2010-03-07 00:06:30 UTC
So I was baptized as a Catholic, and I was never Truly faithful to god o to my religion. yes, as a kid (like most) I NEVER cared about church and praying. But as I get older I realize that most of the stuff I am told doesn't make sense! How can a man create every thing (even the universe). Where was god when he did create everything?!?!?! There was no place to be! So I am in the decision making process in which I don't now what I'm doing.......
I was honestly thinking of practicing paganism. But before you say anything, here is why.
I am so tired of my life being put into the hands of God. I know that he will help me through the hard times, but he can't stop things from happening! He let's us makes mistakes, and solve our own problems, so why should people count on him from going to hell??? I believe that If you are a good person you will live a good after life. I'm not sure if I believe in karma and reincarnation, but I know that if you make the decisions in your life, and harm no one (but not necessarily animals, because they were put on this earth for a reason) NO ONE can change them, even god! AND I JUST THINK THAT ALOT OF THE STUFF IS GIBRISH!!!!!
I also think that life should be based on happiness and family, even friends. I know they say God dies on the cross for us, which is good, but should we spend our lives asking for help to some one that we have no proof existed??? The bible could of been written by some random person, and not be real! Idk.....but it seems odd that people worry so much and spend their entire lives prayer to some one who's no even alive anymore.
So here our my Questions:
1. Who agrees that alot of things that the religion Catholic says makes no sense???
2. Is Paganism based more on the Earth, happiness, peace, family, then some person who's not alive. (I'm not saying I don't wan't a god).
3.What happens in the after life of Paganism???
1.I need help finding a religion (wiccan based, if that's good).
2. What is eclectic paganism???
3. I'm NOT a vegatartian, can I still be a wiccan???
-Haley ♥♥♥