Do athiests realize how arrogant it is not to believe in God? Most of the world knows of God...?
2006-10-02 06:17:42 UTC
Jesus Christ only lived 33 years, never went more than 30 miles from his home, never wrote a book, never was on tv, never made a cd or any multimedia source and YET
-- Jesus Christ has influenced the world more than any person;
-- Jesus Christ's existence separates history (ac or bc);
-- Jesus Christ has more books written about him than any person in history;
-- Jesus Christ is the Ruler of the largest religion in the world;
-- Jesus Christ had 11 apostles and numerous martyrs die excruciating deaths believing in the Messiah, the Son of God;
-- Jesus Christ as the promised messiah fulfilled over 300 prophesies in the Old Testament. Just fulfilling 50 makes the odds of doing so 10X135 power, an astronomical number. No human being has ever fulfilled so many prophesies about them, not even Moses!
27 answers:
Miss Thang
2006-10-02 06:30:23 UTC
I totally agree with you on this. I'm not one to judge but I can say that atheist are kinda crazy for not believing there is a God. I mean if they think about it who wakes them up every morning? who provides the sun, the moon, stars...etc? Who is responsible for all the blessings that happen to them. I seriously hope that one day they woudl wake up and thank God for these things and every thing that he has done for them instead of going around saying that they don't believe in God and hate him.
2006-10-02 13:36:15 UTC
"never went more than 30 miles from his home,"

This is incorrect. There is a HUGE body of evidence showing that Jesus traveled extensively to other countries including India. This took place during the period of his life not discussed in the bible. Between the age of 12 and 30. Also, with regard to fulfilling the prophesies of the old testament...

The Messiah was prophesied to be a man of war. He was to liberate the Jews and give them back their homeland. When Jesus was alive, there were no less than 18 men all claiming to be the Messiah besides Jesus. None, including Jesus, fulfilled the prophesies and Jerusalem fell to the Romans.

I don't wish to be mean or arrogant by saying this, but it might be a good idea for you to read about your religion's history. It would benefit you when posing a question where you are trying to cast a negative light (arrogance) on a group of people who do not believe as you do. And speaking of such stuff, how do you honestly expect to win over the hearts and minds of those who do not believe as you do, by insulting them?
2006-10-02 13:47:42 UTC
Most of the world knows of God, some call him Jesus, some Allah, some Herne, some Money, When it comes down to it only a very tiny portion of the world believes in your God and it can't even agree with itself on the specifics of your faith.

-Jesus Christ influenced the my as much in all of the AD callendar as Marilynn Manson has in the last 12 years.

-Jesus's birth marks the beginning of the Roman Catholic Callendar, nifty. Might I interrest you in my Callendar where the New Age began in 1972 when I was brought forth on the Earth. On the topic of Jesus's callendar why are the names of the days stolen from the Norse callendar?

-I'd bet the Marquis De Sade is at least a close runner up if not ahead of Jesus, number of books doesn't allways mean a lot.

-Jesus isn't the ruler of Islam, just one of it's prophets.

-If having sycophants who don't have great judgement is a sign of divinity then Jackass is a shoe-in for the next big religion.

-There is no proof that any portion of the Old Testement was written before Jesus' death.
2006-10-02 13:58:34 UTC
He only lived for 33 years. So, according to you, here, he is dead. Not risen from the grave. He never went more than 30 miles? Didnt he grow up pretty far away from his home? Didnt his parents take him away for fear he would be killed by Herods guards?

Jesus's NAME influenced people, not the man. And it was in his name that hundereds of thousands of people died during the Crusades. people were forced to convert to Christianity or die. I would say that the influence of death had a big impact on how big Chrisianity is today.

AC/BC; It is a measure of time. Do you think that in 1 AC the people of that time knew what year it was? No. AC/BC is a modern term, made by modern men, to track time. It has been twisted by Christianity to use to their own gain.

