes of his ways.”—Job 26:14. For more info Visit >Publications >Book and Brochures > What Can The Bible Teach Us Chapter 1 Who is God?
Ernest S
2018-09-20 13:03:00 UTC
And if faith is not belief without evidence then you have just made yourself look a fool.

Your sin is certain, too much evidence for that, so how are you to be saved from your sin?
2018-09-15 16:30:08 UTC
It is nothing to do with you if God chooses to show someone evidence

of His presence. Nobody has to prove anything to you ~ and on what

grounds do you imagine anybody needs to? You have no authority.

Your rant appears an attempt to preclude anybody having evidence of

God ~ when it is God's call, not yours ~ whether He reveals more.

Have you examined your own motive for this position you espouse,

and do you know who or what you align with, in opposing God?
2018-09-15 16:12:49 UTC
Faith is not belief without evidence( Heb.11:1)

Faith in God is based on conditions and evidence. God's word, the Bible is supported by history and science.

The visible creative works testify to the existence of an invisible creator. (Romans 1:20) There is also the fulfillment of prophecies that can increase our confidence in God's future promises. Romans 10:17 says: "Faith follows the thing heard."
2018-09-13 19:22:07 UTC
You ask a good question. There are so many idiotic ideas that some people who call themselves Christians have that I am reluctant to call myself a Christian even though I believe that God exists, that Jesus is God's Son and that the Bible in the original Hebrew and Greek is true. To answer your question, the English word "Faith" means trust. The Greek word that is translated as faith is "pistis" which is a Greek word that more closely means believe. If you believe in God or Jesus without any evidence then the reason you believe is a gift of the Holy Spirit. People who do not believe have not been given that gift. Christian Faith or Belief does not have to be without evidence althogh is. People who have not been given the gift of belief cannot undersatand whhy we believe, They think we are either stupit or deluded, so they say any proof we give is not proof.
John S
2018-09-10 17:14:06 UTC
I'm glad you are thinking about this and are starting to see that your definition of 'faith' isn't making sense or you have to do a lot of psychio-analysis and jump thru a bunch of hoops to make it, make sense.

So what if your definition is flawed? -- What if you've bought into a sorta 'pop-culture' and overly simplified definition of the word 'faith' ??

What if faith does NOT mean 'belief without evidence' ???

I think adjusting your definition in light of your question makes a lot of sense. IF faith really means 'without evidence" and yet people seem to be searching for evidence and coming up with answers (even if you disagree with their answers) then perhaps faith is NOT about a lack of evidence, but merely coming to a different conclusion.


I believe a more accurate definition of 'faith' or 'to believe' is:

"The degree of confidence that one puts that they are correct, given the arguments or evidence for something that is NOT a simple matter of fact and which there is at least some level of debate about OR for which the evidence is not conclusive."

There are LOTS of examples of things in life that we aren't 100% sure of OR that not everyone agrees with, but that we THINK we are right about, none the less.

I always use the following example (something that I believe to be true but someone else won't know):

I BELIEVE that my wife has not cheated on me with anyone else. I have reasons for this belief, I have evidence which supports this conclusion. HOWEVER, I am not with her every second of every day and thus there is always a small chance that I am wrong and she is REALLY good at hiding it. Therefore I have a very high degree of FAITH in her, though I will never know for sure.

Someone else might have a different opinion or interpretation of the evidence and thus it is not an established matter of fact in everyone's minds.

Whether or not I can effectively convince someone else that she is faithful or not -- doesn't change the reality.

I may not be able to explain my reasons. My reasons may not seem very convincing - but that doesn't mean that she has cheated and I am wrong.

My faith in her may be well placed and secure OR it might be wrong. Some of my reasons are personal (personal experience) some are empirical (physical). But I have my reasons, so it is not irrational.

Thus I have FAITH in my wife.
Bobby Jim
2018-09-10 16:06:26 UTC
And yet, when one decides to believe through God's gift of faith to them, the evidence of God clearly comes into view all around them.
2018-09-10 15:55:18 UTC
Faith in God is warranted because God has provided three strands of evidence to make faith in Him reasonable. Your opening premise is thus skewed. It is after a person believes in the reality of God that faith is then needed to believe the promises of God and to live (or even die) for God. Faith believes and then acts. Plenty of people believe God exists but they have no faith that He has any dealings with humanity or requires anything of them, so they live godless lives. They do not believe the promises of God and that's where faith without evidence comes in but you have to believe He exists first! Abraham was no atheist: he believed God and acted, and that was counted as righteousness (by God) because he demonstrated faith in God. But his faith was needed to do what God required as Abraham had no proof that God would resurrect Isaac if he sacrificed him. That's where faith without evidence is needed - Hebrews 11:8-19. That whole chapter about people of faith nowhere says they had faith God existed; that's taken as understood because they went on to act in faith doing what God required. That's the point of biblical faith - believing God and acting in belief.

The 3 reasonable strands of evidence are, the work of God's hands - this universe, this planet, and all life on it. It bears His 'signature' as the artist who produced this magnificent work of glory which He gave us the brains to appreciate. Unfortunately, those who think brains developed inside the heads of little creatures in a pool of sludge seem to have no connection between their eyes and their vastly more complex brains.

Second, God broke into human history over the centuries, communicating with some people and even some nations. There are written records about that. Unfortunately, those who require newspaper articles, with photos of historic events, dismiss that written record as nonsense.

Third, God sent His Son to Earth, as a human, to do for unappreciative humans what they could never do to get right with God. Unfortunately, the faithless, who couldn't recognize God in Christ, crucified Him.

However, God resurrected His Son back to life, and over 500 people witnessed Him alive and well, during a 40-day period after His crucifixion Of course, that isn't good enough for people who have no idea what faith actually is. Why, even a Court of Law would accept the testimony of over 500 eye-witnesses (never mind if they could explain how it happened - they witnessed that it HAD happened. They saw the risen Christ!) A Court of Law would even accept circumstantial evidence that corroborated events. But not our faithless doubters! Oh no. They've got to see things with their own eyes, or see a video of it on YouTube, before they will believe anything.

