If homosexuals say they don't 'intend' to have sex is marriage approved of by the Christian god?
2008-06-16 08:41:36 UTC
As marriage is about love, financial and emotional support, why are Christians making it all about sex?

There are priests, vicars & bishops even, who are gay but say they do not have penatrative sex in the UK and live with their partners.

The wedding vow usually includes 'forsaking all others' yet often people cheat (which is an equal sin), yet the marriage is still salvageable.

There is nothing in a marriage vow about sex.
"To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part."

tell me how that is different to this:

"When David had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was bound to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul." (1 Sam. 18:1)
Jonathan made a covenant with David, because he loved him as his own soul. The LORD shall be between me and you, and between my descendants and your descendants, for ever.
26 answers:
2008-06-16 09:41:52 UTC
If a gay guy tells you that he's getting married to another guy but not intending to have gay sex, he's a liar, straight-up.

I am amazed that you ask "why are Christians making it all about sex?". Are you saying that with a serious face?

I had two small children one in each hand as I got off a bus in Philadelphia, Pa - I was taking the children to see the "please touch" museum for children, which is very popular there. I live only about an hour away.

So I get off the bus, and being the naive dummy that I obviously am, I see that a parade is coming. People are lined up on the sides of the street. I say to the kids "Look, kids, a parade is coming!!!", and we excitedly waited for the first float to come by - - when it did, it was full of beautiful flowers but on top of the float were two fat, hairy gay men who waved to the crowd, french kissed as they groped each others testicles, then smiled and waved again to the crowd.

They were dressed in see-thru pink babydoll nighties with matching feather boas, by the way.

And you have the audacity to wonder why anyone would think

its about sex? Lets go to Jerusalem, where a few months ago the gay party decided to travel the exact SAME ROUTE THAT JESUS CARRIED HIS CROSS - mostly, they cannot publicly show pictures, because most of them were men giving other men oral sex. They were dressed in leather

riding pants with nothing under them - they were painted up

like halloween characters but carrying sexual toys that they

used on each other constantly the entire route. But its not

about sex, no, not at all.

Quess what - here's a newsflash for you;

Christians (and no other decent person for that matter) wish

to know ANYTHING that you do to each other. We have no will to be anywhere near your bedrooms or have any knowledge of any of the things you do whatsoever. WE ARE NOT INTRUDING IN YOUR BEDROOM - quite the contrary is true: You are taking YOUR SEXUAL FETISHES out onto

the public thoroughfare and flaunting them for every child to plainly see.

I do not care if there are a thousand vicars and bishops who are gay - they are liars if they profess to be Christian, and the Holy robes should be ripped off of their backs for deceiving

and frauding the people they are supposed to be role models for. You wanna be gay? Go the hell out and be gay.

But when you take your sexual lusts out into the streets, do not expect people with morals and values to disregard it

as "just people who love each other but do not intend on having sex - even when they have a vibrator in each hand".
2008-06-16 15:51:41 UTC
In the first book of the Bible, Genesis, God instituted marriage. Genesis 2:24 says, "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, AND THEY WILL BECOME ONE FLESH." One flesh symbolizes both a physical/spiritual/mental/emotional union. Your quote from I Samuel 18:1 depicts a binding friendship covenant which was popular in Biblical times as well as the Middle Ages. It depicted an enduring for the present, but particularly posterity.
2008-06-16 15:53:09 UTC
David & Jonathan were soul mates. They didn't have sex. There is nothing wrong with male soul mates. But to marry would be a stupid thing to do.

If they wan't to be partners by the State, for financial reasons, I don't have a problem with that. But God won't bless a marriage between two of same sex. Because this goes against Gods purpose.

God said in the beginning that one man shall find one woman & they two shall become one flesh. This is Gods purpose since the beginning.

So God's purpose isn't for a man to have more than one wife. God's purpose isn't for a married couple to divorse or commit adultery. God's purpose isn't for two of the same sex to marry.

This is against Gods purpose since the foundation, & so is a sin.

When I pray with sisters in the Lord, in agreement, in the Spirit; we are sort of soul spiritual mates. And this is a special unity in the Spirit. These are the best of the best friends. But we don't have physical sex nor would we marry. I would rather just call them sisters in Christ.

The priests, vicars & bishops who claim to be gay & live together saying they don't penatrate are lieing. They are abiding in sin. Therefore I discern they aren't born of God. Those born of God can't abide in sin (make it a comfortable habit) because of the Holy Seed. The Holy Spirit convicts us in our spirit when we sin. So we repent to God. We don't practice that sin. If we try to, we may go home early. Because God disciplines his children.
2008-06-16 15:58:18 UTC
Your logic is flawed. Christians are to love everyone, to put others before ourselves, to have close relationships as brothers and sisters as in the example you stated with David.

You are speaking about sexuality when you speak about homosexuality. By the very definition it is a sexual preference. God states that man is not to sleep with man, it is a sin just as a man committing adultery is a sin.

