Will Christians accept that there is a chance that their bible is flawed?
2007-05-21 05:49:36 UTC
The bible is full of stories written by many men, including people who followed Jesus as his disciples. They can hardly be considered impartial. It also has lots of parables in it.

It was also originally written in a language which is very obscure and not used anymore, it was also written 2000 years ago.

Finally - the only one of Jesus's miracles which Matt,Mark Luke AND John all write about is the FT5K.

Therefore, putting all of that together, is there not a rationale arguement, which christians have to accept that says the chances of the bible being 100% accurate are as slim as the latest winner of "Ethiopia's Next Top Model".

Could even the FT5K be a parable which has been taken too literally, could for example Jesus have bartered his way from having 5 loaves and 2 fish, into a situation where he enough house:
39 answers:
2007-05-21 06:01:59 UTC
First of all, I agree with you that it is logical to assume that the Bible has some flaws in it. Like you said, the biblical writings have been passed down for thousands of years. It has passed through the hands of many editors and redactors. Although I strongly believe that the biblical writings were inspired by God in their original form, I do not believe that they have remained, in all cases, unchanged since they were first written down. I think this is especially true of the Old Testament. There are too many hands that the writings have passed through for me to believe that there are no errors, additions, subtractions, and other changes (intentional or not) that have made it into what we have today.

However, that doesn't shake my faith in the overall reliability of the texts. I strongly believe in the details of the Bible, such as the FT5K, as you mention, and other miracles performed by Jesus. I believe that Christ had power from God to do those things, and that no "practical" explanation is necessary.

I do not feel the need, nevertheless, to accept the biblical texts as "100% accurate" in all things. It would not be impossible for God, but I don't think it's possible for man to not make some mistakes.
2007-05-21 06:09:44 UTC
Good question! No harm in doubting something that you are not familiar with. By your comments, you have not read the Bible yourself, and seem to be regurgitating words I have heard for years.

1) The parables in the New Testament were stories told by Jesus Himself to drive home a point. Just because there are parables in the Bible doesn't add up to "flaws". Why does no one question the "flaws" in any of Homer's work or "The Art of War" or even the Koran? Why is the Bible such a target for disputing?

2) The languages are NOT obscure. That's the beauty of it! The Old Testament was written in Hebrew (still spoken today) with the exception of a few parts in Aramaic, which is not common, but there are people who speak it fluently. The New Testament was written in Greek, and the last time I checked, people in Greece still speak Greek.

3) You must look at the Gospels (Matt., Mark, Luke & John) as having different "audiences" to whom they were written. Matthew addresses Jewish believers, hence always making the connection of Jesus to Abraham & David. Mark focused alot on miracles, thus for new believers. Luke was a historian and a physician, notice the detail he gives in specific instances. John focused on the Divinity of Jesus Christ as well as the love He displayed.

Yes, you are right, there could be flaws...but are there really? I will acede to your position there could be flaws, but in all intellectual honesty, you must also acede to the possiblity that there are none. Just because something cannot be explained doesn't mean there is a flaw, only a flaw in our thinking.

Keep asking and looking...the answers are there. Peace.
2007-05-21 06:05:32 UTC
If there are any flaws in the Bible, it can only be from translation or translator's error. That's why if you read it with an open mind, realizing what the writer was trying to say or come across with each chapter, you'll find the stories amazing.

You might consider some of it flawed, and throw the whole thing out the window. However, I think of it as only possibly a mosquito bite at best.

Meaning, I wouldn't dump my husband over a mosquito bite - and I won't stop reading the Bible over a possible flaw here and there in translation.
2007-05-21 06:04:01 UTC
Ok so the points you made were verry good, im not gonna pretend that i havnt thought them before too.

your right, alot of what jesus said was parables and should not be taken literally, but attacking a religion based on a theory that is no more valid than theirs doesnt help anything, stating your opinion is one thing,attacking people asking them to convert is another.