Meanwhile, Christians just get on with declaring the good news about the crucified then resurrected Jesus Christ, the Son of God who makes God known to those humbly seeking Him.
2018-09-23 23:36:06 UTC
Go to the following This proves the truth of the Bible. At least, this is as close to it as you can get.
2018-09-23 18:18:24 UTC
Very Good Question. I think we can establish what is faith. Faith according to Heb 11:1 is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld. Meaning evidence for conviction regarding unseen things. Each of us was born with a spiritual need but not with faith. The faith that we obtain is belief with evidence as we must pray for Holy Spirit for it can produce in us the faith needed to do God’s will even under the most trying circumstances.
2018-09-22 21:26:57 UTC
cuz they think that if God exists then there wouldnt be so much suffering and pain
2018-09-22 20:50:02 UTC
the rules which govern the universe,all elements therein,they are the same no matter where the telescope points,the universe either self generates,self governs,or some other 'force' does the job,I E, this is philosophy.

it is reasonable to suppose a being/force unconstrained by time or space

is the creative force behind all
2018-09-22 14:58:11 UTC

It is true that genuinely faithful people would neither require nor look for evidence.... however, they usually feel a responsibility to try and mend others who have no faith and it is in this endeavour that they try put forward arguments/evidence etc. to prove God's existence and status.
2018-09-21 14:41:47 UTC
The New Testament was originally written in Greek. The word that is uses for "faith" is not a word that means "to believe without evidence". Rather it is a word that refers to have a trusted relationship with someone. It is not a belief without evidence, but a confidence built through experience with a person.

I have faith in wife because in the 47 years we have been together I have come to were I know I can trust and believe in her. I require no "evidence" of her love because I know her.

If you read the Bible, it talks often about studying and learning. It holds those up as virtues. Knowledge and wisdom are to be sought. And we are to be able to "give an answer" (that is be able ti reasonable explain) what we believe and why.

Currently I think that everyone in the US believes that Donald Trump exist. But not everyone in the US has faith in him and his policies. Believing that someone exist, and believing "in" that someone are two different things.

You can believe that Trump exist and still refuse to follow him. And people can believe that God exist, but want no part of him. Just because you get the "head" does not mean you get the "heart." You can know about Trump or God and still want nothing to do with him.

So God is smarter then that. He requires people to come to him "by their hearts." They have to decide to seek him and to want to find him. Then he will reveal himself. He knows that if he get the "heart", the "head" comes along for free. If you come to trust him, then you know he exist, But it deos not work the other way around.

That is why God requires "faith" to come to him. He wants you to come willingly and freely so that you will trust and obey. Not because some facts stated that he exist.

The facts state that Trump is the current person and won the last election. But that does not make people trust and follow him.
R8Ckness MoNSTA
2018-09-20 02:24:50 UTC
The devil lies and tricks people into thinking that god doesn’t exist that’s why people are doubting his existence. Nobody can really prove that he exits but I know deep down inside that he does. He spreads the clouds apart and let’s the sun shine down on me whenever I’m talking to him while I’m upset about something. Don’t let people in this world fool you into thinking that there isn’t a god because there is. Science can’t prove that evolutions real because some people think it’s fake. God is the one who wakes you up every morning he’s the only one you can depend on in times of need. Don’t mind what other people believe because people can pull you away from what is the truth. Jesus said they hated him so that means they’ll hate you too for being a follower of Christ. People refuse to accept it because it’s easy for them to forsake gods word and go a sinful path because it makes them feel good in the moment but in the end it really doesn’t because he is the only answer to our probs!
2018-09-19 17:22:05 UTC
The whole idea of most religions is to return to God. However, as it is practiced

it puts up blocks like rituals and morallity to attaining what it is intended to do.

So in practice most people seek but do not find. My point is that when you

truly want to find God you will find him and he knows that you will eventually return

to him. The parable of the "Prodigal Son" illustrates this.
2018-09-19 02:13:25 UTC
Every process of reasoning starts with presuppositions, which cannot be chosen rationally. Hence gnu-atheists need faiyj, too. Sorry, guys!
2018-09-18 18:54:23 UTC
Faith requires evidence. You are mistaken...
2018-09-16 12:20:18 UTC
Many Christians are not content with faith alone. They want confirmation that they are, in fact, correct. It makes sense because faith changes. Faith can grow, it can wither, it can disappear, but facts do not change. Thinking Christians (a misnomer?) who apply critical thinking to their faith often run into cognitive dissonance. The theology doesn't make sense, there are many variations of Christian faith, and it is impossible to know if your own version of Christian faith is the correct one. So, let the Christians search for evidence. I encourage it. Christians who want validation of their faith through evidence are probably Christians who know that faith alone can be quite shaky.
2018-09-14 20:31:09 UTC
True Christians mut preach about God's Kingdom. Jesus did so. He always talked about the Kingdom. (Luke 8:1) He commanded his disciples to preach this same message in all the earth. See Matthew 24:14; 28:19,20. True Christians believe that only God's Kingdom will bring true peace and security to the earth. - Psalm 146:3-5.
Ronald 7
2018-09-14 19:00:13 UTC
You come from Nothing

We go back to nothing

What do we end up with ?

Nothing !!
Alan H
2018-09-14 15:10:48 UTC
You confuse evidence with proof.

By very definition there can be no proof either way

To disprove God one needs to know everything.

A god that was within the grasp of a finite mind would, plainly, not be God.

One can only weigh up the evidence: eg an orderly universe, transformed lives, etc, and come to a conclusion

Minds such as Newton, Kepler, Boyle did just that and were convinced Christians. Einstein was a theist.
2018-09-14 08:43:19 UTC
Religion of the west is a LIE. As much as you and I want to believe in Christianity, it is too twisted and 'edited' to be true. Islam is no different because they have rules that benefit them. Its only the religions of the east which are accepting and in a way 'flexible' because the rules are not rules, they are only suggestive practices.

An Atheist is very much a hindu as a theist because both of them will have to look for god on their own. Our priests will not find god for us, nor will anyone redeem us from our sins. We have work hard and redeem ourselves from our sins. Also, both of them have no evidence of the existence of 'god.' But one of them has faith. But what difference does that make anyway?
2018-09-14 07:33:35 UTC
They need not try to prove because the evidence for the existence of God is still inside all creatures including human beings. Both atheists and theists must understand this truth. It seems they don't care about what is inside them all and why.
2018-09-12 04:03:08 UTC
Indeed but faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen; those things not seen is the evidence of God. God is Light and with Light we see. Gravity holds us to the Earth and holds the Earth in its orbit around the Sun but we can't see it. The miracles of the Holy Ghost are counted by the thousands each day but most cannot see it. etc. etc. etc. <
2018-09-11 03:56:59 UTC
"FAITH. No one word personifies the absolute worst and most wicked properties of religion better than that. Faith is mind-rot. It’s the poison that destroys critical thinking, undermines evidence, and leads people into lives dedicated to absurdity. It’s a parasite regarded as a virtue." -- PZ Myers
2018-09-10 21:05:47 UTC
Um. The faith itself says to spread it.. And the opposite could be said of nonfaith folks coming to a faith oriented forum to debate *their* belief.. If so certain, why bother.. Oh wait! I know there is proselytizing! Figuring other beliefs should be wiped out. As they believe theirs has somehow been proven. But simply believing it’s impossible there be God, is not “proof”. Lol..
2018-09-10 16:04:33 UTC
Because everyone knows that the truth has practical value and applications.

