Help me believe again?
2006-04-17 14:51:47 UTC
Don't answer this question if you are going to tell me that I shouldn't believe again. I'm on the verge of dying, so have a heart. I love and respect Atheists, and have always stood up for their rights. So please respect me. Thank you.

I have lost all my faith in God. Please help me, no matter what is your religion. If you are a Buddhist and do not believe in God because of that religion, I welcome your input as well! I admire Buddhists. But I have always believed in God, and it is killing me now that I can't "find" Him.
34 answers:
Mary (dokhtar aryaei)
2006-04-18 04:40:26 UTC
Just go deep inside your heart sure you can find the truth you dont need to ask it from others

best wishes
2006-04-17 15:22:21 UTC
I'm not a christian, but I hope that I can help you anyways.

I always thought that faith was something you never lost. It is something that is with you always, because real faith like a true friend, stays with you through pain and suffering, and even the best times.

We are all loved, whether it be by people, or a god. We all die, no matter who we are, or where we come from. God does not take special exception with anyone, because that would be unfair to everyone else. And that is what to love equally means. People would argue against this, because it seems that some suffer more than others. This suffering is caused by people and disease, not god.

I do believe there is either a higher being, or like the Buddhists believe, that when we feel "god" it is the reflection of our own inner goodness. I haven't decided which is true. But that is irrelevant I suppose. God, whatever he she or it might be, loves you, more than you can imagine. You must open yourself up to love. This can be a hard thing to do, in trying times especially. And in your case, very difficult, but everyone dies sometime. Just be thankful that at least you are aware that it is coming, and that you have time to do what you need to do and say the things that would otherwise go unspoken. Many people do not get that luxury, because death for them is so sudden. And there is left a void of regrets, because they didn't tell their kid they were proud, they didn't tell their mom that they forgive her; so their loved ones are left with regret. Please take this last time on earth to do the things you need to do and leave behind you, memories of love.
2006-04-17 15:05:33 UTC
Its hard to keep faith sometimes, I know. I blame God sometimes for my hardships, and then I think about how much worse others have it. I look at those who have it worse than me and how they are able to keep the faith and I admire them. I see the joy they find in God and start to feel it again myself.

The saddest thing is to think there is nothing out there better than us, or our lives. There seems to be no point in anything, if NOT for a supernatural existance as well. Many people say they believe, but I wonder if they really do. I see such terrible things going on everywhere, but there is always in the midst of it, a saint- someone who feels content in God.

Heron, I am sure there has been a miracle or two in your life that cant be explained for any reason other than God. Think of those- then think about the many we dont even acknowledge.

Believe and be healed. Believe and be saved. Put your faith in God, because God CAN heal you. Even if your healing is spiritual. The glory beyond this life exists only for those that give it a chance. Once we give it a chance, we are shown things we would never have believed before.

I have put my faith on the line many times as a bargaining tool for God. I have said if you dont do this for me, I wont believe anymore- guess what!? He DIDNT do things for me many times, but even though He never does what I ask- He does better things for me that are revealed later on. God knows what is best for us, we usually dont.

If your physical life is ending it may be lack of faith, or it may be just how God wants it. If thats how God wants it, you MUST believe He has you in mind for a great existence beyond this torturous life. I would LOVE to talk to you more privately so I can understand whats going on with you right now and I believe you have my email address, because you have been there for me once before when I needed a friend.

You are also welcome to speak with others at the forum (below) -no matter what your beliefs- all are always welcome (hate is the only thing prohibited)
Amma's Child
2006-04-21 18:31:08 UTC
I wrote a really long answer to this question "Why do you believe in God?". Just go to my profile and find my answer to it. Be sure to read it, I think you will enjoy how I came to that understanding.

Up to 25 years of age, I did not understand or know God. I didn't know what it was about. I couldn't conceive of it even if I grew up in a Christian background.

I never went around saying "I do not believe in God" nor did I ever say "I believe in God". I was always in search for answers and understanding my place is this Universe. Why am I here? Who am I? Who do these experiences happen to me? Why do people have these amazing experiences they talk about? I had a lot of questions and not enough answers yet. I did not yet get the big picture.

