Why christians spread their religion?
2006-06-14 23:24:30 UTC
I have asked this question few days before. But received very insane answers. Under any circumstances, christianity doesn't possess spirituality. Its an organisation which collects money from people and "help" poor. And there is nothing other than this. They need poor people. If there is no poor people in this world, christianity will disappear. To me (and to all), spiritualism is not helping poor. Spiritualism should: teach religious tolerance, teach universal brotherhood, teach non-violence, teach not to preach, teach the truth, teach intelligence etc. etc. Since, these so called christians doesn't possess these qualities, they dropped nuclear bombs, smashed Iraq, conquered poor countries and do all sorts of nonsenses. Above all, the highest head - the pope - will keep dump. He will not "order" to stop these. Then why is he there? To collect money from people and "help" poor? A money raising manager? What is his job? I dont understand......pls help.
Fifteen answers:
2006-06-15 00:11:04 UTC
Any organisation which has a fear of being lost...due to weak spiritual basis, tries to increase in numbers

In animals and insects we can see this trait clearly....those who are not strong...try to multiply fast to keep their genes secure.

Imperfect religions too need large numbers which they gain by sword by money, by granting

Superior religions which have strong philosophical base...know well Truth dont need numbers...hence they never attack others for conversions
2006-06-15 06:45:28 UTC
You ask many questions... or rather give many remarks of a personal opinion. Here are my remarks...

--You say christianity doesn't possess spirituality. I say you are wrong. Obviously, you have been in contact with some people who profess to be christians, but obviously aren't if you get this impression from them.

--Yes, christianity collects money. If it is used correctly, and many churches DO use it correctly, then they are helping people all over the world. My father goes to the Ukraine every year and gives money to orphanages as well as spends his own money to bring the children candy and books and toys. He is a minister.

--Christianity will not disappear as long as there is a God and I don't think he is going anywhere.

--You should never say "and to all", because you are grouping everyone in this catergory, and I am definately NOT in it as well as a lot of other people I know...christian or not.

--Spiritualism DOES teach love, kindness, respect for all, truth,etc...

--PEOPLE dropped the bombs and attacked the countries and all that jazz and just because someone claims to be a christian doean't make him one.

--The pope is NOT the highest head....God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit are. The pope is just a man...he is not holy, he is not above others.

-- Read Matthew 23:6-27. Maybe this will help. Of course, you have to believe in what the Bible says.
2006-06-15 06:38:43 UTC
Ok first of all you have grouped me, a christian, with a stereotypical idea of what Christians are. I am not at all what you have described. In fact when I think of my Christianity, the pope nor Catholicism even remotely comes to mind. I didn't realize how many people grouped the Pope with Christianity until earlier this year when I was having a friendly conversation with a Muslim friend.(That's right a christian friends with a Muslim) She said when she thinks of the word or organization Christian, the first thing she thought of is the Pope. I explained to her I have zero knowledge of the pope except that I did not agree with his "rulings". So, maybe you are correct of some people who claim Christianity, but you are not correct of ALL Christians in fact not of any that I know. We are loving people who are tolerant, brotherly, non-violent, accepting of all kinds, and I don't speak for all but I can honestly say that I personally, a christian, have never dropped a bomb on anyone, conquered or supported conquering any poor countries nor did I have part in anything going on in Iraq!

So, maybe you would understand more if you judged less. You have to know that in ANY organization be it religious, political, social, etc it will have flaws, bad specimens, and wrong doings. The best way to "understand" them is to see the good and accept that anything that has man's hand in it will also have flaws!
2006-06-15 06:46:27 UTC
ya, and you think the answers are crazy... lol

ask a stupid question (or in your case a stupid statement), and you may get a stupid answer.

