"So, give me the real solid evidence, and I will become a believer"
Boolshit... there is so much evidence about but you and the rest of the cretinsist just shuffle it about in ignorant word play and sophistry to make it fit with the Goat Herders' Guide to the Galaxy.
As in "When science and the Bible differ, science has obviously misinterpreted its data."
Henry Morris (Founder, Institute for Creation Research, died 2006)
Instead of looking at cretinist websites check out http://www.talkorigins.org/
Scientific method: Make observation; develop or modify a hypothesis to explain observation; make predictions based on hypothesis; perform experiments to test predictions; analyse results; if FAIL, go back and develop another hypothesis; if PASS, submit results to be repeatedly tested in peer review.
Creation ‘science’ method: Assume conclusion; affirm conclusion.
Intelligent design is not a scientific matter; it is a free speculation based on a fiction.
There is NO "theory of creation".
There is belief in supernatural creation, but there is no "theory", no mechanism, no predictions, no observability, no falsifiability, nothing to give creationism (or intelligent design, or creation science) the label of "theory".
AronRa: "It is a fact that evolution happens; that biodiversity and complexity does increase, that both occur naturally only by evolutionary means.
It is a fact that alleles vary with increasing distinction in reproductive populations and that these are accelerated in genetically isolated groups.
It is a fact that natural selection, sexual selection, and genetic drift have all been proven to have predictable effect in guiding this variance.
It is a fact that significant beneficial mutations do occur and are inherited by descendant groups, and that multiple independent sets of biological markers exist to trace these lineages backwards over many generations.
It is a fact that birds are a subset of dinosaurs the same way humans are a subset of apes, primates, eutherian mammals, and vertebrate deuterostome animals.
It is a fact that the collective genome of all animals has been traced to its most basal form, and that those forms are also indicated by comparative morphology, physiology, and embryological development.
It is a fact that everything on earth has definite relatives either living nearby or evident in the fossil record.
It is a fact that the fossil record holds hundreds of definitely transitional species even according to it’s strictest definition, and that both microevolution and macroevolution have been directly-observed.
Evolution is a fact!"
How could creationism not be dishonest?
What have you people got... anything you'd be willing to go to court with?
I didn't think so.
Are you comparing modern scientific work with magically changing water into wine?
Or maybe a talking snake or donkey... how about a virginal birth?
Oh, I love you guys... it's almost as if we pay you to say silly stuff.