Christians, do not realize that you're contradicting yourselves?
2014-11-18 05:02:38 UTC
A common Christian argument is that something can't come from nothing & therefore everything needs a creator which is where God comes in. If you say everything needs a creator, then who created God? If you say no one, he was always there, then that would be contradicting everything you just tried to argue.
53 answers:
2014-11-18 08:57:41 UTC
It is hard to understand especially when everything we see has a beginning. But when did gravity come about?

Are there sound reasons for believing in God?

Ps. 19:1: “The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling.”

Ps. 104:24: “How many your works are, O Jehovah! All of them in wisdom you have made. The earth is full of your productions.”

Rom. 1:20: “His invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made.”

New Scientist magazine said: “The lay view persists—of scientists having ‘disproved’ religion. It is a view that commonly expects scientists to be nonbelievers; that Darwin put the last nails in God’s coffin; and that a succession of scientific and technological innovations since have ruled out the possibility of any resurrection. It is a view that is wildly wrong.”—May 26, 1977, p. 478.

A member of the French Academy of Sciences stated: “Natural order was not invented by the human mind or set up by certain perceptive powers. . . . The existence of order presupposes the existence of organizing intelligence. Such intelligence can be none other than God’s.”—Dieu existe? Oui (Paris, 1979), Christian Chabanis, quoting Pierre-Paul Grassé, p. 94.

Scientists have identified over 100 chemical elements. Their atomic structure displays an intricate mathematical interrelationship of the elements. The periodic table points to obvious design. Such amazing design could not possibly be accidental, a product of chance.

Illustration: When we see a camera, a radio, or a computer, we readily acknowledge that it must have been produced by an intelligent designer. Would it be reasonable, then, to say that far more complex things—the eye, the ear, and the human brain—did not originate with an intelligent Designer? For more information go
2014-11-18 05:19:35 UTC
How does the Bible answer? Essentially, in much the same way as did the father in our example. Moses wrote: “O Jehovah, . . . before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the productive land, from everlasting to everlasting, you are God.” (Psalm 90:1, 2) Likewise, the prophet Isaiah exclaimed: “Do you not know? Have you not heard? Jehovah, the Creator of the ends of the earth, is a God for all eternity”! (Isaiah 40:28) Similarly, the letter of Jude refers to God as existing “for all past eternity.”—Jude 25.

Those scriptures show us that God is “the King of eternity,” as the apostle Paul describes him. (1 Timothy 1:17) This means that God has always existed, no matter how far back in time we cast our gaze. And he will always exist in the future. (Revelation 1:8) Thus, his eternal existence is a fundamental attribute of the Almighty.

Why do we find this idea difficult to grasp? Because our limited life span gives us a completely different concept of time from that of Jehovah. Because God is eternal, to him a thousand years are like a day. (2 Peter 3:8) To illustrate: Could a grasshopper, which lives as an adult for only about 50 days, fathom our life span of 70 or 80 years? Hardly! Yet, the Bible explains that we are like grasshoppers in comparison with our Grand Creator. Even our ability to reason is dwarfed by his. (Isaiah 40:22; 55:8, 9) So it is not surprising that there are aspects of Jehovah’s nature that escape full human understanding.

Although the concept of an eternal God may be hard to grasp, we can see that it makes sense. If someone else had created God, that person would be the Creator. Yet, as the Bible explains, Jehovah is the one who “created all things.” (Revelation 4:11) Furthermore, we know that the universe at one time did not exist. (Genesis 1:1, 2) Where did it come from? Its Creator had to exist first. He also existed before there were any other intelligent beings, such as his only-begotten Son and the angels. (Job 38:4, 7; Colossians 1:15) Clearly, then, he existed alone first. He could not have been created; nothing was in existence that could have created him.

Our own existence and that of the entire universe testifies to the existence of an eternal God. The One who put our vast universe in motion, the One who established the laws to control it, must have always existed. Only he could have breathed life into everything else.—Job 33:4.[search_id]=228e76b8-b24d-49ec-bf64-f0ab1c1c8caa&insight[search_result_index]=0
2014-11-18 06:23:57 UTC
The atheist answer to this is EXACTLY THE SAME!!!