AMERICA (free to practice any religion) dropped bombs on known killers. and hopefully we'll do it again before they crash more planes and kill more civilians.

the pope is CATHOLIC which may not even be a genuine Christian denomination.

most CHRISTIANS dont need poor people at all, most of us dont need anything from anybody. most of all we dont internet confirmation of our beliefs like yourself. we just refuse to pass over the poor, needy, elderly, young, hungry and disabled people the way everyone else does.

go count your money or something, learn a little about the nonsense you are spewing forth before you come to lecture people, because you sound like an idiot. and most of all, take a minute to ask yourself if its really worth the price you are eventually going to pay... which is your eternal life, to run your mouth on the internet.

count the cost, what is it about you, or anything you have that makes you more important than what you may be able to offer the one and only true GOD that gave you life, gave you the abilty to speak at all and ultimately gave you the choice to open your sorry little mouth and attempt to tear down all that he stood for which i will now reiterate for you

compassion, kindness and peace

honesty, justice and forgiveness

responsibilty, caring and wisdom.

you speak against those values and CHRISTIANS are the ones talking crazy????????

only in YOUR very sad little mind.
Monique B
2006-06-15 06:46:16 UTC
First you have some serious misunderstandings about what Christians really believe and do. First we do have spirituality. Not in the same way as maybe a buddist or any other eastern religion has but we believe that we are lead by God. To do and to act in accordance with His teachings.

We help the poor because we are commanded to do. Just like army soliders receive commands from the Generals. We recieved the command to go out and help the poor. But when you say poor you sound like your talking about poor(financially). We are taught the poor include those who are spiritually blinded to their need for God.

In God's eyes everyone is poor(spiritually). None of us seek after Him, none of us try to live the way He want us to live. God says in His own words that man is spiritually poor (Bankrupt) Compared to Him we are in no way deserving of any thing but death. Well because of His compassion and love, He came up with a way to resolve our spiritual bankruptcy. He came and paid our way out of spritual bankruptcy. By dying a horrible, gruesome death in our place.

You make a statement that says that the pope is the head of Christians. Thats not true. For Chrisitans only Jesus Christ is the head. We are called Christians not Popeans.

To have a serious discussion about Christianity, you must first know something about what we believe. Start first with Who is God? To understand what we believe you must first know the Creator of everything. I highly recommend reading The Holy Bible.

You don't say what it is you belief, but in order to understand someone's teachings you must first study.

I am leaving several websites you can check out if you like.
2006-06-15 06:40:14 UTC
Christians are REQUIRED by CHRIST to spread their religion. It is in the Bible as a command.

Non-violence is not required of Christians. Hypocrisy will always be forgiven and is practically a Christian virtue.

I'm not a Catholic, but the Pope's job is to stand in the shoes of St. Peter and serve as the "vicar of Christ" in the world. I don't have the job description with me.
2006-06-15 06:35:18 UTC
I don't know why Christians spread their religion. Probably the same reason why Muslims do it. Only difference is that as far as i have seen, the Bible doesn't tell people to put non-believers to death. I'm pretty sure there's at least one religion in the world that does...
2006-06-15 06:34:00 UTC
Um... I'm interested in what you're saying, however, what you say isn't really true. I think that before you go putting down other people's religion, you should definitely educate yourself and stop listening to what your friends might tell you. If you really want to know what something is like, go participate in it. Atheists spread there beliefs too. If you're going to judge one religion, judge them all. Good question though.
2006-06-15 06:29:39 UTC
its all about sewing a seed, to collect money for the poor but when a poor family come up they always turn them away.
2006-06-15 06:36:25 UTC
It is a buissness. A profitable money making buissness. Rest of it is propoganda.

Christians have enough blood in the name of spreading the gospel, on their hands.
2006-06-15 06:29:06 UTC
You're right... But to answer your question, it's probably because Jesus said so. He said " spread the word.." so that's what they try to do, although I think the same as you, it's just a cover up.
2006-06-15 22:57:35 UTC
I don"t spread religion. I just tell others how much God Loves them, and Jesus saves.
2006-06-15 06:27:59 UTC
Are you asking a question or giving an opinion ?
2006-06-15 06:31:30 UTC
KEEP looking for "christians" till you FEEL the POWER of an ALMIGHTY GOD, then change their name to CHRISTIANS. YOU will be in the PRESENCE of REALITY then.
2006-06-15 06:28:35 UTC
anybody who believes that what they believe is right would want other people to believe the same, hence why they spread their religion.

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