I'm losing faith in my religion?
2010-03-07 00:06:30 UTC

So I was baptized as a Catholic, and I was never Truly faithful to god o to my religion. yes, as a kid (like most) I NEVER cared about church and praying. But as I get older I realize that most of the stuff I am told doesn't make sense! How can a man create every thing (even the universe). Where was god when he did create everything?!?!?! There was no place to be! So I am in the decision making process in which I don't now what I'm doing.......

I was honestly thinking of practicing paganism. But before you say anything, here is why.

I am so tired of my life being put into the hands of God. I know that he will help me through the hard times, but he can't stop things from happening! He let's us makes mistakes, and solve our own problems, so why should people count on him from going to hell??? I believe that If you are a good person you will live a good after life. I'm not sure if I believe in karma and reincarnation, but I know that if you make the decisions in your life, and harm no one (but not necessarily animals, because they were put on this earth for a reason) NO ONE can change them, even god! AND I JUST THINK THAT ALOT OF THE STUFF IS GIBRISH!!!!!

I also think that life should be based on happiness and family, even friends. I know they say God dies on the cross for us, which is good, but should we spend our lives asking for help to some one that we have no proof existed??? The bible could of been written by some random person, and not be real! Idk.....but it seems odd that people worry so much and spend their entire lives prayer to some one who's no even alive anymore.

So here our my Questions:
1. Who agrees that alot of things that the religion Catholic says makes no sense???
2. Is Paganism based more on the Earth, happiness, peace, family, then some person who's not alive. (I'm not saying I don't wan't a god).
3.What happens in the after life of Paganism???

1.I need help finding a religion (wiccan based, if that's good).
2. What is eclectic paganism???
3. I'm NOT a vegatartian, can I still be a wiccan???


-Haley ♥♥♥
Eighteen answers:
2010-03-07 00:10:29 UTC
The truth does not change based upon what you want to believe.

There is a God and you can know him personally, You shouldn't have faith in religion but your faith should be in God and it is through faith in him youwill begion a personal relationship with God.
2016-04-14 02:05:26 UTC
Asalamu Alaikum Brother Firstly I think you need to do some indepth study of Islam. Especially if you think that Evolution and Islam are in contradiction, as they are not. Islam is one of the few religions that does not say Evolution is impossible. It does say that man was made sepeparatly. And as of yet the Missing link is still MISSING. That is because there is no link. Other animals were made differently than humans and that is why Humans are different. The similarities are simply because we have the same creator. Look at the computer you are typing on. DO you doubt that someone made that computer. Do you think it just evolved one day and showed up on your desk. If you understand a computer must have someone to make it, how can you not understand that the universe,earth, animals and people must also have a creator. A human and the earth and the Universe are much more complicated than the computer. Could you believe a car just rolled out from under a rock???? Simply put you are spending your time in the wrong company. Athiest are fools and if you spend too much time in their foolish company, than their ways will rub off on you. And lets be honest I am a convert. I chose Islam. I livexd for 30 years as a normal American so I know exactly what I am "Missing". I know without a doubt that Islam is true. But even if you could somehow prove it was not, I would not regret for a day following Islam. It has made me a better person and given me a happier more peaceful life (dispite what people who have no understanding say) Don't let the media convince you that you are making a huge sacrafice for your faith. You are not. You have no idea what you gain by living as a muslim. I wish I had time to tell you. Living a Moral life is not a sacrafice, all those Haram things are Haram for a reason. They have negative consequences.
2010-03-10 11:34:44 UTC
I know how you feel, my old school taught us that if you were white you had to be christian and had no choice in the matter then when i was older my mum (who was Wiccan) taught me about her religion sinse I just didn't believe in christianity...anyway here's some answers:

1) I don't believe in the Catholic religion but i also don't believe insulting it is a good thing either.

2) I think you have Wicca and Paganism the wrong way round Paganism is any religion that isn't christianity, judaism or islam. Yes Wicca is a nature based religion but we do have deities, we believe in a horned sun god and a moon goddess who go by many different names but I personally call them Janicot (god) and Inanna(goddess).

