How your religion is best? Can you answer these question and prove your religion is best?
Vinoth k
2008-05-07 09:17:17 UTC
Do you think that according to your scripture you understood the God correctly?

In all scripture I found that God don't like people do evil but peoples still do. If you say that it is by Satan does he have more power that God, If no how he do this against God?

What he actualy expect from us? Does he want us to live is painful life? Why he wants to put the people in Hell though he made them to do sin?

How is satan?
Why God let him to do every thing that he like and he also punish the people who follow him?
What is the proof that your religion is right?

Plz Explain how can you tell that your religion is best and other has some back points. Show me reference plz.
23 answers:
2008-05-07 09:28:17 UTC
My religion= Live a life without evil and be happy at your own will

In all scripture I found that God don't like people do evil but peoples still do. If you say that it is by Satan does he have more power that God, If no how he do this against God?

Evil is manipulation of MAN in society. We shouldn't do it. Forget God and Satan, has nothing to do with it.

What he actualy expect from us? Does he want us to live is painful life? Why he wants to put the people in Hell though he made them to do sin?

Who expect...we live our life as i said in my religion. Why over-analyse.

How is satan?

Why God let him to do every thing that he like and he also punish the people who follow him?

What is the proof that your religion is right?

People who do evil should be punished. And we live life our own way, we make choices not God or Satan.

My religion is best because there is no proof for other religions. At least with mine, you cannot be accused of doing wrong. Forget scriptures and forget other contrasting ideas. Lead a life of happiness in your own way and by avoiding evil.
2008-05-07 10:37:12 UTC
Why does God allow suffering? Has God caused it? What issue was raised in the garden of Eden? How will God undo the effects of human suffering?

Example: After a terrible battle in a war-torn land, thousands of women, children who had been killed were buried in a mass grave surrounded by markers. On each of the markers was the word "Why?"

If God is all-powerful, loving, wise, and just, why is the world so full of hatred and injustice?

Is it wrong to ask why God allows suffering? Some worry that asking such a question means that they do not have enough faith or that they are showing disrespect for God.

When reading the Bible, you will find that faithful, God-fearing people had similar questions. For example, the prophet Habakkuk asked God: "Why is it that you make me see what is hurtful, and you keep me looking upon mere trouble? And why are despoiling and violence in front of me, and why does quarreling occur, and why is strife carried?----Habakkuk 1:3.

Did God scould the faithful prophet for asking such questions? No, God included Habakkuk's words in the inspired Bible record. God also helped him to get a clearer understanding of matters and to gain stronger faith. God wants us to the same for us, remember the Bible teaches that "he cares for you" [1 Peter 5:7}

God hates wickedness and suffering it causes far more th an any human does. [ Isaiah 55: 8,9]

People of various religions have gone to their religious leaders and teachers to ask why there is so much suffering. Often the response is that suffering is God's will and that he long ago determined everything that would happen, including tragic events. Many are told that God's ways are mysterious or that he brings death upon people-- even children--so that he can have them in heaven with him. The Bible say that God does not cause what is bad. "Far be it from the true God to act wickedly, and the Almighty to act unjustly!" Job 34:10

The reason people make the mistake of blaming God for the suffering, because they think that he the real ruler of this world. They don't know the simple truth that the Bible teaches. The Real Ruler of this World is Satan the Devil. [ Capitols for emphasis.]. The Bible says: "The whole world is lying in the Power of the wicked one." [ 1 John 5:19] When one thinks about it, it does make sense. This world reflects the personality of the invisable spirit creature who is "misleading the entire earth." Revelation 12:9. Satan is hateful, deceptive, and cruel. So the world under his influence, is full of hatred, deceit, and cruelty. That is one reason why there is so much suffering.

The second reason is that mankind has been imperfect and sinful ever since the rebellion in the garden of Eden. We sinful humans tend to struggle for dominance, and this results in wars, oppression, and suffering. Ecclesiastes 4: 1; 8:9. A third reason is " time and unforseen occurrence." Ecclesiastes 9:11 In a world without God as a protective Ruler, people suffer because they happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

It's comforting for us to know that God does not cause suffering, wars, oppression, or natural disasters. Why then does he hold back, he must have a reason for doing so. 1John 4:8

We need to go back to the time when suffering began. When Satan led Adam and Eve into disobeying God, an important question was raised. Satan did not call into question God's power. Satan knows there is no limit to God's power.

