Atheists if Noah's Ark didn't happen then why are there so many flood stories?
2015-08-13 15:39:40 UTC
Nearly every culture/society had the flood story. 600+ global flood stories from around the world. Many are very accurate with Noah's Flood, so why do you deny this as an historical event?
122 answers:
2015-08-14 16:58:53 UTC
Don't ask an atheist anything that requires Bible knowledge. The Bible has a lot to say about atheists.

Psalm 92:6

Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)

6 Stupid people don’t know this.

Fools don’t understand.

(Psalm 10:3, 4) For the wicked one boasts about his selfish desires and blesses the greedy one;

He disrespects Jehovah. 4 In his haughtiness, the wicked man makes no investigation;

All his thoughts are: “There is no God.”

Psalm 14:1 King James Version (KJV) 14 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. The New World Translation says; (Psalm 14:1) 14 The senseless one has said in his heart: “There is no Jehovah.” They have acted ruinously, they have acted detestably in [their] dealing. There is no one doing good.

Isaiah 44:18

Living Bible (TLB)

" Such stupidity and ignorance! God has shut their eyes so that they cannot see and closed their minds from understanding."

Jude 16 These men are murmurers, complainers about their lot in life, following their own desires, and their mouths make grandiose boasts, while they are flattering others for their own benefit.

The discoverer of the “law of gravity,” Sir Isaac Newton, was another who was deeply impressed by the evidence of God’s invisible qualities that are to be seen in His creation. The following account relates how Newton testified to his belief in Almighty God:

Newton once had a skilled mechanic make for him a model of the solar system. Balls representing the planets were geared together so as to move realistically in orbit. One day an atheist friend visited Newton. On seeing the model, he operated it, and exclaimed in admiration, “Who made it?” Newton answered, “Nobody!” The atheist replied, “You must think I am a fool! Of course somebody made it, and he is a genius.” Newton then said to his friend, “This thing is but a puny imitation of a much grander system whose laws you know, and I am not able to convince you that this mere toy is without a designer and maker; yet you profess to believe that the great original from which the design is taken has come into being without either designer or maker!”

Newton’s friend came to acknowledge that the great Designer and Maker of all things is God. Surely we, too, as we look on the marvels of creation about us, in the heavens and on earth, must acknowledge that an all-wise Creator made it all! How thankful we should be that this mighty Creator lovingly placed man here on this earth and that he is deeply interested in us!
2016-02-28 06:42:37 UTC
So... you're saying a book that was written centuries ago... a more credible source than modern science? Just because you read something, doesn't mean it's true. For example: if I wrote a book called "There is No God", you wouldn't believe it, right? But why do you believe the Bible? Just because it's the "greatest story ever told", doesn't mean that it's true. J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings books are a fascinating trilogy, but none of it is true. There is no credible evidence to support anything the Bible says. Also, did you know that more than 90% of animal species that have existed in the past are extinct now? And we have animals today, BECAUSE of SotF. Plus, the Ark was afloat for 40 days, right? Yeah... evolution takes millions of years, at least. If you moved from your current home, to the other side of the world, you wouldn't have fully adapted after 40 days. It would take you a while to get used to their customs and languages. Plus, kangaroos would only have to return to Australia had the great flood actually happened, which I'm fairly certain it didn't. They've been there since before Pangaea split up. I'm an Atheist, but I don't think you're an idiot. I just think you (and other religious people) are a bit misguided. That's just my opinion, though.
2015-08-13 17:00:05 UTC
Atheists if Noah's Ark didn't happen then why are there so many flood stories?

- There was a flood, 15,000 years ago when the ice age ended and the oceans rose about 400 feet.

Nearly every culture/society had the flood story.

- Yes, and if there was a flood in biblical terms NO ONE WOULD EVER BE ALIVE TO EVER HAVE A FLOOD STORY. Everyone would be dead. That thinking stuff really throws you doesn't it.

Many are very accurate with Noah's Flood,

- Yes, since it was the Sumerian story that the bible plagiarized, all cultures have the same Sumerian story.
Sagan Ritual
2015-08-13 15:51:53 UTC
Why do I deny that Noah's flood actually happened? Because I trust what the rocks tell me way more than I trust what a bunch of superstitious nincompoops tell me. We can look all over the earth and find evidence for countless floods throughout the fossil record going back millions of years. We know what big floods look like in the fossil record, and there is simply no evidence anywhere in the rocks for Noah's flood.

Not to mention that the physical events that would have to accompany such a flood are preposterous. Where'd all that water go? Outer space? How? Into the Earth? How? How did all the salt-water fish survive when all that fresh water came pouring out of the skies and diluting the salinity of the ocean? Etc., etc.

Why would so many cultures have a flood story? Probably because there are so many floods.
2015-08-13 17:24:22 UTC
1) according to the bible the "flood" covered the earth to a depth of 50 ft

That would require sea level to be 50ft above the top of mount everest

do any of these stories agree with this or not?

2) according to the bible the whole point of the flood was to kill off everybody on earth except noah and family

so how come anybody else was alive to write about it?

3) whats with the "Many are very accurate with Noah's Flood,"

All it says is that it rained 40 days and 40 nights covered the earth to 50 ft and then receeded

Do these other stories say this or not?

If not then how the f//k can you claim they are "accurate" when there is nothing else IN the story

4) have you any actual evidence of when the biblical flood happened - ie. which year?

you say there are 600+ flood stories- do THEy identify when they happened?

Cos if you have no evidence when noahs flood happened, or when the 600+ stories happened then why on earth would you assume they are talking about the same flood?