More books? Well of course, How else are the Christians going to keep his name in the forfront of everything? Do you think thast if people had stopped using his name in books and such that he would be as big as he is today? No. Books are written about him to keep the name out there for everyone to remember, not believe, just remember. The more you see somethng the better you remember it. Just because its written in a bookk dosent mean it is true.

Jesus is not the ruler of Christianity, God is, jesus is just a figurehead, used by Christianity to further their cause. Hundereds of thousands of people have died in Jesus's name in the past 2000 years, forced to believe or die.

David Korecsh had 51 followers/apostles/martyrs die for him just 10 years or so ago. They all believed he was the new messiah. why were they wrong? He had many more people following him at the time of his death than Jesus did. And these people died alongside him. They didnt run and hide like the apostles of Jesus did.

On YA! there are many here who answer questions about the OT by saying it is outdated and shouldnt be used. So why use it her? Because it fits you thinking? The Bible OT and NT can be used and interpreted is so many ways that you really dont know what it is saying. Some verses of the Bible have to be taken literaly, some have to be interpreted to mean other things than what is written. How are we to know that these propheceys are interpreted correctly and not just twisted to fit the life of Jesus.

I hin these are resonable responses to your remarks.You may not believe them, but you dont have to. Thats what make us human. Disagreement
2006-10-02 13:24:23 UTC
You can't take a book to an Atheist and say see here it is the reason you should believe. The only way they will believe that there is something out there is if it is evident in your life and want the same thing and ask. You cannot push belief on someone, you cannot condemn them into accepting. You cannot act ungodly and expect those that do not believe to want what you have. One book does not make it true for anyone outside your faith, they would have to believe before they find the writings true. Why don't you get it, live the life and walk the walk and others will follow if you are true to it.
Left the building
2006-10-02 13:20:37 UTC
You are so very confused.

The Jesus myth was popularized by Roman Emperor Constantine, not Jesus. Based on your claims, we should bow down to Roman Emperor Constantine for making famous a myth with such ridiculous assertions.

BTW, "Jesus" is NOT mentioned in the Old Testament or Hebrew prophecies at all. He did not fulfill ANY prophecies. Which is truly a miracle since the myth was written specifically to support the claim he fulfilled prophecies. Obviously, Jews knew better.
2006-10-02 13:22:41 UTC
I'll dissect your points one-by-one

- No, Paul influenced more people than the allegedy jesus did...

- That's because the chruch was the only central authority for 1,000 years

- I think Harry Potter is closing in in only 5 years.

- No, he is not a ruler

- I thought there were 12, and they were sadly misinformed

- It's amazing what a little creative interpretation can do...

No Proof = No god, see I even that the t-shirt
Real Friend
2006-10-02 13:34:56 UTC
Is it arrogant to only believe in what is proven?

The world can't even agree on what God is.

Religious leaders freely admit that God can't be known.

That only Faith is the way to know God.

Faith, by definition, is the will-full rejection of reason.

To belief in God is to discard your own mind and plug into a collective mindset. Which is to sacrifice your individuality to an angry mob that threatens people Mafia style with eternal damnation for not following handed down orders from an unknowable god.

Is is arrogant to no be insane?
2006-10-02 13:34:06 UTC
How many deaths did those attacking the death star in Star Wars IV suffer. How many wittnesses saw Luke Skywalker receive his medal. How many people saw the star wars movies and bought DVDs. How many prophecies from Star Wars I and Star Wars II came true in Star Wars IV, V and VI. What are the odds of those prophecies coming true by random chance. How was Luke able to defeat an entire Death star. What were the odds of Luke being able to destroy the Death Star by Random chance. By your own arguments the Force must be true. How arrogant of you to think it is only a movie.