I lived with a guy and we were very close. We slept in the same room, we shared bills, meals, I hugged him and still love him to this day. We have been close our whole lives. There have been no sexual thoughts between us. He is my younger brother. Two men can have a close PLATONIC relationship. If two men live together as brothers that is fine, but when you bring romance and lust into the picture it is a sin.
2008-06-16 15:55:54 UTC
Perhaps by the Christian god yes, but the real God has nothing to do with whatever we choose to do with our freewill.

Hold your horses when looking for excuses to homosexuality in the friendship between David and Jonathan. A gay man would not love so many women like David and Jonathan. Both were well married with multiple wives.

Homosexuals should blame their lifestyle in their looseness of moral principles and lack of emotional control, and stop looking for excuses in, of all places, the Scriptures. And yes, they will find a good place in there, but in Sodom and Gomorrah.
2008-06-16 15:54:02 UTC
Why do you have to call it marriage? Why not just call it "Good Lifetime Close Friends"? Why can't marriage just be a definition of a relationship between a man and a woman?

And to me, a "Good Lifetime Close Friend" has more spiritual Forgive Affirmed Spiritual value than a bad marriage!

Why this preoccupation with the word marriage? Are you seeking a doctorate in marriage but don't like women? I just don't get all this attention to stealing the meaning of the word marriage! One size does not fit all! Isn't that good enough? Is your ego so large that you have to have that word?

It is like the word "gay". Gay means cheerful. Why does a homosexual person need that word and need to have it interchange with cheerfulness so as to mitigate the original meaning?

There are other words too that play into this! Why? Is it for chaos production in my Uncertainty Stimulus Environment? This gets my blood a boiling!

So much deceit.....Why? Do you need to take all innocence out of original meaning? Why? Why? Why?

I realize you would not be a homosexual if you are not having sex. I admire that. I find Forgive Affirmed Spirit to be more powerful than physical sex anyway! But I will not steal virtuous meaningful words from the english vocabulary, not on purpose anyway!

Hi! I am a Forgive Affirmed Spirit and this is what I profess and try to act like.

Forgive Affirmed Spirit is the belief in a way of life that is a method of grief resolution and functional communication processing involving active listenning, sympathy, empathy and affirmation of shock, denial, anger, guilt, depression, loneliness and hope...a kind of ego-equilibrium seeking methodology.

A Greater Works of communication and action, a way to learn to love your enemies "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you AS IF YOU WERE THEM!"

And nobody is perfect! NOBODY! We are all judgeable, hopefully in a graceful discerning way! We are all doing our best every moment!

Humans judge everything as we are a part of it. Without difference, we have nothing to live for, nothing to witness. Sin is difference, the relative seriousness with regards to law and survival of other beings, is punishable by the courts. The best way to judge is with as much graceful discernment as one can muster in a given moment!

Life is the question(uncertainty) asked by the exhaling infinitely compacted imagination invention, or no thing, which is completely certain of everything, completely omniscient or all knowing.

When I die, I believe I will be in a new state, aware of all that is and yet divided into the nature of dust that I am in, whereupon my dust shall fall. My being will remain an infinite part of an infinite being and infinite knowledge without my material human being status of now. So there will be a change.

But my soul, my passions and discompassions, will move on to infinite places of comfort and challenge. Able to return to this state of uncertainty and free choice illusion for another ride when it is called effectively to do so.

So that the children of God, the creations of God, .. are actually part in parcel of that God or Creation Energy!

This life is a roller coaster ride. Enjoy your passion within it and whatever gathering of two or more in Forgive Affirmed Spirit to make it better can garner.

Healing be unto you and yours and me and mine in

Forgive Affirmed Spirit
Cogito Ergo Sum
2008-06-16 16:07:31 UTC
Why do "Christians" make it all about sex? Because the vast majority of modern American Christians are sex obsessed. Obsessed with who is having sex with who, who isn't haven't sex with who....HOW they are having often they are having it etc. etc. etc. ad nauseum. The idea that two men, or two women, could love each other and choose to spend their lives together mutually supporting, loving and caring for each other never even occurs to them. It is ALL about genital acts. Seems very prurient to me.

By the way, I am a homosexual, gay, queer....whatever... and I gave up practicing homosexuality YEARS ago. I know how to do it now.

My husband and I have been married in God's eyes for 17 yrs now.
dartagnon p
2008-06-16 17:52:56 UTC
Marriage is all about LOVE!

The shallow believe that marriage is all about SEX!

The Shallow do not see LOVE. They see GENDER and SEX!

True Gay people who are in love with each other and care about each other could care less about sex. IT's all about love and being with each other and living in each other's company.

True Christians are only interested in LOVE between two SOULS! There is NO consideration of SEX or GENDER or men or women ... it's all about Loving Souls!

WE, The True Christians DENOUNCE THE SHALLOW Christians who DENY GOD and DENY GOD'S LOVE!

God is not happy with the Shallow Ones either!

TSK .... TSK .... for shame. God specifically gave us the command in Matt7:1-5 to settle this problem once and for all. GOD SAID "Quit picking on the Gays!"

