War Between Religion and Science?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
War Between Religion and Science?
22 answers:
2009-02-26 16:57:30 UTC
Science is neutral in the case for providing evidence for the existence of God. If evidence is presented, naturally they'd become interested and it would make international headlines as scientists determine everything they can. They're in no way, however, trying to douse or widen the search for God.

It's not like newer and more advanced scientific principles are coming along to try and discredit religious beliefs - that's just a byproduct, and a rather unfortunate one since people still cling to the pseudoscientific beliefs demonstrated as being wrong by professionals. I think we've lost a lot of potential intellectuals because of this, and it is one of the reasons I care about modern religion. (So quit asking, theists!)

But it's important to note that credible science is not doing anything in FAVOR of religious beliefs. There has never been scientific evidence for a deity, much less a Christian deity, than there has been for any other supernatural belief. However, this could change at any time. That's the beauty of science: we don't know anything for sure, but we still do our best to figure it out.

As we find out more and more about the world, the supernatural aspects become increasingly more meaningless. That's why the belief in God among scientists has been declining for the past century, and is around the 5% mark today.
2009-02-26 16:57:41 UTC
Honey, its just a book. Apparently written by people skilled at brainwashing and twisting the truth.

Ignore it.
2009-02-26 16:59:28 UTC
Science proves with unbiased and demonstrable fact and not hearsay and only religion tries to make that fact into a dual sided issue.
2009-02-26 16:57:40 UTC
Man of Science. Brought to existence by nature, and will die by nature.
2009-02-26 17:01:53 UTC
You can try to rationalize your beliefs with science, and tell yourself that it works, but at the same time, if you do you're ignoring much of the word of your supposed god in the process. The real answer is yes, but that technically it's not the same religion as it was before since you've gone and modified t to better fit reality.

As far as religion winning out in what happens after death, they're not really winning. They claim knowledge of things which they do not know. All it is is a claim. The fact that someone claims something with no evidence and no other claim is present doesn't justify the claim.

Rethink your baptism plans.
2016-05-30 05:12:46 UTC
I think that all the "fighting" that goes on here is mostly harmless. At least these folks aren't getting violent with each other (as far as I know). People on both sides can get a little too fired up at times, but other than maybe some hurt feelings, how much damage is really done by that? Mere words on a computer screen do not possess the power to unsettle me.
2009-02-26 23:51:45 UTC
"War Between Religion & Science?---Do science & religion work together?"

The answer to that depends on WHICH religion, &, who's OPINION of what actually constitutes science, that one is comparing...

IF we limit our discussion to *true* science vs the Bible *itself* (instead of religion), the answer is that they are *entirely harmonious together*:

"...Science has discovered that cells are enormously complex, much more complex than the machinery of our 21st-century world. That functional complexity bespeaks purposeful design... Scientists have found functional, complex machinery at the molecular level of life. For instance, within living cells there are little molecular “trucks” that carry supplies from one side of the cell to the other... tiny molecular “sign posts” that tell these “trucks” to turn left or right. Some cells have molecular “outboard motors” that propel the cells through liquid. In any other context, when such functional complexity is evident, people conclude that these things were designed. We have no other explanation for this complexity, claims of Darwinian evolution notwithstanding. Since it’s been our uniform experience that this sort of arrangement bespeaks design, we are justified in thinking that these molecular systems were also intelligently designed."

---Michael J. Behe, now professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

"My empirical research in genetics and my studies of biological subjects such as physiology and morphology bring me face-to-face with the enormous and often unfathomable complexities of life. My study of these topics has reinforced my conviction that life, even the most basic forms of life, must have an intelligent origin.

The scientific community is well aware of the complexity found in life. But these fascinating facts are generally presented in a strong evolutionary context. In my mind, however, the arguments *against* the Bible account of creation *fall apart* when subjected to scientific scrutiny..." He has examined such arguments over decades, &, "after much careful study of living things and consideration of the way the laws governing the universe seem perfectly adjusted so that life on earth can exist, I am compelled to believe in a Creator". ---WOLF-EKKEHARD LÖNNIG, with over 28 years experience doing scientific work with genetic mutation in plants. Employed by the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, in Cologne, Germany for 21 of those years.