Given energy can neither be created nor destroyed, entropy is always increasing and universal mass is not infinite, the conclusion is simple. The universe had to have formed from something that is outside of time.

The question is whether that something has intelligence. If it does not, then you are limited to at most the Spinoza type of god or possibly some very smart aliens that perhaps seeded this planet. (BTW, the aliens seeding teh planet may sound crazy, but given the precambrian explosion, it may not be as crazy as it sounds)

But this is where atheists and deists differ. As a deist, I use the intelligent designer to explain the amazing organized complexity of the universe and her laws. But this si the sum totoal of the attributes I place on God.

Atheists must find their explanation in other manners including things like the multiverse theory or just leave it as something we will never know and can't even guess on. Of course if you pick the latter, then it is ratehr difficult to be a strong atheist.

Now your other possible theories like multiverse. ALL OF THEM make, in my view, greater assumptions than the assumption of intelligence. Assuming an infinite number of universe seems a greater assumption that just assuming that the whatever the universe came from had intellect. At least to me it does.

But I could be wrong. I don't care if anyone but me is a deist, so believe as you want.

The only real problem with the first cause argument, is that the first cause need not have intellect. It could simply be something with no thought, no intent, no nothing that would in anyway make it a god. Most astrophysicists are stating the EXACT same first cause, they are simply calling it something else.
2014-11-18 05:05:18 UTC
This question keeps getting asked on here by atheists, because it “is deemed unanswerable because the only possible reply from those who believe in the objective reality of God is ‘No one made God.’ And if no one made God, then he can’t be there, can he? After all, for every effect there must be a cause, and an effect that has no cause must be imaginary.

Once again, in their enthusiasm to prove their point, the proponents of this argument get their shoes on the wrong feet, entangling physics with metaphysics. Cause and effect do indeed reign supreme in the physical realm and the natural world – both science and normal life would be impossible unless they did. But why should they operate in the same manner in a spiritual realm (if such exists)? We have a choice. Firstly, we can assert a priori that there is no such thing as a spiritual realm – that nothing exists that is not physical and open to scientific investigation. On this basis we can proceed to claim, with some logical justification, that every possible effect must have a cause, because that is how the physical world works. But what we cannot do is use this claim to disprove the existence of God on the grounds that he doesn’t have a cause. Why not? Because our argument would be completely circular. We begin by assuming that no spiritual realm exists (so goodbye, God) and conclude by ‘proving’ our initial assumption. Big deal.”

“Unanswerable questions are not necessarily clever questions... A question can be unanswerable because it is a nonsense question.” [The question] ‘How long is a piece of string’ is unanswerable not because there is no such thing as a piece of string, nor because a given piece of string has an indeterminate length. It is a nonsense question because it fails to define which piece of string is being talked about. ‘Who made God?’ is ‘unanswerable’ for the same basic reason – the word ‘God’ is left undefined. What if we define ‘God’ as ‘the uncreated creator of all things’? …Then the nonsense of the question becomes immediately obvious – ‘Who created the uncreated one?’ And if we define God as a lesser being who was created by some other entity – or as Richard Dawkins might insist has evolved from some simpler substance because he is too complex to just exist – we are forced to transfer the nonsense question to this higher entity or simpler substance. And that, of course, would take us back to where we started.”

Show me the piece of string, then I will tell you how long it is. Define this God you ask a question about, and then I will answer your question.
2014-11-18 05:10:19 UTC
Did God have a beginning?

Ps. 90:2: “Before the mountains themselves were born, or you proceeded to bring forth as with labor pains the earth and the productive land, even from time indefinite to time indefinite you are God.”

Is that reasonable? Our minds cannot fully comprehend it. But that is not a sound reason for rejecting it. Consider examples: (1) Time. No one can point to a certain moment as the beginning of time. And it is a fact that, even though our lives end, time does not. We do not reject the idea of time because there are aspects of it that we do not fully comprehend. Rather, we regulate our lives by it. (2) Space. Astronomers find no beginning or end to space. The farther they probe into the universe, the more there is. They do not reject what the evidence shows; many refer to space as being infinite. The same principle applies to the existence of God.