TRUE CHRISTIANS FOLLOW GOD'S WORD and they accept Gays as their Fellow Man! AS GOD INTENDED!

The others are going to Hell ... IMHO!

EDIT: Note to Skahhhhh .... I AGREE With you but unfortunately the LAW insists on giving EQUAL rights ONLY to those who use the word marriage. Civil Unions do NOT have all the legal benefits of marriage and gays are wanting EQUAL rights so they have to have EQUAL WORDS, according to the LAW!


peace .... LOVE one another!
Buddy R
2008-06-16 15:47:53 UTC
Edit1>>>>Exodus 20:3 "You shall have no other gods before Me.

Primoa, even God acknowlages other gods, get with it.<<<<

No, take the verses in context. The "gods" are graven images. Wood and stone.

Exo 20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Exo 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

Deu 4:28 And there ye shall serve gods, the work of men's hands, wood and stone, which neither see, nor hear, nor eat, nor smell.


Homosexual marriage will never be approved of by God.

The have and to hold part is sexual. What do you think "to have" means? The husband and wife are to cleave to one another and to be one flesh.

David made a covenant with Jonathan. There is nothing homosexual there.
bad tim
2008-06-16 20:30:37 UTC
no, surely that will only cause adultery, bestiality, alcoholism, murder, theivery, and a whole host of other social ills. it's not the sex that ruins the sacred and incorruptible institution of heterosexual marriage, it's having to acknowledge the rights of other people.

you give people rights, and they think they can just do anything they want. like americans in europe.
2008-06-16 15:59:55 UTC
Marriage is a spiritual commitment as well as a binding of two lives.It is about a man and a woman forsaking all others and committing their lives to each other all this is intended for the family unit.
H. Chinaski
2008-06-16 15:49:29 UTC
Like God has the time to deal with such minor stuff.

He is too buys watching Interleague play this week in Baseball.(one of his inventions, although, he wanted the pitchers mound to be 50 ft , but then Satan came along in the skin of a pitcher named Amos Rusie, who had 300+ strikeouts in a season. So MLB moved the pitchers mound to 60ft 6 inches....God was not pleased so he cursed the Cubs, Red Sox and the 62 Mets.)
2008-06-16 15:59:51 UTC
God abandoned the Romans in Paul's day to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other's bodies. They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen. That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved. Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done. Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents. They refuse to understand, break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy. They know God's justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too. Have you ever had a best friend? You better get to know Jesus a little better.
Set Free
2008-06-16 15:47:39 UTC
That's silly, why would you get married if you didn't intend to have sex?

By the way, marriage in the Bible includes two elements (1) the marriage vow and (2) the marriage act - consummation.
2008-06-16 15:51:29 UTC
I'm so happy to see that all of these answerers know God so well that they feel that they can speak for Him.

I thought that Christians were forbidden by the Bible to:

Judge not, lest ye be judged.

I guess that they can conveniently ignore it and call others sinful and judge them according to their own moral beliefs.

I mistakenly thought that it was God's prerogative to judge.
2008-06-16 15:49:39 UTC
While a lot of people enjoy picking on the Christian God, one thing that must be remembered is that he granted his children free will. That alone would explain that although God frowns on certain type of behavior, you are free make your own choices...and live with the consequences.
2008-06-16 15:52:36 UTC
It is good for a man not to marry.[a] 2But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband. 3The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. 4The wife's body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife. 5Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.
The angels have the phone box.
2008-06-16 16:29:08 UTC
“But if they can't control themselves, they should go ahead and marry. It's better to marry than to burn with lust” (1 Corinthians 7:9)

Unless, apparently the lust is homosexual. Then you're damned to either hell on earth or hell hereafter.

And in the Christian mind, this is the act of a loving and just God.

It makes no sense to me.
2008-06-16 15:50:50 UTC
Everyone who is saying that "god does not approve of homosexual marriage" is not God and never will be and never will understand the mind/motive of God.

How small and petty they are when they try. Why any God would create life and then shun it for loving one another is beyond me. Apparently the bigots know God best and also hold a monopoly on his will.
fabrice v
2008-06-16 15:52:45 UTC
Man is a man, lady is a woman..

it's clear isn' t it?, + and - would be neutral..,

Learn about another religions you will know ...
2008-06-16 15:50:32 UTC
No. Homosexuals will never have a sacramental marriage.
Jay Z
2008-06-16 15:46:16 UTC
We certainly would not hold a ceremony to join them as one, now would we?
2008-06-16 15:45:05 UTC
Marriage between, male and female, then yes.
2008-06-16 15:46:08 UTC
Marriage is a sacred covenant between one man & one woman............nothing else! Anything else is sin.....and not considered marriage in God's eyes...........or in my eyes as a minister of the gospel.

And by the way.......there's no need to specify "the Christian God" because......there is only ONE God.
LEMON KITTY -atheati subgenious
2008-06-16 15:45:13 UTC
Im pretty sure the "sex" in homosexual, implies sexual intent.
2008-06-16 15:46:24 UTC
because the bible god is a monster . that's why I quit Christianity ..

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.