3) In Wicca we believe in a summerland where we go for a while after we die. We are then reincarnated into a different life i.e previous life rich then next one poor, this way we gain all kinds of experience and wisdom. After we have gained enough experience we move on to another place that we do not yet know of...

1) It sounds like you are more interested in Wicca (Wicca is a religion itself so there is no such thing as Wicca-based religons)

2)Eclectic Wicca is an all-purpose term applied to NeoWiccan traditions that don't fit into any specific definitive category. see here --->…

3) You do not have to be vegetarian, I am vegan myself but your dietar requirements are of no long as you don't eat babies or anything :p

Blessed be

2010-03-07 02:50:38 UTC
If you become pagan, you won't be changing much, because a lot of Catholic teachings are actually of *pagan* origin, with names from the Bible pasted onto them. The 'CC' has thoroughly MISrepresented True Christianity! Please take the time to read the following:

"How Did the Trinity Doctrine REALLY Develop?"

- Why Did God's Prophets Not Teach It?

'It Is Clearly NOT a Bible Teaching'

Regarding the use of the Rosary:

The World Book Encyclopedia says: "Early forms of praying with a rosary began in Christianity during the Middle Ages, but became widespread only in the 1400's and 1500's."

Diccionario Enciclopédico Hispano-Americano states:

"Similar beads are in use in Islamic, Lamaist and Buddhist worship."

The Encyclopedia of Religion and Religions notes:

"It has been suggested that the Mohammedans derived the Rosary from the Buddhists, and the [Catholics] from the Mohammedans at the time of the Crusades."

'Images & Patron Saints are Not Acceptable Intermediators of Prayer'

'Not All Contraception Is Morally Wrong'

'The Eucharist IS NOT What Jesus Christ Instituted'

“The Catholic Church believes and teaches that the present world, as God created it and as it exists, will not last eternally.” (The Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique, under the entry “End of the World”)

HOWEVER, the Jesus quoted Hebrew prophecy,stating:

“Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth." --Mt 5:5;

Compare this with Ps 37:9-11, 28,29,34, and, Ps 115:16

"As in Heaven, Also Upon Earth"

The concept of afterlife & eternal torment for the wicked is from pagan teachings, not Biblical:

“He who has died has been *acquitted* from his sin.” --Romans 6:7

('Acquitted' = declared not guilty; legally blameless!)

"... With evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone." --James 1:13

"What Has Happened to Hellfire?"

- What Really Is Hell?

"Building on Pagan Foundations"

"What Does It Mean to Be TRULY Christian?"

- Early Christianity---A Way of Life

- True Christianity Today

"How to Make Your Family Life Happy"
Sirious Spaid
2010-03-07 15:23:43 UTC
Dear Haley,

you ask many questions which even the Saints took Centuries to discover such incomplete answers as most people can never hope to completely understand in their present Earthly lifetime.

Good questions!

You are obviously, terribly confused, Haley.

& it is quite understandable; I'm confused already as to just how many of your questions you actually believe can be answered to YOUR ultimately spiritual functionality. This is WAY to much for a brief free-bee off-the-cuff of the general public Q+A session... it not?

I'm sure after your head-aches and your heart hurts enough after reading every entry here ranging from 'Go back to Christ' to 'Life sucks, then you die: the end, get used to it!'

Some how I don't think any divine power is going to hold it against you if you just take a complete 'ZEN' vacation from the whole bless-said/occur-said ball-a-hatchet jobs?

Fact, Buddhism is not even actually a religion. It is a mystical philosophy.

We meditate WITH the Buddhist spirit, rather than actually 'praying to an idol' as so many misconstrue it. But seriously, and in all compassion I say to you, you're mind has become a jumble of all kinds of ideas, thrown in from all over the place and all you're going to end up with is a cluttered hard-drive with maxed-out r.a.m. from inquiring any further from every concieveable quarter of the world of faiths/lack-thereof!!! It's obvious you've got little room left to move around in your own otherwise sensible enough mind as it is, darling. Please trust me, young lady, when I say--"Go ye forth on a year's sabbatical from ALL OF IT!"