Despite the claims of the various religions, they all rely on faith because they cannot demonstrate either truth nor practical value for their unsubstantiated claims. They want to claim the mantle of truth and use it to win people over, but they simply cannot do it due to the last of evidence, so they try to move the goal posts, make stuff up or just make grandiose claims that can be dismissed immediately without further consideration.
2018-09-25 13:20:15 UTC
Faith is based on concrete evidence. The visible creative works testify to the existence of an invisible Creator. (Romans 1:20) The actual occurrences taking place during the ministry and earthly life of Jesus Christ identify him as the Son of God. (Matthew 27:54; see JESUS CHRIST.) God’s record of providing for his earthly creatures serves as a valid basis for believing that he will surely provide for his servants, and his record as a Giver and Restorer of life lends ample evidence to the credibility of the resurrection hope. (Matthew 6:26, 30, 33; Acts 17:31; 1 Corinthians 15:3-8, 20, 21) Furthermore, the reliability of God’s Word and the accurate fulfillment of its prophecies instill confidence in the realization of all of His promises. (Joshua 23:14) Thus, in these many ways, “faith follows the thing heard.”—Romans 10:17; compare John 4:7-30, 39-42; Acts 14:8-10
2018-09-24 16:31:02 UTC
People ask for proof, so they attempt to provide it - unfortunately the 'proof' tends to only be compelling to those who already believe in it (through faith).
2018-09-24 12:12:55 UTC
"IF" faith is "BELIEF" without Evidence

"IF" ( conjunction )

a) introducing a conditional cause

b) dispute the POSSIBILITY that no matter whether

"IF" ( noun) a CONDITION or SUPPOSITION ( supposition to SUPPOSE / present a hypothesis )

QUESTION Why do people dispute this when it comes to the "PRESENCE" of God. ...

.. ANSWER ... generally speaking People do not DISPUTE people have "BELIEF" or " FAITH "

The definition I use for BELIEF , and is generally used and accepted by people ( dictionary ) BELIEF is a persons "CONVICTION" of the TRUTH ( to be the case ) of a PROPOSITION/PROPOSAL or an ALLEGATION , without DIRECT KNOWLEDGE

FAITH ( bible ) is QUOTE " the SUBSTANCE of THINGS HOPED for , the "EVIDENCE" of "THINGS" not seen " according to HEBREW 11:!

a person can dissect and evaluate that statement by presenting the definition of the words used .... like many statement people may say or write appears to be a WORD SALAD

SUBSTANCE ( noun )

a) a particular kind of matter with UNIFORM PROPERTIES

b) the actual ( real ) Physical matter of which a person or "THING" consist and which has TANGIBLE SOLID "PRESENCE"

HOPED past tense of HOPE (noun)

a) a "FEELING " ( EMOTION ) of expectation and DESIRE for a certain "THING" (or event ) to happen


HOPE ( verb ) to "WANT" something to happen or WANT it " TO BE THE CASE " ( to be the case is the definition of true )

EVIDENCE (noun) the available body of FACTS or information indicating or used to determine if a "BELIEF" or " PROPOSITION" is TRUE ( to be the case ) or VALID

( verb ) be or to SHOW evidence


a)an OBJECT that one NEED not CAN not nor WISH to "GIVE" a SPECIFIC NAME TO


PRESENCE has 9 dictionary uses

# 1 the state or FACT of being present

# 2 the immediate proximity of a THING

# 3 personal experience or bearing especially of a designated nature

# 4 an imposing or dignified personality

# 5 ( ALTERNATIVE BELIEF SYSTEMS ) an invisible "SPIRIT" "FELT" ( EMOTIONS of) nearby

# 6 & 7 deal with ELECTRONICS

# 8 an obsolete assembly or company

# 9 Goverment POLITICS and DIPLOMACY ...... a person can re-construct that STATEMENT that a BIBLE author wrote and presented ..and draw their conclusion ...

the WHY ( reasons for ) appears to be about or related to EMOTIONS of DESIRE for the PROPOSITION / PROPOSAL "to be the case " ( true )

not to be insulting but presenting a comparison from Peter Pan

CHILDREN you "NEED" to BELIEVE IN TINKERBELL or "her" light will go out and "she" will "DIE"

. the yahoo Answers platform states SHARE what you "KNOW"

and provide your sources
2018-09-24 07:48:20 UTC
you dont know what faith is.
2018-09-24 01:13:32 UTC
The evidence is all around us.
2018-09-23 21:11:07 UTC
Somewhere in us we know that faith (believing with no justifiable reason) is not a valid pathway to truth and if we want to believe true things we need a different method than faith.
2018-09-18 15:38:49 UTC
I think it's silly for people to try to pick holes in your definition of "faith" - what does it matter what the exact meaning is? In different contexts it can have different meanings. Surely everyone knows the point you're making and what you're getting at?

I agree with the point you make. Belief in God - "faith" - would have no value if God was shown to exist. I would really value a person having "faith" in me to give them help when they needed it but not that they had "faith" in my ability to make a cup of tea.

Surely the whole point is having faith in something that can't be known to exist FOR A FACT. I agree completely with what you say.
2018-09-18 11:49:59 UTC
Im an atheist, the reason that I have a problem with organized religion is that most religious people run around talking about how they know for a fact that god exists and that they can prove it... which, in my opinion is an out right lie, because if god does exist, he is super natural, his existence is impossible to measure or test, it is impossible to know if he does or does not exist because it is impossible to prove that he does or does not exist.
2018-09-18 10:43:00 UTC
True Christians do not have blind faith.

Hebrews 11:6 - Moreover, without faith it is impossible to please God well, for whoever approaches God must believe that he is* and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.
2018-09-16 01:52:56 UTC
There are Christians, There are judgmental Christians, there are Christians that are over zealous. Ignore what others have to say if you're a Christian. Being a Christian is a personal relationship with Christ that yourself and like minded believe. Jesus is not to be deposed, imposed, He is to be exposed through our actions as God's children, so we share His love by displaying Christianity without it be forced on anyone.
2018-09-15 17:36:14 UTC
Hebrews 11:1, "Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen". Because we cannot physically see God, does not mean there is belief in him without evidence. His existance and personality can be clearly seen through His creation and our relationship with him. But we simply need to allow God to become real to us
2018-09-15 06:12:02 UTC
You misunderstand what faith in God is. All of creation is evidence of God as the Bible says. If you have a relationship with God, you will see further evidence that he is real as he works in your life, answers prayer and communicates with you.
Disciple of Truth
2018-09-14 17:52:22 UTC
Yes and no. They are foolish for trying to prove the physical by spiritual evidence, but faith in God is not faith in nothing.

