Christians have you ever had your doubts?
2008-11-07 19:57:54 UTC
I mean no matter how much evidence you find about God you are never satisfied? I need you all to be honest right now. Is it normal to doubt your faith at times? Trying to defend my faith has turned out to take the opposite effect. It is taking a toll on me and my personal faith. I guess you could say it's because I don't understand God & it bothers me. Can someone help me to understand why I am having doubts and also let me know if you too have had doubts?

And to the atheists, please do not answer this. I am asking you politely not to. I would give you the same respect if you asked that of me so please just don't answer this question okay? Thank you.
54 answers:
2008-11-07 21:47:59 UTC
Staying in R&S to long can have a bad effect on you.The constant exposure to hateful anti God people will wear you down.. That is the devils plan I guess..

Just take a couple of days to spend some time with the Lord.It is also a good Idea to pray for guidance before going to R&S.

I just got done answering some hate mail from someone that did not like my views on abortion (I am PRO LIFE). She claims to be some type of believer but is definitely a hateful person..I never go out of my way to send someone a nasty mail. I mean really "Why bother?"

Stay strong and remember it is the Devil messing with you.. I also find if important to remember that evil spirits are on the net?..People get possessed all time on the net. i.e Porno sites. So put on the Full Armor of the Lord before you go into battle.. Ephesians 6:12-20

God bless you .. Keep the faith.. God loves you SMILE! :)
2008-11-08 03:20:11 UTC
I am at the stage now where I could never doubt that God exists, as there has been far too much evidence in my past of His interaction in my life. But yeah it has taken decades of consistency to get there and I probably did have my "is there, really, anyone up there?" moments in my younger days.

(Younger days? Pah, I'm only 36 now!!)

I did wonder until very recently whether all that I knew about God was true, like is He really good? And is He really all-powerful? So if He loves me (for the Bible tells me so) and if All Things Are Possible (for Darlene Zschech tells me so), then how come I've not been saved yet? I'm saved from sin yes, but saved from this disaster where He is my only way out?

As it was He has come through very recently, and whilst I'm still swimming against the tide I'm no longer drowning.

I think it's normal to have times like this, it's all part of growing: moving from the known and secure to the unknown and "okay God I'm just gonna have to trust you on this". But I have always found it has been worth it, and even right now when I am feeling all snugly and shiney-bright (in the light of my being delivered from calamity so recently) I am sure there will be trembly times to come.

I hope there will be, it will either mean I am dead or have stopped growing if there isn't.

2008-11-07 20:10:23 UTC
I have doubted myself whether or not there is a God on several occasions in the past. I would guess it's part of human nature to second-guess the intangible.

As Christian's, our purpose was decided long ago before we were ever born. It's a difficult concept to get around, Lord knows I've battled with it and still do to this day.

It is difficult to believe sometimes, especially when things are not going the way we would like them to, but you must remember that God's Plan may not always coincide with your plan.

I feel faith is closely related to trust, and we should trust our Creator, even though we've never met or spoken. I trust that His plan is right, and so I beleive. But that is why they call it faith, no? We believe even though there is not physical proof but - I'd say it's normal to wonder (or even doubt) sometimes.
2008-11-07 23:39:24 UTC
Having grown up in a Christian family, I've never really doubted whether there was a God or not. I've always assumed there was although that didn't mean I actually took Him seriously a lot of times. But now that I'm older, and hopefully a little wiser, not only do I never have doubts, He is whom I live for continuously. You can't get anymore serious then that I guess.

