Would you support a merger of the Jehovah's Witnesses, and the Baha'i Faith?
2012-11-05 03:41:38 UTC
The two religions have similar doctrines, and many people leaving the JWs seem to gravitate towards the Baha'i Faith.
Twelve answers:
Feet first
2012-11-05 06:47:41 UTC
Steps to stumble one of Jehovah's Witnesses

1) Get them thinking about themselves and how much time they are "wasting" in their service of our creator.

2) Question their "authority figures".

3) Let them know that if they go and ask their elders about these things, they will be fingered as potential rabble rousers.

4) Have them research about the JW on the internet. Have them read only anti-JW websites. Do not have them read anything produced by the WTBTS.

5) After a while they will start to believe the anti-JW websites over that of the JWs themselves.

6) Now you have converted a JW over to you.
B Knott Wildered
2012-11-05 07:39:15 UTC
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? (I started to go into a profound and personally amusing treatment of that question, but decided not to go that far afield. But that question begs the question, if it was the egg that came first, was not that egg the first chicken? And if it was the chicken that came first, from what was it hatched?)

I would suggest that if there was a merger, then it would quickly be the death of both, and the resulting offspring would be an ineffectual, twisted and deformed parody of the truth. Truth is one, and if truth ever becomes something else then it is no longer the truth. There are indeed a number of similar doctrines between the two, and as far as I can determine in every single case where there is a similarity the Baha’i Faith stated it first, and while I will have to admit that I may have a cant, my cant has me inclined to state that it is stated more elegantly and more profoundly in Baha’i Scripture. A question that I am addressing in my own study and to which I shall eventually have an answer is this: If the Jehovah’s Witnesses have a corner market on the truth, how is it that the Baha’is were there first with those same truths? And if the Baha’is are the ones with the corner market on the truth, how is it that the Jehovah’s Witnesses adopted those same truths without any direct and overt knowledge of and influence from the Baha’is? Either the Baha’is are partially right and partially wrong and the Jehovah’s Witnesses are completely right or the Jehovah’s Witnesses are partially right and partially wrong and the Baha’is are completely right. I am keeping an open mind and considering both possibilities. But no matter how long it takes, I will have an answer at some.

Something that I find mildly amusing is the fact that Christianity as a whole, and that includes the Mormons, the Roman Catholic Church, most if not every single Protestant denomination and possibly even the Jehovah’s Witnesses are more and more as time passes adopting beliefs and principles that at one time were exclusive to the Baha’i Faith. What I find even more amusing is the fact that the World of Atheism by and large has imitated the Baha’i Faith, has borrowed, adopted and adapted a considerable number of what were initially beliefs that were exclusive to the Baha’i Faith, and because Atheists are not aware of the actual source of their beliefs, have completely rejected the Baha’i Faith and claims that the Baha’i Faith is false. While I suppose it is possible for someone to embrace the Baha’i Faith and later become an Atheist, I have yet to hear of any, and I conducted a diligent study trying to find if there were any. On the other hand, I personally know a number of former Atheists who embraced the Baha’i Faith and I know of the existence of many more. What started out as a trickle seems to be an ever-increasing flow.

What that all boils down to is that there is an apparent merger with every existing belief system (atheism included) and the Baha’i Faith. Only the merger is a one-way merger. Baha’is are standing firm. It is the others that are merging into the Baha’i Faith.

There are two major sticking points that I feel will prevent a merger of the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Baha’i Faith. One is the Jehovah’s Witnesses are looking for a future fulfillment of biblical prophecy. The Baha’is on the other hand very firmly maintain that those same biblical prophecies have already been fulfilled, and that the expectation of their fulfillment that has been adopted by so many is a mistaken expectation, keeping others from recognizing the truth. In a very real sense, that mistaken expectation is represented by the biblical representation of “clouds.” The other major sticking point is that Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that God’s Kingdom on Earth is something that Jehovah will perform and then hand to them to maintain. Baha’is believe that God’s Kingdom on Earth and the resultant world peace is a DIY (do-it-yourself) project, with God supplying the motivation, the guidelines and blueprints, but leaving it to mankind to build and maintain.
2012-11-05 07:08:19 UTC
I'm indifferent, as I am neither a Baha'i nor a JW. But I would suggest that the moon will turn to blue cheese before JWs merge with the Bahai's, therefore the question of my supporting it would never arise.

The JWs are adamant that the only way to please Jehovah God is to become a baptized JW and to do all the many things JWs are expected to do and to believe all the many things JWs are expected to believe. Then they hope they will have done enough to survive the imminent battle of Armageddon. They are adamant that all religions other than their own are of Satan the devil, and form "Babylon the Great". They go around exhorting everyone listening to them to flee any religion they are in and to join them. That includes the Bahais.

It is true that both religions share several important beliefs and practices in common, but you are aware that the Baha'i faith is distinct from Islam at critical junctures, I trust? It does not matter to the JWs that the Baha's are pacifists and that they also reject the idea of Jesus Christ being one of the three Persons of the Godhead. The JWs still teach that there is no salvation for those following the teachings of the Baha'u'llah who said he was a messenger of God and the promised redeemer of ALL religions. This means that the Baha'is expect all other religions to eventually come round to their way of belief and practice, I understand. When you get two religions that both claim to be exclusively approved by God, there can be no meeting of their minds sufficient to form a merger. One will have to capitulate to the other. That isn't going to happen.
Idanre Magus
2012-11-05 08:44:33 UTC
Whereas both Religions were most likely invented by the Freemasons, they are very dissimilar.

Have you ever read the KITABI AQDAS?