Christianity is based on a system of beliefs and you choose wether or not to take what the bible says literally, just because you dumb it down does not make it any less valid, anything can be dumbed down when you think about it, its all about what you want to believe.

but i do agree that your theory on the FT5K has a point, but trading 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish to feed 5 thousand in the middle of the desert isnt bad either.
2016-05-19 01:57:23 UTC
Actually atheists are split up on the Bible as far as it's literary quality. From a poorly written and translated bunch of fables to great literature that blames God for the sins of the Jewish people. In the first verse of the bible several things are established in seven Herew words which are ten words in English. time God creator (aspect of God) matter space Look at it for yourself; "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Then the bible explain in the next verse that matter had no form and God begins the "creation process". Not only but also "waters" has a special meaning throughout scriptures. Genesis 1:2 "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." (In the last book of the bible the waters flow from God...) Do you not wonder that what God wrote to us has meaning on and in more than one way? In the third verse "energy". Genesis 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. _______ The first chapter of the bible explains more than most know. The first three verses explain more than science came up with for 5000+ years of human history. Atheists are blind and read without knowledge or knowing. So do many Christians or they would not bother with such as God calls: Psalms 14: 1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. 2 The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. 3 They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one. _______ And those that seek and understand are gone? And those left filthy? Perhaps the link:
2007-05-21 06:50:36 UTC
Prove it wrong. If you can do it, I'll be more apt to listen.

However, I've debated many, many men about the Bible, and not ONE has even caused me to have even a shadow of a doubt, much less a real doubt. But, you can try...

The Bible was written in 66 books by over 50 men during a period of over 1000 years and not one verse truly contradicts another! That is NOT coincidence!

There are indeed several men and websites devoted to disproving the Bible, but I've been able to provide reasonable and plausible answers to each and every issue brought up, along with the help of some pastoral and theologian friends of mine. I highly doubt you could do better.
Romans 8:28
2007-05-21 06:04:24 UTC
The bible is the divinely inspired word of God; since God is perfect, the bible cannot be flawed. Jesus spoke in parables because God will only reveal His truth to those who have ears to hear it.

The bible was written in THREE languages: Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek, because it was written over a span of MANY centuries and by people of various backgrounds. This is NOT uncommon, illogical, or irrational. Example: Nobody spoke "ebonics" fifty years ago, and nobody speaks "Olde English" like they did when the U.S. was founded ("thee", "thou", "come hither", etc) , so why would the bible reflect the exact same dialect throughout centuries of writings from people of different backgrounds - especially since some were formally educated, but many weren't?

Ask ANYONE in law enforcement: MANY people can witness the SAME crime, but ALL will have a different perception of what happened...and will remember different features of the criminal(s) involved. That doesn't necessarily mean they are wrong.
2007-05-21 06:01:44 UTC
I thought most of the Bible was in Hebrew, and the New testament was Greek. As far as I know these languages are still alive. The Bible was given error free to the men that penned it. There may be some problems of translation into other languages, but these are minimal, and the main message holds true. The Bible is accurate in history, and what it says about science. This was written many years before this knowledge was revealed.

So I believe the Bible, and I don't understand why everyone doesn't.
2007-05-21 06:26:17 UTC
No, Christians won't even though they don't follow the Bible to the letter. For example, how many women speak in church that are Christian?

1 Corinthians 14:33-35 (New International Version)

33For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.

As in all the congregations of the saints,

34women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says.

35If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.

Since this is the written word of God, then why do women speak in church? Because it is an archaic rule.
HeVn Bd
2007-05-21 06:10:31 UTC
#1 Jesus spoke in parables for the reason that it simplified His Word so that the crowd could understand. #2 In second peter chapter 1:20-21 tells us that no part of the bilble came about by man's interpretation, but the Holy Spirit. Men of God spoke/wrote by the divine authority of God. In the bible there is an answer of Truth for every lie the devil hurls to try to get man to come to His side. #3 The only thing that is flawed is man and their patheticly low view of God. I know my Redeemer and He has never been and will never be flawed.
2007-05-21 05:57:25 UTC
The partiality argument falls down when you consider these people would rather be tortured and die that deny what they'd seen. No one would willing die for a lie.

The parables are explained.