Rather, Satan questioned God's Right to Rule. By calling God a liar who withholds good {the fruit of the tree} from his subjects, Satan charged that God was a bad ruler. Genesis 3:2-5 Satan implied that man would be better off without God's rulership. This was an attack on God's sovereignty, his right to rule.

Adam and Eve in effect said: "We do not need God as our Ruler. We can decide for ourselves what is right and what is wrong. Now, how can God settle this issue? How could he teach man that rebellian was wrong and that his way was truely best? He could have destroyed them and made a fresh start, but he had stated his purpose to fill the earth with their offspring, and make the entire earth a Paradise. But getting rid of them would not have answered the question that had been raised regarding God's right to rule. I mean that the rebels, [Satan, Adam,Eve] were not the only ones involved. Millions of angels were watching. Job 38:7; Daniel 7:10 How God would handle the rebellion would affect all the angels and eventually all intelligent creatures So what has God done? He's allowed Satan to show how Satan would rule mankind. God has also allowed humans to Govern Themselves under Satan's guidence. But only for a limited amount of time. So as to prove totally that Satan does not have man's best interest in mind. And that mankind is totally incapable ot governing himself

God has not helped Satan to rule the world, if God did would he not, be supporting the case against Him, would he not be supporting the rebels case? If God did that would he not be supporting the lies Satan has said against God? Hebrews 6:18 says: "it is impossible for Jehovah to lie."
2008-05-07 09:49:19 UTC
Sometimes the scriptures can be confusing, but when i dont understand i pray about it and God will answer my questions.

No, Satan does not have more power than God, but people do let the devil have control over their lives and actions by sin rather than giving God control.

God expects us to give our lives to Him and love him with ALL our hearts. He doesn't want us to be in pain, that is why he died on the cross for us so we could choose to live for him and not be bound by sin, which causes pain. God doesnt make people do sin...we choose to do sin. yes, we are all sinners but that is because Adam and Eve CHOSE to disobey God.

The reason Satan still has control other than because we give it to him is because God made him a promise before he was cast out of Heaven and God never breaks his promises. God gave him power over certain things, but he wanted to be more...he wanted to have all the power. Sin was discovered in Satan and that is why God cast him out. Christians are to portray the character of God and non-believers portray the character of the devil.

Isaiah 14:12-15 talks about Satans fall.

Ezekiel 28:12-17

My belief is based on the whole bible, the New and Old Testament.. without the old testament the new would not make sense. i believe in Jesus Christ and how he died on the cross for our sins..i believe that there is only one God. The father, son, and holy ghost are all one. I believe that you need to repent of your sins, and be baptized in the name of Jesus for the washing away of those sins, and i believe the the infilling of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues.

Acts 2 explains the day of Pentecost and the outpouring of the Holy Ghost.

if you have any other questions just email me at

by the way..i am Pentecostal or Apostolic

God Bless
2008-05-07 09:31:37 UTC
There is no best religion- that aside not all of them speak of God and Satan, so your trying to draw out mostly Christains right?

Sins are not "because of Satan" Satan in Christianity is a temptor, not force.

The thing that causes people to sin is allowing themselves to be tempted, free will. Allowed because following God without free will doesn't mean you are following, it means you are a robot so you are given the CHANCE to decide for yourself what side you are on knowing you will stumble.

Free will to choose to follow God or choose to reject, not Satans hand forcing you, which takes out your premise that Satan is more powerful than God, and how he does this against God (because God lets you have the choice, doesn't force you to be a good little panda).

As for proof a religion was right, if there was proof than there wouldn't really be free will to choose to follow.