I have.

Baha'is claim that they recognize every Prophet, but that is a lie.

They only believe in Baha'ullah.

They tell whatever lies they have to in order to be tolerated by other Religions,

but they do not believe that anyone else can be a Prophet for the next 1,000 years thence.

People died for that guy, with his big ideas of how the World should be run- which other people have to suffer and die for.

The Jehovah's Witlesses change their Doctrines about every time their shoes must wear out.

In my country, their religion is a very good way to kill people who have sickle cell anaemia- who need blood transfusions to live, and face an agonizing death if they don't get them. Which they very happily deny their Brethren.

if people leaving the Jehovah's Witlesses become Baha'is, how can their religions merge?
2016-12-28 19:07:48 UTC
i'm interior the certainty (certainly one of JW's) right this moment using Moody Publishing Co. while i discussed at paintings that i replaced into interpreting with JW's a co-worker gave me a pamphlet. from the Moody P. Co. It contained 4 columns. 1st "What the the Bible teaches" 2d "What Jehovah's Witnesses teach" third "What Mormons teach" 4th "Bible references" The exciting factor replaced into, as quickly as I regarded up the scriptures listed in column 4, and look at the context of those texts, they actually teach column 2 to be maximum appropriate and not column a million. This made me understand which you had to misrepresent the bible to coach JW's incorrect. This made me learn in earnest. next i've got heard an excellent form of the 'arguments given via so talked approximately as apologetics, and their arguments do no longer carry water. they are finished of holes and leak like a sieve. interior the some years of door to door paintings, I now comprehend greater approximately what different faiths teach than maximum contributors of their faith. .
2012-11-05 03:48:30 UTC

The Quran does not demand belief - the Quran invites belief, and here is the fundamental difference between Islam and other faiths. It is not simply delivered as: Here is what you are to believe, but throughout the Quran the statements are always: Have you O man thought of such and such, have you considered so and so. It is always an invitation for you to look at the evidence; now what do you believe ?

“The pillars of Kufr (i.e. disbelief and disobedience) are Four:

1. Kibr i.e. arrogance, which prevents him from submission, (to the command of Allah)

2. Hasad i.e. jealousy, which prevents him from accepting advice and giving it.

3. Ghadab i.e. anger, which prevents him from being just.

4. Sha`wah i.e. lowly desires, which prevents him from devoting himself totally to worship.

“So worship Allaah (Alone) by doing religious deeds sincerely for Allaah’s sake only. Surely, the religion (i.e. the worship and the obedience) is for Allaah only” [al-Zumar 39:2-3].


Faith is blind when it comes WITHOUT proof.

Truth comes with PROOF

whereas, liea are based upon the lack of any evidence.

Ignorance consists of :



2012-11-05 07:47:05 UTC
Recently I've been examining the Baha'i Faith after reading this from the Jehovah's Witness book 'Mankind's Search for God:

"The Baha’i faith is not a sect of Islam but is an offshoot of the Babi religion, a group in Persia (today Iran) that broke away from the Shiite branch of Islam in 1844. Their leader (Mirza Ali Mohammad of Shiraz) proclaimed himself the Bab (the Gate) and the Imam-Mahdi (rightly guided leader) from the line of Muhammad. He was executed in 1850. In 1863 Mirza Hoseyn Ali Nri declared himself to be ‘He whom God will make manifest’ whom the Bab had foretold. He also took the name Baha Ullah (Glory of God) and formed a new religion, the Baha’i faith.

One of the basic precepts of Baha’i is “that all the great religions of the world are divine in origin, that their basic principles are in complete harmony” and that they “differ only in the nonessential aspects of their doctrines.” They believe in the oneness of God, the soul’s immortality and the evolution of mankind. They reject the concept of angels, the Trinity, the reincarnation teachings of Hinduism, and man’s fall from perfection and subsequent ransom through the blood of Jesus Christ."

Jehovah's Witnesses do not think “that all the great religions of the world are divine in origin, that their basic principles are in complete harmony” and that they “differ only in the nonessential aspects of their doctrines.” Jehovah's Witnesses believe that every religion except theirs is part of "false religion" and will be destroyed at Armageddon.

Jehovah's Witnesses deny that Jesus was a manifestation of God, and they would utterly reject that anyone else, especially Muhammad, was a messenger from God.

Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in the immortal soul or in the evolution of man.

Jehovah's Witnesses believe in angels (claiming Jesus was originally created as Michael the archangel).

Jehovah's Witnesses strongly believe in man's fall from perfection and that Jesus died to atone for the sin of Adam.

What elements do they have in common with the Baha'i Faith? Both denounce the concept of the Trinity and the reincarnation teachings of Hinduism. As to the "oneness of God," if by that it is meant there is only one God, then they would agree (except they say Jehovah is a big God and Jesus is a little god, but that's because they utterly fail to grasp the concept of the Trinity which declares that within the One Being of God subsist the three persons of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.).

As far as the Witnesses are concerned, if you are not a faithful and obedient member of their organisation, you're going to die when Armageddon turns up - any decade now (although it's 98 years overdue according to their original predictions).

Personally, I think it would be an unholly alliance.

2012-11-05 10:01:12 UTC
I see a closer parallel from JWs to the WWCOG. I think at some point they will have to follow the same path or face self annihilation.
2012-11-05 03:44:11 UTC
2014-11-09 11:23:15 UTC
That will never happen.
Sola Christus
2012-11-05 03:45:02 UTC
Might as well
2012-11-05 03:45:06 UTC
Let every monkey please do that which pleases him!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.