Other examples: (1) Astronomers tell us that the heat of the sun at its core is 27,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit (15,000,000° C.). Do we reject that idea because we cannot fully comprehend such intense heat? (2) They tell us that the size of our Milky Way is so great that a beam of light traveling at over 186,000 miles per second (300,000 km/sec) would require 100,000 years to cross it. Do our minds really comprehend such a distance? Yet we accept it because scientific evidence supports it.

Which is more reasonable—that the universe is the product of a living, intelligent Creator? or that it must have arisen simply by chance from a nonliving source without intelligent direction? Some persons adopt the latter viewpoint because to believe otherwise would mean that they would have to acknowledge the existence of a Creator whose qualities they cannot fully comprehend. But it is well known that scientists do not fully comprehend the functioning of the genes that are within living cells and that determine how these cells will grow. Nor do they fully understand the functioning of the human brain. Yet, who would deny that these exist? Should we really expect to understand everything about a Person who is so great that he could bring into existence the universe, with all its intricate design and stupendous size?
2014-11-18 07:16:35 UTC
God is a spirit and spirits are not created, everything thats visible needs to come from something, anything thats not visible it always existed. This is the point you dont understand.

This is an example...the human body is flesh and its visible, the body contains love but love never dies because its not visible its a feeling. A spirit is like love, its not flesh its not visible, and its felt. So atheists contradict themselves because they say the earth was made of nothing. There for God has always existed because God is a spirit and spirits live forever even if the visible flesh dies and thats exactly what the bible says. So christians are not contradictive, its that atheists dont understand the concept of what a spirit is because they dont believe in anything.
2014-11-19 05:19:29 UTC
I'm not a Christian but I'll answer anyways since I believe in God.Even by using one's wisdom one must realise that everything had to come from something that had always existed.This is the only way how our reality of cause-and-effect can operate.If every effect had a cause which is also an effect of another cause and so on ,the universe could not exist in fact nothing would ever happen -reality as we know it would not exist !One might even ask Where did the universe and all the matter and energy it contains come from? Where did the old,unexploded universe come from?It's like asking who created us ?then Who created God?then Who created that God and so on....therefore we must accept the possibility of a cause which is not an effect - an entity who always existed and with the power of creation.Even from some materialistic points of view,the blob of matter and energy that exploded at the time of the big bang should have at least always existed no matter how far back in time you go or created by something else that is eternal.There has to be a starting point which itself did not have a beginning.There are many ways to counter the argument you've proposed . 1) The question is itself wrong.Its just as incorrect as saying "What is the gender of the baby my brother gave birth to ??".By definition ,males do not give birth.Similarly ,by definition God is an uncreated being.So when one asks "Who created God?" you are actually asking who created the uncreated one. 2) Based on what we know all matter is made up of energy.Where did all that energy come from.All the things 'We' see seem to need a creator by virtue of their very nature.However ,God is not like his creation.“(Allah is) the Creator of the heavens and the earth: He has made for you pairs from among yourselves and pairs among cattle: by this means does He multiply you: there is nothing whatever like unto Him and He is the One that hears and sees (all things). To Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth: He enlarges and restricts the Sustenance to whom He will: for He knows full well all things.” Quran 42:11-12 .God is not like the things we see around us in our day to day life.
2014-11-18 18:23:14 UTC
According to the Bible, Jehovah is eternal, and has always existed for time indefinite. (Ps.9:7, 10:16, 29:10) While it is true that everything created had a beginning, this would exclude the Creator himself. How so? The title of 'Almighty' & 'Most High' are attributed to God alone. (Gen.17:1, Ex.6:2 & 3, Ps.83:18) The definition of 'almighty' is 'absolute power, omnipotent'. To be omnipotent is to have unlimited & absolute power, an attribute that only He has claim to. For him to have a creator is impossible in itself, since nothing is above absolute or unlimited power. The Bible also has stated that He is the only one like himself.(Deut.6:4)
2014-11-18 05:13:56 UTC
Since flying gloved antichrist ( ) is around, there is no need for disputes. Run for the hills! Buy a shovel to bury the dead. Go hide with Orthodox Christians before it's too late. Mandatory mark of the beast will begin when any of these four happens depending on where you live: 1)Cash will be taken out, 2) Prisoners will be released, 3)Electricity, gas, and water will be turned off. 4)Under-aged will not be able to buy food. Please, go hide. Don't take any electronics with you because antichrist's minions can make contact then. So, please, no electronics. Pack one bag in case they take you to a concentration camp, mostly old warm clothes so that nobody will steal them when you're taking a shower in the concentration camp. Also, get dried bread to last you ten days per person during famine. Don't go into a UFO to be healed by demons. Reject new documents, vaccines, etc.
Mark S
2014-11-18 06:49:22 UTC
If God is pre-existent, why does that infer that He was made? Remember, He pre-exists everything! There were NO natural Laws that contained Him or constrained Him. He WAS before any of these things!