The Bible says in Hebrews 11:1 that "Faith is being sure of what we hope for. It is being sure of what we do not see." It isn't PRETENDING to know, it is resting on the fact that you DO KNOW. It is trusting what you really do know, rather than the contrary evidence in front of you that isn't really convincing if you are honest. For example, if you KNOW your significant other is faithful, you would be faithless yourself if you questioned their dedication because you merely saw them talking to a person of the opposite sex.

The ingredients you are really missing in your understanding, though, come from understanding the spirit. Physical knowledge can be strong, but never airtight. Spiritual knowledge can be certain. You know your Honey is faithful, not because he/she has never cheated, but because you have been around their spirit and have the discernment (hopefully) to tell where they are coming from. Also, doubt is a spiritual weapon of the enemy, that is what biblical faith is meant to counter.
2018-09-14 09:39:45 UTC
This is why faith is an unreliable method to find the truth. Faith can used to hold any position, so as a concept it is useless; hence the need for evidence and we're still waiting for that one.
2018-09-12 15:17:12 UTC
"Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen."-(Hebrews 11:1) For a person's expectation to be assured, he or she needs to have sound reasons for that assurance. In fact, the original-language word for the phrase "assured expectation" means more than an inner feeling or mere wishful thinking. So faith involves conviction hat is based on evidence. How can you acquire faith? WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS. "Faith follows the thing heard," says the Bible. (Romans 10:17) So the first step toward building faith in God is to 'hear' what the Bible really teaches about him. (2 Timothy 3:16) Studying the Bible will help you to find solid answers to important questions, including: Who is God? What evidence is there of his existence? Does God really care about me? What is God's purpose for the future? Jehovah's Witnesses would be happy to help you study the Bible. As stated on our website,, "Jehovah's Witnesses love teaching people about the Bible, but we never force anyone to become a member of our religion. Rather, we respectfully present what the Bible says, recognizing that each person has the right to choose what he or she will believe." In the final analysis, your faith must be based on evidence that YOU observe as you weigh h truthfulness of what you read in the Bible. In that way, you will follow the example of first-century students who "accepted the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so."- Acts 17:11.
2018-09-12 02:57:46 UTC
You say that to have Faith in God is in essence to believe that He exists. We can believe everything about Him and still be lost. This describes me as a young teenager. I believed that He existed but I didn't accept His gift of Salvation. Faith is not a maybeso but complete confidence that Jesus Christ can and will Save us when we turn from our sinful desires (Repent) and through Faith Trust or Commit our lives to Him as Lord and Savior
the re - chosen one
2018-09-11 14:06:14 UTC
I discovered that mankind has mis-translated the scriptures that make up the first five Books of The Bible due to our lack of scientific knowledge to properly interpret the advanced scientific knowledge contained in this ancient Biblical text. This led to the unscientific religious interpretations we still think they mean today. Modern science will now force mankind to reinterpret this scripture back into the scientific text it's always been based on. This new scientific translation of Biblical text will supersede all previous religious translations of this Biblical text ever published or handed down orally. I would have to now believe that the Author of this scripture preplanned this to happen when mankind's scientific knowledge advanced to the level to force a re-translation of this ancient Biblical text. So looks like our Intelligent Designer is changing His game plan with the human race from being faith based to scientific fact that He exists.
2018-09-10 20:12:43 UTC
No one can believe that which they know to be untrue. A person has faith in that which they believe to be true.
2018-09-10 16:50:05 UTC
Faith is NOT "belief without evidence." That description misunderstands both belief and faith.

Beliefs are working assumptions. They are very useful in the absence of proof, and proof is unavailable with respect to rather a lot of important and practical questions. (For a start, the distinction between right and wrong is rarely, if ever, amenable to proof.)

Faith is a commitment to a relationship. That's the way the term is used throughout the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. (A lot of people get diverted by the difficult Greek philosophizing in Hebrews 11:1, but just read the rest of the chapter, which consists of examples of faith, and you'll see what I mean.)

I doubt anyone ever believes anything without evidence. The "without evidence" description seems to be a rhetorical shortcut, particularly popular with the New Atheist writers, to avoid facing the obvious problem they'll have if they say--accurately--that belief often lacks proof. (Their problem is, of course, that their own beliefs also lack proof.)
2018-09-10 16:05:28 UTC
To have faith in God is, in essence to believe that He exists, without any evidence that He exists.

To have faith that a Honda Prius is, in essence to believe that it exists, without any evidence that it exists.

Ex. Why would they need to prove this car exists before buying it? (There is no such thing as a Honda Prius)

Most people are against spending money on things that don't exist or provide a service or benefit.


Churches involve themselves in the community in different ways and each to a different extent. Follow the ones demonstrably helping others, and stay away from the ones that simply line their own pockets. For example if all a church can claim to do is "save souls", wouldn't it be more helpful if that church could help people find employment or help the sick and needy instead? Yeah, you know what churches I'm talking about -- hope its not yours.
2018-09-25 12:30:48 UTC
Whoa! The Tanakh (Old Testament) is the evidence of the Living God who came to earth when he "set" His Kingdom down on the Mount within a cloud of thundering & lightening. Moses & his people were camped at the base of the mountain. Moses hiked up to the top of the mountain & saw something he, described as a burning bush. Moses spent time with God & His Angels. God told Moses the story of the spoken word-conciousness of the Spirit. Moses spent time with God & His Angels. The Tanakh is the story of mankind's experience with God & His Angels when God visited earth.
2018-09-24 16:57:47 UTC
Scientific research is limited—restricted to what humans can actually observe or study. Otherwise it is mere theory or guesswork. Since “God is a Spirit,” he simply cannot be subjected to direct scientific scrutiny. (John 4:24) It is arrogant, therefore, to dismiss faith in God as unscientific. Belief in God is not blind faith, however, for there is overwhelming evidence of God’s existence. (Hebrews 11:1)
2018-09-22 11:21:22 UTC
humanity is at a point in which they find it best to ignore something they have questions about, rather then going to figure it out and finding answers. But having faith is something essential to life is very important, everybody has faith in something, to the things we can see we call it trust, for the things we can’t see, it’s called faith. John 3:16

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life
2018-09-21 18:04:05 UTC
In plain English it's called 'blind faith' a belief in the one true God who is invible to us in this life, but who will reveal himself to us in the life hereafter.
2018-09-21 15:18:38 UTC
You are starting with a faulty statement.

Faith is not "belief without EVIDENCE"...

Faith is "belief without PROOF."

Although the faith in God is based on CIRCUMSTANCIAL EVIDENCE, it is still EVIDENCE.