The hebrew texts were very quickly translated into greek which is one of the most accurate languages known to man. For example in English, we have one word for love but in Greek, they have many which defines exactly what type of love is meant in each circumstance. It's also 'idiot proof' in the way that if you write words the wrong way around in English, it changes the meaning of the sentence. In Greek, if you change the words around, it means the same thing. It is also the most well supported and copied document of antiquity meaning there are thousands of original copies to cross check with each other.

If one news channel reported on something and another didn't, would it mean it didn't happen? John writes that there were many more things he could have written about but which he didn't.
2007-05-21 06:04:12 UTC
I understand people wanting to question it. It is very old, and the world is full of misleading texts.

But if you really look at things, the Bible and it's history, and it's prophecy of the future is the only thing that lines up with the way the earth is going.

In my opinion, the Bible is the truth... the Word of God. I believe it 100%.

I respect other people's opinions, but the Christian faith is based on this book, to doubt it would be to doubt everything we believe in.

2007-05-21 06:11:07 UTC
Good Question - For those who said God is the author - get to know your religion better - it was written by various people as the question says and the bible was not meant to be a history text book as many people see it to be , dont you know how many times the bible was re-written , mostly because of political influences and to oppress people , to scare people to listen to the Kings etc , the teachings are genuine , i dont doubt that , but it is metophorical and has a deeper meaning , it should not be seen as historical fact....
2007-05-21 06:38:02 UTC
(2 Timothy 3:16-17) All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.

One of the scriptures that convinced me the Bible was correct is;

(Job 26:7) He is stretching out the north over the empty place, Hanging the earth upon nothing;

And what does the earth look like from space...


Not on the back of an elephant or a turtle...but on nothing.

That is astounding accuracy for 1473 years before Jesus.

How did Moses know this, if not for inspiration from God himself.
Kevin B
2007-05-21 06:06:19 UTC
Bible teaches us to walk by faith and not by sight. Having read the Bible and have it minister to me is proof enough that the Holy Spirit moves through the word. I agree that it is possible that things have been "lost in the translation", but this has not hindered God from speaking through his word. I have seen a lot more sophisticated arguments of the inauthenticity of my faith, most all of them are when passeges are taken out of their context..sort of like trying to get the whole meaning of a book by reading one page.

Summarizing the experience of Millions of followers as debunct based on some psuedo-logic is at best closed minded. Check out the teachings of Christ and decide if you think that Christianity is something for you. I hope you are able to see a loving God that is waiting for you to come to him.
2007-05-21 06:00:17 UTC
True, it was written by many different people from many different countries over a period of 1500 years. Most of the people had never met. For the Bible to have come together as if it were written by a single brilliant mind, the odds are astronomical that everything is so close to what each of them wrote..

Most people who find fault with the Bible have simply not read and studied it for accuracy.
2007-05-21 06:22:49 UTC
Don't worry buddy, I know there's more people who see things the way me and you do than those who have responded to your question. Most of them are too brain-washed to open their mind and realize there is no way this book is the word of a God. God is supposed to be perfect and all that, but the book he supposedly wrote is full of contradictions and proof that the Christian God is not a loving, caring God like he repeatedly claims to be.
2007-05-21 06:03:03 UTC
Nope, there is no chance! I'll never accept it. God is perfect, and His word is perfect too. 1 Timothy 3:16-17 says that ALL Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. And the notes from my NIV study Bible say that God breathed means God's involvement in writing the scriptures is so powerful and pervasive that what is written is the infallible and authoritative word of God!!! No mistakes no falsehoods, all spoken by God himself. Not one single flaw!!!!!!!!!!!
Jan P
2007-05-21 07:05:18 UTC
No, I won't accept that. The Bible is the true and LIVING word of God which is how it can speak to us even today. Why do you fight so hard against something you don't even believe in?

Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic aren't dead languages. They are still in use today.
2007-05-21 05:56:02 UTC
God said His word is true.

I believe Him.

He knows about all those menial things that you mentioned, but He is much greater than that. He created the heavens and earth, do you think a little translation issue, that He knew would be coming would throw Him off? He knows what He wants His word to say, in every translation.