This means that He is the Author of life. Since life comes from life, God is life, living. No one made God. If someone did, God would NOT be amniporent or omniscient. God could not have been present on earth and in heaven during the life of Chriat.
2014-11-20 01:43:19 UTC
In answer to the various comments there is two points to raise here that confound anything that theists may claim:

I've been on the site Reasonable Faith run by Dr W L Craig a world renoun and leading apologist for theism and destroyed his "eternal god theory". In fact there was no response. But the upshot is simple: God cannot be eternal. As soon as anything exists time starts and if time starts there's a start date and if it has a start date it's not eternal. It doesn't matter how good or educated a theist is, they can't defeat that reality.

WLCraig claims god was unchanging therefore time doesn't apply. However a rock changes even less and no one argues time exists when a rock exists.

On the other hand Stephen Hawkins in his book "The Grand Design" explains an inevitable universe without the need to invoke a god.

But even that isn't the biggest problem logic kills them:

By definition a god needs to be omnipotent to be classed as a god. You can't be omnipotent of nothing and before the god creates anything there's nothing (the "nothing" is the nothing theists claim a universe could not come from).

But, worse than that, there's the matter of creation. How? When Why?

Unfortunately for theists "thought", "need", "want", "desire" (should I go on?) would not and cannot exist unless there is something tangible to "think about", "need", "want" or "desire".

Your claimed "eternal" god would never "think" (about what?), "need" (need what?), "want", (want what?), "desire" (desire what?) and therefore there would never be a thought resulting in creation (Creation? Creation of what? Why? and what for?)

Theists picture this omnipotent entity sitting there thinking "I think I'll create a universe" but the problem is that that thought could not possibly come into being without a cause and, as there can't be a cause from nothing (the reason theists claim there couldn't be a natural universe), it would never come into gods mind as a thought. God can't think before there's anything to think about. Simple as that.

So, even with an eternal god, nothing would still lead to nothing. And, as that's the case, you're back to "I don't know how but the universe is here so it must be natural as it certainly wasn't a god."
2014-11-18 06:18:35 UTC
Exactly! My argument is then if God can exist with no creator then why can't the universe? I never get a coherent answer.
2014-11-18 10:38:09 UTC
Actually the argument is that everything except the uncreated Creator needs a creator.

Modern Astrophysics has proven the existence of God beyond a reasonable doubt.

Newton's Third Law of Motion states "For every action there is equal and opposite reaction." Every action in the universe was caused by a prior equal and opposite reaction.

If we logically follow each and every action and reaction back to the beginning then logically there has to be a first action without a prior equal and opposite reaction. Modern astrophysicists call this event the Big Bang.

This first action was completely independent of outside forces. This action was God, the un-caused cause, creating the universe.

By the way, it was Georges Lemaître (1894–1966), a Belgian Catholic priest and professor of physics and astronomy, who proposed what became known as the Big Bang theory of the origin of the Universe.

I also suggest you read Robert Spitzer's new book "New Proofs for the Existence of God: Contributions of Contemporary Physics and Philosophy"

Magis God Wiki: "Why Believe in God?"

