Consider it an honor that Tears of Oberon is taking time (as well as violating his current no-internet stand) to respond to your behind the back jabs.
1. The link to the blog (for those curious or confused) is
2. If anyone disagrees with Tears of Oberon, then they are free to discuss the matter with Tears of Oberon in a setting of their choosing (either private or public).
3. One does not have to agree with every word that the Watchtower magazine says. Tears of Oberon personally does not agree with everything about, say, the Great Flood or the blood issue; however, just because Tears of Oberon may not agree on some insignificant point does NOT give him the right to start creating divisions, sects and fights within the Christian congregation.
4. Tears of Oberon has a public email address on both his blog and his Yahoo Answers account. However, he at no time remembers the asker ever bothering to contact him with questions or concerns about the blog. He seems to prefer instead to use underhanded attacks and avoid Tears of Oberon completely.
5. Vot is an honorary contributor and administrator, because Vot is a good friend of Tears of Oberon. Vot has not, however, as of yet written any articles or contributed any research.
6. As Christians and as Jehovah's Witnesses, we strive not to "step on the toes" of those who have authority to teach in the congregation, and we strive not to set up competition for the official teaching tools (the publications). That would amount to--once again--creating sects and divisions in the congregation, which the Bible repeatedly condemns. It would be no different than a Calculus student gathering up the other students in his class and attempting to teach them his own version of Calculus and call it better than the actual teacher's version. This could cause very serious problems. But if the student felt like, say, teaching the other children Physics or Geometry (subjects that wouldn't step on the toes of the Calculus teacher), then why should it be a problem?
Similarly, Tears of Oberon's blog does not seek to reinvent doctrine or redefine teachings that may already be easily found in official publications. He seeks only to work in gaps and in obscure areas commonly targeted by opposers purely for the fact that many JW's are not familiar with the subjects, and because the Society has better and more important things to do than to waste time answering such silly accusations day in and day out.
7. As far as Tears of Oberon knows, he has not yet built up what could be considered a "following." In fact, Tears of Oberon could care less about who follows him and who doesn't.
Tears of Oberon