He only lived for 33 years. So, according to you, here, he is dead. Not risen from the grave. He never went more than 30 miles? Didnt he grow up pretty far away from his home? Didnt his parents take him away for fear he would be killed by Herods guards?
Jesus's NAME influenced people, not the man. And it was in his name that hundereds of thousands of people died during the Crusades. people were forced to convert to Christianity or die. I would say that the influence of death had a big impact on how big Chrisianity is today.
AC/BC; It is a measure of time. Do you think that in 1 AC the people of that time knew what year it was? No. AC/BC is a modern term, made by modern men, to track time. It has been twisted by Christianity to use to their own gain.
More books? Well of course, How else are the Christians going to keep his name in the forfront of everything? Do you think thast if people had stopped using his name in books and such that he would be as big as he is today? No. Books are written about him to keep the name out there for everyone to remember, not believe, just remember. The more you see somethng the better you remember it. Just because its written in a bookk dosent mean it is true.
Jesus is not the ruler of Christianity, God is, jesus is just a figurehead, used by Christianity to further their cause. Hundereds of thousands of people have died in Jesus's name in the past 2000 years, forced to believe or die.
David Korecsh had 51 followers/apostles/martyrs die for him just 10 years or so ago. They all believed he was the new messiah. why were they wrong? He had many more people following him at the time of his death than Jesus did. And these people died alongside him. They didnt run and hide like the apostles of Jesus did.
On YA! there are many here who answer questions about the OT by saying it is outdated and shouldnt be used. So why use it her? Because it fits you thinking? The Bible OT and NT can be used and interpreted is so many ways that you really dont know what it is saying. Some verses of the Bible have to be taken literaly, some have to be interpreted to mean other things than what is written. How are we to know that these propheceys are interpreted correctly and not just twisted to fit the life of Jesus.
I hin these are resonable responses to your remarks.You may not believe them, but you dont have to. Thats what make us human. Disagreement