Atheists-Theists-Pagans - Anyone... thumbs down..spell check....a WAY to divert the focus from the question??
2007-05-24 12:10:28 UTC
Is it because you are frustrated? I seldom use it, but I swear some folks just come on here to thumbs down every and anyone who counters their ideology or belief system.
Do you think that THUMBS down will magically erase any thing collaborating with the writer that is on this forum? Also is the NIT PICKING at spelling a way to avoid the REAl topic at hand? People obvioulsy don't care if they spell something wrong on here, knowing that the spell chweck is available. I think they are worried about more vital issues. LOL.. it's hillarious to me, how many times I have seen someone correct anothers spelling on here. *News Flash!!!!* No spelling errors on this forum doesn't mean, you are smarter than anyone... it simply means you USED spell check, because YOU care.
22 answers:
2007-05-24 12:38:02 UTC
I agree in many ways. To me once you decide to interact on this type of forum, you usual expectations of preferences need to take a back burner, because you're choosing to interact with EVERYONE, not selecting who you deal with, like offline.

You may encounter people of lesser intelligence, perhaps younger, with legit concerns and questions and I think it's arrogant to discriminate on anyone based on age, lack of "smarts" and what not.

Not everyone can spell, not everyone is of equal intelligence.

Far as the thumbs down!! LOL.. the "Thumbs down bandit" is most def on the loose!! LOl I just think it's funny. Most of these posts are not important enough to me, for me to get all emotional.

Have a great one girl!
2007-05-24 12:20:52 UTC
Some people know how to spell and how to type. Not everyone has to use spell check. Some people do care about how the language/words they use is/are presented. When people use abbreviations, they assume that everyone is familiar with them which is not always true. Since one of the purposes of this site is to promote conversation and dialogue it helps if everyone is speaking/using the same language. As to the thumbs down, I assume this feature was placed here for the very purpose that it is used for. Some people are a little thumb happy, but hey, if that's what they want to do so be it. Some answers are rude and obnoxious and earn a thumbs down as well as deserving a thumbs down. All of this is subjective, based on opinions and perspectives, but you've got to admit it is interesting and entertaining.
2007-05-24 12:19:01 UTC
I agree... like when you post a question there is NO spell check for beyond the answer itself... I find that spell check here only works half the time... so instead of waiting an hour to see if it will kick in if it's not there in 30 seconds I omit that part of my routine... it's not Rude to not spell check... but if you want to be understood it's a good idea.... spell check also doesn't find every typo neither.... forget the h in hall and spell check says it's OK... so complain complain complain if you want but those who do it are the ones who look foolish in my book.

Thumbs up and thumbs down... did you know that if you thumbs down you don't have to subject yourself to re reading answers you don't want to ..I think some people are using the report abuse where thumbs down was meant to be used... and using thumbs up when I ask a question it reminds me of the answers I would review... and it's also another way of showing support to the person who's answered... I don't thumbs down or up when I neither strongly agree or disagree... just my way of sorting it out.
2007-05-24 12:18:08 UTC
I have found that many people come here to exert malice and bash others. The thumbs down thing is a childish irritant. This forum was designed for legitimate questions and has become flooded with everything from ranting and not asking, pornography, ragging about spelling instead of looking at the issue and genrally seeking to be mean-spirited instead of trying to understand or embrace another's opinion. If someone doesn't know the answer or wholly disagrees, they shouldn't answer at all. And if they do, the least they could do is be courteous. What kind of place is this turning into?
2007-05-24 12:35:57 UTC
First and foremost, what is your question? I guess I am one of those dummies who doesn't care about the spelling,. I am confused as to what you are asking? If you are asking if I personally feel one person has the right to try to influence an-others personal belief system, the answer is very simple. It is a massive nooo. A persons personal beliefs are there own and no-one and or nothing can change that if their beliefs are strong enough. where the real problem comes in is when one party or group of people try to persuade another to believe in something that is not in aggreement with the others personal beliefs.

I quite honestly don't understand this huge disparagement with what the other guy(or gal) chooses to believe in unless it is causeing another physical harm. If one was to ask me personally about my beliefs I would probably tell them it isn't any of their bussiness. Then add that my beliefs do not adhere to any specific sect of or particular religious group. And yes that does include atheists ,agnostics, witches, warlock wiccans, jews, catholics ,Protestants, hindu's,and any others I may have not covered. Your personal beliefs are your own and you have to be true to your self before you can even begin to think about having any positive influence on anyone else. which is what the bigger picture is all about. As one of our more famous personalities once said ask not what another can do for you, but rather what you can do for another.
2016-04-01 10:13:19 UTC
I really don't think anything of it. Some of my answers are pretty sarcastic or, admittedly, insulting. But unless I'm just being goofy, I stand by everything I say. In cases where I feel I've given a proper answer, it doesn't affect me at all. This is religion and spirituality, after all: Most people asking questions here tend to pick answers that already match their opinions. I honestly don't try to fool myself into thinking that I'm changing anyone's mind here.
2007-05-24 12:26:22 UTC
I don't use spell check. Proper spelling is a sign of respect for the subject matter, the readers, and yourself. If you don't care enough about what you are writing to spell properly, why should I care enough about what you write to even read it?