Ask better questions :) I'm bored.
2008-05-07 09:30:55 UTC
Perhaps you need to know that Jesus Christ didn't come to to start a religion but a relationship and a family..All world religions will come together in a new world order making up the Apostate Church in which the false Christ, the Antichrist shall govern and rule..Also bringing all world government into a Oneness, causing ALL to receive a Mircrochip or Biochip implanted under the skin of their right hand in order to buy or sell..Those receiving this mark (REV.13) will be judged and sentenced to a lake for fire for giving their alledgence to Satan..This mark is already being injected in animals wildlife and people..One million babies in Ohio, last year..Those refusing this mark will be jailed and sentenced to prison. So, What is the point? The point is do you know Jesus Christ personally and have His Holy Spirit abiding within you? Those who don't do not belong to Him, and will not reign with Him in His coming Kingdom on this earth and here are some specific facts about Islam that everyone should know..To my understanding according to the Quran, anyone who is not a Muslim or does not give their allegiance to Allah and Mohammad as his one true prophet is considered an infidel and worthy" of death.. A belief of Islam is that the earth and the original Black man was created by Allah, and that all living blacks are descendants of the tribe of Shabazz..They believe all White men are the devil and was given 6000 years to rule the earth. They also believe that Christianity is the white man's religion and only a true Asian can be a Muslim. According to the Quran, only Jews have mistranslated Scripture.Also according to the Quran, The prophet Muhammad supersedes Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ is not the son of God or a part of any Trinity. Sura 5:17; 5:116; 19;35.We are told that He was nothing but a slave on whom God showed favor. Sura 43:59.yet elsewhere we are told the Messiah is not a slave. Sura 4:172. Jesus Christ did not atone for anyone's sins, although He was himself sinless..Sura 3:46..Jesus Christ did not die on the cross, that he was miraculously substituded by Judas Iscariot for himself on the cross or God miraculously delivered him from the hands of the Romans and Jews before he could be crucified. Most Muslims believe that Jesus Christ was taken bodily into heaven without having died. Sura 4:157 So we see their belief, though it is totally against God Almighty and the writings of the anointed kings, priests, prophets of the Holy Bible and against the letters the Apostles had written to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ and to every born again believer in this day and hour. Their true agenda is to make Islam both the rule of Government and Religion of the whole world..Paul wrote and said that anyone who has not the Spirit of Christ is none of His and has the "Spirit of Antichrist." So take note that their teachings is false and holds no Truth. They have the spirit of deception and are converting people over to a belief and a doctrine that leads them into eternal damnation and judgment.. Jesus Christ plainly stated, "I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life, NO MAN comes to the Father but by ME!
2008-05-07 09:36:03 UTC
Do I understand God correctly? As far as it is possible, Yes I understand Him.

Evil ? God gives us free will to do what we choose. He has told us what He expects from us and how we can be saved.

God expects from us? God does not make anyone sin. We do that ourselves. He sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. To be saved John 3: 36 "He that believeth on the Son (Jesus) hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

God punishes people who follow satan? In the Bible God tells you satan is evil and to follow him is death.

Proof my religion is right? Proof for me was seeing the Holy Spirit and having God show me the Bible is true.
2008-05-07 09:37:42 UTC

"God is Love" 1 John 4:16

God loves EVERYONE regardless of what they do.

People have a choice to do whatever they want. All Satan does is tempt people, he cannot make them do anything just as much as God cannot make us to follow him. You can resist what Satan is tempting you to do and you will succeed (James 4:7

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.).

God does not punish anybody. At the end, when Jesus returns God will put an end to SIN. Everything will burn until it exsist no more so people will burn until they are ashes. They do not burn forever. If you study the Bible you will find that this is true. A loving God will not burn his children 'forever'. The forever concept means until it is gone. The Bible refers to Sodom and Gomorrah, as in it burned forever. Are these towns still burning?

God created a PERFECT planet and his first chilren as well. Just as a painter would creater a beutiful, perfect picture unstil it is stained by another. Eve and Adam made a CHOICE to disobey just ONE thing God asked them not to do. When they did this they SEEN SIN and from that point on sin reined in everybodies life.

We will always be sinners but Jesus is our advocate so we can be forgiven. The first book of John says He is faithful and just to fogive us our sins. This does not mean we should WILLINGLY continue to sin but we have the power to resist.

I can go on and on but you have to study the bible on your own to find the truth ("seek the truth and the truth shall set you free"). When Jesus said that he meant for each of us to read the bible ourselves, to study it and the Holy Spirit would lead us to the truth.

You may find this site very interesting:
2008-05-07 09:30:10 UTC
My religion has no scripture or holy text. We have the lore that gives us clues on how our ancestors worshipped the gods and goddesses and wise words from Odin on proper behavior but nothing that can be verified as "divinely" inspired.

My religion has no Satan and the deities aren't all knowing - they are constantly striving to learn more and more.

The deities wish us to live honorably, honor them, our ancestors, our families and friends and ourselves. The only eternal torment is reserved for murderers, traitors and oath breakers. They don't threaten people to believe in them.

There is no "devil" in the lore. Loki is seen as a trickster and blood-brother to Odin. Like a lot of families, things go wrong and there's a feud that encompasses the world at Ragnarok and a rebirth of the realms.

I have no proof my religion is the right one - no one does. There is no proof in religion, there is only faith. It is the right religion for me and mine.