I never forced or put myself for where I was spiritually. I avoided debates about God because why debate about something I don't understand in the first place. That's what I did. I never lived my life out of fear for lacking something. I knew I was a person of a good heart and intentions.

I read tons of books on just about everything spiritual and religous that seem interesting to me. I began to notice a pattern. I kept seeing the same wisdom and truths being repeated over and over from many different sources.

I just eventually came to a natural understanding as a result of a combination of personal experiences, reading, keeping an OPEN mind, going with the flow w/o pressure, having great conversations like this with other people on the internet, learning from people who understood God, and so on, it just eventually added up to finding God right here inside of myself.

You're on a journey. This longing you have right now means that you are on the RIGHT path, for it is desire itself that takes you to it.
2006-04-17 15:06:39 UTC
Fisrst of all I admire and respect the fact that you love all regardless of faith, that alone tells volumes. I think you believe more than you think you do or you wouldnt love the way u do. When life throws up tribulation it is sooo easy and sooo common for us to blame God. Sickness is a major cause of a backslide. Just try to remember that when our father created this world it was without sin. Satan brought sin, which brought death. (Diseases, freck accidents etc.) God has not left you. He is waiting for you to jump back into his arms again. If I am right (and forgive me if I'm wrong plz) then you are angry about loosing your life so soon, remember God is not the author of bad, evil things (death) Satan is. I cant really tell you how to get your faith back because that is a personnel matter and I dont know you enough to say, but Pray to God. He has reasons for everything maybe he is testing you (Jesus on Mt. and Job) Hold your head up, your a child of God, yourspecial, he loves you, and wants you to return to him someday. Your in my prayers God Bless you!!
2006-04-17 15:01:09 UTC
In 2 Ch 16:9 The bible says "the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those hearts that are fully committed to Him"

If you seriously want to believe, pray to God and let Him know. He will strengthen you and put people in your life to help you.

Rom10:17 say that faith comes from hearing the message and the message is heard through the word of Christ.

The next thing you need is to read the Word. If you would like some great bible studies to help you, please email me and I can give you some.

Finally, in Jer 29:11-13 God says "I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart".
2006-04-17 14:59:37 UTC
I have been in your position and I realized that without God I had no idea where my life was going. I would cry over so many things happening in my life and this one night I was even thinking about killing myself. i asked "God where are you now when I really need yo?" and I decided to pray a little, actually all I said was "god please give comfort and let me calm down" and I can't explain exactly what I felt all I can tell you is I felt God, I knew he was there hugging me and comforting me, I stopped crying, felt calmed and unexplicably happy....I fell asleep and woke up feeling so different. What I want to tell you with this is that God is always there, even when you don't want or feel him around he is ALWAYS there. All I can say is Prayer is the answer...believe me. Hope you find God again!! =)
2006-04-18 10:35:40 UTC
Honestly, I'm going through the same stage. I'm a new christian, I believed like 2 years ago. Then i was baptized with the holy spirit, spoke in tongues. All that stuff.

But I kinda feel it's going down.

I stopped reading the bible regulary, I stopped being too involved church. All that.

But you see, I know God is still there. He doesn't need to prove his existence, I still remember the tingle of feelings and warmness and happiness that i felt when i first believed in God.

I know God believes in me all the time, even though sometimes I don't believe in him.
2006-04-17 17:53:33 UTC
What God is it that you want faith in? I am a Pantheist, and see everything as god and god as everything. Everything in existence is interconnected, and the very fact of existence is so amazing that it cannot help but inspire awe, I think. If you are losing your faith in god, go out and look at nature and try to think about how amazing even the tiniest, simplest things are, and how amazing it is that things are as they are. It may not be a version of god which most people believe in, but it is one which gives me great peace of mind, and is the only one i feel is true...

If you're looking for another version of god, I can't help you much, unfortunately. Good luck!
2006-04-17 15:11:07 UTC
You are experiencing what it is to be separated from God. The reason for that separation is sin.

God is pure and Holy and and His justice is perfect. All sin must be punished. The only way to be reconciled again to God is to have your sin paid for and to find a righteousness acceptable to God. Because you are already a sinner you cannot offer anything to God. This is why God in his mercy sent us Jesus Christ. It is only in Him that we can come to God. Most think of Him as at least a very good man. He himself says:

John 14:6

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

He didn't die on the cross for fun. He did it so those who believe in Him may have eternal life. So many try to earn their salvation but the only way is through believing in Him.