5) 600+ stories from cultures/societies?

how come neither the greeks NOR the egyptians mentioned it and THEY were the greatest civilisation for thousands of years

(and you are having a laugh claiming 600+ DIFFERENT stories (there WERENT 600 cultures pre the romans)

6) a rough calculation the flood required 6 times more water on earth than is in the oceans now

where did it come from? - where did it go to?

Challenger deap (the deepest bit of ocean in the world) is 35000 ft deep

The amount of water required for the flood would go to a depth of say 350000 ft (not all the oceans in the word are as deep as challenger deep)

thats 70 MILES deep

you saying there is an ocean of water UNDER the oceans that we know nothing about that is 70 MILES deep covering the WHOLE EARTH?

So how does all the lava from volcanoes get through that ocean? and why aint the water in it boiling when it goes through?
2015-08-13 18:21:50 UTC
Atheist If Noah's Arch didn't happen then why are there so many flood stories ?

Because floods are a common occurrence Why because the planet contains lakes rivers sea and oceans and It rains based on that simplest of stats why would you conclude a god as the causative agent

One would first have to PROVE a god exist To be a fact facts are things that are verified and indisputable so you would have to prove the god to even assert a god to be the causative effect

Next can you Date All the Flood stories by each culture or society to have happen at the EXACT SAME time ?

If different cultures and societies all experienced the EXACT same flood at the EXACT same time why are not all the SURVIVORS who write the story of the flood Named NOAH if only Noah and his family survived ?

How did they survive to even be able to write the stories if according to the christian story only Noah and his family survived ? by common sense they should not exist and no other flood story should exist if everyone was killed except Noah and his family so by common sense again there should only be ONE flood story not multiplies if it was a one time event

Next if each culture has a flood story but do not have or worship the Christian god and Have other gods by different names claiming their god did the flood would that not demonstrate the Christian god is not the only God or is it that they are all just Stories i think you only have two choices

Since you use other flood stories that are attributed to other god to Validate the Christian story of a flood does that not invalidate your christian god as the causative agent ? the other possibility would have to be that there are 600+ gods and they all got together and decided to do one big flood and had survivors ( meaning a single family Noah's only survived but 600 gods x 2 to 8 people each thats 1200 to 4800 people survived would make all the stories a lie if the claim is only a single family survived ) for each single section of their area to write the story which would mean all the stories are a lie because they all say EVERYONE died but the one writing the story

Finally the god can't be too smart if the animals are not giving you any trouble but only humans Why would you save one family that still has the trait of disobedience to repopulate the world when you could stick 2 of each animal on a mountain kill ALL the humans Make a new version of Adam and Eve without a disobedience trait and then you would not have to do the Jesus thing because they messed up again . can you rationalize that ? It puts god in a position did god have OPTIONS and if he is all Knowing would Know man would mess up and did not take the option to prevent it , what does that then make god?

How about this each society had a flood people died and they wrote about it Their land area limited in size what they saw as their "WORLD" got flooded and to rationalize why it happened PROJECTED that God must of did it and then man used natural events as scare tactics to maintain control over the society rubber stamping it with a god to keep people in line

Thank you it was a FUN question
2015-08-15 15:34:45 UTC
Noah's ark is plagiarized (and considerably altered) from the Sumerian. How you think this means it's more accurate, I don't know. The Sumerians were polytheists and say it was a war between good Gods and evil Gods (frankly that makes more sense than a monotheistic loving God doing it). All the evidence proves there was never any world wide flood. Period. Book it, done. However, local floods are common. Civilizations mostly formed around water. Plus, there were rising sea levels and melting of glaciers when the Ice Age ended ~13,000. The stories could be based on oral tradition passed down from that time.
2015-08-13 15:55:23 UTC
Many early people stayed close to rivers. Lots of early settlements were along rivers. Why? Because it was a very good place. The river gave fresh water. It was a source of food. It was a dependable landmark. Rivers allowed for transportation and travel. Rivers carried away waste and debris. Lands around rivers are often quite fertile. There are many very good reasons for early humans to settle along rivers.

One other thing about rivers, they flood. These early people would have had to deal with floods. Floods are quick and devastating. These early people would have had great respect and fear of floods. It makes sense if some early person tried to dream up the most terrible thing they could imagine it would be a flood. If they were asked to describe an event that would destroy the world, it would be a flood. It is not surprising to hear about a ton of flood stories. A lot of cultures that are based on these early people would have a shared base of mythology and history that would include floods.

Also, do not take there being a lot of myths with a particular theme as evidence that the event or thing in the theme is a part of reality. Werewolves and vampires pop up in stories all over the world.
2015-08-13 15:47:39 UTC
Not an atheist; but you have not described an historical event. You have described a mythical story; that has no bases of fact. Many of the claimed evidence was planted (arguably all of it).

As for other flood stories? Floods happen, its part of nature unfortunately. In some parts of the world, it rains too much, it may be caused by aggressive tides at sea, bad plumage in some areas. Some areas just don't absorb water and rain fast enough in order to compensate for the amount of rainfall. In a town not far away from me; they actually had to build an extra river bank; in order to compensate for the lack of moisture in the ground to soak up rainfall.

The flood stories have nothing to do with the Noah's Ark story; you are basically twisting around bits of information to make it sound like they are similar. It would be like me saying "Oh look at all our new fancy technology; Star Trek is true and its no long science fiction". Christians use the very same method in order to make their fantasy story sound legitimate
2015-08-14 03:06:23 UTC
Likely because:

1) The Biblical flood is an amalgamation of flood stories from around the world,

2) Floods are a common occurrence.

