Ok, first of all, I am Wiccan and not a Xtian, but here is what I think...God lives through all of us, we were created in His/Her/Their image, and therefor we are each separate incarnations and expressions of God(dess)...therefor, through us, God has created technology while still letting us take credit for the creative process and invention. However, being omnipotent and all the things God is supposed to be, perhaps he did not want to spill out every secret and detail of life and of the future, after all, the telling of the future is condemned as witchery, and "suffer thee not a witch to live" and all that crap. Besides, what fun would it be if we knew everything of life and there were no mysteries left...Just think of the wonder we had as a small child, and now as adults, we know the answers, and they don't seem anything near as mystical and wonderous as we imagined them to be as a child. Perhaps therein is the answer to why we don't know everything, and why there are some things we never will know...if we had all the answers, then life itself would be unneeded as a tool of learning, and we would ascend. Not knowing creates mystery, awe and inspiration itself..
That being said, I also always wondered why the dinosaurs were never mentioned, and I had a lovely hypothesis to this...that God loved Lucifer so much He let him create the first animals, and God allowed them their time, but was disturbed by them and started over with man after he destroyed the dinosaur's world.
Good question, really. I hope my answer was at least entertaining if not informative.