Acts 4:12

Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”
2006-04-17 15:06:34 UTC
Tough question. You know some 2000 years ago Jesus died on the cross, everybody lost faith in him. They scattered and hid. But something hap pend, some forty days later the same ones who hid stood on a balcony in the middle of Jerusalem and boldly proclaimed Jesus as Lord.

Jesus went through this for you and rose from the grave for you. If you were the only person on earth who would accept Him, He would have went through it.

I've questioned my faith, but through history, science and searching the scriptures my faith is strengthened. Believe with your heart that Jesus is Lord, Confess with your mouth that He rose on the third day and you will be saved. Rom. ch 9
2006-04-17 15:30:51 UTC
I'm 'The Faithful & Wise Steward' spoken of by Jesus at Luke 12.42-46(15.11-32) I have a great deal to say to you; send a self addressed stamped envelope & a dollar to - The Ararat Society, po box 1500, Nashua, NH 03061-1500: & I'll get back to you right away, I can really help you, I mean, theres some stuff I've already written that can help you.
2006-04-17 15:06:17 UTC
I think it's hard to make yourself believe in something you don't believe in. Sometimes you have to just let it happen on its own if it's going to. I never believed in God as a child, it was all like a fairy tale to me, but later on it just happened. I had an experience where my family went to a particular temple every week and stood in line in the sun for hours waiting to give an offering to God, praying. This temple was supposed to be lucky, and the Goddess was supposed to grant wishes. My parents wished for two different things, a house and a particular salary, because we were going through hard times, and they both got what they wanted the week after our series of trips to the temple was over. My father got the exact amount he prayed for. Things like these make me believe in God. Maybe you could look for miracles, in your own life and that of others, and it may help strengthen your belief. Hope that helped : )
Peace Maker
2006-04-17 14:59:24 UTC
Take a look at all the good things God has done in your life, and He died on the cross for you so you can be here today and have eternal life. If you are still here, you have all your reasons to become a follower of Christ. May God bless you. He has done so much for me and I know he will take care of you too!
Arf Bee
2006-04-17 15:14:32 UTC
Perhaps you've been knocking at the wrong doors that open into the dark emptiness of the void...

Persevere and seek that narrow path that leads you back to the Source. Be still and find your inner peace in God.
2006-04-17 14:57:06 UTC
examine your life. Is there something that you are harbouring ill feelings about? I say this asking a question, not accusing you of anything. I have found from personal experience when I have felt like I have "lost" GOD that it is because I am the one who has done something to distance myself from HIM. GOD cannot look upon sin, and when we have done something wrong, the only prayer that HE will hear from us is "Lord JESUS CHRIST have mercy on me a sinner, I am sorry, please forgive me." Then the communication lines come back up and HIS ears are no longer stopped up against hearing me.

Hope this helps, GOD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU!

2006-04-18 08:26:44 UTC
hello Friend,i think you never know the true faith in God ,sorry but believe me if you put your faith in God in Conditions that mean you are not right...a lot of people do like that..they have faith in God when their life are good and happy but if something wrong happen to them they lose their faith...that not right at all and that means they do not understand why God Creates us in this life...the pains and the sad things are part of our life that we all must live it...even the Prophets of God had so difficult life,i know you are in great pain now....but why you think God going to kill you ....death for the people who really believe in God not at all bad thing....because Death is just bridge to the anther life ...that is better and more happy,safe,no pain,no fears............please my friend if you feel that you lose you life on Earth now do not lose your next life by refusing God...and at the end all the human beings are going to die no one will live for ever,,,
2006-04-17 15:22:41 UTC
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

Nay, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.

For I am persuaded, that neither death, or life, nor angel, nor pricipalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, not height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:35, 37-39

But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. Hebrews 11:1

So then, faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17

And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

God is faithful. His promises endure forever. He loves you now and forever. He knows the end from the beginning and only does what is best for us for eternity even if it may conflict with what we think is best for us in the temporal here and now. We are not privy to all His wisdom. He knows better than we do what is best for our lives. To know Him is to love Him. To love Him is to trust Him. Read His word and have your faith renewed and regenerated.