3) The Biblical flood is a plagiarized version of the epic of Gilgamesh.

4) Other cultures make up stuff too.

5) Ancient people saw evidence of floods that occurred at different times and assumed they all happened at the same time.

6) The Biblical flood is a myth based on a real flood that occurred thousands of years ago.

7) The Biblical flood was local and the people who wrote the Bible did not know how large the Earth was and so thought that the flood was world wide.

8) The criteria for flood stories to resemble the Biblical flood are very loose, for example stories of survivors (if no one survived a disaster then there would be no one around to tell the story).

9) Cherry picking.
2015-08-14 07:53:24 UTC
Does it really surprise you that a particularly bad flood, or a region where flooding happened often, might give rise to flood myths? It would be human nature to come up with such stories. Most ancient peoples lived near rivers, after all. How else do you think they obtained water?

It might interest you to know, incidentally, that in parts of the world where floods have never happened with any regularity, there have never been any flood myths. In addition, many of the flood myths do NOT concern a vast, worldwide flood that wiped out all of humanity but a few people. You're not very informed about this, clearly.

You might find the site below informative:
Lighting the Way to Reality
2015-08-13 20:45:14 UTC
When you ask atheists if Noah's Ark didn't happen then why are there so many flood stories, it is quite simple.

One could say the flood story of the Masai of East Africa that was the original flood story, not that of Noah's ark. After all, why should the story of Noah's ark be the basis of all of the world's flood stories?

Furthermore, most of those flood stories are quite different from the flood of Noah's ark.

The fact is, floods are a common occurrence around the world and have affected many cultures over time, and a particularly bad flood would have been the stuff of legends passed down through the generations. So it is not surprising that there were many flood stories around the world.

Also, there have always been story tellers in all civilizations, and story tellers look at things going on to help them make up stories. Seeing even a relatively mild flood might get them to thinking "Hmm, what if..."

So, the fact that natural floods occur, and there are stories of massive floods, is not evidence that a world-wide flood occurred. Now if no natural flood had EVER occurred, but all those cultures had a story about a world-wide flood, THEN it might be considered as evidence of such a flood.

In any case, during their Captivity in Babylon, the Israelites picked up the story of a flood from the Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh and they modified it to reflect an action by their god and then incorporated it into their scriptures.

Besides, the biblical flood of Noah's story contradicts the geological record and human history. There were several civilizations at the time the flood was supposed to have occurred, and they went about their business without realizing that they were supposed to be drowning. See, for example my answer to this question.

So we atheists have good reason to believe that Noah's ark and the biblical flood didn't happen, despite all the flood stories from around the world.


@Believer has made several comments showing his ignorance about geology. The raising of mountains and marine fossils on Mt. Everest are the result of plate tectonics, not the flood story of Noah's ark. Watch the video.
2015-08-14 06:20:53 UTC
Actually, you should probably ask, if Noah's Ark DID happen, then why are there so many flood stories?

Think about it. If Noah's Ark really did happen, there would only be one story. If water truly had covered the earth, and Noah and his three sons and their wives were the only humans who survived it, every other culture would have died.
2015-08-14 17:01:56 UTC
I'm not an atheist but floods happen. Did those stories involve Noah? I highly doubt that they involved a person known as Noah, yes, floods have happened in the past but they didn't even mention the Noah from the bible.
2015-08-14 00:21:36 UTC
Any in Australia? No kangaroos or wallabies on the ark. Any in New Zealand? No kiwis on the ark. Any in South America? No iguanas or llamas on the ark. And as for North America - any raccoons or bison, for example? I don't recall any mention of them.

There may well have been a large flood across parts of the Middle East. Given the naivety of the people at the time, all sorts of legends spread and were exaggerated into the sort of legend that is Noah's ark (among others).

And while we're here - seen any 800-year-old boat builders lately?
2015-08-16 03:26:03 UTC
Your question is wrong. You should ask why anyone should believe the Noah's Ark story when it's similar to many other flood myths. In other words it's more likely a borrowed story than a real event.

There's no archaeological, biological or geological evidence of this myth. But, why would there be: it's fiction.
James B
2015-08-14 06:25:27 UTC
Local flooding is a very common occurrence, and makes for a great story, at least back then. Plus the Noah version is much much more recent.

Let's flip this question, if a zombie apocalypse has never occurred why are there so many stories about it?
2015-08-14 12:58:04 UTC
Well, I'm not really an atheist; I just don't believe in that silly "Old MAN in the Sky" concept of a higher power(s), Divine Force, Source, Central Unity, WHATEVER! Obviously there was a great deal of flooding when the Ice Age ended and the ice caps melted (this event and the time of the story DO seem to match up pretty well). The vast majority, if indeed not all, people in those days would have had to ASSUME that this was global. Most sensible people believe that this is the likely source of that STORY (with a little bit basing in fact) as well as the others.
2015-08-14 07:06:54 UTC
It's like Vampire and Zombie shows and movies - it's down to Hollywood.

For years there were no Zombie things, then we get the Walking Dead and World War Z and all the other stuff.

Same with Vampires - nothing for ages then every film and show was about Vampires.

Now we get this flood film with Gladiator in it and we'll get lots more.

If something is successful, people will copy it and try to make money from it.
Space Wasp
2015-08-14 07:05:41 UTC
Large scale flooding that affects LOCAL areas is a widespread and reasonably frequent occurrence (we see it in global news stories pretty much every year).

