THE BOOK "Questions Young People Ask--Answers That Work" in over 50 languages is outstanding! Here is part of the intro:
*** yp pp. 5-7 Answers That Work
‘WHY DON’T my parents understand me?’ ‘Should I give drugs and alcohol a try?’ ‘What about sex before marriage?’ ‘How do I know if it’s real love?’ ‘What does the future hold for me?’
You are neither the first—nor the last—youth to ask such questions. However, when young people raise these basic issues, they are often barraged with conflicting answers. For example, drinking alcoholic beverages. Parents may discourage it—though indulging in it themselves. Magazines and TV shows glorify it. Peers encourage you to try it. No wonder, then, that many youths are genuinely perplexed as to just what they should do.
Recognizing the need for honest, workable answers to the questions of today’s youth, Awake! magazine inaugurated a feature entitled “Young People Ask . . . ” in January 1982. The series immediately drew a favorable reader response. “The series is evidence of your continued interest in the plight of young people today,” wrote one appreciative reader. “I hope and pray that these articles never end,” wrote another.
Yet another young reader put it this way: ‘I am 14 years old and I never knew growing up could be so hard. There is so much pressure on young kids today. That is why I am very grateful for the articles. Every night I thank God for having them published.’ The articles, however, were not childish, nor was any attempt made to “write down” to our readers. “Young People Ask . . . ” thus found an appreciative audience among adults. “I am 40 years of age,” wrote one parent. “These articles are truly godsends to us parents.” Christian elders found them particularly useful in understanding young ones in congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses and in dealing with them.
Why has “Young People Ask . . . ” triggered such enthusiastic response? The answers given really work! Each article is the product of extensive research. Furthermore, in order to determine just how young people really think and feel, Awake! reporters have spoken to hundreds of young people all over the world! Their candid expressions have been of great help in making the articles realistic and practical.
However, the real secret to the success of “Young People Ask . . . ” lies in the fact that the answers given have been based, not upon theory or personal opinion, but upon the eternal truths found in God’s Word, the Bible. ‘The Bible?’ you may ask. Yes, it has much to say to young people. (See Proverbs, chapters 1-7; Ephesians 6:1-3.) It was inspired by our Creator, who is keenly aware of “the desires incidental to youth.” (2 Timothy 2:20-22; 3:16) And while human society has changed much since Bible times, youthful desires have changed little. The Bible is thus as current as ever. We have endeavored, though, to present the Bible’s counsel in such a way that youths do not feel preached to, but, rather, reasoned with. And while the material has been written primarily with youths among Jehovah’s Witnesses in mind, it can be read and enjoyed by anyone who has respect for the practical wisdom contained in the Bible.
In response to the requests of many readers, we have compiled a number of “Young People Ask . . . ” articles in book form. The 39 chapters herein represent, in condensed form, information from over 100 of the nearly 200 articles that appeared in Awake! between 1982 and 1989. Some fresh material has been added. Furthermore, it is richly illustrated with photographs of youths of different lands and races.
Feel free to scan the table of contents and go right to the questions that concern you the most. We recommend, though, that you later take the time to read the book through in its entirety, looking up the scriptures in your own copy of the Bible.
In some families, parent-child communication is lacking or awkward at best. We have thus added a feature called Questions for Discussion, which appears at the end of each chapter. The questions are not designed for paragraph-by-paragraph analysis. Nor are they a vehicle for parents to quiz their children. They are designed to stimulate discussions between youths and parents. Many of the questions allow you to give your own point of view or to apply the material under discussion to your own situation.
Many families may therefore want to use this book at times as a basis for family study. Family members might do so by taking turns reading paragraphs, looking up any scriptures cited. The Questions for Discussion can be asked intermittently, as appropriate subheadings are completed or after the whole chapter has been completed. All can be encouraged to express their feelings openly and honestly. Young people may enjoy discussing the book among themselves.
These are “critical times hard to deal with,” even for young people. (2 Timothy 3:1) With a knowledge of God’s Word, however, you can successfully pass through that difficult time of life. (Psalm 119:9) It is our pleasure, therefore, to provide this collection of practical, Bible-based answers to questions that may perplex you."
The Home Front: Dealing With Family Members
1 Why Should I ‘Honor My Father and My Mother’? 11
2 Why Don’t My Parents Understand Me? 18
3 How Can I Get My Folks to Give Me More Freedom? 26
4 Why Did Dad and Mom Split Up? 34
5 How Can I Deal With My Parent’s Remarriage? 42
6 Why Are My Brother and Sister So Hard
to Get Along With? 50
7 Should I Leave Home? 56
Section 2
You and Your Peers
8 How Can I Make Real Friends? 65
9 How Can I Cope With Peer Pressure? 73
Sex and Morals
Chapter 23 What About Sex Before Marriage? 181
24 How Can I Say No to Premarital Sex? 192
25 Masturbation—How Serious Is It? 198
26 Masturbation—How Can I Fight the Urge? 205
27 Honesty—Is It Really the Best Policy? 212
Section 7
Dating, Love, and the Opposite Sex
28 How Can I Get Over a Crush? 219
29 Am I Ready to Date? 225
30 Am I Ready for Marriage? 236
31 How Do I Know If It’s Real Love? 242
32 How Can I Carry On a Successful Courtship? 252
Section 8
The Trap of Drugs and Alcohol
33 Drinking—Why Not? 262
34 Why Say No to Drugs? 272
Section 9
Leisure Time
35 Does It Matter What I Read? 283
36 How Can I Control My TV Viewing Habits? 289
37 Why Can’t I Have a Good Time Once in a While? 296
Section 10
Your Future
38 What Does the Future Hold for Me? 305
39 How Can I Get Close to God? 311
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