Creativity by God,,..?
2008-04-11 23:45:07 UTC
If God is so smart and creative, then how come God has never been capable of creating technology such as automobiles and other things not counting streets and buildings made of gold?
EVERYBODY says to me there will be no cars, no modern technology of any kind in Heaven whatsoever, the closest it'll come will be golden streets and mansions and that's it. God doesn't sound like he's that smart and creative if you ask me.
And one more thing, if Heaven really does have all the good and interesting stuff that life has, then how come Jesus never mentioned any of that modern technology 2,000 years ago when he was alive?
Thirteen answers:
2008-04-11 23:49:58 UTC
God did say streets of God and no tears etc....

But I also am not going to limit God to saying what will and won't be in heaven.

I haven't been there *yet*, will be and it will be more marvelous than anything here.

If you want to project what will be in heaven, more power to ya, but I haven't seen anyone create a universe comparable, human beings, trees, grass, etc....

If God gave me this much beauty here, I can't imagine what heaven will be like!
2008-04-12 07:01:53 UTC
Ok, first of all, I am Wiccan and not a Xtian, but here is what I think...God lives through all of us, we were created in His/Her/Their image, and therefor we are each separate incarnations and expressions of God(dess)...therefor, through us, God has created technology while still letting us take credit for the creative process and invention. However, being omnipotent and all the things God is supposed to be, perhaps he did not want to spill out every secret and detail of life and of the future, after all, the telling of the future is condemned as witchery, and "suffer thee not a witch to live" and all that crap. Besides, what fun would it be if we knew everything of life and there were no mysteries left...Just think of the wonder we had as a small child, and now as adults, we know the answers, and they don't seem anything near as mystical and wonderous as we imagined them to be as a child. Perhaps therein is the answer to why we don't know everything, and why there are some things we never will know...if we had all the answers, then life itself would be unneeded as a tool of learning, and we would ascend. Not knowing creates mystery, awe and inspiration itself..

That being said, I also always wondered why the dinosaurs were never mentioned, and I had a lovely hypothesis to this...that God loved Lucifer so much He let him create the first animals, and God allowed them their time, but was disturbed by them and started over with man after he destroyed the dinosaur's world.

Good question, really. I hope my answer was at least entertaining if not informative.
2008-04-12 06:50:28 UTC
Cars and modern technology is not a neccesity. We can live without it. In heaven we wont need that stuff toget around or to be happy. God gave humans the power to understand and learn how to make stuff to help us out, but that doesnt mean God cant do it. He doesnt need taht stuff and neither will we in heaven. Just think of heaven as a perfect paradise with no distractions just God and your family and friends.
Mushroom Jesus
2008-04-12 06:49:10 UTC
Where do you think all of the "high" tech stuff came from my friend? From me Mushroom Jesus...

Productivity tip: Take more LSD?!

During health class in high school they taught us that taking LSD would make you jump out windows (y’know, cuz you think you can fly) and give you flashbacks. Here’s the other side of the story (from Wired’s recap of “LSD: Problem Child and Wonder Drug, an International Symposium on the Occasion of the 100th Birthday of Albert Hofmann”): Steve Jobs told a NY Times reporter that taking LSD was “one of the two or three most important things he has done in his life.” Nobel-prize-winning chemist Kary Mullis told Hoffman that LSD helped him develop the polymerase chain reaction that helps amplify specific DNA sequences. Kevin Herbert, an early Cisco employee, fought to ban drug testing of technologists at the company because, as he put it, “When I’m on LSD and hearing something that’s pure rhythm, it takes me to another world and into another brain state where I’ve stopped thinking and started knowing.” Hofmann, who’s still alive, says, “There is global healing in these compounds which have been used for millennia by indigenous people that have much to teach modern man and modern woman.”
Line Straddler
2008-04-12 06:52:39 UTC
For what purpose does God have for what we use on earth? He left us here to do all the creating. And When we get to Heaven we will not need cars, we will be in spirit form. It is us Who is not so smart.
2008-04-12 06:54:14 UTC
modern technology is destroying our world, I don't think God wants things in heaven that are destroying earth
2008-04-12 06:48:46 UTC
We're never going to need technology while we're in Heaven... we'd be too busy kickin it with God. :)
2008-04-12 07:01:42 UTC
if there was a heaven we are there remeber free will god gives it to use he has the platform we draw in it to bad we suck at maken what we want so heaven sucks and now we will prolly die come back over and over till forever thanks alot guys good job
2008-04-12 06:49:37 UTC
It's simply because man created god. Not the other way around...
2008-04-12 06:47:28 UTC
Oh, but God has!

It is through man that these things have taken shape!
2008-04-12 06:47:57 UTC
Maybe he's in touch with his inner-hippie and doesn't want to pollute the land? Otherwise, I've got nothing.
2008-04-12 06:48:43 UTC
God, being a fiction, creates nothing.
2008-04-12 06:49:13 UTC
because technology is not important, and by the way, do you really believe humans are that smart on their own, to come up with all that stuff about technology? Who do you think gave you your brain?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.