In the past people didn't tend to travel far from where they were born, so local floods would have seemed like they covered the entire world (they could easily have covered pretty much everywhere that people living in the area knew). It is natural that large scale flooding like this, that covered many, perhaps hundreds of, square miles, would have featured in local folklore.

Why would anyone think that it was surprising that cultures all-around the world have stories about something as common as floods?
2015-08-14 12:56:44 UTC
Well they certainly couldn't make up a story about bubonic plague, gamma radiation bursts or ozone layer depletion. This is a story about GENOCIDE of the human race by a deity. Why is it taught as a story to children?

The San Diego zoo has 512 different species of animals on a 100 acre campus. There are over 500 employees feeding and caring for those animals. Noah's ark would have had to hold 10,000 different species in an area half the size of a football field to be tended to by 8 people for 40 days.... seriously that's a logistical impossibility.
2015-08-13 16:39:29 UTC
Because floods happen all the time, all over the world, in different places.

But since you're a Flood Believer, you probably think there isn't enough time for all those stories to have been made. We only got 6000 years of history in that little gem of a religious splinter sect, isn't that right?
2015-08-13 15:55:31 UTC
Cultures near water, in places that tend to flood, have such stories.

It's not a historical event because there are way too many things wrong with the story, like civilizations all over the world that show continuous existence before, during and after the supposed flood.
2015-08-13 18:59:19 UTC
Very true but to them they think the bible is a book of fairy tales and yet they have no proof that it did not happen. They cannot explain how sea shells got up on mountain tops either.

Here is a quote from an article on the subject:

"Geologists studying the landscape of the northwestern United States believe that as many as 100 ancient catastrophic floods once washed over the area. One such flood is said to have roared through the region with a wall of water 2,000 feet [600 m] high, traveling at 65 miles an hour [105 km/hr]—a flood of 500 cubic miles [2,000 cu km] of water, weighing more than two trillion tons. Similar findings have led other scientists to believe that a global flood is a distinct possibility."

Since atheists are big on facts, they should be aware of them and own up to all of them.
2015-08-13 15:43:27 UTC
It's prophesied in 2 Peter 3 that people would deliberately forget Noah's Flood.
2015-08-15 07:13:56 UTC
There are also very many stories of man on the moon, does that mean there is a man on the moon? There have been many great floods in history, and so having flood stories does not make it a Noah story. The Noah flood was an impossibility. There are so many impossibilities in that story, that makes it totally insane to believe it. Of course the believers just say god did it, and since snakes can talk, it makes total sense eh?
2015-08-13 17:08:24 UTC
You have to have no critical thinking skills if you think that supports a WORLD-WIDE flood. Of course countries experience floods. EVERY YEAR some place on earth has a local flood. THINK... if there was a WORLD-WIDE FLOOD those civilizations would have been wiped away AND THERE WOULD BE NO RECORDS FROM THEM. Use your brain that God gave you.

Noah's Ark: A biblical story with moral underpinnings, but lacks actual evidence for its occurrence; both the Ark and a World Wide flood. From a scientific perspective and our knowledge about how nature works, a critical analysis of the story is shown at: After you read this analysis, you will see why the story fails the evidence test, not just on one aspect of the story, but on hundreds of logistical and factual inconsistencies with present day workings of nature. It's one thing to have a belief that God Did It, it's another to twist reality and ignore the evidence from biology, geology, demography, and even the science and physics of ship building (that is covered in the article) that makes the story impossible.

Although repeated endlessly by Creationists, about the evidence for a world-wide flood, there is no evidence. Read: Nor as an integral part of the myth is the earth only 6,000 years old

In addition, Creationists will tell you the 8 people on the Ark had enough time in only a few thousand years to repopulate the earth and contribute to the genetic diversity of present day human populations. A careful analysis of that assumption from the perspective of molecular biology, population genetics, and demography (human populations over time) shows how improbable and impossible is that scenario.

Humans evolved over 200,000 years ago in Africa, and that we do have evidence for. and mitochondrial DNA shows the migration patterns of humans out of Africa:
2015-08-14 05:45:47 UTC
I'm not an atheist and Noah's Ark did happen
2015-08-14 03:31:38 UTC
I better talk to rocks, rocks tell the truth and not boring like you. GOD.

Why do I deny that Noah's flood actually happened? Because I trust what the rocks tell me way more than I trust what a bunch of superstitious nincompoops tell me. We can look all over the earth and find evidence for countless floods throughout the fossil record going back millions of years. We know what big floods look like in the fossil record, and there is simply no evidence anywhere in the rocks for Noah's flood.

You GOD has no logic and boring.
Alice S
2015-08-17 14:43:35 UTC
The Noah story pre-dates your bible. It appeared in the Epic of Gilgamesh, as well as appearing in other Mesopotamian stories. Given that this civilization was located between two large rivers, getting flooded out at some point would seem probable. This just proves that floods happen and they can have devastating results and leave a profound impact on racial memory. It doesn't prove much of anything else.