Now, doubting one's faith is something a little different I think. That is not so much doubting that God exists as much as it is doubting in our own salvation through Jesus Christ. The easiest trap that a CHristian falls into I think is to begin to think that we are too sinful, not serious enough, to be saved. When we doubt that Jesus' blood washes away our sin, because our sin is too great, or because we sinned intentionally, etc, then we do fall into the danger of losing our salvation. First of all, your love for God must be sincere. If you've sinned, even intentionally, you must come to a point of hating your sinful nature because you are aware of how it takes you away from God. A person who truly loves God, hates his/her sinful nature to the point where you wish you could do what Jesus said, "if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out". Now, Jesus never meant that you actually do that, but what He was getting at was how you must hate that which makes you sin. At th same time, you know you can never please God by anything you do, which means you are totally dependent on God for your salvation. That leaves you will only one thing to do, besides loving God, and that is to put your HOPE and TRUST in God, that if you are truly repentant of your sin, those sins are already washed away by the blood of Jesus before you even ask get a chance to ask for forgiveness. Hope and faith is the key.
Prof. Dave
2008-11-07 20:13:05 UTC
Yes we all do. When looking at it from a logic standpoint it can at times be even more disturbing as I am doing now. Yet as has been said the problem could be that we are trying to explain things from what we know and logic as we know it. Our logic and reason are all based in this world and this universe. How then could we possibly explain logic and reason that is not of this world? We can't we have no way to do so. One example I have used is the idea of Cell Theory; Fact 1, All cells reproduce from other cells. Fact 2, there is no spontaneous generation of cells. So the question is where and how did cells come from? Also no movement just happens, there must be a force that causes things to have motion, so if nothing can move by itself then how and where did energy come from? There must be a beginning state for it, yet we do not know what that is. Even when looking at the Big Band Theory, in order for the universe to have formed the gases and so on in the great void must have been exactly as they were within 10^23 seconds. So there are a lot of areas that science and so on can not explain. I hope this helped you a little.
2008-11-07 21:46:18 UTC
Well of course you have your doubts! As much as there is a God, there is always Satan. and thats where doubt comes from. just remember that, whenever doubts creep into your mind just rebuke satan and reassure yourself that nothing will ever turn you from God.

Be strong, banish fear and doubt. Remember the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

And ya, its frusterating to not always understand God, but if we did there would be nothing to Him right? he would be nothing more than a smart person. Just share with him your frustration, hell understand, and throughout your life you will be revealed many other truths that you didnt know. But you'll never understand everything. Look at it this way, at least he knows everything and you don't, hes in control when you feel like your not, hes got it all worked out and you can rest easy. Luckily, he is in control. And rest assured once we get to heaven it will be like opening a whole new door of understanding and truth.

So be still and know that He is God. He has it figured out for you=)
2008-11-08 17:20:38 UTC
I have been in the valley of doubt a few times. You have to understand, that God knows we aren't perfect yet, and it is in our makeup as humans to doubt.

Even Thomas doubted Jesus.

Our role is to go by faith, but sometimes, faith can get side tracked, especially when illness arise, or bad times.

Don't try to defend your faith, live your faith.

Without a doubt I love the Lord, even though the mind allows a trickle of doubt to seep in at times, it is never enough to stop mew from believing in the One who set me free from past hurts, and worse.

If you come to the point you understand God, then you have reached a grand status, as no one understands the mind of God, let alone His heart for us humans.

That is why He is God, and we are who we are
2008-11-07 20:09:15 UTC
I do believe in a god, and I do believe in the moral teachings of all the bibles. Do I believe that Jesus walked on water or rose from the dead, I don't know. I'm in the same boat, what is that hard core evidence that what we are taught at church is actually correct? Everything was written by human beings, they could have been making it all up.

I believe it is human nature to ask questions. Its how we evolve. what we are taught in school like science, history, etc. puts into our minds questions and doubts about what we believe. We learn one things that contradicts what we believe to be right and we want to know the true answer.

Its all comes down to faith, as said by my religion teacher faith is spiritual steroids; they are what keeps you on a certain track and on what you believe.
2008-11-07 20:10:01 UTC
Of course. Many times. I always think of the book of Job and how his faith was tested over and over. God has been there so many times for me even when I was at my worst and felt he surely would turn away. I know God is real. About defending your faith...never suffer a fool. A wise minister taught me that arguing religion is useless. He said "Live it, believe it and lead by example". It speaks much louder than words. I don't deny my faith but again, I won't argue the fact either. God Bless.
2008-11-07 20:08:57 UTC
I'm an atheist. If you don't want to read the following, then don't.

I am presently undertaking to learn more about religion, particularly Christianity, because I never related to it before, and I think it's important to learn about something that has a strong impact in my life. It has an impact because i live in the USA, and the Christian presence is ever more noticeable.

Whether or not you are having doubts, it seems to me that you should study more about it, as the Bible is very deep and rich in meaning, and I find it a real task just to get the basics. I hope that my interest doesn't wane, because no matter what, I will learn from it, and learning is good.

It occurs to me that, if trying this over again is not providing the desired outcome, maybe you need to stop trying to "defend" your faith, and just get to the bottom of what resonates best with you.
2008-11-07 20:16:00 UTC
Yeah, I did.

I searched for answers and started a long period of internal questioning.

