Christianity seems to fill a need for some people. Why do I not seem to have this need?
2008-09-30 01:51:37 UTC
I've got some friends that have become super religious and talk about Jesus alot. I'm kind of turned off by it, because after studying history and world religions, I've lost my faith in Christ, and feel I'm better for it.

I'm happy they get something from it, but for whatever reason, I don't seem to need it. Is it just my personality type (more scientific?)? Any ideas or perspective is appreciated. thanks.
22 answers:
2008-09-30 01:57:31 UTC
Because your life is not miserable X-)
2008-09-30 02:07:11 UTC
You probably got burnt out by all of that studying. The truth of the matter is that being a Christian is not about religion. A true Christian has a relationship with Jesus Christ. It has to be personal. Going to church alone won't give you this relationship, but you can get some specific guidance in how to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ. Most likely the writers of the books on religion, wrote about what they saw, not about what they experience. Experience gives you a different perspective. Studying religion or the books that different organizations read can educate you to the point where you can talk about it, but actually getting to know Jesus Christ is different. Through Jesus Christ, you actually get an opportunity to have communications on a daily basis with the creator of this universe. Haven't you notice the happiness on the face of the people that have this relationship, no matter what is going on in the world around them. Their is a geniune reason for this.
2008-09-30 02:53:24 UTC
i think being a decent person is far better than being super religious. i know many religious folks(of all religions)indulging in lying,backstabbingetc etc. i guess the scientific mind rejects stuff like if u dont believe in christ, u r doomed to hell. and if u repent and ask forgiveness frm christ, u will go to heaven no matter how terrible ur misdeed. those don't seem logical
Pastor Art (((SFECU)))
2008-09-30 02:13:42 UTC
You have the need, but for some reason you have stopped listening to your own conscience.

I wonder what type of faith you had?

I wonder what type of church you formerly attended.

Remember that nearly all major branches of science were founded by Christians who were also Creationists.

The accusation has often been made that creationism is not scientific. And evolutionism, of course, is. After all, today it’s common to believe that most scientists are evolutionists. So, is evolutionary thinking responsible for all the great scientific advances, or can creationists take the credit?

Ironically, every major branch of science: astronomy, chemistry, microbiology, etc., was established upon the work of creationists. In fact, today’s evolutionists are merely standing on an entire mountain of work built by creationists. While the evolutionist assumes his theory is true in spite of “trivial” elements of science (such as the first two laws of thermodynamics, Boyle’s gas laws, and biogenesis), the creationist understands that science was established by God, and thus seeks to follow the clues in God’s creation that help him better understand the natural world. To a creationist, science and the Bible were both authored by God: he therefore has no problem accepting the scientific method of observation to further validate that which he takes on faith.

The early scientists—whose ranks include the likes of Galileo, Sir Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler, and Robert Boyle—believed in an intelligent Designer/Creator who laid down not only laws of conduct for humanity, but also for nature. With this common understanding in mind, they then set about to identify and explore these laws of nature. This search resulted in the revolution of scientific information we now enjoy and the establishment of the major branches of scientific understanding. So the idea that creationists are not scientific is absurd. It mocks the great heritage of creationists that modern science harks back to—and upon whose work modern science now rests. Evolutionists allow evolutionism to govern their exploration of the natural world to the detriment of science, while creationists continue to merely demonstrate how the God of the Bible is also the true Architect of what we call science.
Ha ha ha!
2008-09-30 01:58:13 UTC
A lot of people are missing something in their lives that causes them to attribute that "something" - be it the ideal relationship, their state of mind or living, rubber ducks, or thousands of other things to God.

I mean, listen to the testimonies: How many people do you hear proclaiming that God completes their lives, gives them purpose?

That "God-shaped hole" is just an emotional hole in someone's life that the idea of God happens to fit in. In your case, you have no such hole because you have learned to- or simply are- content with where your life is and how fortunate you are to be that way.
2008-09-30 02:07:25 UTC
I suspect it's just natural inclination. Like homosexuality.

"Those people can't help it, they're born that way."

"I don't believe it. Can't they just read a book on science, or philosophy? A little effort can help them overcome it."

"Don't be so intolerant."

"There are people who overcame it!"

"That's bollocks. You can pretend you're not Christian anymore... but whenever you take a science class, you'll still be longing for Jesus at heart."

"There's even an ex-Christian society, look!"