2015-08-13 15:57:40 UTC
There are lots of flood stories because lots of people live on flood plains, so lots of people know what a flood looks like and how devastating it can be, and a really huge flood makes for a good story, especially if you throw in a few resourceful individuals who manage to survive it. It's the folklore equivalent of a disaster movie.
2015-08-13 23:07:08 UTC
there are a lot of flood stories from river valley civilisations, which shouldn't be a great surprise. not so much from other places. there is no physical evidence for a recent worldwide flood, and don't you think that there should be if it actually happened? there's plenty of evidence for other recent climactic events such as the ice ages. also, let's not forget that young earth creationism is a peculiar north american christian belief, one that's not actually shared by the majority of theists - why then should atheists be specifically asked to answer this? might as well ask Catholics, or Hindus...
Immune to Indoctrination
2015-08-13 15:49:00 UTC
If Noah's arc is true only 8 people, from one location, survived it so why would there be 600 different stories from around the world? Either way 99% of the stories would just be copies of the original, which pretty much destroys your argument.

Anyone can copy a story true or false. There are probably 1000 Lord of the Rings rip offs.
2015-08-14 18:39:55 UTC
Most Jews and Christians do not take the stories of creation in the Bible literally. We believe the stories included in first 11 chapters of Genesis tell religious truth through figurative language and not necessarily historical fact.

People often reflect that every ancient culture has a flood story like that of Gilgamesh and this fact discounts the story of Noah. Or they claim the Jews stole the story from another people. But wouldn't a truly worldwide flood prove the "flood" instead?

About 10 to 12 thousand years ago the last ice age ended, melting a lot of ice. So much that sea level rose about 400 feet. This "flood" was worldwide and it is reasonably expected that the story would live on in every culture.


Anisimov et al., Chapter 11: Changes in Sea Level, Section Sensitivity to climatic change, Figure 11.4, in IPCC TAR WG1 2001.

Science Daily: Lost civilization under Persian Gulf?

Current Anthropology: New Light on Human Prehistory in the

Arabo-Persian Gulf Oasis

With love in Christ.
The Singing President
2015-08-14 02:42:38 UTC
During the last Ice Age a vast amount of water was locked up in the polar ice-caps. When the Ice Age ended, around ten thousand years ago, there were catastrophic floods worldwide, with sea-levels rapidly rising to where they are today. Vast tracts of dry land would have been submerged, especially in the region now known as Indonesia. The flood myths, including the one in the Bible, are a memory of this time.

Here's a book, if you're interested:
2015-08-13 15:47:30 UTC
Because floods happen everywhere on Earth, from time to time.

These can be devastating events in the history of a people, and are likely to be remembered for generations.

Now...If the flood story were true, then why do so many societies have flood stories, when only one small group of people survived?

How inbred were the 4th and subsequent generations of flood survivors?

Where did all the water come from?

Where did it recede to?
2015-08-14 12:15:37 UTC
Because there was a flood. If Noah's Ark did happen, why don't those other flood stories include Noah or a great boat teeming with two of every kind of animal?
2015-08-14 08:16:02 UTC
One reason the Catholic Church were intent on denouncing Jean-François Champollion, when he announced that he had broken the hieroglyphic code, was that in being able to decipher the hieroglyphs, might undermine the Vatican's authority and show the Biblical stories to be untrue.

They were quite right to be fearful. Champollion had also previously worked out the age of the Earth according to the Bible, by working back through the many instances where the Bible tells who begat whom. This put the Earth at a little over 6,000 years old. Using the same chronology, Noah's Ark can be place at around 2304 BC.

This would mean that all humans who lived before the flood would have perished. But the hieroglyphs, just as the Vatican feared, show that the Pharaoh Pepi I reigned over Egypt from 2332 BC to 2283 BC approximately. This puts Pepi I alive and kicking before AND after the flood.

Those ancient Egyptians sure did throw a spanner in the biblical works, didn't they?
2015-08-15 01:44:06 UTC
Because there was an ice age. And water melts.

It doesn't matter how many flood stories there are, it doesn't matter how many wooden boats filled with animal bones we find. I find it extremely hard to believe that penguins went from the South Pole to Israel to get on a boat and not leave a single trace of their journey.
2015-08-14 15:28:39 UTC
You can't have it both ways. You point out there are many flood stories(sure, because floods happen almost everywhere), but you fail to realize that those other flood stories do not include the magic boat with all the animals on it. How many of those flood stories include such a magic boat? Just one - only the one that started with the Sumerian legend which was later "borrowed" by the Jewish writers of the Torah and then the Bible.
2015-08-13 15:50:53 UTC
Theists, if Superman didn't happen then why are there so many comic books?

Nearly every culture/society had the superman story. 600+ superman stories from around the world. Many are very accurate with the original story, so why do you deny this as an historical event?
The Dude
2015-08-13 19:15:47 UTC
That's a great question.

Here's what I wonder, if we are all products of evolution, than why do human beings have this inner need to believe in something?

Why do we have a spiritual need, if we are just a higher form of animal life, as evolution suggests?

In Noah's time, the Bible speaks of human giants called "Nephimim."

If Noah's story is just a fairytale, than why have giant human skeletons, some measuring up to 20ft tall, been found hurried in various places around the world?

Also, if Noah's story is a lie, than why did Jesus Christ make reference to it at Mathew 24:37-39: "For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be.

For as they were in those days before the flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day Noah entered the Ark, and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be."

Also, why did Saint Paul say at Hebrews 11:7 "By faith Noah, after receiving divine warning... showed Godly fear and constructed an Ark."

I firmly believe that the story of Noah is true.