Enjoy Our Beautiful Earth

- Our Unique Solar System--How It Got Here
2009-02-26 17:21:07 UTC
most scientists study science, NOT the bible. Most 'spiritual' men study the 'bible' NOT books of science. you have already studied science. now, study the bible. you will see that science does not contidict but rather supports the existance of god. first of all,

you are a man on science so i am sure that you are familiar with the scientific time line of evolution. if you read genesis, you will see that the order of creation is described just as man has founf it ti have evolved from centuries of scientific stud y. light/fire/sun, water, plant life, sea life, land life, humans;the height of evolution.

of course a lot of the bible is both irrelevent as well as boring and some of it even misleading. however, the following books are most important and interesting and informative, i would recommend that you continually reread and study the following:

from the old testament:

genesis, psalms, provrbs

from the new testament:

matthew, mark, luke, john, revelations

the rest is kind of useless, boring, and even wrong to certain extents. but you will find great truth the more you read the above mentioned. i recomend the following versions of the bible:

old testiment: the new jerusalem bible by koren publishers

new testiment: the new testiment translated by richmond lattimore
2009-02-26 17:11:33 UTC
There is no war between science and God. It is man who puts his opinion on what evidence he sees that is not in line with God. God does not lie. Do you know any man who has not?
2009-02-26 17:08:39 UTC
Religion has no relation with science. Religion makes violent assertions that are too often untrue. Science is atheistic by nature. The reason is because god has no effect on this universe. If it did, than science would be inconsistent, and because science literally means "knowledge", wouldn't exist. The "matter, antimatter" analogy doesn't work because anti matter only exists because matter holds a charge. Bosons are matter that don't hold a charge, and have no antimatter counters.

I'm a woman of science, and for good reason.

The bible states:

Snakes and Donkeys can talk

Genesis 3; Numbers 22:1-35

In Incantations

Genesis 1; 3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 24, & 29

In Blood Sacrifice

Genesis; 4:4 & 31:54

Leviticus; 1:9 & 9:18

2nd Kings; 16:15

Ezekiel; 39:17

In Human Blood Sacrifice

Leviticus; 27:19

Judges; 11:29-39

Numbers; 31:31-40

In Ritual Spells

Leviticus; 14

In Enchanted Artifacts

1 Samuel; 5:6-9

Exodus; 7:8-12

1 Samuel; 5:69 & 6:19

In Pyrotechnic Potions

Numbers 5:20-26

In Astrology

Genesis; 1:14-15

Job; 38:32

Isaiah; 14:12-14

Luke 21:25

Matthew; 12:32 & 28:20

In The five elements of witchcraft

Leviticus; 14

that rabbits chew cud

Leviticus; 11:6

That Bats are birds

Deuteronomy; 14:11-18

Leviticus; 11:13-19

That whales are fish

Jonah; 1:17 & Matthew; 12:40

And that π is equal to three

1st Kings; 7:23 & 2nd Chronicles 4:2

In Genesis: 30:37-40 it says that if you display a striped pattern to a pregnant cow it will give birth to a striped calf.

You know, less than 3% of the scientific academy (who are the ones that promote and offer true understanding) are christen and that 94% of them have no belief in a god.

A study taken by Paul Bell concluded that the higher ones education, the less likely they are to believe in a god.

Science on the other hand has shown so much.

We know the repetitive process of crystallization, controlled electromagnetically, created a snow flake because it is the best explanation for the snow flake. We know the collapse of an accretion disk created a planet because it is the best explanation for that planet. DNA replication sustains life, abiogenesis creates life, gravity creates galaxies and clusters of galaxies, the strong force creates atoms, the weak force creates radiation, nebulae create stars, energy creates matter, evolution creates biodiversity, etc. We accept these answers because they have all been observed and are the best answers. They always create the same things, and what they always create are always created by them. All these happen over and over again with no variation. We don't know how the universe was ultimately formed, but we know what it contains was not designed, so there is more of a reason to assume it wasn't designed than to assume it was. One day we may find an answered to that. The nebula form naturally, and they naturally form stars. The star's accretion forms the planets, and the order gets more and more complex as time goes on. The universe is truly a painting that paints itself.

My opinion mirrors that of science, in science, everything is wrong until proven right.
2009-02-26 17:17:44 UTC
I think Dan Brown's book is fiction and has never been advertised as anything else.

Religion and science can support each other. They both attempt to describe reality but they are not mutually exclusive. Only the extremists among them will say so. Science has never really tackled what happens after death beyond the physical demise of the body.

Science specializes in the quantifiable. The spiritual realm of the soul does not lend itself easily to being measured but some inroads have been made in the area of Kirlian photography of EM fields and brain scans of meditating monks.

