Is there anyway I can be a lawyer and serve god?
2011-11-09 11:45:17 UTC
I could care less about making money as long as I have enough for food and shelter but I can't think Of a way to be a lawyer and serve god. I just really think it's my god given gift I sometimes read 2-3 technical books a day and am able to recall almost everything I'm really good at debating and forming logical arguments however math and the mathematical parts of science escape me. I dont want to waste what I believe is a blessing from god but lawyers are so well known for being sinful people I don't know how to serve god using my given talents
Twelve answers:
2011-11-09 11:54:29 UTC
Lawyers do a lot of different things. Some work in contract law. You could spend your career reading documents to make sure that no one is being cheated in a deal.

You could help people to make out wills. This is not a sinful thing to do.

Some lawyers work in patent law. They protect the rights of inventors.

Some lawyers work for civil liberties.

Some work to make sure that innocent people who are mistakenly convicted are not executed for murder.

Some represent the rights of children during divorce proceedings.

The rule is not to generalize a group of people. Sure, there a shady, sinful lawyers. There are also shady, sinful ministers. Its how you do the job that make the difference.
2011-11-09 11:52:40 UTC
Lawyers are well-known for being "sinful" people? Where did you get that?

Lawyers may have acquired an unfairly bad reputation because of the few who chase ambulances or those who make sure that even the worst criminals get a defense and a fair trial; but basically, they are no more "sinful" than the members of any other profession.

There are plenty of religious lawyers in the world. If you're really worried, choose a legal specialty in which you aren't very likely to face serious ethical questions. Family law or tax and estate law or real estate law might be your best bets. Or go to work in the General Counsel's office of a university or other non-profit.
2011-11-09 11:56:33 UTC
For someone who claims to "recall almost everything," I find it amazing that you failed to remember grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. Lawyers must pay attention to every single word as words and communication are very important to the law.

Remember when President Clinton said "It depends on what the definition of 'is' is."? Well, believe it or not, that was a very perceptive comment and one that a good lawyer must ask on occasion. Your ramblings can't even touch the hem of the education you're going to need to become a lawyer.

Given that, you have slandered all lawyers in your quest to smear them. Do you consider Abraham Lincoln a "sinful" lawyer?

Now get busy studying if you want to be an attorney. You have important work ahead of you, but only if you can control your own behavior and not bring infamy down on the profession...
Martin S
2011-11-09 11:50:46 UTC
Sure you can be a lawyer and serve God.

As a non-profit organization, the ACLJ does not charge for its services and is dependent upon God and the resources He provides through the time, talent, and gifts of people who share our concerns and desire to protect our religious and constitutional freedoms.

You could also serve as an apologist - defender of the faith - and use your God given skills that way.

Ravi Zacharias International Ministries is a global team of itinerant speakers with offices throughout the world in: the United States, the United Kingdom, Romania, the Middle East, India, Singapore, Hong Kong and Canada. Founded in 1984 by Ravi Zacharias, the vision of RZIM is fourfold:

* Evangelism with a particular focus on skeptics, cultural influencers and critical thinkers

* Apologetics that addresses current issues and the intellectual struggles related to these concerns, and the humanitarian needs of those at risk within a society

* Spiritual Disciplines that focus the mind and heart on the glory of God

* Training that comes alongside the Church or concerned Christians worldwide so that the mandate of I Peter 3:15 might be fulfilled—to set apart Christ in our hearts as Lord and always be prepared to give a reason for the hope that is within us, with gentleness and respect, all for the glory of God.
2011-11-09 11:50:06 UTC
Yes, you keep God in the equation of your life daily, you pray and trust him to lead and guide you and bless your work.

You do what you KNOW is right regardless of the temptation to do wrong or otherwise, you keep a clean head and a clean mind and heart, and ask the heavenly Father to insure that you remain honest and you do your part to keep honest.

You already know that it is not easy being a christian, so you will find it easy to to your job and be led of the spirit while doing it. The discernment you have from the Holy Spirit will help you.

God promised us that He would never leave us nor forsake us so you will be fine. God is not slack in His promises. There are some good God loving attorneys out there.

Talk to God about this, and ask him just like you did here, it starts with trusting him so trust him to lead you on your career paths.

Be blessed and prosper, God is with you.
2011-11-09 11:48:54 UTC
Lawyer's don't have to lie, contrary to popular belief. For the most part, if a lawyer finds something morally wrong with his client or case, he won't accept it. But like in a murder situation, your job isn't to lie to the judge to get him out of trouble, your task is to convince the judge that the cops don't have enough evidence to put him in jail. It's not lying, it's just helping out the most hated guy on earth.
2011-11-09 11:54:48 UTC
Of course you can be a lawyer and serve God.

If there are not Godly people in the legal system, then it only becomes a system for oppression.

The legal system needs people like you, and I am certain that God needs people like you IN the legal system.
2011-11-09 11:53:51 UTC
Of course. The ACLJ American Center For Law & Justice is a Christian organization of lawyers started by Pat Robertson of the 700 club. They fight for Christian issues.
2011-11-09 11:51:06 UTC
2011-11-09 11:53:28 UTC
Liberty University worked, well sort of, for Michelle Bachmann.
Sausage Monster
2011-11-09 11:46:36 UTC
Probably not. Lawyers are evil, just ask any man who has ever gotten divorced.
2011-11-09 11:48:28 UTC
the bar exam requires a pact with the devil sorry

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.