ya, and you think the answers are crazy... lol
ask a stupid question (or in your case a stupid statement), and you may get a stupid answer.
AMERICA (free to practice any religion) dropped bombs on known killers. and hopefully we'll do it again before they crash more planes and kill more civilians.
the pope is CATHOLIC which may not even be a genuine Christian denomination.
most CHRISTIANS dont need poor people at all, most of us dont need anything from anybody. most of all we dont internet confirmation of our beliefs like yourself. we just refuse to pass over the poor, needy, elderly, young, hungry and disabled people the way everyone else does.
go count your money or something, learn a little about the nonsense you are spewing forth before you come to lecture people, because you sound like an idiot. and most of all, take a minute to ask yourself if its really worth the price you are eventually going to pay... which is your eternal life, to run your mouth on the internet.
count the cost, what is it about you, or anything you have that makes you more important than what you may be able to offer the one and only true GOD that gave you life, gave you the abilty to speak at all and ultimately gave you the choice to open your sorry little mouth and attempt to tear down all that he stood for which i will now reiterate for you
compassion, kindness and peace
honesty, justice and forgiveness
responsibilty, caring and wisdom.
you speak against those values and CHRISTIANS are the ones talking crazy????????
only in YOUR very sad little mind.