With love in Christ.
2014-11-18 05:15:47 UTC
God wouldn't be God if God was created, God would be a creature not the Creator.
2015-01-27 11:32:27 UTC
No, that is a basically stupid thing to say

First of all you don't understand what causes are, what Christians say or what nothing from nothing means !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The question, then, is whether there is a conflict between the principle Ex nihilo nihil fit and creatio ex nihilo. Clearly not! For in creatio ex nihilo there is an efficient cause of the effect, whereas the principle Ex nihilo nihil fit concerns something’s beginning to be in the absence of any sort of cause.
2014-11-18 10:39:03 UTC
You are mixing apples and oranges.

Not an uncommon rhetorical tactic for a youngster such as yourself.

Sort of like trying to explain compound interest to a three year old.

The funny thing is, you would never have made that mistake if you were talking about anything else. You are smarter than that and you are fairly well educated. Yet that intelligence fails you when you take on a religious argument.

Why is that?
Old Man Dirt
2014-11-18 06:08:35 UTC
Infinity is a concept that God has placed on mans heads that they can neither comprehend or fathom.

Christians are just saying something placed the universe where it is and do not assume to actually know the origin of God. That information is clearly out of this universe and beyond our comprehension.
Michael S
2014-11-18 12:30:39 UTC
The law of conservation of mass dictates that physical matter cannot be created or destroyed. That is a law of nature.

God is not material. Scripture says that 'God is Spirit'. He is not bound by the laws of nature.

Throughout scripture, God reveals himself as the ever-present 'I AM'. He is always in the 'now'. Interestingly, NDEs often report a sense of 'timelessness' when they are outside their body. So it is quite possible that the dimension of time in this physical world do not have the same constraints in the spiritual.

By definition, the supernatural is not bound by the laws and confinements of the natural/physical/material world.
Roberta B
2014-11-18 15:05:04 UTC
It is true that something cannot come from nothing

Therefore, God created everything

But it is not true that God must come from something

The thing about God, just like us, that his uniqueness makes him God. He is the Creator, which means by definition that he could not be created, because if he was, then the one who created him is the creator.

Some atheists and debate experts call that an exception fallacy, but it really isn't, because every one of us is an exception, and is unique. It is just that a creator is unique in this way, unlike any other life form.
2014-11-18 07:27:24 UTC
Pointing this out won't stop them from repeating the argument 8 million more times.
2014-11-18 10:27:12 UTC
Well...your proposal is understandable - but, in fact, it is not correct.

First: let me say that the "Christian argument" that you mention is a very poor one. I do *not* agree with that argument or use that argument.

However: there is a "fault" in your proposal. Broken down:

- Something can't come from nothing

- Therefore, everything needs a creator

- Therefore, God needs a creator

Please realize that (according to Christianity), God **has always existed**. So, the "Christian argument" actually works like this:

- Something can't come from nothing

- Including God, who did not come from something (since he has always existed)

- Therefore, everything that came from something - that is, everything except God - needs a creator

To explain why I disagree with the argument:

a - we don't know for sure that "something can't come from nothing"

b - even if that is true, that does not mean that a creator was involved; another logical possibility is that everything has always existed in one form or another (not in the current form, of course, but in *some* form) and that our Universe came about naturally (without intelligent design)


- the "Christian argument" you mention is logically flawed

- however, it is not flawed in the way that you propose
2 Shepherds
2014-11-18 05:30:12 UTC
There's no contradiction. God is eternal and is uncreated. He always was, is and will be. Everything and everyone else is created.
2014-11-18 05:28:38 UTC
It is impossible for them not to. Christianity contradicts itself often, as does their bible, and their preachers.

There are about 40,000 different kinds of christians, each with the "only" truth.

Religion contradicts reality, there is nothing to recommend it.

Say no to drugs and gods. Stay real.
2014-11-18 05:09:08 UTC

I Hate the zealous bandwagon idiots who proclaim "We are the true path...follow or burn"

Remember the days when "humble" Christians cared about "personal views".

Sadly today's world is FILLED with lunatics....And if you argue there logic so are going to hell.