Purge your pscho-social-spiritual hard drive

BEFORE trying to install every competitor's equivalent(/not) software under the heavens.

Please. Right now, all you're really missing is the basic reasons why you feel any need to have a faith-based practice at all. & THAT, my dear, can ONLY come from within.

If your Divinity is there at all, you'll find ( : Her?) there--just as surely as anywhere in the cosmos.

& for when you've gotten the hang of meditation:

Religious studies 101?

Just go rent/buy "The Power of Myth" & knock yourself out, girl!

Have fun!

If there's no joy in it for starters...'s not going to be able to keep you anyway.

So shove-off to the next port of call, and don't look back.

You WILL find 'home' if you keep seeking it.


You've gotten this far, don't just turn it all over to 'someone/anyone' else!

"NONSENSE, child."

Though you do amuse and amaze me!


& Blessed Be

~ Sirious, ♠ right back atchya!

"Here's lookin' into yourSELF, Kid!"
2010-03-07 00:47:37 UTC
If you read the Bible you will see that, YES, a lot of Catholic doctrine is absolute nonsense. Nothing that Christ taught. And a lot of religions are just as nonsensical. However read Christ's teachings in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and see if you think they are not VERY logical, earth-friendly, preaching happiness and family and love.

Paganism is just as foolish as most religions. Why trade one foolishness for another? Find Truth! And yes there is such a thing. Christ said "know the truth and the Truth will set you free" So why not search for Truth instead of just another man-made set of nonsense?

I've experienced miracles in my life and know of dozens of others who also have experienced them firsthand--like a child run over by a truck who only had a few scratches, like a man crawling on his knees too weak from being sick to walk, who moments later got up out of bed completely well, like a child's fever disappearing under my hand, a driver whose car was pushed out of the way of a head-on accident she knew she couldn't avoid, etc etc.

Try this FREE booklet: "Is the Bible True?" from They won't ask for a thing from you EVER. Everything is free and you will find a lot of answers to your questions. You owe it to yourself to at least look at the Truth in the Bible before looking elsewhere. Remember paganism is MADE UP by MEN. And yes the Bible is written by men but with knowledge that the men writing it didn't even understand. Read the symbolism in Revelation describing jet airplanes and helicopters that John saw in vision in about the 2nd century (proven from archeology).
2010-03-07 00:39:42 UTC
I find it interesting your question.. you claim you are losing faith in your religion? Well, funny, i find it difficult to have the two together. See, faith is believe in something you can not yet see and hope is expectant waiting.. you can not have one without the other. However, religion is a practice of laws, ideology and to the point ot extreme..There are many forms of religion. stands alone by itself. Different from everything else.So my first question for you is : why are you putting your faith in a religion? Religion does not save you.

Now in regards to your question:

Does catholocism make sense? No i dont believe so..for the reason that i know that Mary isnt to be worshipped. God is. I believe that Catholocism is very extremist in there attittude.They dont leave a lot of room for expression of self, and they have lots of laws to abide by and they are low when it comes to the measure of forgiveness they extend to those who screw up.

2) Being a pagan.. i suppose you could say is based on earth, in the fact that you are encoutering every day life, desiring after what you want. A belief in nothing is what it is really.. You rely on you and you forgive you ..its all about you..You screw up..your screwed.

3) After the life of paganism. You die..your body becomes ash and you DO spend an eternity in the dark without God.. Filled with lonliness and every desire in your spirit thirsty for more of life. Never satisfied with anything..

1) Wiccan based religions are nothing more than man-made religions, belief in the power of yourself to an extreme.

First of all.. let me say that God is there and He does want to help you . Every moment of every day, He is constantly trying to get your attention in some way shape or form. Second of all: There is Proof for God's existence, you need to do your reasearch. Three) God lets you make mistakes but He can also help you and save you from things. He does it every day. You cant see it, but he does it. So if you beleive in God that helps you but nothing else. .how does this work? You cant have a God that helps you but a God that doesnt exist.