That God sent a flood to cleanse the world of wickedness, as the Bible states in Genesis chapter 6 that "The world was full of violence."
2015-08-16 03:53:32 UTC
oooh, ooh, oooh, i saw this on a history documentry! there was an enourmous natural flood that kuilled masses of people waaay back in the time than noahs ark was set. most cultures will remember it, because since then peiole have spread and moved about the earth so much. because in those days they didnt know about science, they neede an explanation, so they all blamed it on different gods.

a story where aqll the animals get in a boat 2 by 2 is not only infantile, but impossible and stupid. plus, i tink its only in there to preach people a lesson. soz.
2015-08-13 19:47:11 UTC
Because floods happen from time to time and they are devastating. Because a flood happens, it doesn't make an impossible story in a book of ancient myths real.
2015-08-15 09:55:55 UTC
I find it amusing that people will scoff at the idea of Noah's flood but will without question accept a computer model that says man is destroying the climate on the planet and keep believing that lie even in the face of evidence that the computer model was falsely generated to create the desired result.
2015-08-14 05:23:46 UTC
Google Noah's Ark & find out what Wikipedia says
2015-08-14 02:19:25 UTC
Because there are lots of floods. Over 300 in the last year alone.

Why wouldn't there be flood stories?
2015-08-13 17:36:01 UTC
If Noah's ark is true, how did koalas and kangaroos make their way to Australia from Mt. Ararat without leaving any offspring behind on the journey? Also, neither one can swim across oceans. How did they manage that?

Wouldn't it make more sense for God to just allow them to breathe underwater for a year?
2015-08-14 18:19:37 UTC

1. ancient people did not know about plate tectonics. they saw fossils of sea creatures at high altitude and invented a myth to explain why sea creatures would be at these altitudes.

2. there were many floods in many different parts of the world

3. rising seas ( as was stated by others). due to ice melt at the end of the last glaciation.

PS... not every culture has a flood myth... and those cultures that have one, do not agree with the Sumerian/near east version of the story.
2015-08-13 15:43:49 UTC
Flood is a common metaphor used to suggest cleansing and starting again. Cleansing and starting again is a common theme in religious texts. Water in general is used as a metaphor for this; look at baptism.

I deny it as an historical event because scientist after scientist has shown it to be (and this is being charitable) extremely unlikely.

If it makes you feel any better though, it means that the floods from the other creation stories are crap too.
2016-02-18 19:24:28 UTC
Newton once had a skilled mechanic make for him a model of the solar system. Balls representing the planets were geared together so as to move realistically in orbit. One day an atheist friend visited Newton. On seeing the model, he operated it, and exclaimed in admiration, “Who made it?” Newton answered, “Nobody!” The atheist replied, “You must think I am a fool! Of course somebody made it, and he is a genius.” Newton then said to his friend, “This thing is but a puny imitation of a much grander system whose laws you know, and I am not able to convince you that this mere toy is without a designer and maker; yet you profess to believe that the great original from which the design is taken has come into being without either designer or maker!”
2015-08-14 16:19:26 UTC
As far as I'm aware... 6000 or so years ago (give or take a millennium), the Mediterranean basin was not a sea, but instead basically a large canyon or something. Then, the continents shifted enough that the Strait of Gibraltar opened, and the Mediterranean Sea filled fairly rapidly. That sounds like an event that could easily inspire myths of a "worldwide flood" to me.
2015-08-13 15:53:20 UTC
The Great Flood Story comes from belief systems and cultures that predate the BuyBull. Most of the stories in the BuyBull (like the Great Flood, the first Man & Woman, etc) come from earlier civilizations, cults, Sumer, Egypt, Gilgamesh, and so on - even paganism. The BuyBull was largely plagiarized from other cults and groups. Very little original material there.
2015-08-15 08:48:14 UTC
Noah flood happened
2015-08-13 16:43:33 UTC
Because, son, the Noah story says that only one family survived. So if there are flood stories from 600+ nations around the world, how exactly does that work?
2015-08-13 15:44:30 UTC
Well first of all, he fact that its a story of many cultures just makes me think its another part of your bible that was stolen from other religions/ cultures. Second, if God wiped out everything on earth besides the ark with his flood, is that not murder? third: if the entire earth flooded as high as the bible says, where did all the water go/ come from. And all the plants on earth would have drowned, and not produced any of the oxygen the people and animals would need to survive.
2015-08-13 16:18:46 UTC
They say that reports of lots of Local flooding doesn't mean a Global flood episode.
2015-08-14 00:08:14 UTC
Floods are not uncommon. There's one going on in my Scottish backyard right now. Why are there so many flood stories? Perhaps it is because there are many floods!
Brigalow Bloke
2015-08-13 15:59:19 UTC
The reason is very simple. Most people, even today live in river valleys, because that is where the water and the fertile soils are. Rivers flood from time to time. once in every few hundred or so years the flood is very high.

Go ask the Chinese about the Huang He river, called "China's Sorrow".

Flash flood in the Australian town of Toowoomba captured in this 6 minute video
2015-08-14 23:41:00 UTC
There was a huge volcanic eruption back in those time in the Mediterranean causing a tidal wave that killed many people in many cultures. With time these stories grew and grew with the telling. The story of Atlantis was another one of them. Besides there is no way Noah could have carried all the species of the earth and what would he have fed the lions and tigers.
2015-08-13 15:50:24 UTC
Christians if Superman didn't happen then why are there so many superhero stories ?

Man, you guys really never think these idiot lines through, do ya, you ignorant yabbo ?

-I contend we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.- Stephen Roberts
2015-08-14 11:51:12 UTC
why do so many people wish to believe in Noah's ark?

maybe they want to be recognized as survivors and to receive a special compensation from god. first, we will have to do a DNA test so that you can submit the proper information to the authorities. first the instructions:

it is very possible that you are the direct decendent of noah and his family from the ark. all you need to do is to have your DNA tested. this can pinpoint in what populations your ancestors were originated: to a 70km. area in 4000-years past, to within 700km. in 6000-years past.

if the creationist are right and the world was created only 6000-years ago, then the great flood and the noah story would be within an acceptable range.