God bless you in your search.
2006-04-17 23:18:04 UTC
Why have you lost faith? Dying literally or hypothetically speaking? GOD is everywhere. GOD is everything. ALL is GOD, GOD is ALL...the ONE essence. GOD is the very essence of unconditional LOVE. Is LOVE what you can't find? It is ALL around.Even here on Yahoo Questions.
2006-04-17 15:04:17 UTC
I agree with Sharon above...and also, we have this precious promise of God from Romans 8:38-39,

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

You will find Him, if you really want to...and are searching...He is there, He has always been there and He is waiting for you.

He wants you to rest in Him...and find His peace.

I pray you do...please e-mail if I can help more.
2006-04-17 15:11:20 UTC
It's because you are practicing Hinduism heron. I told you that you cannot have a relationship with God in Hinduism. You need to repent from worshipping those idols and turn your life to Jesus Christ. Make Him Lord and Savior of your life and grow in your relationship with Him. Pray to receive Him into your life and you will be saved and free.
2006-04-17 14:58:46 UTC
theres no problem with being an agnostic, not being sure is a perfectly reasonable viewpoint.

Also there is a passage in the bible (i dont know where, im not a nut, its just a good bit, its also not exactly quoted) where it says: whoever does good in another name dies it in mine (and continues to say whoever does evil in my name does it in fact in the name of the enemy, but thats by the by) so as long as youre a good person youre alright as far as christianitys concerned. I hope youre not dying, but is you are dont worry; as long as youre a good person youll be fine, and agnosticism is a fine state to die in, then you can be pleasantly surprised.
2006-04-17 23:47:12 UTC
Spiritualism is not for those, who seek an escape from life. If that is so, why is Krishna urging Arjuna to fight for what is rightfully his? Does not that mean that life was not meant for escaping to the hills but to face up to life's challenges?

Two Geeta Verses:

Before rushing helter skelter to find God, let us start the search, by looking within ourselves.

What we find is sometimes not very pleasant.

Most people complain that they cannot change themselves.

What I feel and say to them is, don’t be too harsh to yourself.

Look back! Do you react less to circumstances, than you used to, a few years ago?

If yes, then you are on the right track.

If one learns to communicate with oneself, one progresses spiritually, and one is never lonely.

If one learns to really meditate, one will look for only one boon, that of ‘peace’

And that happens when one accepts, that things are, the way they are.

See! No one is asking you to give up trying to change circumstances; to the way you would like them to be.

You can study hard and you may be a very bright student, but you could fall ill and fail the examinations.

One has to renounce oneself to the above outcome.

A more common example is about people who ‘kill’ themselves to please others, and end up being criticized.

To such people I advise: Enjoy the ‘service’ let that, be your reward, not the result of your action.

We will be, eventually judged by our true intentions, when we ‘acted’.

Not by what people ‘spoke’ about us.

This is what Krishna means, when he states, in the 47th verse of the 2nd Chapter in the Geeta, that our right is only over our actions, not over the fruits (outcome) of the actions.

He said:

Karmanyey Vaadhikaa rastey, Maa phaleshu Kadaachanaa

Maa karma phala hetur bhoor, Maa tey sangotswa, akarmanee

There is another verse in the Bhagvad Geeta, which I really like.

It is the 12th verse of the 12th chapter.

Krishna says:

Shreyo hi jnaanam abhyaasaat,

jnaanaa dhyaanam vishishyate

Dhyaanaat karma phala tyaagas

Tyaagaat chhaantiranantaram

Which I would interpret thus:

Better than (ritual) practice is Knowledge (Gyaan)

Better than knowledge is meditation,

Better than meditation is, to renounce the fruit of your actions,

Note: Krishna does not ask you to renounce ‘actions’. He is asking to renounce its fruits.