Sorry, but you will not change my mind.
2007-05-21 06:01:37 UTC
NO WAY! I'm a Christian and the Bible is the word of GOD! It was only written down by man. GOD spoke the words! GOD isn't flawed, so therefore HIS word couldn't be flawed! Some people are sooo clueless! Read the Bible and you'll see what I'm talking about!
2007-05-21 05:55:23 UTC
Folks who believe in the Bible will continue to believe. You see, we feel that most people who bash the Bible don't really understand the spiritual aspects nor do they read it ALL. It takes the Holy Spirit to enlighten you to the Words of God, not man.
2007-05-21 05:56:06 UTC
I will never believe that the word of God is Flawed. I love my Bible and Live my life by it to the best of my ability. It works for me, God has never steered me wrong in life. God is so Good!
2007-05-21 05:54:26 UTC
Your question is stupid -- excuse me. The whole point with BELIEVING the Bible is that the various things taught leads to the hope that serves as an anchor to our faith.

Thus for any Christian to agree with you would mean loss of this hope! Go home to mama and study a little logic, math might be good too.

Just because you don't believe rubs not off on Christians.
2007-05-21 05:58:42 UTC
The New Testament was written in Greek. I believe there are many experts in Ancient Greek.

Start with the central message of the entire Bible. "Love thy God and love the neighbor as thyself." Does that seem like a credible message? If you think not then I say there is no way for us to reach common ground.

I don't believe that apples grow on trees.

I have never picked an apple off a tree.

I always see apples in grocery store bins or wrapped in packages.

If apples really grew on trees wouldn’t there be an apple tree in my grocery store?

Since I always see apples in bins or in packages doesn’t it seem more likely that they grow in bins and in packages?
2007-05-21 05:58:45 UTC
No not a chance.

Clearly you do not know the power of God. It is not man which preserves God's Word it is ultimately God. He inspired the authors to write, God breathed accounts, he preserved the letters which were written, and he made certain that they were collected together in the complete cannon of Scriptures.
2007-05-21 05:55:26 UTC
God works in mysterious ways. how do you explain daily life anyway where people kill for something as small as a dollar?
That Guy Drew
2007-05-21 05:54:08 UTC
the b-i-b-l-e is the only way for me...

yeah, there are some things in the bible that aren't meant to be taken literally, but the feeding of the five thousand isn't one of them. still, i wouldn't call a metaphor a mistake.
devora k
2007-05-21 06:13:24 UTC
NO and neither will the Jews.
Sick Puppy
2007-05-21 05:59:17 UTC
If you do a deep study of early Christianity, you'll find that Bible is very much flawed. In its present form its a matter of faith to believe it in totality.

Pick up a copy of "Misquoting Jesus" by Bart D. Ehrman.
Screamin' Banshee
2007-05-21 05:52:00 UTC
I doubt it very much
2007-05-21 05:55:28 UTC
you need to read the bible before you say crap!
2007-05-21 05:59:48 UTC
no.God spoke thru dem.hw come its lastd dis long dis 'book?'
2007-05-21 05:58:23 UTC

You know, that Jesus guy must've been pretty cool since he has millions worshiping him thousands of years after he died. I wish I could be the next Jesus! :)
2007-05-21 05:55:33 UTC
They all write about the same thing because of it's IMPORTANCE.

Prove it....

Hahahahahaha. I knew you couldn't.
Soundtrack to a Nightmare
2007-05-21 05:58:32 UTC
Maybe aliens. That's all I can really say. It will be more appealing to you, as well... aliens wrote that portion of scripture. That's it. Really cute Ethiopian joke as well. I'd like to say God Bless you, that's all.
2007-05-21 05:54:25 UTC
Sorry but...

When God is the Author of something....there is no chance that it can be flawed
2007-05-21 05:52:36 UTC
Thanks. But I will take my chances with the Bible, rather than listening to the rantings of people like you.
2007-05-21 05:54:04 UTC
NEVER!!! Christians are too proud to admit we're wrong. We're always right.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.