I am a spiritual seeker (and an ordained minister). I am also from a family of scientists of which my son is the 5th generation. I follow the teachings of the Christ but my belief system is closer to Theosophy.
2009-02-26 16:58:35 UTC
God is to science a cause, to philosophy an idea, to religion a person, even the loving heavenly Father. God is to the scientist a primal force, to the philosopher a hypothesis of unity, to the religionist a living spiritual experience.

Those who know God have experienced the fact of his presence; such God-knowing mortals hold in their personal experience the only positive proof of the existence of the living God which one human being can offer to another. The existence of God is utterly beyond all possibility of demonstration except for the contact between the God-consciousness of the human mind and the God-presence of the Thought Adjuster that indwells the mortal intellect and is bestowed upon man as the free gift of the Universal Father. Page 24-6
Anonymous #265
2009-02-26 16:57:19 UTC
1. Why must there be a "why" question with regards to our life?

2. Even if there is a "why" question, what makes religion the only thing that could answer the question?

3. Nobody knows what happens after death. However, we do know that we could just never exist again. Would it not be better to worry about this life instead of an unknown afterlife?
2009-02-26 17:02:38 UTC
Hmm. good question but I'm both. I'm confused over that too. I've been confused for months. But just have faith in what you choose, I'm sure God doesn't mind if you are open-minded about the situation with science. I have faith in God, but it's back-fired when I hear/read some science thing.
2009-02-26 17:07:19 UTC
Religion is but mans feeble attempt to build another way up to God we ourselves have to search out the truth of God not putting our trust in man nor religion science itself is a handy tool to help us do just that
2009-02-26 16:59:36 UTC
Science and religion are the two great seekers of truth. Truth, from whatever source, can never be in conflict with truth, from whatever source. Therefore true religion and true science cannot be in conflict. Sadly however, there is much untruth among the many unauthorized manmade denominations of Protestantism. This is obvious simply from the fact that the beliefs of each denomination conflict with the beliefs of the others, and truth cannot conflict with truth. It is also obvious when the beliefs of certain denominations conflict with facts clearly proven by science. However, the teachings of the original Christian Church, which have remained unchanged since they were received from Christ Himself are guaranteed true by Christ, who told the leaders of His Church and no other "whatsoever you bind upon earth is bound in heaven", and "the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth". No surprise then that the teachings of the original Christian Church do not conflict with the findings of science. Truth cannot conflict with truth. Fortunately I do not have to choose between man of God and man of science because I have truth on my side in both arenas. If you are thinking about Christianity, you owe it to yourself to look into the true Christian Church, the only one founded by Jesus Christ and the only Church approved by Him. The fullness of truth awaits you.
2009-02-26 17:01:07 UTC
Like all through history, religion explains the things we don't understand yet until science eventually solves it.
2009-02-26 16:59:59 UTC
Science explains the how, and religion tries to explain the why. But I am not a subscriber to the 'why' part, so I guess you could say I am a science kinda gal.
Fervent PaKistani
2009-02-26 16:59:50 UTC
Earth is geo-spherical (different eggs vary in roundness):

"He made the earth egg-shaped." (Glorious Quran 79:30)

Plants in pairs:

"… (He) sent down water from the sky by which We have brought forth various different types of plants in pairs." (Qur'an, 20:53)

Rain Formation:

It is God Who sends the Winds, and they raise the Clouds: then does He spread them in the sky as He wills, and break them into fragments, until thou seest rain-drops issue from the midst thereof: then when He has made them reach such of his servants as He wills behold, they do rejoice!- (Holy Quran 30:48)

Iron came from space("sent down"):

"And We sent down iron...."

(The Glorious Qur'an, 57:25)

Sweet water and salt water cannot mix together:

"It is HE WHO has Let free the two bodies Of flowing water: One palatable and sweet, And the other salty and bitter; Yet has HE Made a barrier between them, And a partition that is forbidden To be passed." (The Noble Quran 25:53)

Paths and orbits in the universe:

"By the sky full of paths and orbits."

(The Glorious Qur'an, 51:7)

Big Bang:

"Do the unbelievers not realize that the heaven and the earth used to be one solid mass before we exploded them into existence?..." (Glorious Quran 21:30)
2009-02-26 16:58:32 UTC
The book is fiction. I think Christianity is exactly right for you.
2009-02-26 17:00:20 UTC

Up to the 1800's religion and science were good bed-fellows, I.E. no arguements -

Then an idiot named darwin came along !

May God bless you as you study His Word

2009-02-26 17:00:39 UTC
no war...

you need just to be religious scientist or scientist of religion...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.