In the end despite all party of Templar crazies rants...there religion can be summed up to 1 Word

2014-11-18 22:02:29 UTC
The true God is not a nameless God. His name is Jehovah. (De 6:4; Ps 83:18) He is God by reason of his creatorship. (Ge 1:1; Re 4:11) The true God is real (Joh 7:28), a person (Ac 3:19; Heb 9:24), and not lifeless natural law operating without a living lawgiver, not blind force working through a series of accidents to develop one thing or another. The 1956 edition of The Encyclopedia Americana (Vol. XII, p. 743) commented under the heading “God”: “In the Christian, Mohammedan, and Jewish sense, the Supreme Being, the First Cause, and in a general sense, as considered nowadays throughout the civilized world, a spiritual being, self-existent, eternal and absolutely free and all-powerful, distinct from the matter which he has created in many forms, and which he conserves and controls. There does not seem to have been a period of history where mankind was without belief in a supernatural author and governor of the universe.”

A communicative God. Having great love for his creatures, God provides ample opportunity for them to know him and his purposes. His own voice has been heard by men on earth on three occasions. (Mt 3:17; 17:5; Joh 12:28) He has communicated through angels (Lu 2:9-12; Ac 7:52, 53) and through men to whom he gave directions and revelations, such as Moses, and especially through his Son, Jesus Christ. (Heb 1:1, 2; Re 1:1) His written Word is his communication to his people, enabling them to be completely equipped as his servants and ministers, and directing them on the way to life.—2Pe 1:19-21; 2Ti 3:16, 17; Joh 17:3.

When the Son of God, Jesus Christ, was on earth, he sent out his followers to announce the good news about God’s heavenly government. (Matthew 10:7) In fact, he instructed his disciples in the manner in which they should present this unusual and important message at each home and what steps to take where householders failed to show genuine interest. “When you are entering into the house, greet the household; and if the house is deserving, let the peace you wish it come upon it; but if it is not deserving, let the peace from you return upon you. Wherever anyone does not take you in or listen to your words, on going out of that house or that city shake the dust off your feet.”—Matthew 10:12-14.

Note that Jesus instructed his disciples to “shake the dust off [their] feet” when they left a home or a town where there was a complete lack of interest in Jehovah’s Kingdom. What did he mean by this advice? Shaking the dust off one’s feet indicated a disclaiming of responsibility or accountability for the consequences that a householder would suffer because of lack of interest in God’s message. It implied that Jesus’ followers were peacefully departing and leaving that house or city to the consequences that would eventually come from God.
2014-11-18 06:48:59 UTC
no were not contradicting our self. its your flawed reasoning that is the problem. everything physical needs a creator. god is not from the physical realm but the spiritual realm. god has no creator.
2014-11-21 05:33:26 UTC
In some religions people believe their god was created. Others believe their god used to be human like we are and became a god. But no one created the one true God because He is the Creator of everything.

In Isaiah 43:10 God said, “Before me no God was formed, nor will there be one after me.” In Isaiah 44:6 God said “I am the first and the last. Apart from me there is no God.” Between Isaiah 43 and Isaiah 50 that thought is repeated 7 times.  Our God is called The Eternal One for that reason. He had no beginning and will have no end.

Deuteronomy 22:27 says that God is eternal. In Micah 5:2 we’re told about the origins of the Messiah. The literal Hebrew reads that they were from “the days of eternity”. The same Hebrew word is used in both passages.

Rabbinical scholars state that the particular way in which the very first letter of the Bible was formed in ancient manuscripts indicates that it’s impossible to know exactly what went on before Genesis 1:1. The Bible neither explains nor justifies God’s presence but from the very beginning man’s understanding has been that He’s an eternal being, without beginning or end.

When you translate the Hebrew name for God, it means the Existing One.  In other words, He always has existed and He always will exist.  In Deut. 33:27 He’s called the Eternal God, and in Rev. 1:4 He’s the one who is, and who was, and who is to come.  He is the Alpha and the  Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End (Rev. 22:13)

“For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created by Him and for Him” (Colossians 1:16).

