Good question! No harm in doubting something that you are not familiar with. By your comments, you have not read the Bible yourself, and seem to be regurgitating words I have heard for years.
1) The parables in the New Testament were stories told by Jesus Himself to drive home a point. Just because there are parables in the Bible doesn't add up to "flaws". Why does no one question the "flaws" in any of Homer's work or "The Art of War" or even the Koran? Why is the Bible such a target for disputing?
2) The languages are NOT obscure. That's the beauty of it! The Old Testament was written in Hebrew (still spoken today) with the exception of a few parts in Aramaic, which is not common, but there are people who speak it fluently. The New Testament was written in Greek, and the last time I checked, people in Greece still speak Greek.
3) You must look at the Gospels (Matt., Mark, Luke & John) as having different "audiences" to whom they were written. Matthew addresses Jewish believers, hence always making the connection of Jesus to Abraham & David. Mark focused alot on miracles, thus for new believers. Luke was a historian and a physician, notice the detail he gives in specific instances. John focused on the Divinity of Jesus Christ as well as the love He displayed.
Yes, you are right, there could be flaws...but are there really? I will acede to your position there could be flaws, but in all intellectual honesty, you must also acede to the possiblity that there are none. Just because something cannot be explained doesn't mean there is a flaw, only a flaw in our thinking.
Keep asking and looking...the answers are there. Peace.