Mixed genes: Interactive world map of human genetic history reveals likely genetic impacts of historical events


February 13, 2014




When individuals from different groups interbreed, their offspring's DNA becomes a mixture of the DNA from each admixing group. Pieces of this DNA are then passed along through subsequent generations, carrying on all the way to the present day. Researchers have now produced a global map detailing the genetic histories of 95 different populations across the world, spanning the last four millennia.

Source(s):human admixture, population science

but really,

apparently it was not a major catastrophe like these 6-major biological extinctions in the history of the earth's evolution.

big bang: 13.8 billion years ago, which is thus considered the age of the universe.

solar system’s 4.6 billion year age.

The earliest undisputed evidence of life on Earth dates

at least from 3.5 billion years ago.

while the earliest undisputed evidence

of life on Earth dates at least from 3.5 billion years ago,

99 percent of all species that ever lived on the planet are estimated

to be extinct; there are currently 10–14 million species of life on Earth.

there have been 15-civilizations in world history

there are only 5-left; and the interesting thing is that like many before them, the last 5-extant civilizations will end,---sooner or later.
Grinning Football plinny younger
2015-08-15 01:33:03 UTC
Who said a massive flood, didn't happen? I just don't think it was via supernatural or possible even alien interference.
2015-08-14 13:08:26 UTC
Flood stories come from the ending of the last ice age. 10,000 years ago. Seas rose, the Med and the north sea flooded. It s an event for before the invention of writing so it only existed as folk stories for a few thousand years.
2015-08-14 19:23:39 UTC
Who's this Noah? Don't you mean Gilgamesh?
2015-08-16 01:11:26 UTC
The flood happened. Even the basement of our councilman was flooded.

Then they started to listening me, I worked in Watermachinery company in Budapest for a while, and have had some idea of solution..

Finally they did it the way I have suggested previously, and no more flood j happens since.
2015-08-14 12:43:17 UTC
the flood happened in a localized area and since the people were hillbillies and hadn't been anywhere else then that was the whole world being flood to them and they came up with a myth about a guy and his boat with animals aboard
2015-08-15 14:12:51 UTC
Christians, if Noah's ark is true. How in the f^ck did he feed all these animals?
2015-08-14 19:41:04 UTC
Because floods happen all the time all over the world. In the ancient world where cultures were much smaller than they are now and not connected to each other, a big local flood could seem like it covered the whole world. It did cover *their* whole world.
2015-08-13 17:18:46 UTC
When one is born, lives and dies in the same village it is very easy to interpret a flood as destroying one's entire world.
2016-09-27 09:28:26 UTC
This is a little like asking, "Why are there so many stories about gods?". The existence of other flood stories does not prove that the Genesis flood myth is historical any more than myths about other gods prove that the god of the bible is real.
2015-08-14 04:27:41 UTC
In those days people wanted to utilize all the surplus paper and ink available at that time. They did not want to waste them. Hence they put all the resources and their mind towards writing such stories.

Their famine stories are more interesting then flood stories.
2015-08-13 21:52:07 UTC
A big flood would lead to many flood stories.
2015-08-13 16:14:19 UTC
Because floods happened at various times around the world, and they were memorable, even shattering events. And, in a pre-scientific world, they seemed to clearly be of supernatural origins.
2015-08-14 04:58:02 UTC
Noah's Ark is impossible just ask the fresh water fish or the salt water fish..if you put that much fresh water on the surface of the Earth then all the fish would die. i see their not dead so it didn't happen.
Steve B
2015-08-14 09:22:45 UTC
You're trying to prove your deity based on a global flood that killed every woman, man, child, and animal on earth? I would consider this worse crime in humanity and you want me to worship your deity? Your deity killed its creation, because it did not like what it created? I would be too embarrassed to even bring this up.

During the 'global flood' the water were combined.

Most salt water fish can't survive in fresh water.

Most fresh water fish can't survive in salt water.

I'm sure your deity knows that.

Every animal, man woman, and child were killed except for 8 people and one pair of each animal.

The more that relatives marry the chance of Genetic Disorders increase.

"nearly 150,000 Amish in America can trace their roots back to a few hundred German-Swiss settlers who brought the Amish and Mennonite faiths to the United States in the 18th century"

I'm sure your deity knows that.

If your deity doesn't know these things, it can look this up on the internet.

Now, go prove your deity.

I'm looking for it to visit my townhouse, in person.
five toed sloth
2015-08-14 01:43:06 UTC
Humans need water.

Humans settled near rivers.

Rivers flood.