In the courts, MILLIONS of people have been convicted based on circumstantial evidence.
2018-09-21 05:19:36 UTC
Religion is so much easier than parenting.
2018-09-20 19:03:28 UTC
Yes, the Bible provides compelling evidence that God exists. It encourages us to build faith in God, not by blindly believing religious assertions, but by using our “power of reason” and “mental perception.” (Romans 12:1; 1 John 5:20, footnote) Consider the following lines of reasoning based on the Bible:

The existence of an orderly universe containing life points to a Creator. The Bible says: “Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God.” (Hebrews 3:4) Although this logic is simple, many well-educated people find it to be powerful. *

As humans, we have an innate desire to understand the meaning and purpose of life, a type of hunger that can remain after our physical needs have been met. This is part of what the Bible calls our “spiritual need,” which includes the desire to know and worship God. (Matthew 5:3; Revelation 4:11) This spiritual need not only gives evidence that God exists but also indicates that he is a loving Creator who wants us to satisfy that need.—Matthew 4:4.

Detailed prophecies in the Bible were written centuries ahead of time and came true exactly as predicted. The accuracy and detail of those predictions strongly suggest that they came from a superhuman source.—2 Peter 1:21.

Bible writers had scientific knowledge that was beyond the understanding of their contemporaries. For example, in ancient times many peoples believed that the earth was supported by an animal, such as an elephant, a boar, or an ox. In contrast, the Bible says that God is “suspending the earth upon nothing.” (Job 26:7) Similarly, the Bible correctly describes the shape of the earth as a “sphere,” or “globe.” (Isaiah 40:22, footnote; Douay Version) Many people feel that the most reasonable explanation for such advanced understanding is that Bible writers received their information from God.

The Bible answers many difficult questions, the type of questions that when not satisfactorily answered can lead a person to atheism. For example: If God is loving and all-powerful, why is there suffering and evil in the world? Why is religion so often an influence for bad rather than for good?—Titus 1:16.
2018-09-19 22:36:51 UTC
I have faith in my wife, I know God is why anything exists. I have faith in things regarding God. BeLIEving in ANYTHING without evidence is called "Blind Faith."👈Atheism in a nut shell.
Climate Realist
2018-09-18 12:49:23 UTC
If we rely on blind faith, we could believe a lie. If we don't actually have evidence, how do we know that Buddha or Allah or Thor or The Flying Spaghetti Monster isn't the One True God?
2018-09-18 02:53:42 UTC
A+ on your question. And your response is so true to form. But I would have to say that most of "we Christians" know that we are to spread God's Word in every doubt cast, every denial made and every hate filled note displayed. While you are correct in that we are not to argue, dispute , debate God's Word, I feel it is important to continually support and fellowship each other here and everywhere else because it is quite evident that we are losing support and Christians every minute of the day across the globe. Weak people lose faith so very easily the second a non-believer comes back with the slightest response on doubting God . It's easy to have Doubting Thomases run amok the second a person has a bad run with life or his / her life takes a down spiral. For me , that would be when I get on bended knees and pray all the more but people today are so weak and weak minded and it will get much worse as God has already warned us.
2018-09-16 15:00:53 UTC
I think, mostly, it is the belief in the face of contradictory evidence that is the main point of contention, and how that belief is turned into real world behavior (treatment of others, primarily, but not exclusively at all).
2018-09-15 19:22:02 UTC
trying to prove the existence of God/Allah/Jehovah/etc, is much like trying to prove the existence of santa claus!

its not irrational to hold or lack any hold in a religious belief, simply put, an atheist cannot prove to me on the contrary that God does not exist, just like a believer cant prove it, we just need to let sleeping dogs lie and move past this dumb "prove your God exists" bullshit.
2018-09-15 14:07:02 UTC
As Catholics, we believe that God gave us both the gift of faith and reason. You already know what faith is, but in case you don't know about reason, let me explain. The gift of reason means that we can look at what he created and come to the conclusion that he exists. For example (I know you've heard of this): The Earth is in the best position it can be from the sun, not too far away or too close. Thus, we can reason that someone placed Earth specifically there.

Also, a lot of atheists want proof. Even before that, many people (including Christians) wanted proof. God the Son (Jesus) came down to earth and performed many miracles that also made people believe.

In conclusion, humans need both faith and reason.
2018-09-14 15:59:42 UTC
YOUR understanding of faith is mistaken. Faith is based on EVIDENCE! Note the Bible's description of faith - Hebrews 11:1 - Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen. - - - - "Assured expectation". "EVIDENT demonstration". Of "REALITIES". Even if they are unseen. You can't see the wind. But EVIDENCE gives proof of it's existence. You can't see electricity, but EVIDENCE gives proof of it's existence. But even the Scriptures tell us that not everyone possesses faith - 2 Thessalonians 3:2 - and that we may be rescued from harmful and wicked men, for faith is not a possession of all people. - - - - We know that things don't just come into existence without a creator - Hebrews 3:4 - Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God. - - - - God even considers it inexcusable if we decide not recognize the evidence of his existence found in creation - Romans 1:20 - For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable. - - - - So, REAL faith is NOT just credulity, or believing something without evidence. But again, not all people are going to have faith. Some people will never develop it. Does that make God any less real? Does a lack of faith, or belief make the wind, or electricity any less real? Romans 3:3 & 4 - What, then, is the case? If some lacked faith, will their lack of faith invalidate the faithfulness of God? 4 Certainly not! - - - - If someone wants to develop faith, the Scriptures can help. This site offers online Bible study lessons, without even asking for your email address. Check it out if you become interested.
2018-09-14 13:58:19 UTC
We walk by faith and not by sight...God is a spirit and can only be seen in the eyes of a spiritual minded human being.

Guess they blind spiritually.
Coop 366
2018-09-14 04:01:26 UTC
No proof I can give to a nonbeliever will satisfy their hunger. First humble yourself and ask (with your heart) Jesus to be your savior and forgive your sins. If you are truly repentant of your sins, the Holy Spirit will give you faith!! To see God is to see the smile on a child's face, to hear God's voice listen to the laughter of a child but many who say God's name will not see his face for they are not his.
paul c
2018-09-10 18:33:10 UTC
It must be hell living in your head. Do you think in circles ? You throw a bunch of words together and accomplish nothing. It's impossible to follow, and leads no where.

I'll try one more time to explain plainly, with a beginning a middle and an end.

Because God gave us free will, he doesn't show up and make us drop everything to worship him. He has used profits in the past to let us know he's there for us. But like any father, he wants us to do the right thing, because we freely followed his advice, not because we're afraid of him. But because we believe in him and the words he gave the profits.