When you understand how moronic this argument is then you will understand what I think of your argument.
2006-10-02 13:22:56 UTC
Let athiests believe or disbelieve what they will. It is their right. In all the teachings of Jesus that I have heard, I have yet to read of him shoving his doctrine down anyone's throat. Jesus was an amazing and divine man. His teachings are beautiful and they fit in today's world. But.....Jesus gave us free will. Religion is a deeply personal thing. I don't have the right to proclaim what everybody should believe. I can only have my own beliefs. If I want my beliefs to be respected and tolerated, then I have to give forth that same tolerance and respect, including respect for those that choose to seek another path. What is right for me might not be right in their life. They have their reasons for believing the things they do. Live and let live.
2006-10-02 13:27:50 UTC
Muhammad has influenced more people than Jesus . Islam is more popular than Christianity . I think you are the arrogant one putting your god in front of so many others that came before .
2006-10-02 13:22:03 UTC
Your argument is wrong.

Several prophets have done what no "ordinary man" could do. Here are two of them:

1. Joseph Smith

2. Mohamed

Does this mean they were correct.

Hercules also performed what no other man could have done. Does that make him correct.

I can not see how it is arrogant for me to look at the above examples and make a rational decision that Jesus is no greater than them.
2006-10-02 13:23:20 UTC
Most of the world KNEW the world was flat at one time, as well.

They also KNEW that demonic possession caused mental illness.

And that the sky was a dome covering the flat earth.

And that the Earth was the center of the universe.

And that the world was only 6,000 years old.

And that there was nothing morally wrong with slavery.

Just IMAGINE what you'll KNOW tomorrow....
2006-10-02 13:32:23 UTC
i think a lot of people believe "just in case" they dont wanna risk dying and find out that there is a god, i think its hypocrit to believe in god and keep on sinning then go and repent to keep on sinning. not even trying to better them selves

some peolple say beliving in christ is accepting ur a sinner, convinient .........religion is a tool we're supposed to use to better our selves not to think we're better than other, if thats the infuence jesus christ made on you i have to wonder did he really do a good job..... maybe he did.... you just dont know how to interpret religion
2006-10-02 13:23:40 UTC
Your CHRIST is nothing more than the worlds oldest money making SCAM.

There is no proof of a Jesus or Mary or the remains of Any of the deciples .

Wake up -you brainwashed idiot .

Stop calling people with doubts arrogant ,we are smart enough not to pretend or believe in fairy tales.

You`re the arrogant @ss hole !!!
2006-10-02 13:21:53 UTC
Arrogance: offensive display of superiority or self-importance; overbearing pride.

And Christianity doesn't show this??

Your question alone boasts Jesus, showing no respect for the other religions. Arrogant if I may say so myself
2006-10-02 13:31:51 UTC
You're the ones claiming to be in tight with the supreme being, How arrogant is that? All we're saying is we don't believe your fairy tales....
2006-10-02 13:20:07 UTC
All of Allah's Prophets achieved great things
2006-10-02 13:22:03 UTC
Is it any less arrogant than to claim you believe in God, but refuse to follow all of his teachings, because you think they don't apply to you?
2006-10-02 13:21:49 UTC
I hope you are aware how arrogant you christians sound insisting that your's is the one and only way to god.
2006-10-02 13:25:59 UTC
i think it is more arrogant to call someone arrogant for not having the same beliefs as yourself

with respect :o)
2006-10-02 13:35:57 UTC
Isn't arrogance thinking your way is right and every other way is wrong? Good to meet you pot, I'm kettle.
2006-10-02 13:19:45 UTC
I disagree. Arrogance in not believing? No. Research, not arrogance.
2006-10-02 13:24:10 UTC
Exactly correct, friend...atheism is simply a way of making one's SELF to be God....very arrogant....

but as the Scripture says....

"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who withhold the truth in unrighteousness.... because when they knew God they glorified Him not as God,.... Professing themselves to wise, they became fools, .....
2006-10-02 13:21:40 UTC
How is it arrogant to not be convinced of the existence of something?
2006-10-02 13:19:05 UTC
I dont think that it is arrogance, I think its more of enlightenment
Investigation Specialist
2006-10-02 13:21:19 UTC
We got someone that can think for once. YES!!!

Finally someone that is not politically correct.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.