Think about some of these things.. and i would challenge you ..before you jump into wiccan and paganism, that you really search hard to discover where your faith really is..Cause to me, it sounds like your frustrated and giving up really fast..Dont give up..Keep on looking for Him, He is there.
2010-03-07 11:42:20 UTC
I am a pagan mom. I do not put much energy into religion. My energy is put on spirituality. You can have faith in what you feel is right in your heart without a religion. If you have faith in yourself and what you know is right/wrong, why do you need a religion?

Paganism is very open. Search for a local group and pay them a visit. There are sure to be wiccans there along with followers of other pagan paths. But be sure you are willing to be open to what you find and feel. We are earth based. And eating meat is OK, just be thankful to the animal who gave of themselves for you. Family is very important! I always welcome my children to come to rituals. They always enjoy themselves and they learn something new every time.

The Church of the Spiral Tree has groves in many locations. Check them out! We are accepting of others and friendly, children welcome.
2010-03-07 00:10:50 UTC
I didn't read the beginning, but I'll answer your questions.

1. The whole of christianity doesn't make any sense, and that's a fact

2. Pagans aren't Wiccan. But there's a lot of Wiccans who are Pagan. Wiccan is anything you want it to bed, there are really no set rules unless you want it that way.

3. Summerlands


1. There's too many different types of Pagan-based religions, including Wiccan-based

2. Eclectic is doing whatever you want, i.e. making your own rules. I myself am a solitary eclectic.

3. You can still be a Wiccan if you are not a vegetarian.
Guru Tugginmypudha
2010-03-07 00:10:18 UTC
Loosing faith in religion has never harmed anyone, unless the religion is allowed to torture and kill you, but we've almost put a stop to that in the almost civilized parts of the planet.

Pagans come in many forms, I've met Heathens that were almost Nazis and Wiccans that were almost Buddhist.

Why not let your life be your religion, only you know what you are all about.

If you know yourself none of this is necessary.
2010-03-07 00:11:06 UTC
Here is your problem- you are trading one addiction for another. Instead of waking up to reality and realizing that religious beliefs are based on delusions, you are trying to find a delusion that you find more appealing. Sorry to say it but there is no reason to believe in any afterlives, and much evidence that who we think we are dies with the brain.

Maybe you would find paganism more appealing at this point in your life, but that does not make it any less fake than christianity.

I should say though, on the path to atheism a large amount of people first experiment with new age beliefs. Then one day most of them realize that there is no truth in that either.

When it comes down to it EVERY religion and form of superstition is fantasy. NONE of it is real. It's all make believe that people use to make their lives feel special.

But unfortunately for us make believe cannot save us from death or give us real magical powers. It's just a pacifier.

So you have to ask yourself if you want a new blankey or different kind of bottle of milk, or if you want to embrace reality and seek truth. The choice is yours really. No one is going to fault you if you chose the lies though- reality is a difficult pill to swallow, and it requires a lot of facing your fears and accepting things that are out of your control, and it makes you responsible for the way your life turns out without giving you excuses. That's not the easy way by any stretch of the imagination.
2010-03-07 03:19:01 UTC
read the bible for yourself and try the best you can to obey the laws you find in it.

there are over 33,000 christian denominations to pick from according to the world christian encyclopedia so who has that kind of time to check each 1 out trying to find the only 1 church that Messiah said He would build ?

for a rough guide to begin your search for that 1 church see: revelation 14:12 / matthew 16:18 / ephesians 4:4 / galatians 1:6-9 / hebrews 4 / and or click on our avatar
2010-03-07 00:13:52 UTC
So, what DO you believe in? Think you'll find it in paganism? Al religion is personal, private and between you and your believe(s). If religion made sense they would not use the word, 'faith'. That is why it is a believe not a science. Watch: "What the Bleep do We Know?"

2010-03-07 00:13:53 UTC
1. I agree, thus I accept Jesus, but not the Christians.

