Christians: How do you feel about the Neil Beagley case?
2017-11-21 16:54:11 UTC
Neil Beagley was a 16-year-old that died of complications involved with a urinary tract obstruction in June of 2008. His parents, Jeffrey and Marci Beagley, refused to treat him and instead prayed for him and put oil on him daily. Jeffrey and Marci were both members of the Followers of Christ Church, whose members have had problems with the deaths of children from lack of medical care.

So, Christians, is this enough evidence for you to wake up and realize that God isn't real? Your prayers are never answered.
Eleven answers:
2017-11-21 18:00:46 UTC
I let God decide what to do about them.

I'm going to let God decide what to do with you too.
2017-11-21 17:44:24 UTC
Parents were wrong not to allow the medical interventions that were provided by God.
2017-11-21 17:41:49 UTC
Following are points we should keep in mind concerning the biblical perspective on tragedies, regardless of their scale or circumstances:

1. God has said in Bible prophecy that natural disasters would grow in frequency and intensity as the end of the age approaches—to shake people out of their complacency and lead them to seek Him (Matthew 24:7; Luke 21:25-26; Revelation 6:12; 11:13; 16:18).

2. In His design for the world, God allows many events to run their course according to "time and chance" (Ecclesiastes 9:11), so that many tragedies are, for those affected, accidental and unforeseeable.

3. Those who die in accidents or natural disasters are not necessarily greater sinners than those who survive (Luke 13:1-5).

4. Personal tragedies or calamities are not necessarily the result of one's sins (John 9:2-3).

5. Natural disasters or accidents should humble us, helping us to see our dependence on God to sustain and deliver us (Revelation 16:8-11).

6. Natural disasters have sometimes been the direct judgment of God on a rebellious humanity (Genesis 6:6-7, 11-13, 17; 18:20; 19:24-25).

7. Some natural disasters are made worse by man's poor judgments (Proverbs 14:12) and age-long rejection of God and His laws, resulting in worsening environmental and climatic conditions.

8. God is a truly loving God who is working out a great plan for all humanity (John 3:16; 2 Peter 3:9; 1 Timothy 2:4; 1 Corinthians 15:22-24).

9. Converted Christians who die in natural disasters will be resurrected to immortality in the first resurrection at the return of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:51-52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16; Revelation 20:4-6).

10. Non-Christians who die in natural disasters, those who never had a genuine understanding of God or real opportunity for eternal salvation, will be raised in the second or general resurrection to live again in the flesh with their first real opportunity to learn God's way, repent and be saved (John 5:28-29; Matthew 12:41-42; Revelation 20:5).

11. The multitudes of humanity who are raised in the second or general resurrection will experience joyful and abundant life under the rule of the Kingdom of God (Ezekiel 37:12-14).

12. The sufferings experienced now in "this present evil age" (Galatians 1:4)—this era of man's self-rule under the influence of Satan the devil—are writing a lesson of experience about what it means to live in a world cut off from God and His ways.

13. We don't know all the reasons God brings or permits specific calamities or why particular people are made to suffer by them, but we should trust that in God's omniscience and ultimate wisdom He knows how to work out what is best for everyone in the end (Romans 8:28; 1 Timothy 2:4).

14. Jesus Christ will eventually return to usher in the rule of the Kingdom of God (Revelation 11:15; Daniel 7:14), under which natural disasters will no longer plague mankind.

15. When all humanity is at last glorified, there will be no more pain, suffering or sorrow (Revelation 21:4).

16. All the sufferings of this brief present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory we will ultimately experience for all eternity to come (Romans 8:18; 2 Corinthians 4:17-18).

17. Read in JOB 38, All about God and Science.

2017-11-21 17:22:57 UTC
that is disturbing but its rare...THIS IS ONE OF THE REASONS TO AVOID CULTS...THERE is mind control in them...CHOOSE MAINSTREAM TRINITY CHURCHES...TIRH not legal
2017-11-21 17:03:53 UTC
2017-11-21 17:03:01 UTC
now supernatural healing should take place in situations where medical intervention is impossible. For example - healing people with mental retardation or people with aids.
2017-11-21 17:00:38 UTC
Mankind is born to die. The death rate is one per person. It is that simple. God is not a magic genie and things happen which our frail bodies cannot overcome. God never used miracles for personal gain,but to validate a certain person was talking on His behalf. Because we have His complete word, miracles are no longer needed. God provides, but not through miracles and sometimes people are too sick to matter. However, they should have availed themselves of the medicine God has made possible through doctors.
2017-11-21 16:59:24 UTC
I feel very sad that this boy died unnecessarily. I know some Christians refuse medical treatment and simply pray for healing, but this is not biblical. To use the death of this boy as evidence that God isn't real, that prayers are never answered, is wrong.

Just because a handful of people who belong to a cult refuse medical treatment has nothing to do with the reality of God or of God answering prayers. Prayers should always be in harmony with God's will and it is wrong for any person to think that God doesn't want people to receive life-saving medical treatment.

From the link below on the Followers of Christ Church (which is considered to be a cult): "The Followers of Christ church — a religious cult whose unbiblical, deadly faith healing practices have left a trail of dead children — is still [2017] in the news."
Gary B
2017-11-21 16:58:18 UTC
Prayers which are selfish or useless are never answered.

My prayers have been and are now answered
2017-11-21 16:56:31 UTC
Ignorance, who is to say god didn't answer their prayers by giving humans the ability to develope modern medicine so they didn't have to dumb sh×t like this.
2017-11-21 18:16:08 UTC
Sadly children are killed (and that is the only description available) by the religious parents!

If you refuse to get life saving treatment for anyone that is usually seen as causing the death and has in a number of cases now resulting in the parents being convicted of homicide!

How do Jehovah's witnesses justify that when the Commandment says "THOU SHALL NOT KILL"?!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.