Reference: Poetic and Prose Eddas
Shooting STELLAR Press (MISAWA)
2008-05-07 09:23:38 UTC
Disregarding the incoherent ramblings you just made which have no apparent connection to your actual question...

NO, there is no BEST religion in the world. I know it sounds trite and cliche but that's the way it is. There is no BEST religion. There are only religions, period. The only reason they are good is because people believe them to be. Granted, there are some religions that are controversial, but I'm digressing here.

We are all bound by human limitations. We may interpret the world and the circumstances surrounding it but the thing is we don't have all the facts. We cannot simply run around boasting that our religion is best. It's much more prudent to keep an open mind and learn to respect all religions.
2008-05-07 10:14:24 UTC
Mark 10:18 Jesus said to him: "Why call me good? Nobody is good except one, God."

Only God can tell what religion is good. In ALL religion today, there is people that holds on to virtues, and there are people that holds on to bad. Jesus said "You will know them by their fruits." No one is perfect and so no religion is perfect. We can just go by percentage. 95% good people or 50% or more bad people (lack of virtues and integrity). If a religion even have 50% (half) that is bad, forget it.
2008-05-07 10:25:50 UTC
Your questions are really only applicable to Judeo-Christians. Questions of Hell, sin, and Satan are largely non-sensical outside of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Your question also seems to presume monotheism. Your focus on good and evil is likewise non-applicable to many faiths.
2008-05-07 09:19:54 UTC
Since I am a member of this denomination, I would have to say The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. All of the doctrine of the LDS church has its roots in the Bible. There are Biblical passages that support it all. Yet, the other Christian denominations either ignore the doctrinal references in the Bible, or deliberately do not adhere to them.

For example the Bible talks about all of the following, and the LDS have these as part of their beliefs:

God speaking thru prophets (Amos 3:7)

Priesthood and priesthood authority (Hebrew 5:4)

Christ's church's organizational structure (Ephesians 23:19-20)

Faith is great, but works are also needed (Ephesians 2:14-26, Matthew 7:21, Proverbs 24:12)

Doing vicarious ordinance work for the dead (1 Corinthians 15:29, 1 Peter 4:6)

The degrees or levels of heaven (1 Corinthians 15:40, 2 Corinthians 12:2)

There are many others, but that provides a good sampling.
Viking Raider
2008-05-07 09:53:23 UTC
No Scripture here.

My Gods just want us to live as best we can. Being strong, honorable, and as good as we can be.

Non of this Sin cra*

2008-05-07 09:26:26 UTC
Only the Catholic Church can profess to possess the fullness of truth. This infallible authority comes from scripture itself in Matt: 16, verses 18-19. The four marks of the true Church are: (1) One (dogmas and doctrines are basically the same throughout the entire world - they cannot ever be changed nor altered). (2) Holy (founded by Jesus Christ Himself). (3) Universal (anyone can join and no one can be excluded from membership). (4) Apostolic (can be traced in history to the time of the Apostles).
2008-05-07 09:26:04 UTC
I don't believe in a religion, I believe that the supernatural is unknowable and that religion is a crude way of expressing spirituality. I'm not saying that religion is bad, it just seems insufficient to me.

Kerry: You do realize that there are a lot of things in the Bible that virtually all Christians ignore completely, including your denomination, yes?
Humanist A.R.T.
2008-05-07 09:33:34 UTC
My religion,Islam,accepts other religions which are revealed by Allah(the one God)and their books as they had come not as they were changed by man.Satan is a test for us,if we follow him then we are not obedient to Allah.If we do sins following Satan then we repent without insisting on these sins , Allah will forgive us.Allah is pleased for the repentance of his servant(any one who believes Him)more than any one of us for the return of his lost means of transportation.
2008-05-07 09:26:48 UTC
This has barely anything to do with my opinion of perfection, so I'll simply explain the premise. Whenever something imperfect is said to exist, there must necessarily exist a proportion of Perfection, for if you do away with Perfection, it is impossible to imagine how anything that is said to be imperfect could exist.
2008-05-07 09:26:12 UTC
Such claims will be there till one realize what is meant by the word RELIGION. All claims are out of mere ignorance of the reality.
Cheryl E
2008-05-07 09:21:48 UTC
Hahahaha. My religion has no "scripture." I need no book to tell me what is right for me spiritually. I have a conscience and a brain. I don't have to prove anything to you. You can believe whatever you want to as long as you don't infringe on MY religion.
2008-05-07 10:05:51 UTC

First qestion: Yes, the Bible can be easily understood, once you get the basic understandings of it down.