The End
2015-08-14 08:10:40 UTC
The rocks are crying out. Hard to not believe archeology. If they do that they are blinding themselves ON PURPOSE. NOAH S ARK HAS BEEN DISCOVERED
2015-08-13 16:21:18 UTC
By YOUR LOGIC, the flood in my basement is evidence for Noahs Ark
Earl L
2015-08-15 10:52:23 UTC
If ghosts don't exist why are there so many ghost stories. If vampires don't exist why are there so many vampire stories. If alien landing stories don't exist why are there so many science fiction stories.
2015-08-14 14:57:21 UTC
It happened. The Global Flood happened. Noah's Ark is on Mt. Ararat in Turkey. God is Real, Lord, Savior, and Future King Jesus Christ is REAL, THE HOLY SPIRIT is real and there is evidence it happened if you get off your computer and look for it and look for books and evidence for it. Although it only goes so far, faith can connect you to salvation, hope, and God, and the rest.
2015-08-13 20:09:19 UTC
Don't get mad at us because you guys took a very local event and tried to make it into a world wide event
Dogstar Ascendant
2015-08-13 15:47:15 UTC
"Many are very accurate with Noah's Flood"

Lying for Jesus is still a sin, you know?
2016-02-17 19:30:11 UTC
Newton’s friend came to acknowledge that the great Designer and Maker of all things is God. Surely we, too, as we look on the marvels of creation about us, in the heavens and on earth, must acknowledge that an all-wise Creator made it all! How thankful we should be that this mighty Creator lovingly placed man here on this earth and that he is deeply interested in us!
2015-08-13 16:48:59 UTC
Those people in Noah's day thought he was a crazy old man...hahahahaha .......till it started raining.
2015-08-14 01:02:21 UTC
So? Lots of cultures also have stories of ghost; that doesn't make ghosts real either.
2015-08-14 15:41:08 UTC
Troll rating: 3/10. No imagination.
2015-08-14 07:38:38 UTC
Why is there not a shred of evidence for it then? Not just that but huge amounts of evidence against it!

All posts like yours do is alienate people to Christianity and make it a laughingstock!
Dave D
2015-08-13 15:53:04 UTC
Not an atheist but the answer to that is pretty simple. A world-wide flood DID happen approximately 10,000 years ago. It was NOT a world-covering flood. Towards the end of the last Ice Age water levels were 300' LOWER than they are today. Cities, towns, settlements were swallowed up by advancing water against which the people had no defense. This certainly could be the basis of the Noah story as I am certain that some of those who had access to boats could have fled with their families and breeding stock of their animals.

The world during the last Ice Age:

The world as it will be when the last Ice Age ENDS with the melting of the polar caps:
Mutations Killed Darwin Fish
2015-08-13 22:14:13 UTC
The flood did happen. Moses gave its account in Genesis.
VeggieTart -- Let's Go Caps!
2015-08-14 05:15:06 UTC
If vampires don't exist, how come there are so many vampire stories?
military supporter
2015-08-14 12:08:36 UTC
For the alleged flood from the bible to occur, the water required would be 965,000,000 cubic MILES. That is 26,902,656,000,000,000 gallons of water. To validate your theory, you need to prove where this water came form and where it went.
2015-08-13 18:49:35 UTC
When Satan found out that He was going to become the *God of the Earth*,

He peed Himself, and as it turns out, Satan loved 40-Ounce bottles of Bud ... the rest, as they say, is history.

Hopefully, you will always have that *great big ark* to remember as an adult. Remember: Smile. Happy-Happy!
Den B7
2015-08-15 18:05:37 UTC
If zombies aren't real, then why are there so many movies about them?
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2015-08-14 17:58:33 UTC
Wherever it rains there are floods and flood stories. NONE of them are accurate with the Jewish version.
2015-08-13 15:42:07 UTC
Stories are.. stories. I don't deny that stories exist.
2015-08-13 20:50:54 UTC
Because there is no proof that these events all occured at the same time and a good amount of geological proof that they did NOT.
2015-08-13 17:00:00 UTC
because floods happen all the time, and most major religions are based on each other
2015-08-14 04:58:00 UTC
the fact that there ARE so many flood storys IS EXACTLY THE POINT. thank you for the validation. fineally a non-learning disabled believer.
2015-08-13 22:12:36 UTC
People got tired of having long pants that went all the way down to their ankles.
The White Rabbit
2015-08-13 15:42:31 UTC
Lack of supporting geological evidence.
2015-08-13 18:04:40 UTC
Perhaps because the flood did happen.
2015-08-15 09:25:01 UTC
If evolution does not happen why are there so many genetic throwbacks in America?
2015-08-13 16:00:20 UTC
Because all early agrarian cultures needed water for crops.

Water is found in rivers.

Rivers flood from time to time.

Please tell me you are really not that stupid.....
2015-08-14 08:09:49 UTC
Maybe they are all related and people just mixed up the stories
2015-08-13 19:31:29 UTC
I am 666, but most of the world does not believe in me either.
2015-08-15 03:13:08 UTC
Short and sweet you ******* retard, floods are a natural part of the weather.
2015-08-14 00:10:28 UTC
we can say theres even more massive flood stories. hell look at hurricane katrina or hurricane sandy
2015-08-13 21:36:26 UTC
flood stories are evidence for flood stories.....
2015-08-13 15:42:19 UTC
If someone doesnt agree with an atheist....that someone is a liar.....atheist logic at its apex.
2015-08-13 16:15:16 UTC
That would mess with their claim of the Bible as a collection of fairy tales.
2015-08-15 13:06:19 UTC
I thought the world was only 6000 years old.
2015-08-13 18:22:54 UTC
"it rain for 40 days and 40 nights" we call that summer
2015-08-14 13:24:10 UTC
Yes what you say is correct
2015-08-14 18:00:55 UTC
Who knows? Atheists are blind to the truth.
Chris Ancor
2015-08-14 00:57:19 UTC
It rains a lot.
2015-08-13 17:11:54 UTC
2015-08-15 15:11:14 UTC
2015-08-13 18:35:26 UTC
2015-08-14 10:31:59 UTC


2015-08-14 10:55:10 UTC
2015-08-13 16:51:02 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.