You should do that too! It's a win-win situation after all...

If your religion is right, you will lose nothing from it. It will only strengthen your faith, seen as it will now actually be based on evidence and reasoning. Whereas if it is wrong, you will see through it, and eventually be able to move on with your life, finally knowing the truth.

Sounds like a good idea, does it not..?

Good luck, no matter what happens. =)
2008-11-07 22:39:32 UTC
Listening to the Atheists in here is enough to cause some damage unless you are very strong in faith and in the word of God. I am 66 and been through more than you would believe. Been beaten up by the devil time after time again. So, you see, I've been through the storms and they prepared me for the unbelieving brash answers in here, and the lies and the scoffing, etc. So, yeah, I get angry with them a little and Jesus himself would be angry with them. Was he not angry with the Pharisees? He didn't let them walk all over him. But in the end he gave his life at the right time in order to redeem us from our sins so that we could be with him forever. suggestion is to take a day off and praise and worship, meditate on all the Scriptures that help, listen to music, and just spend time in the presence of the Lord and this will renew you and you will be ready for the good fight again. Good to have you in here. I'm grateful for your input.
2008-11-07 20:23:13 UTC
It can be disheartening to constantly listen to the spirit of unbelief coming out of people's mouths. This means you need to spend time alone with God, or with other believers and tell them how you feel and have them pray for you also. Listening to online ministries such as Joel Osteen or Joyce Meyers because this will refuel your faith. I really like to listen to Sid Roth ,It's supernatural. It tells all kinds of miracles. You can look at the archives of past shows for the past five years there. I believe it because I have experienced it.I don't really ever doubt anymore the existence of God.I have experienced quite a few supernatural events in my life that leaves me without a doubt that Jesus is real . Jesus is the one that heals and I have been healed before. I have seen others healed of diseases that were incurable. I have heard angels singing among other supernatural occurances.
2008-11-07 20:04:46 UTC
Actually no..I've never had doubts.

I do however think it's perfectly normal to doubt God, or your

religion sometimes. But I have thought about that.

Just about 2 weeks ago I was talking to someone about my religion,

and I got to thinking about how I have absolutely no proof that

my religion is the right one, and that others are wrong.

Like, why mine and not theirs??

But I realized that this is what I honestly do believe.

I don't doubt it, I honestly feel like what i believe is the honest truth.

I'm non-denominational btw.

(which is very similar to Baptist)

I guess it's just true faith..
2008-11-07 20:03:56 UTC
It's completely normal to question things. It's part of being human, There isn't anything wrong with questioning your faith. I have done it before. I even stopped going to church, but i still believe. And I don't believe you have to agree with everything in the bible or everything that god says. I have often wondered myself if he is real or not. But no matter what, there is always that part of you that truely believes he is, and it's just important to never let that go. And you are your own person, so you're allowed to make your own decisions and believe in what you believe in. So don't be worried, this might jsut be a phase you are going through.

I hope this helps you :)

God Bless
2008-11-07 20:36:21 UTC
Doubt will continue to come in for a landing, until you forbid it, and this is done a little bit at a time as understanding strengthens you. I remember when Christ came to me, calling me. I listened for awhile and it was nice, but then doubt signaled it was coming in fast and hard. I just wasn't ready yet. Some time passed, and I became good and ready. Just stay on course and never turn around, for there is nothing there.
2008-11-07 20:16:14 UTC
Yes. In a word yes I have had doubts from time to time. It's like when you are in the middle of something, the coin of chance is flipping before your eyes and you are trying to will it to land heads up or something. Faith is believing that no matter how that coin lands, God has handed down his will through it all though we don't know how or why. The voice of doubt is always nagging us to give up precious promises given to us freely by God. So it is a struggle to hold onto the promises of God.

"Like a ship returned from a voyage I feel,

lost and wearied beyond appeal,

I wonder aloud if my feet will find,

the home that leads to my rest of mind,"

Wow its nice when you find that place of rest, but it seems so short in hindsight when your are back in the whirl of living.

As far as defending your faith goes, it takes numbers to win at anything. Imagine if you showed up to a football game and only 2 players from one side showed up while the other team has 65 people. Whose going to win you think? I keep my faith quietly with me. I always have a little Bible with me wherever I go, the people who know me know I carry it, they know where I stand and they respect it by and large. They come to me from time to time with morality questions, and I think that is the key. When someone wants to know the truth they will come find you, rather than mock you from a crowd. And let me emphasize, I am not saying you need numbers to win, I am saying don't pick a fight with a huge group of non believers. That, unless directed by God, is just going to alienate them and cause a lot of ruckass usually. People come to God out of free will when and if they are ready (usually in what could of been there final moments), they will call out to Him though they don't know him.