(If one does the above) Peace immediately follows.


i hope it helps.

i will try to come up with better cut n paste job though.
2006-04-17 14:57:23 UTC
Email me, and I can help you find Him. Sadly, I must go now, due to the fact that i'll be late if I wait much longer. EMAIL ME AT I KNOW I have found God, and He loves you. Email me at God bless
2006-04-17 15:32:04 UTC
When I lost my daughter in a car accident on her way home from a church activity, it rocked my world and I was very upset. I struggled for along time with the why and what if's. I struggled with the fact that I prayed harder and more fervently than ever before and to no avail there was no healing. I also watched my sister's husband die from cancer, and the struggles that she has gone through. Again the whys? My best friend had her son killed in an accident. I have seen so much ache and heartache since the death of my daughter but through it all these are the things that I have learned.

That my Heavenly Father loves me, he is here.

That we don't always understand the now or here or the things that we must endure. And why for some people it's worse than for others.

But if we are patient and turn to him instead of cursing him He will answer our prayers. He will give peace to a aching heart.

The trials that we face are nothing more than a gift as crazy as that sounds in order to bring us more into his presence and closer to him.

The trials we face are a test, will we endure and trust in Him even though we can't see through the fog.

That He loved us so much He gave us our families in order to better understand his great love for us.

That He loves us so much, that He watched His perfect son go through every pain, infliction, diesease, whether it was pyhsical or mental that every single one of us here has gone through so that we could be forgiven and so He could succor His people, that we might return to His presence.

Dying is not a scary thing, you will be amazed at what awaits you. I know that God lives I have seen his tender mercies over and over since my daughters death, especially when I have been willing to open myself to His ministring and Love my heart aches for you that you feel lost but know that He is there just waiting. Father doesn't force anyone. It is all on us to turn to him. Our choice whether we let Him in to heal us from our pains and grief. I wish I could talk to you. There is such a long story in all that I have learned but most of all Heavely Father's love is something that we can and never will be able to comprehend. I pray that you find peace in this storm and that the spirit will fill your heart with the Love that you so eagerly seek.

Daddy's Empty Chair

A man's daughter had asked the local minister to come and pray with her father. When the minister arrived, he found the man lying in bed with his head propped up on two pillows. An empty chair sat beside his bed. The minister assumed that the old fellow had been imformed of his visit."I guess you were expecting me, he said. "NO, who are you?" said the father. The minister told him his name and then remarked, "I saw the empty chair and I figured you knew I was going to show up," "O yeah, the chair," said the bedridden man. "Would you mind closing the door?" Puzzled, the minister shut the door. "I have never told anyone this, not even my daughter," said the man. "But all of my life I have never known how to pray. At church I used to hear the pastor talk about prayer," the old man continued, "until one day four years ago, my best friend said to me, "Johnny, prayer is just a simple matter of having a conversation with Jesus. Here is what I suggest." "Sit down in a chair; place an empty chair in front of you, and in faith see Jesus on the chair. It's not spooky because he promised, "I will be with you always."

"Then just speak to him in the same way you're doing with me right now."

"So, I tried it and I've liked it so much that I do it a couple of hours every day. I'm careful though. If my daughter saw me talking to an empty chair, she'd either have a nervous breakdown or send me off to the funny farm." The minister was deeply moved by the story and encouraged the old man to continue on the journey. Then he prayed with him, anointed him with oil, and returned to the church. Two nights later the daughter called to tell the minister that her daddy had died that afternoon. Did he die in peace?" he asked. Yes, when I left the house about two o'clock, he called me over to his bedside, told me he loved me and kissed me on the cheek. When I got back from the store an hour later, I found him dead. But there was something strange about his death. Apparently, just before Daddy died, he leaned over and rested his head on the chair beside the bed. What do you make of that?" The minister wiped a tear from his eye and said,"I wish we could all go like that."
2006-04-17 14:59:09 UTC
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