Next: True God doesnt like us to do evil. He does not put us in a firey hell. He did not cause the sin. Here are your scriptural references without and teaching behind it, (you may mail me).

God wants to show us the right path to follow:

(Proverbs 3:5-6) "Trust in God with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. 6 In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight."


Jer. 7:31: “They [apostate Judeans] have built the high places of Topheth, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, in order to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, a thing that I had not commanded and that had not come up into my heart.” (If it never came into God’s heart, surely he does not have and use such a thing on a larger scale.)

The Bible says SATAN is the God of this system, therefore he is the cause for sin. He made the first lie in the garden of eden.Genesis 3:1. He became a manslayer, deceiver, and father of the lie there. Causing mankinds death at that point.

(2 Corinthians 4:4) . . .among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through.

Lastly, there is an ISSUE to be settled. Satan CHALLENGED Gods moral standards. HE challenged his RIGHT TO RULE in the Garden, HE CHALLENGED his UNIVERSAL SOVERIENGTY. Had he destroyed Satan immediately, there would have been questions that would have not been settled. These are being settled NOW by HOW we live our lives on earth:

. It is evident that the spirit son who became Satan knew Jehovah as a God of moral standards, not as a capricious, erratic person. Had he known Jehovah as a God given to uncontrolled, violent outbursts, he could only have expected immediate, on-the-spot extermination for the course he took. The issue Satan raised in Eden, therefore, was not simply a test of Jehovah’s mightiness or power to destroy. Rather, it was a moral issue: that of God’s moral right to exercise universal sovereignty and require implicit obedience and devotion of all of his creatures in all places. Satan’s approach to Eve reveals this. (Ge 3:1-6) Likewise, the book of Job relates how Jehovah brings out into the open before all his assembled angelic sons the extent of the position taken by his Adversary. Satan made the claim that the loyalty of Job (and, by implication, of any of God’s intelligent creatures) toward Jehovah was not wholehearted, not based on true devotion and genuine love.—Job 1:6-22; 2:1-8.

Thus, the question of integrity on the part of God’s intelligent creatures was a secondary, or subsidiary, issue arising out of the primary issue of God’s right to universal sovereignty. These questions would require time in order for the veracity or falsity of the charges to be demonstrated, for the heart attitude of God’s creatures to be proved, and thus for the issue to be settled beyond any doubt. (Compare Job 23:10; 31:5, 6; Ec 8:11-13; Heb 5:7-9;


Here are 9 identifying points of the true religion. If yours is doing ALL of these, you have found the truth. And as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, mine meets all this criteria and I beleive I have found the truth and can dispute all things truthfully from the Bible.


□ Those who practice it have genuine love among themselves.—John 13:35.

□ All their beliefs are based on the Bible.—John 17:17; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17.

□ They pray for God to sanctify his name.—Matthew 6:9; Psalm 83:18.

□ They proclaim God’s kingdom in all the earth.—Matthew 24:14.

□ They keep separate from the world’s affairs.—James 1:27; John 17:14.

□ They put God’s kingdom and righteousness first in life.—Matthew 6:33.

□ They cultivate the fruitage of God’s spirit.—Galatians 5:22, 23.

□ They obey all human laws not contrary to God’s law.—Romans 13:1-7.

9) EVALUTATE THE FACTS: Ask yourself, ‘What religious group is noted for sticking closely to God’s Word, even when its teachings differ from the beliefs of most people? Who stress the importance of God’s personal name, even using it to identify themselves? Who optimistically point to God’s Kingdom as the only solution to all human problems? Who uphold Bible standards of conduct, at the risk of being considered old-fashioned? What group is noted for having no paid clergy, all of its members being preachers? Who are praised for being law-abiding citizens, even though they refrain from taking part in politics? Who lovingly spend time and money in helping others to learn about God and his purposes? And despite all of these positive things, who are still looked down on, ridiculed, and persecuted?’
2008-05-07 09:22:57 UTC
My religion is the only one to offer me eternal salvation or triple my money back.

It's not like I'd want my money back, anyway. Even if the Rupture doesn't happen in my lifetime, even if I don't get one of those 144,000 seats aboard the flying saucers, I got my money's worth in pamphlets, badges, and stickers in my membership kit.
2008-05-07 09:23:04 UTC
No religion is right
Earl Grey
2008-05-07 09:22:39 UTC
Catholicism is best. The girls are wild in bed and like it in the ***.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.