Don't be afraid to say you don't know when debating theology. Every has a mind, and a perspective. You can go nuts trying to justify yourself to others honestly. If they haven't accepted Christ, honestly they are for the most part incapable of seeing the revelations of God. So find people who are with you in Spirit, if you want to see the people you are around come to the Lord, pray for them every night. Get a group, can't stress that enough. But just remember when you start battling for someone soul to be redeemed there will be a fight, so put on the full armor of God always and live right if you are going to do that and if you have the commision from God in hand.
Shella S
2008-11-07 20:02:55 UTC
Keep praying and know that God will find a good direction in your faith for him. This is normal, even Pastors have this doubt at times. It passes eventually for those that have a strong faith and regularly attend Christian events such as church, bible study, youth group, or Sunday school. Keep praying, maybe even talk to Pastor or youth leader about this issue. God bless you!
2008-11-07 20:02:40 UTC
Of course I have doubts. Some times are worse than others. I just take them as little crosses to bear, because when I come out of those dark periods, I am always feeling better and strengthened in my faith.
2008-11-07 22:41:12 UTC
Oh yes, of course I have, definitely, I have been a christian for many many years, and I have definitely had my doubts and my ups and my downs, but now I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is God and He is good and He paid the price for me risking losing all He is for me, if Jesus would have caved in to the devils temptation, we'd all definitely be lost right now.
Kate Alex Bahleef
2008-11-07 21:00:39 UTC
Every one has doubts and that is human. We ask God to help our unbelief. If we draw unto him he will draw unto us. He is not willing for anyone to perish(Think that is in epistle of Peter) Jesus said John 17 v3" This is eternal life that they may know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent." Christ is our example of how to live but he is also the mediator between God and man. "As far as the East is from the West so far has He (God) removed our transgresionns from us" Psalm 103 v 12. To know God's character read Exodus 34vs 6&7 God's punishment is better than mans as David testifies he would rather fall into the hands of God than into the hands of men because God is merciful as well as being just.
2008-11-08 06:52:43 UTC
We all have a little bit of Thomas the doubter in us. As strong as i am in my faith there are times i doubt too. i ask, is it all real what i believe in. in fact this afternoon when i was preparing sunday school lessons for my children i started to think to myself, 'how sure are you what you believe in is real'. then i was wondering to myself will Jesus be annoyed with my lack of faith? I told myself if my God is real He will not be disappointed. he will understand our human nature. Jesus came down to live as human so He will understand my human limitations. As soon as i didnt feel guilty doubting God, i knew He is real.

There are many things we dont understand about God, so dont let your doubts over power you belief in God. Jesus remember what Jesus told Thomas the doubter, Blessed are those who do not see yet believe. we are the Blessed ones, although at times we dont stand firm in our faith. i will remember you in my prayers so that your doubts will not affect your personal faith.
2008-11-07 20:08:20 UTC
I think we all have walked in that wilderness.... It is part of being who we are in Christ.... God warned us it would happen, even the apostles and disciples walked the wilderness.... It is how we grow in faith.... with out test and tribulations and the ugly stuff getting to us, how would we know how deep our faith is ?? God already knows who will stand firm and who will fall into the world, it is we who have to know, not Him.... Stay in the Word in times of doubt... Keep your eyes and ears and heart on God .. Surround your self with sisters and brothers in Christ..... Remember, it is safer on the front line than in the rear ! You know why ? Because Jesus is on the front line.... and with Him standing beside you NOTHING can go wrong..... Takes a while to get that into our heads don't it ?? At least it did me.... Keep talking to God...... Keep telling Him about your doubts.... Do not cut off communication with Him.... That is where so many go wrong.... Cutting God out of their lives... Get a note book to keep your thoughts in....God can read...... You will find with time, and with all the writting, which helps you focus, you will begin to be and get stronger and stronger.... Becaue being focused on God, means being focused on His Word, and the rest will seem to just fall into place..... It may take a while, we are each different.... God knows all this.... Do not put preasure on yourself.... But, do try to stay focused as much as you can..... and ask for prayer from people you know and trust.... Ask them to pray that God will release more grace upon you.... I have a feeling you will feel and know that grace..... go in peace... God bless
2008-11-07 20:15:25 UTC
yes, i have my fair share of doubts. don't be discouraged, to have doubts simply means you are a normal human being. when we have our doubts we need to remind ourselves of the truth. that this earth was clearly made a good loving God and that His word is truth. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and He is near to us. Don't be discouraged. God is not disappointed. He is understanding. Simply continue to seek Him, with or without your doubts. If you seek Him, you will find Him. Hang in there. your brother, jaden.