I know you might have heard this before, but it just shows that God loves you sooooo much that he would let his only son whom he loved more than anything, die just for you so that you could live forever
Jesus Rules!
2006-04-17 15:18:47 UTC
I will pray for you. I can understand that this is difficult for you. I recommend that you start off by reading God's Word. Spend time reading and meditating on it. Also, keep in contact with God through prayer. Pray to Him and tell Him exactly how you feel. Ask Him to reignite your faith, as you feel distant. Tell Him everything, He will not condemn you. He understands your pain, and He wants to draw near to you. God loves it when we get personal with Him, because He knows that in doing so, we are sharing our hearts. If you spend time doing these things, I am sure that your faith will be strengthened. God understands your pain, because He feels it Himself. It hurts Him to see you hurting, and He wants to remove that burden from your shoulders. Let it go. Give your worries to Him, let go of your fear. This is a big step, but you will feel much better once you do it. It is important that we trust God in situations like this, so, no matter how your body feels, refuse to let your mind worry. If you give God control, He will move in ways that you could never imagine. And remember, Jesus died for you. He was scorned, whipped, mocked, beaten until unreckognizable, and, finally, left to die with His hands and feet nailed to a cross. This was a slow and painful death, and it did not end after He died, either. He went to hell for three days thereafter, being that He held the weight of our sin on His shoulders. The penalty for sin is death. So, believe me, He understands the way you are feeling. Also, you may wish to talk to someone you trust who is a Christian, someone that you know is strong in their faith and someone that you feel you can trust. Tell them about the pain that you are going through, both physically and spiritually. Ask them to help you out on your spiritual journey. They will encourage and support you in your walk with God. And remember, no matter how distant that you may feel from God right now, He is right beside you, and always has been. If you are ready to say "yes" to Him once again, He will open up His arms and hug you like you've never been hugged before. I can guarantee that He has missed you, and He will not reject you if you go back to Him. He wants you to join Him in heaven someday!

Please let me know if you are ready to come back to God, and I will help you in whatever way I can. Feel free to contact me by e-mail, just click on my avatar picture or name. I will be here if you need someone. I will pray for you to get better, let's believe that we will witness a miracle! I believe it! God bless you, and Jesus loves you!
2006-04-17 15:23:42 UTC
on this one its my understanding when GOD SEEM FAR AWAY you are feeling what JESUS did when he was on the cross and said FATHER WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME BUT NEVER THE LESS NOT MY WILL BE DONE BUT YOUR WILL BE DONE i do not know if this helps but this i do hang in there and you will not regret it if i under stand you at all you will soon be with him and when you see him face to face you will know. yours in JESUS CHRIST and i now ask in his name that he will surround you with his love and give you the grace to get you through remember I AM WITH YOU EVEN UNTIL THE END IF IT WERE NOT SO I WOULD HAVE TOLD YOU DON'T GIVE UP YOUR VERY NEAR THE THRONE OF GRACE AND HE STILL LOVES YOU EVEN IF YOU DONT SEE IT HANG IN THERE SON TO DAY YOU WILL BE WITH ME IN PARADISE. YOURS IN JESUS CHRIST IT IS SI
2006-04-17 14:55:09 UTC
I think you are on the right track, in paragraph 2.

I hope you find peace or maybe a cure, too.

Thanks for the points.
2006-04-18 17:26:42 UTC
What you seek is not there. Look not for God within; but in others. Forget the I and the me.
2006-04-17 14:59:34 UTC
repent of your sins and pray as much you can,claim to God and he will hear you.God is with you,right in front of you.Have faith or not is a decision you take nobody else.
2006-04-18 22:20:33 UTC
Perhaps you are having trouble finding God because you have always had strong beliefs about "Him."

In belief, most people --especially intelligent and conscientious people such as yourself-- create many logical or emotional syllogisms and conditions. Christianity, for example, draws very strict lines between "The Creator" and "The Created." Atheists draw strict lines between "rational" and "spiritual" or "Non-Rational." Having not been Hindu recently, I wouldn't feel qualified to judge their/your lines, but I would guess that they exist; if it is possible to convert into being Hindu, then there must be lines demarcating it.

If there is one, overarching God, then that One certainly transcends all human imagination and comprehension. (Even an atheist would agree that there are likely forces in the universe which are beyond current human understanding) So God cannot truly be entirely grasped within beliefs... and beliefs can thus limit our ability to recognize the One.

There is a story in the Bible in which the resurrected Jesus comes to a couple on the road, and walks with them for a long way. He spoke to them and remained beside them, but they did not recognize him. It was not until he acted in a way that they *expected* him to act (by breaking bread, blessing it, and handing it to them, as he had done at the Last Supper) that they recognized that he had been beside them all along.