Is that hard to understand ? Where's the contradictions ? The bonus reassurance is if you stopped spending all your time attacking God and started spending half your time trying to understand him, your life would improve and you wouldn't be a miserable annoying messenger of Satan. That is what your doing, and will lead you down the same path. Misery loves company
2018-09-10 16:30:35 UTC
Leaves stay Santa Claus, that is an old story invented by religion to make happy kids? Here, you're talking of faith?

C'is a big difference from believing in God and have faith in him, faith is the certainty of'existence of God which is based from their direct experience of seeing God, or perceived in a tangible way its presence, accompanied by its audible answers to our ears.

Therefore, not all are in faith, but if observe the word of God and put it into practice, and pray to God constantly, they can do their experiences! Behold, I put it in the boss what the word of God says:

Jeremiah 33: 2. "Thus says the Lord who made the earth and'has formed to make it stable and whose name is the Lord: 3 **Call to me and I will answer thee** and shew thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.

The Hebrews 11,1. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of the reality that not seen.

Galatians 2:16.

We know that'a man is not justified by the works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, and we too have believed in Christ Jesus to be justified by faith in Christ, and not by the works of the law: because by the works of the law there shall no man be justified.

Ephesians 2:8. By grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.

Luke 11:9-10.

9 Therefore I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. 10 because anyone who asks receives; everyone who searches finds and will be open to him who knocks.

Here Jesus is urging Catholics to pray with perseverance, but much more, Jesus is building up our faith, encouraging us to understand that God will respond when we pray with perseverance. We can be sure of it!

John 14: 22-23.

He said Judah, not'Iscariot: "Lord, how is it that you show to us and not to the world?". 23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.

As we have seen, who prays to God, He will manifest himself to him, so if God is manifested to the believer, his faith is strengthened, and unquestionable, because he saw with his own eyes the living presence in his life, of God. And we the faithful, we believe the promises of God, on the contrary, some religions,which say that God replied only in the past, but God does not change his promises, because they are directed to all his faithful, say the faithful, *NOT* religious!!!
2018-09-10 16:25:30 UTC
wrong assumptions....WHEN PEOPLE ARE SAVED THEY HAVE THE HOLY SPIRIT WHICH IS PERSONAL PROOF IN THEIR HEARTS...WE JUST TELL THE TRUTH...if u wish to die forever, we cannot stop you.
2018-09-10 15:56:08 UTC
Faith is the belief in something that can't or hasn't been proven as fact. The Wright brothers had faith or belief that they could build a flying machine, once they achieved their goal they no longer needed faith. They had tangible proof.
2018-09-22 22:36:59 UTC
Faith isn't necessarily blind. Faith can also be having enough evidence to make the leap that the rest of the proposition is also true. As a child, I could trust my father to throw me into the air and catch me. Why? My experience was that from as long as I could remember, he would never put me in danger.
2018-09-22 12:53:58 UTC
True biblical faith is not without evidence!

The Bible itself tells us to believe based on evidence.

Notice in Acts 2, Peter told them there was something they needed to "know assuredly" or believe, but before he got to this point there was an abundance of evidence given. The apostles pointed out the miracles that had been done, they pointed out what the Old Testament said about Christ and they showed how these prophecies had been fulfilled, and they talked about the witnesses who had seen the resurrection and these signs. They were told about the empty tomb (and this was contrasted to David who was still in his grave). They were shown evidence!

"Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God." (Romans 10:17) It is based teaching, on something. It is based on a standard.

Even "doubting Thomas" believed only when he saw Jesus. Before this he said "Except I see... I will not believe." (John 20:25-29) He believed based on evidence when he had seen Christ.

The Bible often tells us to not just believe anything. Those in Acts 17:11 listened to the preaching of Paul and then studied to see if it was true.

Now, I know I have referenced the Bible and made note that those people believed partly because of what the scriptures said, and an atheist does not believe the Bible. There is also evidence to support the Bible as being a reliable source. I won't go into that now (not enough space here), but I hope I have given enough to make my point.

You may want to consider the video series below.
2018-09-21 06:16:46 UTC
So as to try to convince the unbelieving since having faith is a major step.
2018-09-19 11:42:41 UTC
Because it’s in their nature.
2018-09-16 05:15:20 UTC
You are absolutely right but what they don't realize is that most of what Einstein theorized about was done without any proof. He was criticized for that too. And most of the people that demand proof do not really understand logic or reason. Politicians are just like religious fanatics they promote agendas not based on reasoning but hocuspocus. The vast majority of people do not understand how logic or reasoning works but the are to ignorant to realize this. It takes intelligence to realize how dumb you are.
Kazoo M
2018-09-16 00:06:30 UTC
Remember, regardless as to our belief or non-belief we all carry an inner soul.

The above is present in the atheist and they are fully aware of the presence.

However, due to the inner soul being oppressed the flesh has become unbalanced and erratic.

Sadly, the latter will cause both chaos and confusion - a conflict of opposing forces.

Furthermore, while the above is taking place the flesh has priority and is easily manipulated.

The only way an atheist can overcome this dilemma is to be very patient and avoid voicing continual hatred as obviously noted within our Religion & Spirituality forum.

Finally, the fallen form is subjected to many trials - the latter is a sickness that requires a cure of which can only be lifted via God.
2018-09-15 17:25:08 UTC
The Bible states at (2 Thessalonians 3:2) Faith is not a possession of all people. Jesus Christ instructed his disciples that when anyone failed to receive them or listen to their words, they were to shake or wipe the dust off their feet upon leaving that house or that city. This practice served “for a witness against them,” implying that Jesus’ followers were peacefully departing and leaving that house or that city to the consequences that would come from God.—Mt 10:11-15; Lu 9:5; 10:10-12; Ac 13:50, 51. (CB/Bible/
2018-09-15 13:45:37 UTC
You are right. Believers shouldn't prove the existence of God.
Bouan Philippe
2018-09-15 13:32:34 UTC
2018-09-15 04:55:40 UTC
One way it easy. God exists and is everything. And the other way is God does not exist and is nothing. Trying to fill the void between the two is complicated. One sees it and the other doesn't. So far I see, they get along and leave each other alone, in this country. In other countries and other times things were not so peaceful between the two viewpoints.
2018-09-14 12:26:47 UTC
Have you ever seen the 'presents' of god? A lot have said they 'felt' the presents of god.
Jim V
2018-09-14 03:59:59 UTC
I’m sorry, but I began to have faith in God /because/ of the evidence that God does exist.

Blind faith is believing without evidence.

It is because atheists reject the evidence for God that they /assert/ that all faith is blind faith.

The problem with the question you asked is the premise that faith /is/ belief without evidence.

The “if” fails at the beginning.
2018-09-14 01:50:07 UTC
Faith is not belief without evidence. That is called credulity.

Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen. Hebrews 11:1.
2018-09-13 19:53:26 UTC
And what about those who have considerably more than just faith? Should they remain silent in your humble opinion? We already know that those who do not to want believe will never accept any evidence whatsoever no matter how brutally obvious it is. People on here hunt in packs and their motives are highly questionable but among those motives are the ones of people who have chosen what is considered an unacceptable life style. So it become an exercise in self justification.

Some of us know. Most of us believe, i.e. they have faith. The other side just rejects what we either know or believe. It is a tedious circular argument determined by personal interests and life experience. The best analogy is of a person who has seen something whilst on their own who is confronted with disbelief and derision by people who simply weren't there to witness anything either way.

Your question would appear to be slanted at the statement that believers are just believing in an unprovable myth. We know that the Santa Claus myth is just that because there is no significant evidence of any such being actually existing other than the fact that this myth is apparently based on the actual existence of one of the saints who used to perform acts of kindness and charity in the community. So this is effectively an exaggerated or distorted reality. However, this is not true as far as God is concerned. That which He was supposed to have done is exactly as it happened as witnessed by many thousands of people so this puts it in a completely different category altogether.

So at the end of the day, thousands upon thousands of people witnessed the scriptural miracles. We choose to believe that these events actually happened based on faith that they have been honestly and accurately recorded. Those with a vested interest, usually involving immorality, choose not to believe. Strangely enough, the more serious trouble these individuals think they are in, the more certain they are that there is no God to punish them for their sins.

So you may offer your counter views, that is your freedom of speech and free will etc. It is, however, my free will and fundamental freedom to wonder what your motives are for saying it and my absolute right to know that you are wrong. But do I have the right to tell you that you are wrong? That is a good question.
2018-09-13 14:16:47 UTC
God is a personal God. When you believe and give your heart to Jesus, He then proves to you that He is real. Until then, there is no proof for you. People who want proof before belief will not get it. I think that is how satan works
Dennis Sagt
2018-09-12 14:31:27 UTC
"To have faith... that He exists." I disagree.

Special EPhex
2018-09-11 07:53:02 UTC
I agree with your general premise. The "dumbing down" of our society has reduce the debate of God's existence, to the idea there can be evidence "for" or "against" God. I remember a time when it was common knowledge that God cannot be "proven" or "disproven", even the dictionary had it in the definition of 'God'. Over the years I watched how ignorant people have become, unaware that they argue with fallacies just to win debates.

It has just become a "one-up-menship" of who can argue the best outside of factual bounds, which is why people presume there is "proof" or "disproof" of God's existence. An 'Unlimited God' cannot be restricted to the boundaries of a 'this' and 'that', 'here' and 'there', 'now' and 'then'. The human mind and intellect cannot conceive of or comprehend the 'Enormity of Divinity', an therefore God cannot be subject to our limited standard of evidence. A god that can be proven or disproven would imply a limitation, and only would result in "counter-proof".

It is acceptable to point to evidence that convinces one to believe or not believe, but trying to pass what is convincing to oneself as objective "proof" or "evidence" would be a fallacy. God is a subjective awareness we accept, or not, on the 'faith' that our beliefs are right. Because people's beliefs are so convincing to them, they believe it should be convincing to everyone, so their beliefs can be validated. Opposing beliefs possibly suggest ones faith could not be true, which makes people feel insecure, and use nonsense to defend their beliefs.

When I joined the R&S community over a decade ago, I was astounded by the number of people who argued for the "proof or disproof" of God, who try to pass themselves off as intelligent adults. It like arguing whether 'weight' is measured in "feet" or "inches", and only keeps getting worse. People don't even know fundamentally what they mean by 'God', yet are so convicted in their arguments. The fact that this basic concept is no longer accepted or known in the general public, indicates to me where our society is going.
2018-09-10 16:23:36 UTC
'Faith' is NOT 'belief without evidence.'

That is a contrived antithesis devised by people who knew full well at the time they conceived it that the English term 'evidence' itself first appears in the definition of faith presented in the King James Bible!

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1).

Prior to this usage, 'evident' had never been transformed and used as a noun in the English language.

Faith is described by allegory as hope in the potential of the unseen aspects and design of a 'seed' along with the 'evidence' provided as the seed achieves that full potential, even when this process is interdicted, stymied, or otherwise slowed. Jesus illustrated this both using agriculture and microbes spreading within bread dough, among many other types of 'seeds,' (Luke 17:6, Matthew 13:33, etc...).

Since GOD does exist, He has given us a 'seed' also which He expects us to place our hope in and develop until it reveals itself fully for everything that it is. Faith is the direct arriving genius that contains this 'seed,' (the Holy Spirit), and which guides the entire 'evidentiary' process revealed as it 'endures' to the end of this full manifestation of potential.

This is also known as the 'earnest' which is an ancient business term. While it was impractical to inspect the entire cargo of products being purchased during a major transaction, an 'earnest,' (cross-section of every aspect of the products representing a full and accurate range of them), could be presented at the time of the signing of the contract. This is a 'promise' of the full transaction and its quality, quantity and nature.

Without this, there is no trust, no agreement and no binding 'Covenant' made between the parties.

That is what 'faith' is. It certainly NEVER has been or could be 'blind trust in the absence of evidence.'
Christian Sinner
2018-09-10 15:53:44 UTC
Faith = trusting something, someone. I understand that one definition about faith being belief without evidence is out there, but it isn't the only definition, I don't even call it a good one. English speaking people tend to use the word faith as a noun. I tend to use faith as a verb.
2018-09-10 15:47:26 UTC
Yes, it's a kind of confusion to try to prove God exists. *Faith* -- a good will willingness to trust and seek, a 'leap of faith' -- is His initial requirement of us. *After* a true seeking of God, an actual leap of faith, one can find God (will find Him if they are humble and seek Him with all their heart), and begin to have more and more personal evidence of Him, but He requires faith as the key quality to seek Him first. Proof is never first since the days of the apostle Thomas.

The message is this way --

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets."
2019-04-02 05:48:32 UTC
Simple answer to why do they try to prove it? Because God is real; and they'd like to see all people respond to God in a loving way.
2018-09-24 19:37:18 UTC
God is real.
2018-09-24 13:45:13 UTC has all your answers to your questions from the bible.
2018-09-23 07:33:04 UTC
This most definitely cannot be said of all Christians. Some of us have found our evidence. God calls for us to have an intelligent, not a blind, faith. He asks us to reason together with Him (Isaiah 1:18). Faith in God without experience is pointless. If you faith has produced no direct experience with God, then you're doing it wrong. If you fail to see His hand at work all around you, you are still blind. 1 Corinthians 2:14.
2018-09-22 02:57:53 UTC
Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

So first thing you need to know who God is. When you know how God want things to be done, then there is regeneration.