2. tribal, less Intelligent people will worship the Nature instead of the Lord of the Nature, fine.

4. what happen after death should be the question

BG 2.22: As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, the soul similarly accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones.

BG 2.23: The soul can never be cut to pieces by any weapon, nor burned by fire, nor moistened by water, nor withered by the wind.
2010-03-07 00:11:38 UTC
1. I was raised was not even the religion that turned me off, it was the bible.

2. Depends on what path you study and who you talk to

3. Once again, depends on who you talk to. I believe, reincarnation until you learn all that your soul needs to, then you are ushered to the after life

1. Study is the best way to go.... may help

2. I can't answer that one....

3. yes, I am not....I just say a blessing for the animal that gave his life for me to eat.
2010-03-07 01:02:36 UTC
It's okay to loose faith in your religion as long as you do not loose faith in Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God, for He is our salvation, not the church, not a man.

You were baptized as a baby. Jesus no where baptized infants nor did John the Baptist. That is something one would do after asking Jesus Christ into their life to be Lord of their life and until you do this you will be searching for peace the rest of your life, for Jesus is our only peace. "He gives peace to our heart's that the world cannot understand." You are searching in the wrong direction. If would really help you if you read the Gospel of John. Then 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John, they are very short. The answer's you search for or in the Bible and it does not come from a Priest, Pastor, Wicca, or mankind. It's only comes from the Word of God, for the Word of God is our Light and our Salvation.

You are right about the Catholic belief, being the one thing is they bow to Mary. Mary is to be respected for bearing and giving birth to the Son of God, but I think it would grieve her so, to know that people bowed and prayed to her, and said the Rosary to her, for she can intercede for no one, only Jesus can intercede for us. Jesus came to die for sin's just as He did for everyone. Yes, she did really sin. God told us not to make ANY graven image nor to bow down to any idol. But, yet the Catholics do. The Bible says, "If we say we have not sinned then we are a liar." "ALL (even Mary) has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." John 14:7 says, I (Jesus) am the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE no man\woman can come to the Father except through Me (Jesus)." Only through Jesus not Mary or anyone else.

It is not by good works that one goes to heaven, for the Bible says, "No one is good, no not one." We only get to heaven by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. God would love to stop all bad things, but because we live in a sinful world that cannot be. We were created to live forever in the Garden of Eden, not to live outside it, but because mankind chose to disobey just as we all still do today things changed. We need to make our own decisions for it is good for us, for in making the wrong ones we grow as a person. We learn as a person. We also learn to grow closer to the one who knows us best, the Lord. Our parents allow us to fall down when we are learning to walk, but they are close by if we fall and need help getting back up, so is our heavenly Father. Our parents will not tell us the answers to every math problem, we have to figure it, out and if we get it wrong they are there to help show us how to do it, so is our heavenly Father. He will lead us and guide us in all our ways if we allow Him. Isn't it amazing to see how much our earthly parents are like our heavenly Father? Jesus left for us the Holy Spirit to help us with any problem's we may have.

We are all going to believe in something. Me I choose to believe in Jesus Christ, for if I am wrong I will have lost nothing, but if I am right I will have gained everything, and I am at least as happy as an Atheist, or a pagan, or anyone else. I know if I am right I have eternal life, and a home in heaven, but what will someone who does not believe have, if they are wrong? I at least have hope and a real good peace within myself!

If you want to know about paganism just read the Old Testament. It will provide you with LOTS of information and then some, and what will become of paganism in the end.

Ask Jesus to help forgive your sin's and He will, and He will give to you the answer you are looking for, not all at once for we cannot contain everything at once, but He will give to you what you need at the time you need it. He always hears and answer's our prayer's. He may say yes, no, or wait, but He will give to you what is best for you, for we think we know what is best but He is the one with the fore site. Just trust Him and Him alone and give Him a chance, He will disappoint you! :)
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad rulz
2010-03-07 02:20:48 UTC
God is a dog
2010-03-07 00:10:36 UTC
Become a Christian, my daughter.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.