How can I relate, have faith in your "evidence" if said evidence is explained with probably and suspect?
2011-09-30 15:56:21 UTC

For "probably see 2nd paragraph the next to last line.
For "suspect" see 7th paragraph 1st line.
This study only begs a thousand more questions....answers none...Typical?

I am not fooled by said Evidence are you?
Eight answers:
2011-09-30 16:05:57 UTC
Modern Astrophysics has proven the existence of God beyond a reasonable doubt.

Newton's Third Law of Motion states "For every action there is equal and opposite reaction." Every action in the universe was caused by a prior equal and opposite reaction.

If we logically follow each and every action and reaction back to the beginning then logically there has to be a first action without a prior equal and opposite reaction. Modern astrophysicists call this event the Big Bang.

This first action was completely independent of outside forces. This action was God, the un-caused cause, creating the universe. This proof also fulfills the principle of Occam's Razor.

By the way, it was Georges Lemaître (1894–1966), a Belgian Catholic priest and professor of physics and astronomy, who proposed what became known as the Big Bang theory of the origin of the Universe.


Another proof:

A universe in which life has a chance to exist can only happen in where a couple of dozen universal constants coincide, including:

+ Minimum interval of space

+ Minimum unit of time

+ Planck's Constant

+ Maximum velocity

+ Gravitational Attraction Constant

+ Weak Force Coupling Constant

+ Strong Nuclear Force Coupling Constant

+ Rest Mass of a Proton

+ Rest Mass of an Electron

+ Electron or Proton Unit Charge

+ Minimum Mass of the Universe

+ Total Visible Rest Mass

+ Boltzmann's Constant

+ Hubble Constant

+ Cosmological Constant

+ Cosmic Proton/Photon Ratio

+ Permittivity of Free Space

+ Electromagnetic Fine-Structure Constant

+ Weak Fine-Structure Constant

+ Gravitational Fine-Structure Constant

A couple of percent difference in any one of these constants would make the universe completely uninhabitable. Roger Penrose, a peer of Hawking, calculated that the chance of a universe capable of supporting life as we know it as one part in 10 raised to the power of 10 raised to the power of 123.

This fine tuning of the universe, while not an absolute proof of God, can be used to help prove the existence of God beyond a reasonable doubt (which is my claim).


I also suggest you read Robert Spitzer's new book "New Proofs for the Existence of God: Contributions of Contemporary Physics and Philosophy"

Magis God Wiki: "Why Believe in God?"

With love in Christ.
Zombie Crazyfool
2011-09-30 22:59:26 UTC
Science is a never ending question,it's only natural that finding 1 thing leads to more questions.

Besides,ask this in the science section if you want scientists.Only idiots here.
2011-09-30 23:03:00 UTC
You do not consider much to be science...that in and of itself makes you idiotic. Proverbs 19:29 God Bless
Not a Member
2011-09-30 23:04:24 UTC
Science doesn't need your faith. Science needs your consumerism... and it has it obviously; you use a computer.
Trey J
2011-09-30 22:59:17 UTC
idk, but i also didnt click the link. if u truely don't believe then why are you still looking. makes no sense. It adds to the validation that nonbelievers are just confused and always searching for truth
2011-09-30 22:57:56 UTC
You have to have the ability to look past do not seem to possess this quality
Truth Stands out
2011-09-30 23:44:18 UTC
Huge diff btwn reality/speculation-Cause 4 universe/expand/contract claims CANT Prove if propulsion is due 2 forces: outside universe/BB/collapsing/outward suction (cant get outside it all 2 do CLEAN experiments=QM fluc/Red shift/Doppler effect/CMBR/anti-dark matter/energy calc can NEVER b fully proved). Laws of physics show atoms should implode.

4 singularity 2 pop up @ 1 tiny point (inside state of nothing-more universes dont=true infinity) with colossal energy needed 2 prod a universe=impossible-takes [near]infinite force[gravity] 2 hold enuf stuff 2 make a universe. Perpetual regression double-talk (ie 1800s perp motion scams) omits there WAS a 1rst cause no matter # of universes/dimensions 1 claims existed b4 ours.

2 create singularity/universe uses energy(work). (Un)used energy like gamma/x-ray radiation escapes usage/leaks out of universe if no barrier exists-from BB light'd b (fastest speed of all) emitted 1rst (CofM/E may apply only @ local levels) thus perp universe regression's impossible-more of universe consumed [doubt 100% can b] less energy available.

