Do Demons prefer you to accept Jesus and deny Jehovah?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Do Demons prefer you to accept Jesus and deny Jehovah?
Sixteen answers:
Poя¢єℓαιη Vєѕѕєℓ (στην αλήθεια)
2009-06-03 11:24:31 UTC
Demons prefer that you believe anything except the truth.

They just love the Trinity doctrine because it dishonours God
Rick G
2009-06-03 11:47:11 UTC
As Jesus said, there is a narrow path.

The demons want everyone to stick to the "easy" and popular path.

"Just accept Christ as Lord" and you have immortality!! No acts of righteous, no living by any standard since "all" is forgiven and "once saved, always saved".

You don't even have to believe in ANYTHING! (that's the easiest but not the Popular since the majority of people believe in something and if you believe nothing, you stand out. Ask the atheists about that)

Or even better, just be TOO busy, got to get work done, must have my weekends to distress, the lake is beauty this time of the year, ski season starts this week, such good sales down at the mall, etc.

So, what do we hear at the doors?

I am already a Christian.

I don't believe in religion.

I am too busy.
Leslie H
2009-06-03 11:33:15 UTC
Sure! Anything but the truth is a lie, they don't care if you love Jesus, as long as you don't do what he said to do.
An Earthly Hope
2009-06-03 11:27:27 UTC
Oh yeah. Satan uses false religion to the hilt. They worship Saints, Apostles, Jesus and many others, but not the one true Almighty God Jehovah.
2009-06-03 11:44:34 UTC
Back when Jesus was on Earth, they put him to death for blasphemy

because >>>IN HIS OWN WORDS..... He said he was God's Son...(lets add that Jesus felt his Good Works were important as well)

29My Father,(AU) who has given them to me,[a](AV) is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of(AW) the Father’s hand. 30(AX) I and the Father are one."

31(AY) The Jews picked up stones again to stone him. 32Jesus answered them, "I have shown you many good works from the Father; for which of them are you going to stone me?" 33The Jews answered him, "It is not for a good work that we are going to stone you but(AZ) for blasphemy, because you, being a man,(BA) make yourself God." 34Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in(BB) your Law,(BC) 'I said, you are gods'? 35If he called them gods to whom the word of God came—and Scripture cannot be(BD) broken— 36do you say of him whom(BE) the Father consecrated and(BF) sent into the world, 'You are blaspheming,' because(BG) I said, 'I am the Son of God'? 37(BH) If I am not doing the works of my Father, then do not believe me; 38but if I do them,(BI) even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that(BJ) the Father is in me and I am in the Father." 39

The APOSTLES SAID he was God's Son...

Mark 8:

27 Jesus and his disciples now left for the villages of Caes·a·re´a Phi·lip´pi, and on the way he began questioning his disciples, saying to them: “Who are men saying that I am?” 28 They said to him: “John the Baptist, and others, E·li´jah, still others, One of the prophets.” 29 And he put the question to them: “YOU, though, who do YOU say I am?” In answer Peter said to him: “You are the Christ.” 30 At that he strictly charged them not to tell anyone about him.

So here back when Jesus was alive, he was put to death for blasphemy saying he was God's son. (Saying you were the Son of someone important was like saying you were them, you were in line for their inheritance, you were there in their name...)

So back then he was killed for Saying he was in line to be King, Gods son..There representing God and showing Good works to prove this.

And most people DID NOT believe that. They killed him for that.

Today if you went someone to try to get an "in" and you used someone famous or important to do this, AGAIN you would be tried.

NOW most "Christians" Say NOW was God himself.

Jesus himself said "I am Gods Son" "The Christ" "The one they were waiting for the Messiah" (to the woman at the well, she was the first person Jesus revealed this too completely.

Of course Demons want you to believe Jesus is God, they have wanted this confusion and lack of worship for Jehovah God and death for all humankind then to have them get life and know Jehovah from the first humans.

Jehovah will dispose of the demons, so the demons want all of His "children to go too" if they are going down.... so will as many as they can take with them.

evil and horrible.
2009-06-03 14:20:23 UTC
We know from Matthew 4: 8-10 the Devil wanted Jesus to worship him not Jehovah and the way Jesus could have changed religions would be by taking the kingdoms the Devil wanted to give him Jesus if only he would worship him not Jehovah. So ALL governments and the U.N. is from Satan the Devil and cannot bring real peace and security ever! But if you believe your three headed god who cooks YOU forever is real get the U.N. to bring us ALL peace and Security PLEASE! See link:

O yes, If Jesus was God Almighty could the Devil ever been able to get him to worship him? But a Son could have if he made that choice to do so. The Devil cannot ever win now because Jesus was faithful to the end. And we who do the same will get life too! If you want the real life people you know where we are! Or call us! But don't take too long, time is going by fast toward the end of the Devils ugly sick system of human rule. See Daniel 2:44 about the end yet just a head of us! Please COME! Revelation 22:17 Star talked about on another question.
2016-04-06 04:11:37 UTC
I am sorry but I nearly chocked on reading this question! On the contrary, we pay more attentiont o what Jesus says than any who profess to be christian and yet demand the trinity is right! Yes, of course, we BELIEVE in Jesus as this very scripture says. However, seeing how you posed the question, tells me that you believe he is God and so you are not listening really when he says that his Father sent him to earth ie HIS SON. Eternal life is for those who have proved beyond doubt ie at the end of a thousand years, when once again satan is let loose and will mislead some still and those left will have eternal life. Eternal life does not mean: IMMORTAL life as with the angels in heaven. So if any fail Jehovah, then He will immediately take action.
2009-06-03 14:28:39 UTC
2009-06-03 11:27:32 UTC
I thought jebuz and jehosephat were the same cat...

Am I buggin' or what?
2009-06-03 12:09:20 UTC
While I don't have time to go into this very deeply right now, and the brothers and sisters above have given very good answers, I just thought I would point out to jiloth7 that Jehovah-jireh was the name of a place given in the Bible - it was not used as a name for God himself.

Gen. 22:14 - "And Abraham began to call the name of that place Je·ho′vah-ji′reh. This is why it is customarily said today: 'In the mountain of Jehovah it will be provided.'"

Also, Jehovah-shalom was the name of the altar Gideon built, again not a name used to address God himself.

Judges 6:22-24 - "Consequently Gid′e·on realized that it was Jehovah’s angel. At once Gid′e·on said: 'Alas, Sovereign Lord Jehovah, for the reason that I have seen Jehovah’s angel face to face!' But Jehovah said to him: 'Peace be yours. Do not fear. You will not die.' So Gid′e·on built an altar there to Jehovah, and it continues to be called Je·ho′vah-sha′lom down to this day. It is yet in Oph′rah of the Abi-ez′rites."

Adonai and Elohim are titles, not names.

YHWH or YHVH is the same as Jehovah. Jehovah is the most commonly accepted English translation of the Tetragrammaton, which contained no vowel points.

@jiloth7: I have not given you a thumbs-down (or a thumbs-up). I am just trying to answer the questions you raised. If I gave you a thumbs-down I would not be able to see them.

Also, it was not a matter of the Greeks not using Jehovah's name. They did.

Dr. P. Kahle: “We now know that the Greek Bible text [the Septuagint] as far as it was written by Jews for Jews did not translate the Divine name by kyrios, but the Tetragrammaton written with Hebrew or Greek letters was retained in such MSS [manuscripts]. It was the Christians who replaced the Tetragrammaton by kyrios, when the divine name written in Hebrew letters was not understood any more.” (The Cairo Geniza, Oxford, 1959, p. 222)

In Aquila’s Greek version, dating from the second century C.E., the Tetragrammaton still appeared in Hebrew characters...

Origen produced his 6-column reproduction of the Holy Scriptures, his 'Hexapla,' around 245 C.E. in:

1) their original Hebrew & Aramaic

2) transliteration into Greek, the Greek versions of

3) Aquila

4) Symmachus

5) the 'Septuagint'

6) Theodotion

Professor W. G. Waddell: “In Origen’s Hexapla . . . the Greek versions of Aquila, Symmachus, and LXX [Septuagint] all represented JHWH by ΠΙΠΙ; in the second column of the Hexapla the Tetragrammaton was written in Hebrew characters.” (The Journal of Theological Studies, Oxford, Vol. XLV, 1944, pp. 158, 159)

Origen himself said, “in the most accurate manuscripts THE NAME occurs in Hebrew characters, yet not in today’s Hebrew [characters], but in the most ancient ones.”

In Jerome's (the translator of the Latin Vulgate) prologue to the books of Samuel and Kings, he says: “And we find the name of God, the Tetragrammaton [i.e., ,]יהוה in certain Greek volumes even to this day expressed in ancient letters.”

However, due to superstitions and incorrect views about what it meant to use God's name in vain, God's name was taken out in later copies. The NWT has restored God's name where it was determined to have originally appeared.

**Ok, jiloth7, at this point I have given you a thumbs-down. I provided very valid, well-known sources, yet you are still choosing to believe the rhetoric you've been told... :(
2009-06-03 11:51:01 UTC
Matthew 4:8-10 (KJV) which the Jehovah's Witnesses strongly advocated for many years- " Again the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain and showeth him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them; 9 And saith unto him, all these things will I give thee if thou wilt fall down and worship me 10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence Satan; for it is written THOU SHALT WORSHIP THE LORD THY GOD, AND HIM ONLY SHALT THOU SERVE."

