I don't care which is more boring or confusing. What I want to know is which is true. They can't both be true because they contradict each other and they both say they are coming from God. The law of non-contradiction says they can't both be true if they contradict each other. I'll take the Bible. The Koran accepts parts of the Bible as inspired scripture and then contradicts it. It accepts the gospels. The gospels say Jesus died on a cross. The Koran says He didn't but the Koran says the gospels are inspired scripture. Either He did or He didn't die on a cross. If He did then the Koran is wrong but the Koran says it came from God. Can God be wrong? You have an unbroken tradition of 600 years until Mohammad came on the scene that says Jesus died on a cross and that includes non-christian historians like tacitus, suetonius, thallas, pliny the younger and josephus. All of a sudden, up pops this guy by the name of Mohammad 600 years later who says "let me tell you what really happened". Very few secular historians will say that Jesus didn't die on a cross. They might say that he didn't raise from the dead because seculars don't believe in miracles and the ressurection is a miracle. But very few historians will say that He didn't die on a cross. The Koran is just flat out wrong about that. Therefore since God can't be wrong, the Koran is not from God.
As for your atheism, I've got to be honest with you. Anybody who says there is no God is just not thinking straight. In your brain there are 100 billion neurons. Each one of those neurons(remember, there's 100 billion of them) is connected to 1000 other neurons. That comes out to 100 trillion connections in your brain. These connections send electronic signals(and you can measure the electricity) from one place to another. If part of the brain is damaged and you lose some function that is controlled by that part of the brain, the brain can actually re-wire itself and let other neurons in the undamaged part of the brain take over so that you can get back that function. That's only the connections in the brain, not the rest of the body.
Our bodies also have tons of information in the DNA. You have enough information in your DNA to fill encyclopedia sized books stacked from here to the moon and back 500 times. Do you really think that came about by just random chance........kind of like a monkey typing out the works of Shakespear just by randomly plucking away at the keys?
You need to step back and look at the big picture of what is being claimed by evolution, namely, that the unbelieveable complexity of the human brain(not to mention the rest of the body) is nothing more than re-arranged pond scum. It’s pond scum from the original prebiotic soup re-arranged over billions of years into 100 trillion connections in the brain by luck…..just random chance. Most of the atheists I know are not dumb. How they could come to the conclusion that there is not God is beyond me.