Stars seen @ 13.7 billion Lt yrs away=3 things: 1. u see it as it was 13.7 bill yrs ago; 2. if it blew up 2day u wont know 4 13.7 bill yrs; 3. its an illusion as u cant know what happened 2 that star since 13.7 bill yrs ago. @ 1 million mph it takes 24+million earth yrs[nearest star=2850yrs] 2 reach our galaxy center (33,000+Lt yrs away/u get 2 a speed like overdriving car lights=cant see/avoid tiny rocks-can end ur trip).

Only 1 God can occupy infinity-God of Israel=NO CAUSE NEEDED-only fully proved b/c Jesus is God's Son. Jesus couldnt do whats in NT w/o knowing whole OT (impossible w/o God-NT didnt exist yet/Apostles couldnt write NT w/o Jesus having them remember all He did-Lk 24:25-27,45).

Ppl CONFUSE TRUTH(offends many)/HATE/impose human limits/labels 2 God's abilities=dumb limits-God's Creation order isnt as man thinks/24hr day not made till 4th day/Bible doesnt say earth's age. Scientific-method cant prove BB/BBnc/Ev/Abiog theories-billions of yrs old COLD cases/DIDNT SEE it done. W/o UNCUT film 4 b4 BB/life 2 2day=spec-1 species' parts/another r just more species. Ev's a lie/calls in2 ? BB/Abiog-universe/we cant exist w/o IDr:

1. We hv 2 lungs/kidneys/ears, arms/legs-each has a NEAR PERFECT 3D MIRROR-IMAGE companion organ/limb (not copy) CANT B EXPLAINED AWAY. 2 make mirror-image organs takes FULL REVERSE ENGINEERING/knowl of companion's functions/purpose or it cant b created 2 perfection in nature (2 WITNESSES in nature=no Ev).

2. Our bodies r highly symmetrical 1 side 2 the other-impossible w/o outside overview pov 4 full knowl of whole organism.

3. Cells/organisms r just copies of, copy parents'/all ancestors' acts. U wont find birds building a better nest than parents/chicks build even better nests. Cells HV 2 LIVES-1 copying parents/1 SECRET, working on improvements or IDr is God.

4. Fossil record doesnt hv millions of trial/error phyla that should exist if NS/fittest survivor is Creation source-odds r so great against near perfection 4 many mill of greatly diverse species, such precision cant happen w/o 1rst having full knowl 4 what 2 do (even adding bill of yrs byond universe start cant solve problem). If not true mill more misfits with mistakes-having only 1/3 eyes in odd places/leg growing out of a head/where a fin/arm/wing should b etc would exist than perfection in nature.

5. Picture u boxed (near 0 intell) within a tiny cell-smaller than a txt period/no way 2 sense much beyond ur cell. How can u, with these limits invent mill of such diverse species 2 perfection in nature? NO OTHER ORGANISMS EXISTED so cells r great geniuses or Ev's a lie.

6. Cells need DNA 2 function/DNA's useless w/o a cell-which came 1rst a cell or DNA? DNA's very complex (esp 4 higher lifeforms) so odds against figuring out/using DNA (in correct sequences/related proc) is many magnitudes higher than 4 pc program code-useless w/o an IDr 2 identify/assign its proper order. Give apes books-cant learn from whats written w/o intell. DNA's COMMON 2 ALL LIFE-98% of other species' DNA doesnt=Ev.

7. Look @ ID/knowl, time/energy used 2 create/improve (many mistakes) airplanes. If ppl didnt learn what 2 do we'd still b grounded.

8. Creation's astronomically more complex than airplanes-more complex an organism more ID/knowl needed 2 create it-source is God or it couldnt exist let alone evolve-adapt not Ev built in 4 survival.

9. Earth has best orbit/gravity/axis/spin/atmosphere, magnet field, food/water-moon has right size/orbit 4 tidal cycles~1-2 small diffs 4 orbits/environment=likely life'd b diff/higher lifeforms die soon if it survived.

Ev processes 4 Creation source=having blind man build a car he's never heard of/seen/touched/heard or rode in-cant b done w/o 1rst teaching him its functions/all parts/car assembly 4 it 2 work (same limits 4 cells=no Ev).

W/o Jesus u cant know God-Jn 14:6;5:39/Act 4:12.

2011-09-30 23:01:57 UTC
Welcome to science. Have a cookie.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.