The calling of being a Christian. The Holy Spirit will work in your heart to want to do God's will and want to speak the truth.

When you start to do all these, it is faith. You start the work of God, doing God's will with patience and bearing the fruits of the Spirit.

There is nothing to dispute about because it is God who calls a person to be His disciple and will teach them. Of course there will be stumbling blocks to test and strengthen the faith.

Faith is not your choice you want or you don't want. It is a gift of God. Sometimes there may be lack of faith, that's why the bible says to continue in the faith and exercise your faith. Faith once there is always there, because God makes no mistake. God cannot accidentally put faith in a wrong person, but He puts faith in His elect, chosen people of God.
2018-09-20 04:17:04 UTC
Blah blah blah. Verbal diarrhea.
2018-09-19 19:26:14 UTC
Your premise is incorrect, although commonly repeated. Faith is certainly NOT belief without evidence. To the contrary, faith is belief that the evidence towards a conclusion is valid, and therefore you believe the conclusion is true. Faith is synonymous with trust.

If a doctor diagnoses someone with cancer, they can have faith and accept it as true based on the evidence of his qualifications and experience etc. Or, can reject it and see another doctor...and another, and so on. The person’s trust, or lack thereof, in the doctors has no bearing on the fact that cancer exists, or that they may have it.

The moment the patient accepts the diagnosis is the precise moment that they exercise their faith in the doctor and the evidence presented.
jump e
2018-09-18 06:16:13 UTC
Faith is NOT belief without evidence

Faith is to act on belief thus proving it true and no longer just belief.

Just as truth is proven by ones consistency to it.

The act of faith gives rise to knowing the truth.

There is no faith without action.
2018-09-17 06:51:24 UTC
WE do not have to prove it, WE JUST KNOW IT and any evidence is self evident within us and without in the world.

They try to prove it because atheists keep asking, but one has to trust and believe and take a step of Faith to accept Yeshua as Messiah, once U have done that no more proof is needed !! U JUST KNOW by the SPIRIT of YHVH GOD!! Nothing can take the place of inner evidence and those who cannot see will continue to not see. Hebrews 11:1 Romans 10:17
Q Raven
2018-09-16 11:21:29 UTC
Well, first of all that is a very well said, posted question and detail is frank and concise. We are children of God, every one of us. A consensus or a census of a good cross-section of eligible people, finally coming to an end times, and remaining prophecies do begin to take hold, and many people with connections, whether abstract or concrete forms of thinking AND talking, and fellowship, I think the way someone also said their peace, that the greater part of us ALL, is pursuit, without losing faith and often failing as much as not, is self-evident. Don't need to pay attention, if you can't afford it. (Pun intended.)
2018-09-15 23:35:52 UTC
Prophecy is proof that God exists. Only God can perfectly predict the future. Truly study the Christian Biblical and you will see tons of "proof" that God really does exist. Study history with the Bible. History, that is, fulfilled prophecy proves the existence of God.
2018-09-15 20:43:26 UTC
"If faith is belief without evidence..."

It isn't.

Where do you get your definition of faith from?
Dave D
2018-09-15 17:45:58 UTC
Do you have any idea how contradictory your question is?

"To have faith in God is, in essence to believe that He exists, without any evidence that He exists. So with this being the case, I am confused as to why some people refuse to just accept it for what it is, as opposed to trying to go a step further and find evidence that God does exist." How can people find evidence if evidence does not exist? Illogical.

You are incorrect in your thinking that people believe in God without evidence. The exact opposite is true. People believe in God because of the evidence which they have found. Personal life experiences certainly may not be evidence for you, but they most certainly are for the people who have experienced them.
Good Man
2018-09-14 13:14:40 UTC
It is proved with evidence and there is one true God and Muhammad is His prophet , We Muslims have no doubt in it
2018-09-13 20:58:11 UTC
because our life is so fragile and uncertain, we must have faith as a central idea about life, to help organize our thoughts, our behaviors, and lives around. this thematic is very helpful, but as you can see, does not answer all of the questions we have about life.
2018-09-12 02:12:51 UTC
Luke 18:8 God is a son of man.

John 1
2018-09-11 14:30:14 UTC
Faith is NOT a hope or wish. The word FAITH in the Bible is Old English for the word ASSURANCE.
The Football God
2018-09-10 16:11:29 UTC
I believe in God. I call it faith because I can't prove it. I believe in cash, but I can prove I have that, not enough, but I have it. I've never read the Bible, but respect it's existence. Too many contradictions and interpretations. I'd rather live a good life, die and reap the benefits, or just be dead.

I believe in free will. We all have choices. Make them wisely.
2018-09-10 15:51:54 UTC
searching for GOD begins without evidence.

this changes.

TRUST is never given lightly.

LOVE is never given without TRUST.


FAITH is needed to keep things working

its not blind faith. (that's an atheist myth)

wake up

or sleep on

its your life (or death)

why embarrass yourself with your wording?

santa claus?

be a little more mature (can you)?
2018-09-10 15:41:19 UTC
That’s incorrect. Faith is the EVIDENT demonstration of realities, though not beheld. Faith is not blind
2018-09-23 11:49:22 UTC
It is the religion of Atheism that ALL that they had claimed as proofs were Ordered to be tested and Science that found out ALL that the Atheists had used are FAKES! A Federal Law was passed requiring the removal of All Atheism form ALL Public school over the whole USA! Because it doseNOT have any proofs at all!

Atheism if the religion with zero proofs! Has any Atheists ever been able to state how Any one of their beliefs could have changed into their next belief? Nope, None so far! Can You? How?

Most of what the Atheists had used were New BONES from already known of animals!
2018-09-17 12:44:18 UTC
You define belief as something unbacked by data

some Christians can follow that

others will go to other extents to prove why they believe

the same reason some people believe Trump is bad or not

and others dispute it with their own data
2018-09-15 21:26:02 UTC
actually faith is evidence that others can see, blind faith is wrong, because the blind fall in the ditch together and true faith knows the promises of theirs and live to obey God to obtain the hoped for promises
Scarborough Fair
2018-09-12 23:20:49 UTC
The premise is wrong. Faith is not belief without evidence.
2018-09-12 14:32:28 UTC
There is lots of evidence....creation is one of them "it's a biggie",
2018-09-10 16:13:22 UTC
Claiming proof of a God shows lack of faith and why Christians are seen as fantasists and liars!

If they want to say they BELIEVE then fine that is their absolute right but claiming proof is of course a direct lie and therefore a SIN!

The first person to produce a single tiny little piece of verifiable evidence for any god will become world famous and mega rich!

Academia states that in the absence of any sort of evidence of the existence of something it must be deemed not to exist until verifiable evidence is found - thus god is held not to exist pending some sort of verifiable evidence.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.