Someone yesterday offered "proof" evolution is wrong, but the asker spelled evolution wrong all three times he used the word. He spelled it the same way each time. Three typos for the same word? Nah, he just didn't know how to spell it. If he can't even spell "evolution," it is doubtful he has any knowledge of it at all or that he had ever even Googled the term. I'm expected to value his opinion?

Whether you like it or not, proper spelling (with the exception of the odd typo) is a sign of maturity, education and thoughtfulness. Poor spelling is a sign of lack of maturity, lack of education, and laziness.
2007-05-24 12:24:10 UTC
I don't generally report or thumbs down... especially on opinions, etc. and surely not about spelling, although sometimes I'll tease a "friend" about it if I'm sure my teasing won't hurt their feelings. I usually don't use spell check, but I am cautious about how I spell because I'm one of those attentive-to-details personalities and I was always pretty good at spelling. Either way, don't worry about it.

2007-05-24 12:15:16 UTC
I have noticed that some of my answers that get chosen by the ask-er as best answer are thumbs downed 5-6 times. Just so long as the ask-er got what they needed people can sprain their finger giving me the thumbs down. I love it! And as long as I can comprehend what someone is trying to say, I don't care how they spell. It isn't always spelling at fault, some people are poor typists.
2007-05-24 12:14:59 UTC
Anyone find it weird there's no way to spell check on your "add details?" I mean I could copy and paste it into a Word document, but I can't be bothered. If I were to say something about grammar or spelling without making reference to the question at hand it would probably be because someone already gave my answer.
2007-05-24 12:15:41 UTC
First off, thumbs down should go to the people who make arrogant and inconsiderate comments.

Secondly, most of the people making looney statements about their belief system being the right one are illiterate, at best. Picking on their spelling is just one way of letting them know that their question bears no credence. If you cannot even spell the words right, you shouldn't use them to offend others.
2007-05-24 12:15:23 UTC
No. I thumb people down when I disagree with them. That's pretty much what "thumbs down" means!

As for criticizing spelling - look, when people don't know how to spell elementary words or construct decent sentences, they make themselves look like idiots. They hobble their own arguments. Don't blame me if I happen to point it out as evidence that they can't express their own thoughts effectively. Maybe they could take a lesson...but I tend to doubt it.

As for the thumbs down I've just received - since I know how to spell, I can at least rest assured that they disagree with my actual opinion! Maybe they'd be happier with "Jesyus pwns n00bs!"
2007-05-24 12:14:13 UTC
I seldom Thumbs Down things in the R&W forum; people are entitled to their opinions, no matter how silly. But egregious proselytizing may well score one.
2007-05-24 12:13:02 UTC
I seldom use it but it does annoy me when I try and give a constructive response to a question only to be met with a load of thumbs down.
2007-05-24 12:13:46 UTC
Honestly, spelling bugs me a lot. It shows a rudeness and/or lack of education. It's not even difficult to just use the spellcheck.

To me not bothering to spell correctly is like having a conversation with someone who doesn't bother to moderate their volume. Just to have someone screaming in your face isn't fun. Ditto: someone who doesn't bother to take 10 seconds to spell check. Words matter. Meanings behind words matters. You can't communicate effectively if people have to stop and figure out which word you're trying to get to.
2007-05-24 12:13:21 UTC
Terrible attitude but I still didn't thumbs down.
2007-05-24 12:12:48 UTC
the saddest individuals are those who change their avatars to thumbs down pics in 'groups' as amusement in their lives
Jennifer N
2007-05-24 12:18:28 UTC
I use it so i don't agree with the answer and so i don't have to look at the answer ever again ;)
2007-05-24 12:13:52 UTC
keep was getting really good. You gotta love it when people get on here and voice their opinions
2007-05-24 12:14:01 UTC
I agree.... I think I may have to star this question...
2007-05-24 12:13:46 UTC
Someone needs to get laid.
2007-05-24 12:13:02 UTC
Was there a question in there anywhere?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.