Likewise, the Greeks believed that all strangers should be greeted with hospitality (Xenia) because one could not know when a stranger would actually be a god in disguise. How could one know God, if he did not come bearing the normal attributes of God?

Which is to say that having a mental image of God can stop you from finding aspects of the One which are right beside and around you.

-Is there anything beautiful in the world that moves you from despair?

-Is there anything in the world that brings you joy when you do not have it in yourself?

-Do you feel love without self-interest?

-Can you find peace and joy in the sunlight. . . .moonlight. . .

rain . . .wind. . . candlelight. . .?

-Is there anything so strong that it can overwhelm you?

If the answer to any of these is yes, then you have obviously found either found god or at least a true mirror of god, into which you can look for evidence of the One.

I would add that the last is the hardest of these. That which is so strong that it can overwhelm you... I think God is not always pleasant. There is as much suffering in the One and there is pleasure. (Even the Christians recognize this, in the narratives of Job, of Hell, and of martyrdom) When you suffer you are experiencing an epiphany of god just as surely as when you experience great joy. All the sacred stories include both suffering and joy, in equal measures.

To find God in all things, you have to accept and welcome all things. This is extremely difficult. It doesn't mean you can't act to change your life and environment and feelings, but it does mean that even as you choose "a new thing" you also have to honor the "old thing" that you have decided not to experience anymore.

There are thousands of sacred stories of disease and suffering. Many cultures have thought that it was only possible to become a shaman through becoming very ill and surviving that. The Bible speaks of disease in sacred narratives regarding Job. The Norse speak of Odin who hung himself in a tree for all of nine nights as a "sacrifice of myself to myself," without food or water, in order to learn the secret of the Runes. (Writing/poetry/medicine) Gods of every tradition are shown dying and going into the underworld for a time in order to return with truths. There is a beautiful story from ancient Mesopotamia about how Inanna decided to explore death by removing all her trappings of joy and the body, and so hung in a gray silence until the time came for her to return. And of course, Christianity suggests that we must "take up our cross" to be one with God.. . . all of which is just to say that sacred traditions have always spoken of a suffering god, and so surely in suffering and in despair we are also embodying that attribute of god in ourselves.

I'm not sure how coherent this answer has been. It's getting very late.

Feel free to contact me if you want.

Oh, and here's my own personal mirror of God, for when I start to think there is no evidence that good persists:
2006-04-17 15:06:34 UTC
read the bible and you will find him! and buy the way he answered my prayers and may be he will answer yours!
2006-04-17 14:53:28 UTC
Heron, what you seek for God wants you to have: to know Him.

John 17.3

And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

Because "Eternal Life" means to "know God", "everlasting life" in John 3.16 actually means John 17.3.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but know the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom He hast sent.

Heron, when you came into being, you were literally connected to God because your state of existence was in harmony with His. You were in the Book of Life - which is God Himself.

Because you genetically inherited the "knowledge of good and evil" from Adam and Eve (from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil), when that knowledge matured within you when you became of age, you inverted (or became opposite of God's nature) - this is what S.I.N. is (Spirit Inverse Nature - God is Spirit, anything opposite of God is S.I.N.).

When you S.I.N. against God, you become opposite of God and become separate from God; God thus removes your name (your soul) from the Book of Life, because you are no longer in harmony with Him.

Romans 5.12

Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:

Exodus 32.31-33

And Moses returned unto the LORD, and said, Oh, this people have sinned a great sin, and have made them gods of gold. Yet now, if thou wilt forgive their sin--; and if not, blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book which thou hast written. And the LORD said unto Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book.

Revelation 20.11, 12, 15

And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is [the book] of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.


The dead who were removed from the Book of Life when they SINned against God while alive, never restored themselves to God (the Book of Life) before they died. Because they were not in harmony with God when they died, they were permanently inverted, and was cast into the Lake of Fire.

Because you are inverted, you are not restored to God, if you are not restored to God before you die, you will be permanently inverted and separated from God forever; and you will be cast into the Lake of Fire.

To avoid this fate, you must be restored to The Book of Life before you die.

John 8.24

I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am, ye shall die in your sins.