If God were a created being He could not accomplish much of anything He set out to do. Baker’s Evangelical dictionary defines the providence of God as, “the sovereign, divine superintendence of all things, guiding them toward their divinely predetermined end in a way that is consistent with their created nature, all to the glory and praise of God.”

I believe this is best summarized in a comment God had Isaiah make on His behalf.

“I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand and I will do all that I please … What I have said, that will I bring about. What I have planned, that will I do” (Isaiah 46:10-11).

To me the most amazing thing about this is that God will accomplish all that He has determined to do without depriving us of our power of choice. This is what Baker’s meant by the phrase “in a way that is consistent with their created nature.” Only One who is not bound by the constraints of time could do this. Existing outside time itself means God had never been created, but has always been.
Just saying
2014-11-18 13:11:55 UTC
Because you do not know God or His son Jesus on a personal spiritual level, everything you think you know is mystery form intentionally. Romans 16:25 Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began,

And because you doubt with your heart rather than trust in God with it, you will never understand the mystery of God. Colossians 1:26 Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints:

The saints that above scripture verse is referring to are all born again Christians.
2014-11-21 01:20:40 UTC
And just how do we know that there hasn't been an infinite series of creations?
2014-11-18 18:06:27 UTC
You don't get it. Yes, the bible teaches that everything was created by God and without him was nothing made. There is no contradiction from us at all! God teaches that he ALWAYS was. God is not a thing. We said nothing was made without him. He is GOD a spirit. He is not a THING!!! SO, since God has no ending and no begging. He always was!.
2014-11-18 05:15:34 UTC
The creation/evolution belief will not take you to God's kingdom.
2014-11-18 05:04:13 UTC
There is always an exception to a rule. And God is the exception to that rule. None of your man-made rules, methods, standards applies to God.
2014-11-18 20:08:55 UTC
Everything but God requires a creator. God is Eternal,(He has always existed) Infinite (without limits except when He has limited Himself by His Word) Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent & Sovereign (absolute supreme ruler).
2014-11-20 22:48:36 UTC
The creation/evolution belief will not take you to God's kingdom.
2014-11-20 10:57:36 UTC
The creation/evolution belief will not take you to God's kingdom.
The Reverend Soleil
2014-11-18 05:04:46 UTC
They have a word for Christians who recognize the numerous logical fallacies and contradictions inherent to the Bible story, and that word is "atheists".
the internet
2014-11-18 05:06:04 UTC
No, we do not realize that. We use some special pleading and claim that all your logic and reality and contradiction do not apply to god.
2014-11-19 06:24:56 UTC
The creation/evolution belief will not take you to God's kingdom.
2014-11-20 13:42:56 UTC
And just how do we know that there hasn't been an infinite series of creations?
2014-11-19 19:32:21 UTC
And just how do we know that there hasn't been an infinite series of creations?
2014-11-18 05:13:14 UTC
You are making this TOO COMPLICATED.

You need a Creator to be alive for crying out loud.
2014-11-18 05:43:32 UTC
Do you not realize that by attacking God you are condemning yourself to Hell for all Eternity?
2014-11-19 19:08:51 UTC
God wouldn't be God if God was created, God would be a creature not the Creator.
2014-11-19 07:36:57 UTC
God wouldn't be God if God was created, God would be a creature not the Creator.
2014-11-19 05:37:45 UTC
God wouldn't be God if God was created, God would be a creature not the Creator.
2014-11-18 22:28:23 UTC
God wouldn't be God if God was created, God would be a creature not the Creator.
2014-11-18 21:13:56 UTC
God wouldn't be God if God was created, God would be a creature not the Creator.
2014-11-18 20:40:15 UTC
God wouldn't be God if God was created, God would be a creature not the Creator.
2014-11-19 12:01:50 UTC
Christians do not believe that that God was created from nothing. God has always existed, and is not confined to time. He is eternal, and has always been.
2014-11-18 06:38:34 UTC
u are being silly
Joseph W
2014-11-19 15:05:07 UTC
I love cats
2014-11-18 16:41:06 UTC
God always is and always will be
2014-11-18 06:05:55 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.