"They're just fooling themselves. It's neurological. You do know it's genetic, right?"
Mitch P
2008-09-30 01:58:07 UTC
I talk about religion too much when, at university, nobody really gives a crap, but I can't help it, its too interesting.

Personally though, if I could convert all that knowledge and work on thinking about religion into biotechnology I would be getting high distinctions until the cows come home.
2008-09-30 02:03:31 UTC
I used to feel exactly the very same until I found Christ could lead me and make my life more meaningful than the wretched life that I llived. I regret that I spent a good 30 years meaninglessly until I found Christ Jesus. From then I died to the world and have ever since lived for Christ. What a joy it is.
The Instigator
2008-09-30 01:58:00 UTC
People have written books about a "religious gene", which they surmise was a useful mutation that promoted social cooperation in hunter-gatherer groups. I don't know if anyone has had any luck finding genes that correspond with religiosity, but I imagine it is related to OCD.
2008-09-30 01:56:47 UTC
People who need any sort of acceptance from a supreme being are generally why people convert to christianity.

If you just don't care then you just don't care.

Try the Reverse Pascal's Wager, it's a good logical argument I'll be using.
microbopeep ♥Stranger♥☂
2008-09-30 01:59:24 UTC
I feel like that a lot, lately.

Actually I am in NEED of a lotta stuff but I don't call on God for that stuff.

My hobbies and career interests are usually my medicine for the time being and music is one of my hobbies...
2008-09-30 02:04:08 UTC
Maybe this 'need' is like some peoples need for, or lack of need for being married, it is a time honured tradition, most people feel the need to get married it is socially expected, but not everyone chooses to get married.
2008-09-30 02:08:21 UTC
Drew, listen, i mean, read:

Christianity (especially being so devoted), is such a beautiful thing. I mean, look, I've been like you, I mean, I've got everything, nice parents, good friends, fine food and money, okay grades, everything! life seems to need nothing else! i mean, its like theres nothing more to ask for! but then i started hearing about the way people worship or need God, and i started to become more sensible! i mean, life now is like more beautiful, i mean, most beautiful. its like i have seen everything i wanted!

okay, so studying other religions are okay, but make sure that you would not be swayed by it. i mean, its acting Drew, God is acting on you.... Why do you keep ignoring Him? try to be sensible Drew, YOU will need Him. Listen to Him and to your friends, Drew, please... After you have needed Him, YOU will feel protected and feel like theres enough (and even more!) reasons why everything is happening!

I've got everything, nice parents, good friends, fine food and money, okay grades, everything! Now, I've got wonderful parents, marvelous friends, perfect grades, great ideas and talents, beautiful appreciation of nature, loving ears for music, best appreciation for sports, passionate in seeing plays and artworks, A BEAUTIFUL LIFE! THE MOST!

2008-09-30 02:06:28 UTC
God has chosen you between all people surrounding you to feel that way, and frankly, I'm scientific too and ALL science/facts I would ever get is from the Quran and Sunnah, it is the only Holy book that has never been changed unlike the Bible. Try to read it, once there were chinese scientists who read the Quran and after reading it they fell onto the ground announcing they believe Allah is the One and the only One (who has no son) if you only think logically, read it.....
2008-09-30 02:02:00 UTC
Hopefully you'll come around. Maybe you'd not heard the right thing yet, that tickles your ear and makes you more intrigued. But, we plant and Jehovah makes it grow.

Have a good day, and I hope you find it.
2008-09-30 01:59:29 UTC
Your need for it may be filled by something else in your life, presumably non-religious, or it may be that you're not currently in a life stage where it would be important. Not that it would be manifested in religious terms.
2008-09-30 03:27:57 UTC
don't worry about it .i don't either .you just choose to think more . thinking is the opposite of religion .religion is turning the brain off and repeating what others (not very smart) people said
Last Ent Wife (RCIA)
2008-09-30 01:56:03 UTC
You probably don't think you need a Savior because you don't think you have done anything bad in your life.

I'm not making judgments as to that state of mind, just guessing at your lack of a "need."
2008-09-30 02:03:12 UTC
I think the reason is probably because you have not yet realized you are a lost sinner on your way to hell.

watch this video if you have time....
2008-09-30 01:55:57 UTC
Because you don't have a god-shaped hole in your head.
2008-09-30 01:56:26 UTC
for their own protection; on some God sends the stupor of slumber.
2008-09-30 01:58:13 UTC
they are filled with the Holy Spirit and have Eternal life you have nothing.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.