The word Lord in the greek is "kurios" or the supreme authority, and the word God here is the greek "theos" meaning the supreme divinity. Your interpretation of either of these words as Jehovah would be quite incorrect! Using this verse as a proof text for what you propose then would be a serious error.

As far as the names for God are concerned - there are many and some require the use of the word Jehovah but never assume that is his only name. Here are some examples: Adonai, El, El-Shaddai, YHWH, Jehovah-Shalom, Jehovah-Jireh, Jehovah-Psidkenu, Jehovah-Raphah, Elohyim, etc. I don't have them all memorized, but that list should give you a starting point.

Jehovah-Shalom means the Lord our peace, Jehovah-Jireh means the Lord our provider, I am not sure about the other two at this moment. You can look them up online though if you wish.


If you refuse to believe it doesn't say Jehovah because the greek words were given then you are sadly mistaken. Why would the greeks not put Jehovah? They were not ignorant of the name Jehovah. The Greek names are as valid as any other in scripture.

The other names are all Hebrew -- not other languages. Are you honestly willing to be shown that you have been deceived or not? It is not wrong to be fooled, but it is very wrong to be fooled and refuse to believe it. Your eternal destiny is at stake here, and I would think you would be extremely careful that what you believe is true when your soul is on the line.


Jehovah-Jireh is a name for God and you are wrong thumbs down number 3. Get rid of the New World Translation and you will get the right translation of scripture instead of a copy that was translated by someone with no knowledge of the original languages.

If you are willing to examine what you believe objectively from the perspective of a scholar and not a Jehovah's Witness you should thoroughly examine the content of the following site. Don't let the word cult bother you - get beyond that and read the meat of the pages of information. You will be surprised that some people know more about what JW's believe than they do. The bigwigs in your organization are hiding a lot of information from you and claiming to be the only ones who can properly interpret God's word. Beware of anyone who tells you that. The Bible tells me that any believer can be taught by the Holy Spirit without the aid of any man or group -- John 16:13 and 1 John 1:27 among others.

2009-06-03 11:31:05 UTC
There are no more Demons. I had to lay them all off due to G. W. Bush's failing economy.
2009-06-03 11:24:44 UTC
What I don't understand is that for some reason JW's and others seem to think that JW's are the only ones who call God Jehovah. That *is* one of His names. I can call it out if I want to. It is *not* His only name however.
John K
2009-06-03 11:24:02 UTC
Yes they do accept jesus as he is a good comic character.Find out more at - an atheist & theist forum.
2009-06-03 11:24:13 UTC
Dude, there are no 'demons' !
2009-06-03 11:26:20 UTC
Do you really read the Bible?

The Jewish Bible writers who invented the God worshiped by the Christians claim that during the “creation week” when God was creating Heaven with all the angels 1/3 of them, including Lucifer* (*Light Bearer, the most beautiful and intelligent angel ever created) were not one bit impressed with God’s “beauty and holiness.” They made full use of their own free will and rebelled against God on the spot! They became known as DEMONS, and SATAN! Christians are sweet talked into totally ignoring this and any other revelation in the Bible that is detrimental to their faith. “God” had all this drama planned BEFORE the foundation of the world or else he wouldn’t create angels with the capacity to become demons and Satan, almost immediately. They were ready to hurt the people that God loves so much from day zero. Satan tempted Eve shortly after she was created! The Bible writers were a bunch of sadistic perverts making up the story of a wanking God the Father planning to have God the Son Jesus Christ sacrificed to make up for creating an angel capable of introducing “sin” into the world! God’s solution was to have Jesus Christ beaten to a pulp, have him heavily marinated in Roman soldiers’ spit and nailed by the hands and feet to a Holy Cross especially designed for the occasion! There is no record that the Romans ever crucified anybody on any cross in Jerusalem. Our body is too heavy to hang in there from the 2 nailed hands, but what the heck! The Romans were known to impale their victims driving a pole into their rectum and making them stand up into the air until the pole would eventually pierce their heart or lung and kill the victim. There were plenty of poles available to the Romans for free. They never have to manufacture any cross! The crosses would have to be carefully designed so the horizontal beam would stay solid in place in a very primitive and costly fashion just to nail thieves? Plain common sense can tell you that the whole crucifixion idea is no different from any Heathenistic fetish. The Bible writers dropped the idea of having a wooden pole (Deut 21:23) from a tree driven up into Jesus anal cavity because it doesn’t have the same religious effect as dying on an artistic Holy Cross! Christians are willing to die/kill for the Holy Cross! The infamous Christian Crusades bear witness to what I say! BTW, the JW teachers claim that Jesus if he ever existed was nailed to a pole, not to a cross!

1 Peter 1:19-20 (KJV) But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot* (*but full of Roman soldiers’ spit!): who verily was foreordained before* (*read again! “WHO VERILY WAS FOREORDAINED BEFORE”) THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD!