ps- this too will pass. let His love and truth lift up your head and heart.
2008-11-07 20:04:25 UTC
its only human nature to question.

and i think to not question is unwise. do not blindly follow. i went through a phase where i questioned everything, but in my heart i knew god existed. i researched religion after religion, to see if anything fit. to see what i felt with other things. you will never be able to understand god fully. to do so, or to try to do so will only end in failure. I have had some really low points in my life..drug addiction was one of them. i overdosed and i honestly truly felt God bringing me back to life. I have had so many issues and the only thing that ever helped me was my faith in God. When i turned my back on God, he was there for me. someway or another. i have my own personal proof, but if you go looking for god, he will come to you. no one story is going to prove God to you. seek and ye shall find.

good luck. i know how devastating these times can be, but hold your head up, youre not alone
2008-11-07 20:02:33 UTC
I have doubted my faith a lot of times, then I pray about it, then I get over it because something happens to restore my faith to an even stronger place than where it was before.
2008-11-07 20:03:51 UTC
Absolutely, there is considerable evidence that many of the greats have doubted at different times, from Peter throughout the ages. Doubt your doubts.
Robin G
2008-11-07 20:02:14 UTC
Yes. I had my doubts, and went most of my life without actively seeking anything from religion. I've come to a point where I'm comfortable in my knowledge that if it was in His plan for me to know, I'd know. All the free will in the world, but He has a plan for you, and this doubt is a means to fulfill that plan. Peace and love.
2008-11-07 20:10:00 UTC
Yes, doubting is part of our sinful nature. I have doubted but I ask God for help and He always does. It makes me realize how unworthy of his Glory I really am. Ask God to help you with your faith, he never fails and never will.
2016-09-29 11:47:36 UTC
I used to doubt continuously. My reason became I blamed God for me having consistent ideas of killing myself and hurting myself. universal i'd think of those issues. i'd stroll right into a save and seek for the perfect thank you to kill myself there. This became all through fact of melancholy of course. Being rejected continuously. Being in circumstances the place i became lost and perplexed. no longer with the flexibility to talk to absolutely everyone approximately how I felt. So as quickly as I went to God I had doubt thinking he does no longer answer. For alongside time this persisted till I thoroughly crashed. My existence became on the worst place it might desire to be and that i could no longer take it. I twitched through fact i wanted something sharp. i became so scared thinking any minute i'm going to take my existence. yet something interior me informed me to hold in basic terms for a touch longer and you will locate something to stay for. and that i did. i've got in no way doubted when you consider that and in no way have I ever felt on my own. God is often with me and that i like him.
2008-11-08 18:10:31 UTC
Yes I think we all do at times.

Matthew 8:26 (New Living Translation)

New Living Translation (NLT)

26 Jesus responded, “Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!” Then he got up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly there was a great calm.
2008-11-08 13:23:19 UTC
It is only human to have doubts, but we must always KNOW that our faith is stronger than all doubts. Doubts are traitors, we can not allow doubts to to overcome us. Know that JESUS CHRIST is the truth and the way to eternal life. God bless.
2008-11-08 03:59:38 UTC
...what does "Christian" have to do with anything...? Gods message is for ALL who would believe ! Sometimes believing has it's "challenges" with what "we" see and think we know... Faith ! is the substance of things hoped for...the evidence of things unseen ! ( Hebrews, Ch 11 vs. 1) the air we breath (we can't see it) but we have faith its there...and so it is ! God is like the air we breath... we don't see Him, but He's there... His realm is Supernatural and His desire for us it to "trust" and have "faith" and He will provide a place in Eternity for us like no other !
Sheryl Haylie Wang
2008-11-07 20:08:40 UTC
yah. of course but i still find that God is true.