Heron, the God Who removed you from the Book of Life when you sinned against Him, became flesh to shed His blood on the cross to make it possible for you to be restored to the Book of Life (this is what The Passion of The Christ was for).

John 3.16, 17; 2 Peter 3.9

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

Heron, forget religion, because God has nothing to do with religion. If God has nothing to do with religion, then religion is something Satan created to control man through religion by manipulating man's fear of God to keep them from TRULY KNOWING GOD and from being restored to God (because man was once ONE with God when they came into being from conception).


He said, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18.3).

Heron, God says to you,

Just have childlike faith.

Believe in Me when you can't see,

believe what I say.

I am closest to your heart My friend,

My thoughts towards you are peace,

to give you an expected end.

Heron, you are made from the stuff God is made of, because God created you from Himself. God physically exists, He is just physically different. Because God is eternal and cannot cease to exist, you are eternal and cannot cease to exist. Because you are eternal, if you have been restored to God, the Book of Life before you die, when you die, you will see God in one tenth of a second (the twinkling of an eye).

If you ever felt your foot fall asleep, your whole body will feel like that when you are physically in God's presence. You will be able to explore the City of God (its walls being 1,500 miles high - just think of arriving in Paris and Italy - but only bigger). You will be able to fly through the regions of space and cross billions of light years in a second. And if you want, God can take you back in time and show you creation. Just ask Him.

Heron, right now you are inverted and you are separate from God. If you die in your current state, you will be permanently inverted; you will wake up to a place of darkness and experience the intense pain of burning by fire. This pain is ceaseless. You will be in this place until you stand before God. Because you died inverted, you will be cast into the Lake of Fire; and the smoke of your torment will go up forever and ever.

Just imagine being in a body of water that is fire with no way of escape, and being there forever...

Unfortunately, many die not restored to God because they rejected His way (thinking that what they believed in was true; or the fact that they didn't believe that He existed at all). Satan's future is already set, and he is determined to take as many with him as possible through religion, deception, manipulation, and lies.

God, Who removed you from the Book of Life when you sinned against Him, became flesh to suffer and die to restore you to the Book of Life.

You were once His daughter, but you became separated from Him. He did everything possible to make it possible for you to be restored to Him through His gift of Himself. Because He gave you a free will, He will not force you to be restored to Him, He has simply extended an invitation to you to come back to Him.

All you have to do is accept His invitiation to be restored to Him as a "son of God" (the term "son" is gender neutral).

You can become restored to God right now, and experience Him physically; because He is your heritage - your Root from which you came. If you wish to be restored to God, say this to Him from your heart:

"Jesus, I accept that You are Yahweh, Jehovah God; that You chose to become a man to shed Your blood on the cross to cleanse me from my sins with Your blood, and restore me as a son of God to You, The Book of Life.

I accept that You shed Your blood on the cross for my sins. I accept that You died, was buried for three days, that You rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven and sat down on the right hand of God the Father.

I accept the contract You have offered, to forgive me of and cleanse me from all my sins, and to come into my spirit and restore me as a son of God to You, The Book of Life; if I willingly choose to voluntarily turn away from living in sin, and willingly choose to voluntarily learn and live the principles of God in harmony with Your name (that are opposite of sin).

I declare to you right now that I willingly choose to voluntarily turn away from living in sin, and willingly choose to voluntarily learn and live the principles of God in harmony with Your name; and I ask You to forgive me of and cleanse me from all my sins, and to come into my spirit and restore me as a son of God to You, The Book of Life.

Thank You. Amen."

Heron, if you said this to God from the heart and meant it, God has immediately responded, and you will feel it. You will sense your in your spirit, God's presence. You will feel different. You will sense a tingling sensation and feel lighter - like an invisible weight on your heart is suddenly gone. What you are actually feeling for the very first time, is God Himself living within your spirit; and to be truly forgiven of and cleansed from all your sins.

You are now restored to God as a son of God...

Luke 15.7, 10

I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth... there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth...

Heron, I speak from first hand experience, and tell you that what God is all about is to restore you to Himself before you die, so that you can see Him and live with Him in joy forever...

Your Dad is waiting for you to come home...

Contact me before you go...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.