Hebrews 10:7 (KJV) Then said I* (*Jesus Christ!), Lo, I come in the volume of the book it is written of me, to do thy will, O God.* (*Jesus is recognizing a higher God authority than himself and that he is following the script in a book!!! That is why the Bible writers always claimed that Jesus did this and that so that any “prophecy” about him may be fulfilled – e.g. Mat 4:14!)

The Bible writers claim that God got so p*ssed off at all the dissenting angels that he didn’t provide them with a Savior, instead he created a sulfuric fire burning HelI somewhere in the depth of this Earth during the same “Creation Week” to punish them someday for ever and ever along with all the human beings who never heard or received Jesus Christ into their heart (Mat 25:41)! All this was taking place before God had a chance to created Adam! God is still in desperate need of all the help that he can get from the Demons and Satan to give a Hell of a time to good men like Job (Job 42:11), to tempt Jesus Christ’s weakness for world domination, and to make life miserable to everybody, including Christians! NOW all the Demons and Satan are freely commuting back and forth to Earth, but at the “end of the world” they will be evicted from Heaven and cast down to Earth. The Bible God and Satan are not much different from any of the Heathen Gods of that time! Preachers are far more dishonest than you can’t possibly imagine! I get not only thumb downs, but VNs galore for telling like it is in the Bible!

Revelation 12:9-10 (KJV) And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent* (*that tempted Eve), called the Devil, and Satan, which DECEIVETH the whole world he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven* (*Heaven is full of sound effects like in any Greek theater of that time!), Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for THE ACCUSER OF OUR BRETHREN IS CAST DOWN, WHICH ACCUSED THEM BEFORE OUR GOD DAY AND NIGHT.

The whole Bible story is like a Greek theatrical show. The Bible writers claim that the Devil and his angels or rather demons are now DAY AND NIGHT EXTREMELY BUSY IN HEAVEN! You can tell that the Bible Heaven is run by a whole bunch of low IQ Aliens. The Holy Throne of the Bible God is infested with all sorts of Demons blowing the whistle on any misbehaving Christian! Christians ought to know and tremble! God never gets tired to listen to their reports! God is on record that he destroyed Sodom based on their report (Gen 18:20-21)! God also heard reports that the world was living in full harmony, had a common language, and that people were united in an effort to build a tower made of clay and tar to reach Heaven! God was so p*ssed off that he had the whole Trinity team come down to EARTH to personally check the confidential demonic reports that he was getting. In punishment for the human attempt in pursuing technological advances God screwed up the common language and harmony spoken on this Earth in a way that nobody could understand each other again and that is why we have so many languages today! Regardless of any denial, the Bible God demonstrated to be the “Chief Author of Confusion” to this day (Gen 11:5-7)!

About 1,000 Bible years after the first angelical rebellion in Heaven more angels banded together to quit Heaven when they noticed that the girls from around here were "BEAUTIFUL" so they came down from Heaven and had sex and family with them (Gen 6:1-2) – This is a clue in the Bible that regardless of any other statement to the contrary, the male angels were created with well hung and fully functional sexual organs, and that sex in Heaven must be very lousy or boring because in Heaven there are no female angels! Christians claim that anybody going to Heaven will become like some asexual angels FOR EVER AND EVER, if true then God had to castrate the rest of the angels to keep them in line! Jesus will be surrounded “for all eternity” by 144,000 Jewish men, all of them MALE virgins who never messed with women (Rev 7:3-4, 14:4)! Jesus never expressed any interest for VIRGIN GIRLS, but he is on record HIGHLY FAVORING JEWISH VIRGIN GUYS (are they gay Jews playing with each other, but not with women?) It sounds like Jesus is a gay in the closet, too! Only he can afford to be surrounded by 144,000 Virgin Jews or Israelites, although there is no clue that the 10 or so “lost tribes” of Israel ever existed outside of the Bible! BTW, the JWs teachers know it and they claim this right for 144,000 of their dedicated wanking men!

Now Satan is very much respected in Heaven! No human or angel has the power to hurt or offend Satan (Jude 1:9)! At times, Satan is much more powerful than God! (1 Thes 2:8, Judg 1:19) According to the wanking Bible writers God delivered to Satan ALL the kingdoms in the world (Mat 4)! God must be terrible at playing poker! So Satan dragged Jesus Christ like a queer guy to a spot in a secluded public restroom on top of the highest mountain so Jesus could see ALL the king-doms on this flat Earth. Satan was ready to hand them over to him only if Jesus would discreetly KNEEL DOWN and worship him guy to guy! The Bible was certainly written for low IQ pervert morons! In the Bible it says that without gullibility it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God (Heb 11:6)! Atheists can relate to that 100%! Jesus clarifies that one has to have the gullibility of a child to follow him! The Bible sketches are nothing more than sheer primitive religious crap that amazingly Christians today still deep throat like a charm, spiritually speaking of course!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.