I believe you have had personal experience with God that you can never forget, like feeling his existence whenever you are sad or in trouble.

perhaps God is going to promote you to another spiritual level. no matter how we find out about God we can never understand him. this is becoz our human brain is never enough to capture his greatness. therefore just believe and have faith and he will reveal his secrets to you.
2008-11-08 01:08:04 UTC
i dont have any doubts about GODs exitence.

im HIS child so at times i may whine and cry about my life or do something my father wouldnt approve but i have no doubts that HE is still with me and will never let me go.

this walk isnt the easiest walk but knowing GOD is with me it makes all what i fear better.

i cant imagine anyone doubting HIM.

if so then you need to get back into his word and out of whatever is making you doubt.

well we all know who that is...

yep satan himself why not try and get you off track eh.

put on ur armour and fight on.

this is my thoughts on it as im just a sinner saved by HIS grace and pray that HE has mercy on me as i dont do wat i should and wat i shouldnt do i do.

He is da best !!!

2008-11-07 20:05:30 UTC
Yes, it's only normal. Ever since the Age of Reason, people have been using logic as opposed to just believing everything that the church says. So I think it is normal, because people use logic nowadays.
2008-11-07 20:01:24 UTC
I've had a few doubts here and there, but those doubts have been overcome by God's might. God has his mysteries that we might only be able to figure out once we get to heaven.
2008-11-07 20:07:49 UTC
No I do not have doubts

Mark 10:15 Verily I say unto you, Who ever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.

we are receive it with no doubts.

Heb 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that comes to God must believe that he is, and that he rewards them that diligently seek him.

With out complete faith in god it will be impossible to please him.

Mat 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

We are to love God with every fiber of our being.

If I doubt then I am not loving God with all my heart.
Chuck Natey
2008-11-07 20:20:41 UTC
Of course, one of the things of being human, always questioning, but God always continued to show me his existence.
2008-11-07 20:04:37 UTC
Satan is the bringer of all doubt. if you are having doubt, talk to God about it, tell Him how you are feeling and ask Him to remove all traces of doubt from you and for protection against Satan.
2008-11-07 20:02:06 UTC
its normal becuase were not perfect, doubting is a part of our sinful nature, so dont think your a horrible person for doubting, cause everyone experiences it. when you have periods of doubt, pray and read your Bible, and keep yourself busy, an idle mind is not good.
Moderate Conservative Democrat
2008-11-07 22:58:09 UTC
I used to but the older I got and the more I could see him working in my life I just got over it.Just seek and you will find.God is awesome
2008-11-08 17:15:37 UTC
Yes, I have been filled with doubt many times.I take it day by day.and let go and let god :)
2008-11-07 20:08:51 UTC
Yes i have doubts, then i know better , Jesus told his disciple , you have little faith , if your going doubt , doubt the Devil, not Jesus.
2008-11-07 20:05:18 UTC
To have running water (God) you must let go of it, and let it run...

You cannot take a river away in a bucket...

The minute you put the water in the stops flowing...

God is like that...a river that always is flowing, or a wind that is always blowing, and you must let it, and move in its' directions...
2008-11-07 20:04:28 UTC
You are having doubts because believing in something you cannot see, touch, feel, or hear suffers from the law of diminishing returns. Ask yourself why you believe. Is it for comfort? Do you think it will help you after you die? Or do you simply because your parents did and told you to when you were too young to argue intelligently?

Code Blue!
2008-11-07 20:01:15 UTC
Well if you watch the 700 Club they show all these pretty amazing stories. It's pretty hard to doubt, then.
2008-11-07 20:05:38 UTC
Krysten: Add me to your contacts in Yahoo Messenger, and IM me. I can help! I am fnwaterstop on Messenger.
2008-11-07 20:03:22 UTC
We pick up antichrist ideas from places, like yahoo answers and it's easy to have a weak moment and to question God, but in he end, He is here. There's way too much that has happened in my life that has shown me that He is here for me.
2008-11-08 17:14:55 UTC
When I questioned God and His existence, He reassured me, "I understand if you don't believe in Me. I still believe in You."
Rosa WhIT <3
2008-11-07 20:08:20 UTC
yes, everybody has there doubts no matter what people tell you everybody has had there doubts
2008-11-07 20:01:40 UTC
all christians have doubts at sometime or another
2008-11-07 20:00:58 UTC,8599,1655415,00.html
2008-11-07 20:00:37 UTC
yes, but we have to believe in something.

why else are we here.

its just all too weird.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.